elite missions in cantha
Careful what you folks wish for....
If the "whiners" just shut up and put those energies into a successful alliance to take the place like you suggest... well you suddenly might find yourself unable to access the mission.
It is not a case of "anyone can get into the mission if they work at it"... because it isn't about working till X point to get into the mission, its about working harder than everyone else. No matter how many people get motivated to farm faction and form mega-alliances instead of whining, the majority will always find themselves excluded. Thats why the missions aren't called "challenges", they are called "elite", they are meant to encourage elitism and competition, so the bottom 95% will always be locked out no matter what.
Now if only this was about team skill (somewhat represented in HA/GvG) rather than corporate faction grinding, that elite label might mean something at least...
If the "whiners" just shut up and put those energies into a successful alliance to take the place like you suggest... well you suddenly might find yourself unable to access the mission.
It is not a case of "anyone can get into the mission if they work at it"... because it isn't about working till X point to get into the mission, its about working harder than everyone else. No matter how many people get motivated to farm faction and form mega-alliances instead of whining, the majority will always find themselves excluded. Thats why the missions aren't called "challenges", they are called "elite", they are meant to encourage elitism and competition, so the bottom 95% will always be locked out no matter what.
Now if only this was about team skill (somewhat represented in HA/GvG) rather than corporate faction grinding, that elite label might mean something at least...
Sir Rough Neck
It amazes me to no end to see people whine like this over one mission when you have so many other things you could be doing in Factions. With a game like Guild Wars you should never be lacking in things to do. Go try out the new class's, go try to beat the competitive missions, go do something other than whine on a forum.
I am part of the Luxon #2 Alliance "The Crusaders" we currently have 5 guilds and amass'd 1 million faction on saturday and sunday. We've been busting out butts since release earning faction and still cannot take Cavalon, but we aren't sitting here whining on guru about how unfair it is, we are out there trying to take it. Stop whining and go do something about it.
P.S. Stop with the silver spoon bs, its annoying.
I am part of the Luxon #2 Alliance "The Crusaders" we currently have 5 guilds and amass'd 1 million faction on saturday and sunday. We've been busting out butts since release earning faction and still cannot take Cavalon, but we aren't sitting here whining on guru about how unfair it is, we are out there trying to take it. Stop whining and go do something about it.
P.S. Stop with the silver spoon bs, its annoying.
Ok, this is getting stupid then,
I've been building alliances now for a while, unfortunately they went pear shaped as all but one of the guilds i was due to ally with went luxon (Scum!) and being Kurzick, they couldn't join the alliance...
So heres the thing, If any Kurzick Guild Leaders, who want to play for fun, want to join the WPS alliance, message me on here or ingame (The Awning) and we'll add your guild and get all your guildies up on our alliance forum

So heres the thing, If any Kurzick Guild Leaders, who want to play for fun, want to join the WPS alliance, message me on here or ingame (The Awning) and we'll add your guild and get all your guildies up on our alliance forum
master chief matt
Originally Posted by Sir Rough Neck
It amazes me to no end to see people whine like this over one mission when you have so many other things you could be doing in Factions. With a game like Guild Wars you should never be lacking in things to do. Go try out the new class's, go try to beat the competitive missions, go do something other than whine on a forum.
I am part of the Luxon #2 Alliance "The Crusaders" we currently have 5 guilds and amass'd 1 million faction on saturday and sunday. We've been busting out butts since release earning faction and still cannot take Cavalon, but we aren't sitting here whining on guru about how unfair it is, we are out there trying to take it. Stop whining and go do something about it. P.S. Stop with the silver spoon bs, its annoying. |
Sir Rough Neck
Originally Posted by master chief matt
would you actualy read what we are saying. i have already done most every build there is in the game, have beaten proph and factions, done uw/fow/hoh/gvg/pvp and solo farming and running. aside from getting titles there isnt much new for me to do. and you realize how much of a pain in the ass it is to take cavalon. and when did anyone say anything about a silver spoon? this is not whining, its asking for a change, whining would be saying "this is stupid, im not going to play gw anymore if they dont make the game revolve around my head" that is whining. Also, these elite missions are prolly just as hard if not harder than uw/fow, that is why i want to try them, i want a challenge, ive played in the competative missions and chalenge missions, they get old, especialy the chalange ones that have no end to them.
Obviously if you can't get into a alliance that has a chance to control Cavalon, or cannot start your own alliance and get there. Then you are not "Elite" enough to do the mission. Maybe you should rethink how good you are a guild wars.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by Sir Rough Neck
Silver spoon = having everything you want handed to you. I.E. not having to work at getting something you want. Kinda like saying "I can't work hard enough to get Cavalon, Anet should change it so i can go to the elite mission."
Obviously if you can't get into a alliance that has a chance to control Cavalon, or cannot start your own alliance and get there. Then you are not "Elite" enough to do the mission. Maybe you should rethink how good you are a guild wars. |
I dont care if you make it as hard as doing the Four Horsemen quest, or clearing FoW, just make it possible for an individual or small guild to achieve the ability to get in. Geeze. I dont want it handed to me.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by samifly
I dont care if you make it as hard as doing the Four Horsemen quest, or clearing FoW, just make it possible for an individual or small guild to achieve the ability to get in. Geeze. I dont want it handed to me.
Scary Raebbit
Farming hardcore makes you elite? I guess that skills don't really matter if you're using the same build to get faction over and over again...
Originally Posted by Sir Rough Neck
Kinda like saying "I can't work hard enough to get Cavalon
Obviously if you can't get into a alliance that has a chance to control Cavalon, or cannot start your own alliance and get there. Then you are not "Elite" enough to do the mission. Maybe you should rethink how good you are a guild wars. |
As it stands the system means the biggest alliance with the most members correcting faction will always be in control. Smaller guilds lose out.
Its a flawed system if I said any, worse then the Favour system.
Originally Posted by Scary Raebbit
Farming hardcore makes you elite? I guess that skills don't really matter if you're using the same build to get faction over and over again...
Laura Whitefox
I agree with those ppl who said the req's should be changed. Its ok that town holders can enter these missions no argument here. But as someone pointed out be4 they are called "elite" for a reason. Maybe its just me, but for me, that means ppl who are "elite" in pve can join them.
But currently these missions only mean You are in a mega alliance and You spend most of Your day farming faction. And as ppl said be4 this can be easily done. But if You do this, it doesnt mean that You are elite as a pve player, it only means You have lots of time to spend on gw ^^.
This way really good pve players are restricted to play in those missions, just because they are not in a huge alliance, or cant play 14 hours a day, or want to do somehting else not just farm faction over and over. Personaly i like to be in a smaller guild with my friends. we help each other and do lots of things not just farm faction. guess that means i dont have a chance of getting in but ohwell...
On the other side i agree that it shouldnt be granted to everyone. Just an idea but what if Anet would make some very hard quests (something similar in difficulty to those elite missions) where You can't take hench, only real ppl and if You can beat it You get a title and you can enter those elite missions after with ppl who has the same title too, or with ppl from the alliance that is holding the town. Or if You beat the quest(s), you get an item, and You can enter the elite mission with that, but You have to redo 1 of those hard quests to get another to enter again. Oh and these items would be untradeable/costumized in some way. Ofc town holders could enter without any of these reqs. In my oppinion this way You would prove that You are good in pve and You can work as a part of a team = given You the right to play in those elite missions.
p.s.: Soz for bad english.
But currently these missions only mean You are in a mega alliance and You spend most of Your day farming faction. And as ppl said be4 this can be easily done. But if You do this, it doesnt mean that You are elite as a pve player, it only means You have lots of time to spend on gw ^^.
This way really good pve players are restricted to play in those missions, just because they are not in a huge alliance, or cant play 14 hours a day, or want to do somehting else not just farm faction over and over. Personaly i like to be in a smaller guild with my friends. we help each other and do lots of things not just farm faction. guess that means i dont have a chance of getting in but ohwell...
On the other side i agree that it shouldnt be granted to everyone. Just an idea but what if Anet would make some very hard quests (something similar in difficulty to those elite missions) where You can't take hench, only real ppl and if You can beat it You get a title and you can enter those elite missions after with ppl who has the same title too, or with ppl from the alliance that is holding the town. Or if You beat the quest(s), you get an item, and You can enter the elite mission with that, but You have to redo 1 of those hard quests to get another to enter again. Oh and these items would be untradeable/costumized in some way. Ofc town holders could enter without any of these reqs. In my oppinion this way You would prove that You are good in pve and You can work as a part of a team = given You the right to play in those elite missions.
p.s.: Soz for bad english.
Originally Posted by master chief matt
you're alliance doesnt control cavalon/hzh, the guild that has dropped the most faction to date has control, and thats straight from guildwars.com, gaile gray, messege boards on this site and on other sites. so its your guild, with 30 active members droping 10k a day, thats 300k a day. according to the black blades members ive talked to you must donate 10k faction per day that you are online, or you are kicked as a member, and that they are nearly full most of the time, with active members. so add that up and see how rediculousy hard it is to surpass them, and read on the first page where there is a member of the black blades saying it would be rediculous
I don't think you understand how difficult it is to hold a large group of people to a repetitive farming tast for a long period of time. A group of hardcore farmers could easily push for a week and get access to an elite area for a day. If 300 people dropped 10k each one day you could also get control for a bit. It is incredibly lame farming the same area repeatedly to gain control of a single instance. The reward just simply aren't there to hord over a prolonged period.
If my 10% is right, the halving time of depriciation is a bit less than a week. So if an alliance doesn't do anything for a week, there faction will half. If what you are saying about the blackblades is right, they only average 40 active members a day to hold at 4 million. I have a feeling that there are more than 40 blackblades.
The mathematics and social structure isn't there to support your thesis. One conversation with one black blade, doesn't mean you have a solid argument. I feel that give it a few monks and any solid group of farmers should be able to access the elite areas for a day or two.
Keep them only for the top alliances. Although there is little chance that I would ever be able to play an elite mission, if I ever played one I'd rather play it because I worked my ass off to get there and actually earned it.
Keep them only for the top alliances. Although there is little chance that I would ever be able to play an elite mission, if I ever played one I'd rather play it because I worked my ass off to get there and actually earned it.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by Jagflame
Keep them only for the top alliances. Although there is little chance that I would ever be able to play an elite mission, if I ever played one I'd rather play it because I worked my ass off to get there and actually earned it. |
The Herbalizer
um elite missions for all. yeah great idea. how about mensa for all. or oxford/cambridge education for all.
and no it is not spend your entire life grinding for faction. it works out at something rediculously low that requires minimal work. but few have worked that out as they cannot be bothered to and instead winge.
also a pug wont survive there. a team of 12 all on vent is what i have been told is required to survive. it is by no means easy and requires a team of experienced players. you just have to look at how many pugs die in the first chamber of uw or before the first quest in fow has been finished to figure out barely any will survive their. 8 people is a nightmare to control let alone 12 randoms.
let anyone in for a price and you will have the same people demanding the elite areas for all demanding their gold back as they pugs or poor quality teams the use die too soon.
sure have your elite missions but i bet few will cope with the difficulty. pugs will fail miserably and people will start winging all over again.
cmon people you gota start making uber alliances. speak to friends etc and form a powerful alliance. from what i have gathered it is reset anyway so you all stand a chance of catching up.
and no it is not spend your entire life grinding for faction. it works out at something rediculously low that requires minimal work. but few have worked that out as they cannot be bothered to and instead winge.
also a pug wont survive there. a team of 12 all on vent is what i have been told is required to survive. it is by no means easy and requires a team of experienced players. you just have to look at how many pugs die in the first chamber of uw or before the first quest in fow has been finished to figure out barely any will survive their. 8 people is a nightmare to control let alone 12 randoms.
let anyone in for a price and you will have the same people demanding the elite areas for all demanding their gold back as they pugs or poor quality teams the use die too soon.
sure have your elite missions but i bet few will cope with the difficulty. pugs will fail miserably and people will start winging all over again.
cmon people you gota start making uber alliances. speak to friends etc and form a powerful alliance. from what i have gathered it is reset anyway so you all stand a chance of catching up.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by Thom
If what you are saying about the blackblades is right, they only average 40 active members a day to hold at 4 million. I have a feeling that there are more than 40 blackblades. |
its not about just getting 4 million faction and keeping that level, its about passing them and staying ahead of them, look at the numbers of the towns, it goes up by a couple hundred thousand a day.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
um elite missions for all. yeah great idea. how about mensa for all. or oxford/cambridge education for all.
and no it is not spend your entire life grinding for faction. it works out at something rediculously low that requires minimal work. but few have worked that out as they cannot be bothered to and instead winge. also a pug wont survive there. a team of 12 all on vent is what i have been told is required to survive. it is by no means easy and requires a team of experienced players. you just have to look at how many pugs die in the first chamber of uw or before the first quest in fow has been finished to figure out barely any will survive their. 8 people is a nightmare to control let alone 12 randoms. let anyone in for a price and you will have the same people demanding the elite areas for all demanding their gold back as they pugs or poor quality teams the use die too soon. sure have your elite missions but i bet few will cope with the difficulty. pugs will fail miserably and people will start winging all over again. |
and, to your mensa/ivy league ed. idea, anyone can get those, its not restricted to anyone based on wealth, creed, free time, or anything. yes, mensa is difficult to get into, but with an iq high enough you can get in. and anyone can get a free oxford/cambridge education at a library, a book is a book if its in a public library or an ivy league school's scholar library. and even though those are some of the most coveted titles in life, they are obtainable by anyone
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by master chief matt
scenario: guild: we are heading out to do mission xxx in xxx seconds or whatever you claim proves you are a pro
random guild newb: can i come as i need the mission
guild: sure
random guild newb: *does nothing special and just lurks in the background*
random guild newb then has access to the most elite missions in the game and is now considered a pro.
12 newbs who have completed game through doing this all meet up in the town.
they enter the mission
due to their lack of knowledge and mediocre skills they all die quickly
newbs with little understanding and who are by no means considered veterans all complain and winge that it is too hard and its all anets fault.
with favor based system same thing will happen.
at least with alliances controlling entry they can decide who they play with to ensure they succeed. otherwise whether you like it or not a ton of newb pugs will be being formed for the elite mission and they will all cry and complain.
alliances should have nice stuff to aim for. maybe introduce other elite areas for people who cant be bothered with it. but let the current elite missions be based on the amount of faction they have.
Shanaeri Rynale
So what if they try and fail? Does it devalue the challenge? Nope it only increases it. Why do people bring up the degree of challenge as an argument to preventing people from attempting it? It's not as tho they will die in real life is it.
So what if people complain it's too hard to do well there, at least they've been able to have a go and it's been a measure of their current level of ability.
Point is it takes no skill to grind faction and significant skill to do well in one of the missions. If all I do is run fish for 2 hours a day that no more makes me able to take on these missions than if I was just picked up by a pug.
Question? How much skill does it take to generate 10K faction a day? answer very little.
How much skill does it take to complete one of these elite missions?
Answer a high degree.
People are comparing different things.
Yes i know there are only 2 missions, 1 for each side. One thing to bear in mind, to those who have been there would'nt you like to try both at some point in time. In the current system you cannot, so in a way you are just as trapped as those who have been to neither.
So what if people complain it's too hard to do well there, at least they've been able to have a go and it's been a measure of their current level of ability.
Point is it takes no skill to grind faction and significant skill to do well in one of the missions. If all I do is run fish for 2 hours a day that no more makes me able to take on these missions than if I was just picked up by a pug.
Question? How much skill does it take to generate 10K faction a day? answer very little.
How much skill does it take to complete one of these elite missions?
Answer a high degree.
People are comparing different things.
Yes i know there are only 2 missions, 1 for each side. One thing to bear in mind, to those who have been there would'nt you like to try both at some point in time. In the current system you cannot, so in a way you are just as trapped as those who have been to neither.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
um completing the game or something along those lines does not show anything. you could be a complete newb but your guild let you tag along. you could pay someone to do the missions for you. completing the game or whatever you suggest does not show you are a veteran. heck i know people who have done all of tyria missions and bonuses and completely suck.
at least with alliances controlling entry they can decide who they play with to ensure they succeed. otherwise whether you like it or not a ton of newb pugs will be being formed for the elite mission and they will all cry and complain. |
as for completing the game not proving you are a vet, i firmly believe that it makes you a better player, and if you payed for a mission run then you didnt beat the mission or the entire game, and if you're guild let you tag along while they did all the work, then you didnt beat the game. if you join a group, complete a mission and do your equal share of work then you have truly beaten the mission/game. and i never said make that the only req, i said make it a req.
Laura Whitefox
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
also a pug wont survive there. a team of 12 all on vent is what i have been told is required to survive. it is by no means easy and requires a team of experienced players. you just have to look at how many pugs die in the first chamber of uw or before the first quest in fow has been finished to figure out barely any will survive their. 8 people is a nightmare to control let alone 12 randoms. sure have your elite missions but i bet few will cope with the difficulty. pugs will fail miserably and people will start winging all over again. |
And also ppl have friends to go with. Not just pugs.... ..friends, who played together lots and know each others style and usual role. (the advantage of smaller guilds: ppl know each other well

The Herbalizer
[QUOTE=master chief matt but not if the "elite" guilds that farm for faction all day are the only ones allowed in.[/QUOTE]
various top guilds have a recommended faction quota of 20k faction per guild per day. a guild of reasonable size say 20 members only needs to make 1k each. my figures are by no means perfect but they have been used by alliances who are in the position to take control of towns and control elite missions.
various top guilds have a recommended faction quota of 20k faction per guild per day. a guild of reasonable size say 20 members only needs to make 1k each. my figures are by no means perfect but they have been used by alliances who are in the position to take control of towns and control elite missions.
Originally Posted by master chief matt
master chief matt
Originally Posted by iladin
Thats why I like the current system, it keeps the "elites" who spams cap locks out.
I too would like to get entrance into an Elite Mission. I do however feel that not everyone should have access to it just like FoW or UW but much more strict. IMO this would be a fair way for everyone to get an opportunity to get in.
Beaten the game with 3 swords
Pay 5k per entrance
Plus pay 1k in faction points
This high entry fee will keep out a lot of the useless players that like to aggro everything in sight imo. This will also make those trying to farm it more apprehensive in going there since the 5k very well could offset any profit made from a run. All just IMO of course.
Beaten the game with 3 swords
Pay 5k per entrance
Plus pay 1k in faction points
This high entry fee will keep out a lot of the useless players that like to aggro everything in sight imo. This will also make those trying to farm it more apprehensive in going there since the 5k very well could offset any profit made from a run. All just IMO of course.
master chief matt
Originally Posted by pegasux
I too would like to get entrance into an Elite Mission. I do however feel that not everyone should have access to it just like FoW or UW but much more strict. IMO this would be a fair way for everyone to get an opportunity to get in.
Beaten the game with 3 swords Pay 5k per entrance Plus pay 1k in faction points This high entry fee will keep out a lot of the useless players that like to aggro everything in sight imo. This will also make those trying to farm it more apprehensive in going there since the 5k very well could offset any profit made from a run. All just IMO of course. |
i've only read the first page of this but i'm not impressed with the situation.
throught prophercies nothing was restricted to anyone which was great, everyone had an opourtunity to do everything- the only restiction was the people who made parties.
In factions however the fact that now i have to spend alot of time getting faction and getting into pvp to even have a chance of gettin into these "Elite Missions" is bs. I'm pve at heart and always will be, Fort Aspenwood [Kurz] was fun but pvp just gets on my nerves - personal point. Like many others i know im not alone with the fact im a dedicated pve player and only pvp when i have sweet fa to do [which is not often]
I liked factions alot but i found it very easy [don't know if that was propherices xp coming through or not] like many others. It is a very fun game dont get me wrong, but if the area which is meant to push u to the limit in both individual skill and teamwork is resticted to only those that spend hours a day pvping and doing other tasks to get faction it is not fair.
The favour system is great imo. why fix what isnt broken?
My 2 cents
PS - the only threads ive seen on Elite Missions have been negative ones
throught prophercies nothing was restricted to anyone which was great, everyone had an opourtunity to do everything- the only restiction was the people who made parties.
In factions however the fact that now i have to spend alot of time getting faction and getting into pvp to even have a chance of gettin into these "Elite Missions" is bs. I'm pve at heart and always will be, Fort Aspenwood [Kurz] was fun but pvp just gets on my nerves - personal point. Like many others i know im not alone with the fact im a dedicated pve player and only pvp when i have sweet fa to do [which is not often]
I liked factions alot but i found it very easy [don't know if that was propherices xp coming through or not] like many others. It is a very fun game dont get me wrong, but if the area which is meant to push u to the limit in both individual skill and teamwork is resticted to only those that spend hours a day pvping and doing other tasks to get faction it is not fair.
The favour system is great imo. why fix what isnt broken?
My 2 cents
PS - the only threads ive seen on Elite Missions have been negative ones
master chief matt
Originally Posted by temp
The favour system is great imo. why fix what isnt broken? |
Originally Posted by Sir Rough Neck
Maybe you should rethink how good you are a guild wars.
Just remember, everyone, that anybody who wants to limit access to the so-called "elite missions", is nothing more than a person who is terrified that other people will claim that they've wasted their time playing the game. In order to maintain their illusionary feelings of self-worth, they have to make every attempt to limit how many people can accomplish what they've accomlished. After all, if everyone was given the opportunity to accomplish something without putting in completely retarded amounts of timesinks, then everyone might realize just how easy the so-called accomplishments actually are.
The Herbalizer
or maybe add elite missions for gods such as dwayna for people who have achieved certain targets. BUT leave the current elite mission area for the alliances who want to actually do the faction thing. but i guess people will claim that they have paid for the game so should have access to everything >.<
instead of hating on the alliances which planned well in advance for such a thing and therefore can access the elite mission areas due to thorough planning and stretegy. maybe you should ask anet for the instroduction of an elite area e.g. fow, uw or sf style. it seems abit unfair to demonize the alliances which work hard to control them when maybe you should campaign for totally new areas.
instead of hating on the alliances which planned well in advance for such a thing and therefore can access the elite mission areas due to thorough planning and stretegy. maybe you should ask anet for the instroduction of an elite area e.g. fow, uw or sf style. it seems abit unfair to demonize the alliances which work hard to control them when maybe you should campaign for totally new areas.
One thing that concerns me is the mass of people abusing with "Elite mission" term. Read lots of stupid things like "this is not an elite mission for nothing" or kinda the same sort but that's not a fact. I am yet to read someone post a real fact here ...
So far I gathered "MONOPOLY MISSION" goes better then "Elite Mission"
Sorry, Quantity has nothing to do with Quality ...
Not any Competitive at all ....
Welcome to the new era of Gaming in GW, where numbers makes the difference
So far I gathered "MONOPOLY MISSION" goes better then "Elite Mission"
Sorry, Quantity has nothing to do with Quality ...
Not any Competitive at all ....
Welcome to the new era of Gaming in GW, where numbers makes the difference
Tell me why someone who lets say pretty average/below average shouldn't be aloud to play any part of the game where he/she/it has managed to get to, even if they last 30 seconds and die so what at least they had the option of being able to try it.
So the alliances that have the most people willing to spend hours at a time farming faction will be Elite and Uber??? Hmmm I see a whole new way for Ebay sellers to make money here "Entrance fees", instead of areas being exploited now players will be exploited instead.
Big farming guilds win average players loose out, nice one anet!!
I'm part of a large Alliance btw.
So the alliances that have the most people willing to spend hours at a time farming faction will be Elite and Uber??? Hmmm I see a whole new way for Ebay sellers to make money here "Entrance fees", instead of areas being exploited now players will be exploited instead.
Big farming guilds win average players loose out, nice one anet!!
I'm part of a large Alliance btw.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
or maybe add elite missions for gods such as dwayna for people who have achieved certain targets. BUT leave the current elite mission area for the alliances who want to actually do the faction thing. but i guess people will claim that they have paid for the game so should have access to everything >.<
instead of hating on the alliances which planned well in advance for such a thing and therefore can access the elite mission areas due to thorough planning and stretegy. maybe you should ask anet for the instroduction of an elite area e.g. fow, uw or sf style. it seems abit unfair to demonize the alliances which work hard to control them when maybe you should campaign for totally new areas. |
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by dansamy
I'd like to see areas for Dwayna, Lyssa and Melandru and based on achieving certain goals in-game, similar to the req of being ascended to go to FoW/UW. Perhaps make the 3 new areas independant of favor as well. Simply make them solely based on achieving "X" goal.
Originally Posted by The Herbalizer
agreed. leave the alliances to have their little reward but also give others an elite area based on achievement
Being a person who had played these "elite missions", i must say they are an enormous waste of time. First of all, the only good drops are from the chests, which are hard pressed to come by. second of all, the chests arent even all gold. third, there is just an endless amount of lvl 24+ enemies that dont even drop max dmg items. I was down there for almost 3.5 hours and we hit 3 chests, one was purple, and a total of 3 rares dropped from enemies. IMO, these "elite missions" are a waste of time and you guys should stop complaining about them. You will have better luck with fow and uw. i attached the image of where our battle ended. it was not cause we died, it was because we had 3 more people leave. 3.5 hours and only about 3/4 the way to the end.
Levi Garett
Originally Posted by reverse_oreo
Being a person who had played these "elite missions", i must say they are an enormous waste of time. First of all, the only good drops are from the chests, which are hard pressed to come by. second of all, the chests arent even all gold. third, there is just an endless amount of lvl 24+ enemies that dont even drop max dmg items. I was down there for almost 3.5 hours and we hit 3 chests, one was purple, and a total of 3 rares dropped from enemies. IMO, these "elite missions" are a waste of time and you guys should stop complaining about them. You will have better luck with fow and uw. i attached the image of where our battle ended. it was not cause we died, it was because we had 3 more people leave. 3.5 hours and only about 3/4 the way to the end.
LEVI....you would not have gotten there without teammates...split the profits here buddy :P. Oh and another thing, i dont think anet will switch the fact that elite missions are for people who own those 2 towns, because what motivation will alliances have to own a town, to do a special mission that everyone can do. none, it wont change
I don't do missions for items or unlocks as i am close to 95% unlocking items. Monetary wealth is always welcome, aswell as new looks etc. I don't mind new content nor the "elite mission" however i do care when it comes to the system of implementation of this "Elite mission" and "Alliance" feature.
What people are saying that this system is abusable.
There are several quests outside luxon/kurzick towns that are repeatable, it takes no skill, no challenge, to complete these quests and do so whenever i want. But the problem is that A small alliance cannot have the same output of faction amount as a large Alliance. You see? even with factions farming you are at dissadvantage.
I don't mind the elite mission infact i encourge the idea, but the way this system is setup leaves alot to desire. Denying content just because you dont belong in an alliance is "Clear mistake"
To add here, there was mentioned in previous post a "Fee version" if you are not in the alliance controlling the town, I encourage this idea!
Now I see that only members of the Alliances that currently controlling the towns are happy with this solution.
What people are saying that this system is abusable.
There are several quests outside luxon/kurzick towns that are repeatable, it takes no skill, no challenge, to complete these quests and do so whenever i want. But the problem is that A small alliance cannot have the same output of faction amount as a large Alliance. You see? even with factions farming you are at dissadvantage.
I don't mind the elite mission infact i encourge the idea, but the way this system is setup leaves alot to desire. Denying content just because you dont belong in an alliance is "Clear mistake"
To add here, there was mentioned in previous post a "Fee version" if you are not in the alliance controlling the town, I encourage this idea!
Now I see that only members of the Alliances that currently controlling the towns are happy with this solution.