Merged: Character Slots
Bound Zero
Yeh i noticed.. Im sure they have read it.. and all the other ones.. And probably dont give a damn.. Thats how they set it up so unless theres some sort of flaw in there design im sure they wont change it
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Hey, you're one who refuses to even acknowledge what you say is offensive.
If pointing out the obvious makes someone a troll, then I welcome the compliment. I actually liked the OPs message, even though she could have toned down the emotes a little. I'm just trying to keep this thread alive so Anet will get a chance to read it... |
Bound Zero
As far as shadowfell using "racism" i think people are taking it in the wrong direction.. She ment it as a comparison.. Not literally saying its like racism.. Obviously some people need to understand that... Shes saying that complaining get things done.. Like when rights for women and blacks was established.. from complaining.. in a way.. Thats all.. Now can we end all this ranting and raving cause some people dont completely understand the post..
Originally Posted by rollntider
No your wrong, your ignorant and refuse to understand, i did not condem you for voicing your opinion, I even endorse actually having more character slots. I think you should post constructive critisism. But to compare arena net not giving you 2 character slots to black people being lynched, and not having the right to be full citizens of the USA is total ignarance and stupidity on your part. How is a man being hung from a tree for the color of his skin compare to you not having a PVP slot available when you want it?
How does a child because they have a dark skin color not allowed to ride in the front of the bus , because you want to play as all 8 core characters? How does 4+4=6 compare to not having the right to vote because you have dark skin? It doesnt, and to even try to stretch the 2 together just shows the lack of intelligence you hold. I never once in my reply to you I disagreed with wawnting more slots. I disagreed that comparing 6 slots = racism and if you bothered to read it before responding on a tirade, in which you know nothing about, you might have saw I actually agree with you. Voice your concerns, ask Anet for more slots, but quit trying to compare 8 slots to civil rights struggles. A+3 does not equal pineapple according to your calculations. |
Read your statement and then read my previous post, which might I add, has never been edited, that even brought up this ignorant tyrade.. where in the hell did you get "lynching" from all of that?
here, let me requote it, JUST for you, so that maybe THIS time, you will READ it, before rambling off another bunch of sentences that literally, misrepresent what a person said.
And people will complain until AN listens.. If people had stopped argueing equality everytime they were told no, blacks would still be sitting at the back of the bus and women would still be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen without a political voice. With the merging, AN said, ok, you don't have to sit in the back of the bus now, you can sit in the middle, and mind making me some bacon with these waffles, wench? btw, whens the baby popping out... |
I would really like to know how you found all of those extra words and comparisons in that set of paragraphs. Don't presume to know the meaning if you can't understand the words and don't you ever put words like that in my mouth again when it is clear in black and white, that I never ever, compared 8 slots to racial colour or "lynching"
Bound seems to get it...
Bound Zero
Well i have a high school education and common sense..
Originally Posted by lyra_song
I dont see how people see this as fuzzy math. Its very simple.
The 2 slots are really bonuses. If you truly pay attention to how they set it up you might begin to wonder why they even plan to give those 2 bonuses. Example: Prophecies has 4 slots. Now add the Free Sorrows Furnace Expansion (The only real expansion so far). No new slots. Why are there no new slots with the SF expansion??? Because its still the same account, same characters, but access to more content. Note that its free. --------------- When you merge accounts, Factions is NO LONGER A SEPERATE GAME. It becomes an EXPANSION. Therefore those 4 slots are NEGATED by your 4 pre-existing characters. It becomes ONE account, with MORE content for those 4 pre-existing characters. ---------------- Full game cost: $50. Expansion pack cost $30 2 more playable slots: $20 Voila. Theres your fuzzy math. |
Geeze nothing ever seems to make you happy, like a bunch of spoiled brats who just consider yourself and not thinking of the people on the other side.
Think how much ADDITIONAL hardware and software that the company will have to purchase- this leads to more room, more networks, more supplies and staff, the financial implications may be extradinary, having studied in this industry I understand their choices and their reasons.
Comon people use that head of yours and think outside the box and stop your whining.
You pay your money and you get what you get, if you don't like it then tough ****
Edit: corrected one sentence that didn't make sense.. haha
Originally Posted by shadowfell
And people will complain until AN listens.. If people had stopped argueing equality everytime they were told no, blacks would still be sitting at the back of the bus and women would still be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen without a political voice.
Originally Posted by shadowfell
With the merging, AN said, ok, you don't have to sit in the back of the bus now, you can sit in the middle, and mind making me some bacon with these waffles, wench? btw, whens the baby popping out...
Seriously, how can you write that and not realize "hmm, this may get some negative attention and derail the thread. Oh, well, I'll post it anyway, and call anyone who is offended by it a troll."
Originally Posted by Bound Zero
Well i have a high school education and common sense..
Dougal Kronik
Keep on going everyone! This is the most entertaining stuff I've read at work in a loooong time!!!
I don't want anyone to leave or stop writing!
Keep on going everyone! This is the most entertaining stuff I've read at work in a loooong time!!!
I don't want anyone to leave or stop writing!
Originally Posted by shadowfell
Read your statement and then read my previous post, which might I add, has never been edited, that even brought up this ignorant tyrade.. where in the hell did you get "lynching" from all of that?
here, let me requote it, JUST for you, so that maybe THIS time, you will READ it, before rambling off another bunch of sentences that literally, misrepresent what a person said. That is the entire body of the so-called, "offensive" post... I would really like to know how you found all of those extra words and comparisons in that set of paragraphs. Don't presume to know the meaning if you can't understand the words and don't you ever put words like that in my mouth again when it is clear in black and white, that I never ever, compared 8 slots to racial colour or "lynching" Bound seems to get it... |
Originally Posted by Rebirther
This is the best explanation so far. clearly summarises it and gives you more than enough details, there are many more replies that contribute and are just the same as this one i quote.
Geeze nothing ever seems to make you happy, like a bunch of spoiled brats who just consider yourself and not thinking of the people on the other side. Think how much ADDITIONAL hardware and software that the company will have to purchase- this leads to more room, more networks, more supplies and staff, the financial implications may be extradinary, having studied in this industry I understand their choices and their reasons. Comon people use that head of yours and think outside the box and stop your whining. You pay your money and you get what you get, if you don't like it then tough **** Edit: corrected one sentence that didn't make sense.. haha |
Edit: PEOPLE, please stay on topic before this thread gets closed. We will not be taken seriously if this thread is ever read by the devs with all this childish bickering. PLEASE STOP NOW AND DON'T POST UNLESS IT'S CONSTRUCTIVE AND ON TOPIC.
I'm alright with 2 extra slots. I don't mind people complaining though that want 4 slots linked with 4 slots. I don't play that many characters, but they may. It does make sense (in a sense). However, I believe that if they want it, then they should keep arguing it. There are a lot of ...... (removed name so I didn't single out any nationalities) err, people that give up at the first sign of opposition. If it were up to them we would still have only 1 slot coming instead of two. All of the people that are complaining to the complainers, you're really pretty useless here. The complainers are trying to show some kind of (not always intelligent it seems) message to ANet. Anet has no forums of its own and links directly to these and others, so its their method of doing so. You, on the other hand seem to be apologists for ANet, throwing stuff off thew top of your head like, how they would lose money or how much ahrdware it would require). Let ANet answer those questions and respond to the complaints. We have enough apologists in the world without having them in our virtual worlds. These complaints seem to be geared towards ANet. If you truly, really are a person that is set against 4 extra slots for your own personal reasons (as opposed to trying to speak for why ANet doesn't want them), then this is definitely a place (or another thread entitled ANet Please Do Not Give More Slots) to speak. Again, I'm happy with 2 extra slots, though wouldn't complain if they gave out more. Please don't try to speak or apologize or rationalize for ANet. That's even more pathetic than the person flaming ANet for NOT giving them 2 extra slots instead of rationally discussing it.You can thank these complainers for the extra slot. If you use that extra slot, well then I guess you owe them a thank you. And to the complainers: If you really feel you NEED 4 extra slots, go ahead and good luck. I hope you get them. If you don't need them and feel somehow cheated, go ahead and good luck. If you are just complaining to bash ANet, well that's just pathetic.
EDIT: and yes, it can be said that I'm doing the same thing. I figured that what the heck, with all the negative reinforcement, these guys could use some positive reinforcement as well..
EDIT: and yes, it can be said that I'm doing the same thing. I figured that what the heck, with all the negative reinforcement, these guys could use some positive reinforcement as well..
Are we getting shafted? Do we deserve an additional two slots? Probably. I wouldn't argue with that.
The only difference between me and the people openly complaining is that I don't care about the slot number at all.
The only difference between me and the people openly complaining is that I don't care about the slot number at all.
Mandy Memory
I think you are wrong and I only want 2 slots...seriously. Actually I just want 1 slot...but I guess an extra pvp slot wont be that bad...
Dont merge if you want more slots...or buy 2 copies like everyone else who wanted to play every character.
*does the "I didnt read anything but the first post but I already know there are over 100 posts of whining in this thread" dance*
Edit OMG MY MISTAKE ~50 posts of whining...and a lot of people not complaining....Im impressed...even a flash
Dont merge if you want more slots...or buy 2 copies like everyone else who wanted to play every character.
*does the "I didnt read anything but the first post but I already know there are over 100 posts of whining in this thread" dance*
Edit OMG MY MISTAKE ~50 posts of whining...and a lot of people not complaining....Im impressed...even a flash
Well, what I don't understand is, you have prophecies, and you have four slots for x amount of server space. You then buy Factions and would have, another 4 slots for y amount of server space, now you combine the two games and have 6 slots for z amount of server space..
The difference between combining and not combining is two slots that AN would have had the space for anyhow! If you treated the games as two seperate worlds and never combined them. They would still be storing 8 characters. Does it really make much of a difference to allow us those 8 slots on a combined account? Especially, if you add up the cost of prophecies when you bought it, and the cost of factions together. Say, $130.00 american for both games. Now times that against their player base and you tell me who is getting tight in the purse.
You can argue, well, the servers are free and AN only charges you for the game once.. And that is true, but happy players bring in more players and more players will likely buy both Factions and Prophecies, adding more into AN's pocket but still for this release, only 6 combined slots.
At this point, I would be happy with the 6 combined slots as long as there was at least a BONUS slot for a pvp character. I still want to make a ranger and a ritualist and since my 4 slots in prophecies are already pigged up with my other completed and loved characters, I'll have to forget one of those to keep a pvp slot open. If I hadn't been getting more into pvp lately, as opposed to pve, it wouldn't have even been a question. The ranger and the rit would have won out hands down over a free slot, but with the recent.. full game priced expansion pack cramming pvp down your throat, it really seems like keeping an open pvp slot is the only way to compete and stay viable within my guild.
The least AN could have done was considered exactly how much less they are really granting to people who shelled out for both chapters, if they really want their return to chapter three.. if guild wars survives that long.
The difference between combining and not combining is two slots that AN would have had the space for anyhow! If you treated the games as two seperate worlds and never combined them. They would still be storing 8 characters. Does it really make much of a difference to allow us those 8 slots on a combined account? Especially, if you add up the cost of prophecies when you bought it, and the cost of factions together. Say, $130.00 american for both games. Now times that against their player base and you tell me who is getting tight in the purse.
You can argue, well, the servers are free and AN only charges you for the game once.. And that is true, but happy players bring in more players and more players will likely buy both Factions and Prophecies, adding more into AN's pocket but still for this release, only 6 combined slots.
At this point, I would be happy with the 6 combined slots as long as there was at least a BONUS slot for a pvp character. I still want to make a ranger and a ritualist and since my 4 slots in prophecies are already pigged up with my other completed and loved characters, I'll have to forget one of those to keep a pvp slot open. If I hadn't been getting more into pvp lately, as opposed to pve, it wouldn't have even been a question. The ranger and the rit would have won out hands down over a free slot, but with the recent.. full game priced expansion pack cramming pvp down your throat, it really seems like keeping an open pvp slot is the only way to compete and stay viable within my guild.
The least AN could have done was considered exactly how much less they are really granting to people who shelled out for both chapters, if they really want their return to chapter three.. if guild wars survives that long.
Also if the rumor is true that you can trade in faction for rare crafting materials, then I will definately be keeping 1 slot open for a dedicated pvp character. That leaves we 1 slot left to choose a new character since my current 4 slots are full of pve characters. I agree that if they're gonna shove pvp down my throat, then at least give me a drink of water "dedicated pvp slot" so I don't freakin choke!
Originally Posted by wsmcasey
Also if the rumor is true that you can trade in faction for rare crafting materials, then I will definately be keeping 1 slot open for a dedicated pvp character. That leaves we 1 slot left to choose a new character since my current 4 slots are full of pve characters. I agree that if they're gonna shove pvp down my throat, then at least give me a drink of water "dedicated pvp slot" so I don't freakin choke!
Originally Posted by heavy metal rules
you guys are killing me!! i mean seriously there have been upteen numerous thereads on this, wtf......and don't go attacking me because you all know it as well, and you all know that there is a search button that does and sometimes doesn't work, well if it doesn't work then LOOK! for your answer...
BTW, dead people don't whine, so clearly we haven't killed you yet...
What Gaile is saying, is that you will receive your 2 slots when you add the retail key to your account. So those of us with the preorder, and the 24-hour headstart, won't be getting our 2 slots until we actually have the game in our hands and have added the key to our account.
So basically, anyone planning on starting a new character and getting a head start with that 24-hour period, better have a character slot open around that time, or they'll be deleting someone.
So basically, anyone planning on starting a new character and getting a head start with that 24-hour period, better have a character slot open around that time, or they'll be deleting someone.
Still, Anet are freaking stingy with the slots. In many other MMO's you get lots more or unlimited slots. In GW, they slowly increase in number, but are still very few. If I'm paying full price for this, I also expect to get DOUBLE!
Laibeus Lord
Originally Posted by Tric
I hate this. Why in HELL did anet make this choice. Why do they punish people that combine them? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever!
If anyone from Anet is reading this, please, take my advice and hire someone that knows math. 4+4=6 isn't right, not any day of the week! |
I doubt, I really doubt it is ANet's decision (maybe they partially agreed to it), rather it is NCSoft's decision.
The 4+4=6 formula first appeared in City of Heroes and City of Vilains.
Simply because the expansion is a "stand-alone" expansion.
Thus, if you use the expansion as a stand-alone, you get 4 slots. If as an expansion (ie attached to the other release), you only get 2. Which IS normal in expansions.
A stand-alone to get 2 only isn't normal, so they get 4 if they'll use it as stand-alone.
Hope that helps, and trust me, it will not change. It is NCSoft's decision more likely
Originally Posted by Laibeus Lord
The 4+4=6 formula first appeared in City of Heroes and City of Vilains.
Of course, the big difference between GW and any other (MM)ORPG, is that there is a monthly fee for those.
Of course, there is continued debate about how much money these slots actually cost Anet...
Gargle Blaster
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Of course, the big difference between GW and any other (MM)ORPG, is that there is a monthly fee for those.
Of course, there is continued debate about how much money these slots actually cost Anet... |
and secondly you are suggesting that monthly fees justify more slots -- sorry but i disagree have you ever payed a monthly fee for Diablo, card game Magic the Gathering, or the rpg Dungens & Dragons? -no its just silly to pay to play... i will never pay a monthly fee to play a game.
Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
there is no debate about how much money these slots cost(you either know or you don't)... even if there were a "debate" it would be moot as everyone has the choice not to merge(if they buy fractions) and therefor have the full 4 slots for fractions.
If $50 buys 4 slots unlinked, why does it only buy you 2 slots linked?
Same content. Same server space. So why less slots?
Originally Posted by Gargle Blaster
and secondly you are suggesting that monthly fees justify more slots -- sorry but i disagree have you ever payed a monthly fee for Diablo, card game Magic the Gathering, or the rpg Dungens & Dragons? -no its just silly to pay to play... i will never pay a monthly fee to play a game.
Online games require continued expense - the only way Anet will make money is if they continue to get people to buy expansions. I have no problem with Blizzard making $90 million a month - kudos to them for attracting such clients.
(I'll never pay monthly fees for games, but that's just me.)
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
So basically, anyone planning on starting a new character and getting a head start with that 24-hour period, better have a character slot open around that time, or they'll be deleting someone.
Vilaptca |
i have a spare slot open already just in case
Originally Posted by Vilaptca
So basically, anyone planning on starting a new character and getting a head start with that 24-hour period, better have a character slot open around that time, or they'll be deleting someone. Vilaptca |
Originally Posted by Mordakai
Or get a head start getting some new weapons and armor with one of your level 20 characters....
I've had a slot open for a whlie, that I keep trying to use, but end up deleting after a few days. I'm going to get me a head start!
Though, I'll probably end up rushing right in with my Warrior and trying to find as many cool new weapons as I can before anyone else.
Though, I'll probably end up rushing right in with my Warrior and trying to find as many cool new weapons as I can before anyone else.
Exactly. I mean, think about it, where would 24 hours do you the most good?
Rushing through the early "pre-searing" part of Factions? No, I'd like to savor that part.
24 hours will probably be best spent trying to find higher level items so we can show them off before anyone else...
Rushing through the early "pre-searing" part of Factions? No, I'd like to savor that part.
24 hours will probably be best spent trying to find higher level items so we can show them off before anyone else...
I've used all my slots, so my characters will all be over in Cantha. Need to find that Necro boss to cap Flesh Golem
Well if they aren't going to give us more slots than 2 give us the function to be able to change primary classes so I can experience the whole PvE experience with every class. Instead of building a character up and deleting to experience other builds. Just being able to change your 2ndary isn't helpful enough to experiencing the whole game. Especially when we have to keep one slot vacant for building whatever PvP guy we might need at the time. Anyway, that's my simple solution, keep the original plan at gaining 2 slots with the merge but let us change our primaries. Then we will have to be hoarding several suits of armor around for each time we change our primary.... Even this will throw a loop in the game. But as a PvE AND PvP player I would like to play every PRIMARY class thru whole game without deleting a character everytime I get to the end to start another.
Just came up with a brainstrom. Why not let us get better results from salvaging our armor. That's the heartbreaker when you nuke a character to try another class. Spending 20-30k on runes and building materials only to sell everything off to try new character and not re-couping anything (MAYBE get a rune back). They are catering to the peeps that have unlimited money that buy it on E-bay. Let's see something to help out the honest worker that wants to experience the whole game. I lost a character on this Factions preview because I wanted to be able to experience the skills I had unlocked in the PvP weekend. I swallowed hard and deleted a character I had spent over 20k to build up to get thru the game.+
Started new thread to discuss solutions
Just came up with a brainstrom. Why not let us get better results from salvaging our armor. That's the heartbreaker when you nuke a character to try another class. Spending 20-30k on runes and building materials only to sell everything off to try new character and not re-couping anything (MAYBE get a rune back). They are catering to the peeps that have unlimited money that buy it on E-bay. Let's see something to help out the honest worker that wants to experience the whole game. I lost a character on this Factions preview because I wanted to be able to experience the skills I had unlocked in the PvP weekend. I swallowed hard and deleted a character I had spent over 20k to build up to get thru the game.+
Started new thread to discuss solutions
Mandy Memory
You guys are downright greedy. Anet is giving you 8 more slots (technically) when you merge for a total of 12 slots. (assuming a slot is a possible playthrough of the game without deleting)
4 slots with access to prophecies.
same 4 slots have access to factions.
2 bonus slots with access to prophecies
same 2 bonus slots with access to factions
thats 12 slots.
12 slots. 4 more than merging.
Stop being so greedy people...My god...whats next...20 slots?
4 slots with access to prophecies.
same 4 slots have access to factions.
2 bonus slots with access to prophecies
same 2 bonus slots with access to factions
thats 12 slots.
12 slots. 4 more than merging.
Stop being so greedy people...My god...whats next...20 slots?
Your quite wrong. Read my reply to you in other thread Solutions to Slot Issue or read the Sticky's posted. Owner's of both games that merge them get 6 slots TOTAL accessible to BOTH games, OR they get 4 new slots only accessible in Faction (unmerged). Gaile did the math 6x100% explorability BOTH worlds or 4x50% explorability locked in each independant world. Get your facts straight b4 you call people names.
Mandy Memory
Originally Posted by Tombstone
Your quite wrong. Read my reply to you in other thread Solutions to Slot Issue or read the Sticky's posted. Owner's of both games that merge them get 6 slots TOTAL accessible to BOTH games, OR they get 4 new slots only accessible in Faction (unmerged). Gaile did the math 6x100% explorability BOTH worlds or 4x50% explorability locked in each independant world. Get your facts straight b4 you call people names.
you use 6x100% or 8*50%
I use 6 * 2 games (12) or 8 * 1 game
Same math...easier to understand.
If you mean you have 2 copies of ch1 and 2 copies of ch2 then you are correct. When you say 2 games ch1 is a stand alone game and ch2 is a stand alone game and therefore you are wrong. Explain yourself and quit flaming.
Mandy Memory
Originally Posted by Tombstone
If you mean you have 2 copies of ch1 and 2 copies of ch2 then you are correct.
Originally Posted by Tombstone
When you say 2 games ch1 is a stand alone game and ch2 is a stand alone game and therefore you are wrong.
Originally Posted by Tombstone
ch1 is a stand alone game
merged = 4 slots * 1 game
Originally Posted by Tombstone
ch2 is a stand alone game
Merged = 4 slots * 2 games...
+2 bonus slots * 2 games.
or 6 slots * 2 games...
or 12.
Originally Posted by Tombstone
Explain yourself and quit flaming.
Hopefully you get it this time...5th times the charm.
Ah this topic again ~ ~
They only promised one confirmed, then they actually give us two.
If they gave 4 slots per campaign, there still would be complaints when slots = # of diffrent jobs (and they stop giving beyond that).
I strongly feel they would give us 4 if the addtional cost on there end (unless you work in there company, the it only costs x to do y and it's "cheap" doesn't hold wait for me) would not of impacted the no monthly fee this game is great for.
Look at SF, and all the constant improvements that GW could of not done.
Math is in this thread make no sense (for or against) to me.
I myself w/ the current situation will be buying the CE version of Guild Wars Faction.
Your free to feel upset and voice your concern, as I am free to voice mine.
Im ok with the situation and other are not happy with it.
They only promised one confirmed, then they actually give us two.
If they gave 4 slots per campaign, there still would be complaints when slots = # of diffrent jobs (and they stop giving beyond that).
I strongly feel they would give us 4 if the addtional cost on there end (unless you work in there company, the it only costs x to do y and it's "cheap" doesn't hold wait for me) would not of impacted the no monthly fee this game is great for.
Look at SF, and all the constant improvements that GW could of not done.
Math is in this thread make no sense (for or against) to me.
I myself w/ the current situation will be buying the CE version of Guild Wars Faction.
Your free to feel upset and voice your concern, as I am free to voice mine.
Im ok with the situation and other are not happy with it.
Phoenix Arrows
Ok thanks guys. I'm sort of disappointed and now unsure of whether to merge or not ^^.
BTW, Whispering Siren, if you find out where you read the notice do you think you could tell me please? Thanks.
BTW, Whispering Siren, if you find out where you read the notice do you think you could tell me please? Thanks.
IMO, the extra slots are not worth not-linking. Think about it... those characters will be trapped in Cantha forever. In a few years, will you still be playing Factions?
I hope Anet sells extra slots, but worse case scenario, we should get 2 more slots with Chapter 3 in 6 months...
I hope Anet sells extra slots, but worse case scenario, we should get 2 more slots with Chapter 3 in 6 months...
A-net's math just doesn't work... Here is their logic:
Gaile Gray: Consider GW one game, and Factions the other, as they are. Consider them both halves of a great whole. If you have GW, you have GW content only, and 4 slots. If you have Factions, you have Factions content only. If you have both, linked, you have 6 slots, with access for all_6_slots to BOTH games. You can keep them seperate, but linking is better, because you have 6 with twice the content. As opposted to four with 1/2 the content each. If it makes sense to you, thank you. I have to admit, I took 10 minutes of Mike O'Brien's time to learn it. I didn't understand the 6 x 100% is greater than 4 x 50%, you see?***
It took her 10 minutes to understand because it doesn't make sense! Factions is marketed as a completely separate game so there shouldn't be any of this "halves of a great hole." If they are "halves of a great hole" then it is an expansion, which would justify 2+ character slots. But if we see it as an expansion then why is it going to costs $50, the price of a whole game? Bottom line is A-net is being stingy with their recurring customers.
I know we argue this ad nauseum but hey... if we discuss enough and show our discontent maybe things will change! What else can I do anyway? Go farm?
Gaile Gray: Consider GW one game, and Factions the other, as they are. Consider them both halves of a great whole. If you have GW, you have GW content only, and 4 slots. If you have Factions, you have Factions content only. If you have both, linked, you have 6 slots, with access for all_6_slots to BOTH games. You can keep them seperate, but linking is better, because you have 6 with twice the content. As opposted to four with 1/2 the content each. If it makes sense to you, thank you. I have to admit, I took 10 minutes of Mike O'Brien's time to learn it. I didn't understand the 6 x 100% is greater than 4 x 50%, you see?***
It took her 10 minutes to understand because it doesn't make sense! Factions is marketed as a completely separate game so there shouldn't be any of this "halves of a great hole." If they are "halves of a great hole" then it is an expansion, which would justify 2+ character slots. But if we see it as an expansion then why is it going to costs $50, the price of a whole game? Bottom line is A-net is being stingy with their recurring customers.
I know we argue this ad nauseum but hey... if we discuss enough and show our discontent maybe things will change! What else can I do anyway? Go farm?
Originally Posted by Mordakai
I hope Anet sells extra slots, but worse case scenario, we should get 2 more slots with Chapter 3 in 6 months... |
this means by chapter x?(4?/5??) we will get maybe 1 new profession and an empty slot.
do that one more time and you have one for each at the same time you have so many professions only the terminally hardcore could find the time to play them all well as there would be other professions who could fill a gap as well.