Post your IN-GAME CHAT funniness! (No names in pics)
Ivan Darklord
We were deciding on which to bring for gvg, monk or flaf runner :P
^^ Bring an Mo/E LoD Flag Runner ;D
mojave mango juice
Jason Xll
Well i got bored and went through my whole screenshot folder to find something to laugh at. This is what i found :
Jeff Highwind
Bah Mojave you guild sounds so hilarious at times.
Originally Posted by The Bard
AHAHAHAHA! I love that. Just goes to show you that there are still a few people left with a sense of humor.
some guy
Jason Xll
That second guy should get a ban, i heard Anet are very serious about the abuse of the Party Search function... *cough* Diviance *cough*
lmao. you shoulda played along.
Nkah Sennyt
I guess our RA team's Me/E decided that my Wanderslutting for our glad point was good enough to make me his girlfriend.
I'm really a girl. I just like playing with people like that.
I'm really a girl. I just like playing with people like that.
Ivan Darklord
Sunspear sanctuary turned to a mad house after a message popped up saying that a guild is recruiting! they all started making fun of that guild's name, and started spamming funny guild names (of course they were joking)
Now this one made me laugh!
Now this one made me laugh!
Finally found a funny one!
The colors are consistent with the people, meaning (for example) once you see pink cover-up, all the other pink boxes are the same guy. The part of the text in grey is the guy who's name was covered up with gray as well.
Aw, no 'your momma' jokes?
Still hilarious XD
Still hilarious XD
Wow @ X's chat log...
I'm speechless...
I'm speechless...
mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
Bah Mojave you guild sounds so hilarious at times.
I <3 my guild. My whole alliance, really ^_^ I should guest you in sometime when we're all chililng in the gh ^_^
The alliance leader's bday was coming up, and so I planned a birthday party for her. I log onto my second account (the one in the alliance leader's guild), and see...
I <3 my power.
I loaned Burritos my sword for Nahpui, and he decided to be a smarty when I asked him for it back...this whole time I'm yelling at him on vent...
I seem to have inherited a third account o_O and so I decided to place it in an alliance guild.
The alliance leader's bday was coming up, and so I planned a birthday party for her. I log onto my second account (the one in the alliance leader's guild), and see...
I <3 my power.
I loaned Burritos my sword for Nahpui, and he decided to be a smarty when I asked him for it back...this whole time I'm yelling at him on vent...
I seem to have inherited a third account o_O and so I decided to place it in an alliance guild.
Jeff Highwind
Originally Posted by mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by mojave mango juice
I <3 my guild. My whole alliance, really ^_^ I should guest you in sometime when we're all chililng in the gh ^_^
The alliance leader's bday was coming up, and so I planned a birthday party for her. I log onto my second account (the one in the alliance leader's guild), and see...
I <3 my power.
I loaned Burritos my sword for Nahpui, and he decided to be a smarty when I asked him for it back...this whole time I'm yelling at him on vent...
I seem to have inherited a third account o_O and so I decided to place it in an alliance guild.
I am officially jealous of your alliance... after all i've seen you post in this thread.. I'm gonna go cry and sit in my guildless corner
The alliance leader's bday was coming up, and so I planned a birthday party for her. I log onto my second account (the one in the alliance leader's guild), and see...
I <3 my power.
I loaned Burritos my sword for Nahpui, and he decided to be a smarty when I asked him for it back...this whole time I'm yelling at him on vent...
I seem to have inherited a third account o_O and so I decided to place it in an alliance guild.
I am officially jealous of your alliance... after all i've seen you post in this thread.. I'm gonna go cry and sit in my guildless corner
Ivan Darklord
Going to Internation Districts is a whole new experience to me
But thats the first and last time I ever go there...look at those lol
First 2 : Kodash International
But thats the first and last time I ever go there...look at those lol
First 2 : Kodash International
Originally Posted by mojave mango juice
Mending Wammo LF Guild!
Guildie and I were at the same place, and instead of farming we decided to chat. He saw the pic I had posted on our forums and realized I had a tattoo on my right arm.
Frenzy smite!
Here was one from last night in HA amercian dist 1
I thought it was funny
I thought it was funny
chicks boy
mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by Jeff Highwind
Originally Posted by Hypernecrofear
I am officially jealous of your alliance... after all i've seen you post in this thread.. I'm gonna go cry and sit in my guildless corner
Youre welcome to join GR if you want
Cookies. Elthanor
Cookies. |
Youre welcome to join GR if you want
Hmmm.... sounds like a fun guild....
Holidays bring about the craziness. Taken from Alliance chat. Keep in mind the grayed out guy is hammered.
mojave mango juice
Originally Posted by Elthanor
Hmmm.... sounds like a fun guild....
We're pretty fun, eccentric too
A few of us decided to go on TS while playing GW and I discovered the "kick from room" button <_< So Burritos made his own room, password protected... Too bad he made the password "password" :P Edit by Unlucky Slayer: One picture removed for inapporiate content. VendingMachine
I am way too nice
i was in Bergen tonight and walked in on this guy all by himself talking to the yak near the merchant. funniest damn thing i've seen in this game.
MMing for Tombs gets interesting at times... we were facing a bad pull on last level when a ranger stops moving/attacking/etc.
Hopefully it's not innapproriate chat material... if it is, feel free to remove >_>... I pwnd U
lmfao @ Dragasa that is freaking hillarious!!!
I lol'd at Dragasa's
lmfao @ dragasa
mrmango ^--- hehe Name taken w/ permission. Dzus
Originally Posted by Hypernecrofear
I am officially jealous of your alliance... after all i've seen you post in this thread.. I'm gonna go cry and sit in my guildless corner
Yeah, some days I get pretty exhausted with having several people online and no conversation.
And when people are conversing, I tend to have a special draw at creating large, eerie silences. They say I'm never allowed to leave, I say there's no place for me anywhere else. Mesmer in Need
grotto is one of the wierdest and most funnies places to be. and the 15k "man bra" does look good so bah to him.
Well, I don't have much of a problem keeping my jubblies secure while in battle...
Some guy was selling white dye in pre, so I asked him how much he was selling it, he said 4.5k.
Pre gold ? wtf ? Jeff Highwind
Yea that guy takes economics too seriously. The value of gold can't depreciate that much over 2 years in a game.