The Survivor titles are titles you get by obtaining a certain amount of experience without dying (the "/deaths" command must return 0 deaths). You can get this title in many ways, but of course, some are safer then others, so choose wisely. This title can be gotten with every profession, so don't worry about that too much, just pick the one you like.
This is how much experience you need for each rank in this title:
- Survivor (1): 140,600 experience (level 20)
- Indomitable Survivor (2): 587,500 experience ("level 50")
- Legendary Survivor (3): 1,337,500 experience ("level 100")
It's very important to have good equipment when you're going for this title, especially a maximum armor set. It's adviced to also use Survivor insignias when you can afford them, and casters should consider using a weapon set that gives extra health. High health is mainly useful against strong bosses, which can kill you in one strike if you don't have enough health.
Tip: Tyrian character can get a run to Lion's Arch after fininishing Pre-Searing and travel to Kaineng Center and Nightfall characters can get a ferry from Kamadan to the Consulate Docks. These are the easiest ways to get a maximum armor set.
Don't party up with other players:
Don't join team up with other players if you'd leave to save your title when necessary, let alone going AFK - unless ofcourse, they know that you might. This title has gotten a lot of criticism because people are taking advantage of other players just so they won't lose their title. If that's the way you're going to obtain a title, you don't diserve it.
Tip: Try to obtain a couple of heroes early on. When you're level 10 you can easily get Vekk (Elementalist hero) and Ogden (Monk hero) after the first quest of Eye of the North. In Nightfall you can get heroes even earlier. Make a team of heroes and henchmen that will not require your help, so you can simply order them around while you stay far back, so you won't even have to engage in battle. You can complete a big part of most campaigns this way without risking your title.
Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!
Probably the easiest and safest way of obtaining Legendary Survivor is by doing the repeatable quest "Kilroy Stonekin's Punch-Out Extravaganza!". It can be obtained from Kilroy Stoneskin in Gunnar's Hold, one of the first places you'll visit in the Eye of the North expansion. After getting to level 10 (best done with quests from Kaineng Center) you can complete one of the quests to get to the Far Shiverpeaks, you can get there within fifteen minutes. In this mission your normal skills are replaced with brawling skills and you'll have to equip a set of Brass Knuckles.
What makes this repeatable quest so interestign for Survivors is that you will be knocked down before dying in this mission. When knocked down your energy drops to zero and you have ten seconds to get to your maximum energy (which is 15 +5 for each time you've been knocked down), which is incredibly easy. To make this even easier, go to the control tab in your options menu and look for "Action: Use Skill 8". It should be assigned only to your "8" key, but you should now assign several other keys to it (I use "9" and "0"). This way you can more rapidly increase your energy by clicking on the skill with your mouse while tapping the assigned keys. This way you'll always have more then enough time to get back up again.
When using scrolls you'll gain over 10,000 experience on normal mode for a quest that can be completed in 7-8 minutes, this can get you Legendary Survivor in under 20 hours. When using Scrolls of Hunter's Insight you can even earn a lot of money doing this (I had already earned 50K before obtaining Indomitable Survivor). On Hard Mode you'll gain about 2,5 times as much experience, but I haven't had the time to try this yet.
A few things you might want to do before starting this quest:
- Upgrade your Thunderfist's Brass Knuckles (obtained after the followup quest) with a Furious tang and a handle of Shelter.
- Upgrade your armor set with Brawler's or Stalwart's Insignias (and a Stonefist Insignia for Warriors).
- Put as many points in Dagger Mastery as possible, change your secondary profession if needed.
- Visit the Rune Trader to see which Insignias are worth salvaging as you'll get a lot of Stone Summit Armors.
Now on to the quest itself.
The first room: Charge to the first two enemies before Kilroy starts running, and use only skill two and three to build up enough adrenaline for skill five. Then hit the left Ranger of the second group with skill five, and try to get enough adrenaline for skill five with the other three enemies.
The second room: Run towards the Ettin to aggro him so Kilroy won't follow the three melee enemies that run away, but kill the Ranger to the right first. Then attack the Ettin, and when using a Scroll of Hunter's or Slayer's Insight use it just before killing the Ettin. Try to build up enough adrenaline for skill five while attacking the Ettin and use it on one of the three melee enemies. Kill them and proceed to the next room.
The third room: Wait a little while until the enemies are a little closer to make sure Kilroy doesn't kill a Stone Summit while he's out of your range. Attack the Stone Summit first, as deal more damage then the Stonewolves and die much faster. Kill both the Stonewolves, followed by the last two Stone Summit and proceed to the next room.
The fourth room: This will be the first fight where you might get you knocked down every once in a while. Try attacking the Ranger first, using skill five on the melee enemies to heal yourself when needed. Try not to aggro too much enemies, too many Rangers and you'll certainly be knocked down. Save up adrenaline for skill five for the next room.
The fifth room: In the fifth room you'll face many Stone Summit, but there won't be more then three hostiles at a time. When you're facing three Stone Summit by yourself you can be knocked down pretty fast, but this won't happen often. In the first group use skill five on the Stone Summit Crusher and finish the rest of the Stone Summit one by one, ending with a charged skill five. At the end you'll be facing your first boss, Lieutenant Mahgma, along with two Stone Summit. Kill the first Stone Summit with skill five and then finish off the second one, this will get you (near) full health before attacking the Lieutenant, which makes the fight much easier. When the Lieutenant has just used his Dwarven Battle Stance, time your skills better (or simply wait), because you don't want to lose your adrenaline.
NOTE: When Kilroy kills the boss it will not trigger refresh the time on your Scroll of Hunter's or Slayer's Insight, so it is adviced to save up for an adrenaline skill when Kilroy isn't knocked down. When you've done the run in little time you might be able to refresh the scroll on the final boss, but I haven't accomplished this often.
The final room: Here you'll face Igneous Ettin and Fronis Irontoe in the a final fight. It'd be best to kill the Ettin first, but if Kilroy is attacking Irontoe it might be better to do the same. When fighting the Ettin, remeber to use skill six on Irontoe instead, as the Ettins cannot be knocked down. When the fight is over you can get a Dwarven Ale or Aged Dwarven from the chest and go back to Gunnar's Hold to claim your reward. If you want to restart the quest you will have to rezone or change districts before Kilroy will offer the quest again.
A few notes:
- Even though getting knocked down won't count as a death, when you get lag it could - leaving the game doesn't work either (lost an Indomitable Survivor this way).
- Kilroy always walks back to the beginning of a room after it's been cleared. Just rush ahead to cut off time and build up adrenaline.
- Don't use the block skill, as you should be using skill one constantly, making it useless.
- Use skill six, follow by skill four, followed by skill three for a very effective combo that should kill any Stone Summit.
- When an enemy is knocked down you should use skill three when he stands up again, because they will always use a skill at that time.
- Only use skill five on enemies that haven't lost any health yet, or consider leaving it charged for a moment so you can use it as a heal later on.
Have fun killing dwarves!