Add %'s for individual areas
Fitz Rinley
I dont have the highest rank yet. I don't expect to get it. Because of the requirement to use Necrotic Traversal to do the upper Shivers I have quit bothering to work on Tyria at all. All of my exploration stops at Borliss Pass in Tyria. I have the skill. I also have Rebirth. I have a vampiric weapon I can kill my heroes with and then pull them down so I can explore with them. Haven't tried it yet. I wanted to explore all of the map before there was a title. It has always irked me that I could not simply do so on my first time through, and before ascension.
Originally Posted by Kira Sassan
I feel that when you enter an area, under where it says for example 'Explorable Area' it should say something along the lines of '92.6% Explored'
Would help greatly for those aiming for exploration titles and I know it'll also prevent some people from commiting suicide. |
/not signed (infinately)
Originally Posted by payne
OMG please NO! this would totally ruin cartographer titles...I personally know loads of people...well over 30 people (including myself) who have slaved away to get a 100% cart or leg. cart titles...putting in hundreds of hours...if this was made into effect those hours would have been pointlessly wasted. The Cart title is a title that shows peoples determination not their ability to look at a map see 92% and thing oO theres more to unfog there!
/not signed (infinately) |
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
I dont have the highest rank yet. I don't expect to get it. Because of the requirement to use Necrotic Traversal to do the upper Shivers I have quit bothering to work on Tyria at all. All of my exploration stops at Borliss Pass in Tyria. I have the skill. I also have Rebirth. I have a vampiric weapon I can kill my heroes with and then pull them down so I can explore with them. Haven't tried it yet. I wanted to explore all of the map before there was a title. It has always irked me that I could not simply do so on my first time through, and before ascension.
And... I'm not sure what you are talking about... But nobody said you HAD to use external sources to get this title. I achieved all 3 GMC's without looking at any maps (Except for a couple small spots in Cantha for last 0.3%). Sure, I had to explore some areas roughly 10 times each to ensure I had all the fog uncovered, but it was worth it in the end.
Point being, external sources are there to aid players that want to use them. Nobody is forced to have to use these sources, just like nobody is forced to use GuildWiki to answer questions about skills, or missions. They use them because it makes it easier, but you don't gain a title for wiki research.
If players want to reduce the time it takes to get the title, then they can use external sources. If they don't want to use external sources, they will just have to understand that it might (and probably will) take them longer to achieve GMC.
I just don't see the point of making the title easier to achieve. Exactly what is the point of that other than to diminish the quality and value of the title itself. The title, as is, is FAR from impossible to obtain.
Maybe what they can do instead is when you have beaten the game and per say have at least 97% in a particular individual area then a % should pop up in that area and show how much you have. This way its only for people who have been to all the areas, beaten the game and have uncovered most of the map but just cant find a few areas. I think just showing everyone how much they have is kind of giving it away...but I think for someone like me who has over 99% of a map and cant find the rest and is devoted to getting the title should be helped out a little bit...
Fitz Rinley
Originally Posted by Tgod
I was not aware you had to do this... Because I did not use Necrotic Traversal at all in Northern Shiverpeaks... And I still got the 100%.
Dougal Kronik
Originally Posted by Fitz Rinley
In order to get into certain areas that count against you you have to use Necrotic Traversal. This did not use to be the case, there were other methods at one time. But to map the path Rurik takes through Borlis you have to get something dead in his area and then move to it. If you are bringing another party member their they need to use a vampiric weapon and then you have to rebirth them once they bleed out. There are other areas also that you cannot get to any other way.
I have never been into any arenas, and have never used Necrotic Traversal or been Rebirthed by someone who had.
You can get the title by edging and perseverance.
I used to analyze maps for free, but never analyzed any for Cantha or Elona for myself.
One thing you seem to forget is that not everyone need the same amount of map.
Some pleople that made the whole title with a friend, got the title before the friend. Other just got enough just by getting the extra from the arenas or from Grenth's Footprint. For me, after hugin each wall in each explorable and mission, I had still to make around 10 of those 'tricks' to get more than 5%.
Conclusion? Tyrian leeway must be increased.
Some pleople that made the whole title with a friend, got the title before the friend. Other just got enough just by getting the extra from the arenas or from Grenth's Footprint. For me, after hugin each wall in each explorable and mission, I had still to make around 10 of those 'tricks' to get more than 5%.
Conclusion? Tyrian leeway must be increased.
Ivan Aidrann
/not signed
Devotion, hard work, what titles are supposed to be about.
Don't make things easier than they already are
Devotion, hard work, what titles are supposed to be about.
Don't make things easier than they already are
/not signed
I know its hard to achieve Grandmaster Cartographer title especially when you have to hug wall to find that last .01%. It took me about six or more months but just last night i've achieved Legendary Cartographer. This title is one the hard one titles to get but by adding percentage will simplify the processes of getting it. There should be another way to explore the map with out hugging wall.
I know its hard to achieve Grandmaster Cartographer title especially when you have to hug wall to find that last .01%. It took me about six or more months but just last night i've achieved Legendary Cartographer. This title is one the hard one titles to get but by adding percentage will simplify the processes of getting it. There should be another way to explore the map with out hugging wall.
Bithor the Dog
with what ive just seen in one forum thread regarding modding the mapping to allow you to see where you need to go the so called " easy cartographer map" makes this thread pretty irrelevant now.
Over lays on your maps to see where you need to unfog ...sheesh.. if that doesnt make a mockery of the Legendary Carto title then i dont what does
Over lays on your maps to see where you need to unfog ...sheesh.. if that doesnt make a mockery of the Legendary Carto title then i dont what does
But instead of having percentages, just have colors to show what it is.
Regular would be below 75%
Blue could be above 75% but below 95%
Silver could be above 95%
Gold is 100%+
There should also be an option to turn these off. Say, beside the title track. Or only have them on when the title track is displayed, and the user does not have 100% explored.
But instead of having percentages, just have colors to show what it is.
Regular would be below 75%
Blue could be above 75% but below 95%
Silver could be above 95%
Gold is 100%+
There should also be an option to turn these off. Say, beside the title track. Or only have them on when the title track is displayed, and the user does not have 100% explored.
/3x signed
/3x signed

Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
The only point that should be considered is that NO EXTERNAL SOURCE SHOULD BE NEEDED, EVER, to do that, other than guides, faqs and tips from friends. . |
But those external aids exist if you choose to use them and feel you need to. If you dont want to use them, or feel like its cheating then DONT.
Its been proven that 100% can be done ingame without any external help or out of game work! You can just examine the compass map and see where the fog looks a bit iffy, like it shouldnt be there.
No one is forcing these people to use external methods, but they exist if they want to. But you dont need them to get 100%.
You all know my stance on this, so im not stating it all again. But you shouldnt act like these methods to gain 100% are what you "have to do" because their not.
100% can be achieved in lots of ways, including just hugging walls.
Result =
100% can be achieved using no external help!
100% can be achieved using external help!
= we dont need any extra things ingame to aid with exploration.
My mean this as advice...
Dont spend your GW life 24/7 exploring if you find it frustrating and annoying. I did that for months, because I was obsessed with tyria (when I first started) and I used to get sooo wound up and annoyed at not knowing where spots were.
You have to realise that exploration will take time, and to take it slow and be patient. It can be fun if you dont get obsessed and expect 100% NOW, NOW, NOW!
Alot of you are posting that you want this signed becuse you thought exploration was easy, and you expected it would be complete within a few weeks of starting.
But because its taking longer then you expected, because your easy expectations have been shattered you getting annoyed. You need to learn you wont get 100% instantly on your first run fo the map.
You have to imagine this from the perspective of...
...this is the first time your character has set foot in these areas of the map. How does your character know that he/she has explored 95% or 100% of a certain instance or mission?
They dont!
It defies logic that your character is going to know if they have explored all they can in a set instance or misson if they have never set foot in there. You dont know you have explored all there is to explore until you get to the end and someone (Anet) compares it to existing maps. At which point you get your title!
If you went on a trip to the rain forest and wanted to charter every square inch of it, and you didnt want to use existing maps and wanted to create your own.
Would you be able to tell if you had explored all there was to explore in a set area? Could you look at your map and think "right ive explored 100% of that area so I can move on"?
Ofcourse you couldnt! You've never been there before, so how would you know! It just doesnt make sense to have 100% marks or symbols showing an area/instance has been 100% explored, because your character isnt going to know that.
Your state of exploration is based upon what your character has individually achieved, and what that character is aware of and knows. Unless they let you buy maps ingame from an NPC showing you what you have missed, then your character has NO WAY of knowing when they have completed an instance or mission! It just makes no sense.
Where does this information come from?
How do they magically get ahold of this information?
% markers are information that an explorers wouldnt have access to in real life in exploring, so how can they have it ingame?
It also makes sense to compare your map to other 100% maps, because that would be no different to using an existing map to explore that jungle!
The bottom line is that is can be done, so just stick at it!
And how does your character know he has killed every monster in that very same area?

cartography title is about exploration, if you use map comparason then you may aswell have used this method.
if your mapping it out then why should you be able to use a 100% map somone else did? it defeats the pupurse of cartographer.
/signed /signed and one more signed for /good measure
besides the new mod makes it way easier, so there should be any ingame way to do it.
cartography title is about exploration, if you use map comparason then you may aswell have used this method.
if your mapping it out then why should you be able to use a 100% map somone else did? it defeats the pupurse of cartographer.
/signed /signed and one more signed for /good measure
besides the new mod makes it way easier, so there should be any ingame way to do it.
I don't believe it CAN be done, but even if it can, I don't think it should.
There is a leeway to gaining 100%. You do not need to actually find all 100% of the map to gain the title.
Because of this leeway, how does the game determine if you have mapped an individual area 100% or not? If the leeway was exactly 2%, think of it this way:
Person A has mapped every zone in the game. However, 20 of the explorable areas have 0.1% remaining to be mapped. 1 of those areas has 0.3% remaining to be mapped. If he does that one zone first, and gets all 0.3%, he can skip 2 of the other zones completely. He would still reach 100% even though he had left 0.2% unmapped.
Person B has 2 zones left to map. 1 zone has 1.4% the other has 1.5% left. With the 2% leeway, he can map all of one zone, and only part of the other and still get the title. This person has an easier time determining where to go, as it is only 2 zones.
The only way I see this method being able to work is if they made the title based on 100%, with no leeway. Taking the leeway out of the title will be a nightmare, especially since some areas are permanently unavailable to some people.
There is a leeway to gaining 100%. You do not need to actually find all 100% of the map to gain the title.
Because of this leeway, how does the game determine if you have mapped an individual area 100% or not? If the leeway was exactly 2%, think of it this way:
Person A has mapped every zone in the game. However, 20 of the explorable areas have 0.1% remaining to be mapped. 1 of those areas has 0.3% remaining to be mapped. If he does that one zone first, and gets all 0.3%, he can skip 2 of the other zones completely. He would still reach 100% even though he had left 0.2% unmapped.
Person B has 2 zones left to map. 1 zone has 1.4% the other has 1.5% left. With the 2% leeway, he can map all of one zone, and only part of the other and still get the title. This person has an easier time determining where to go, as it is only 2 zones.
The only way I see this method being able to work is if they made the title based on 100%, with no leeway. Taking the leeway out of the title will be a nightmare, especially since some areas are permanently unavailable to some people.
Originally Posted by Witchblade
And how does your character know he has killed every monster in that very same area?
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R!ghteous Ind!gnation
/signed... obvious reasons... maxing explorer and there is 1% left... i don't know where the hell it is...
Whisper Evenstar
/notsigned - its not that hard... do the work...
I have spent 100's of hours staring at rock to get this title.edging all the areas multiple times.why should it be easier to get? It shouldnt,its a title.
tbh all im really hearing against this is
-i worked for this title, why should other people get it
the map mod thats going around is Far Superrior to a would be checker that tells you how much map is left undiscovered in an area. its just allowing people to attain the title with only using the game, no 100% maps, no mods just ingame.
all you know is theres still areas left to discover,you dont know where it is
-i worked for this title, why should other people get it
the map mod thats going around is Far Superrior to a would be checker that tells you how much map is left undiscovered in an area. its just allowing people to attain the title with only using the game, no 100% maps, no mods just ingame.
all you know is theres still areas left to discover,you dont know where it is