Originally Posted by TheMosesPHD
Congrats. You've generalized a generalized statement. Have fun with that.
some info on chapter 3
akazukin cha cha
You seem to forget Egypt is in North Africa. If there is any influence in design, I see it coming from ancient Egypt. Though there was alot of Mederterrainian influence in the other countries like Morocco, so this leaves ALOT of possibility. Not 'bones thru nose and loin cloths', lol hella ignorant.
But ignorance is exactly why people post on message boards, so keep on truckin.
cha cha
But ignorance is exactly why people post on message boards, so keep on truckin.
cha cha
desert, dry sand.....
GW3: Revenge of the Devourers
GW3: Revenge of the Devourers
Kidney Licker
Hmm, it kinda makes me wonder if Guild Wars will have any overarching story, or whether it'll just be a series of essentially independent tales. Too early to tell I suppose, but GW will get tired pretty quick for me if it's just rolling out one continent after another....
to be honest i would like to see more dealing with the continent of orr since theyve done cantha and tyria already why leave orr out?
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Kidney Licker
Hmm, it kinda makes me wonder if Guild Wars will have any overarching story, or whether it'll just be a series of essentially independent tales. Too early to tell I suppose, but GW will get tired pretty quick for me if it's just rolling out one continent after another....
Originally Posted by akazukin cha cha
You seem to forget Egypt is in North Africa. If there is any influence in design, I see it coming from ancient Egypt. Though there was alot of Mederterrainian influence in the other countries like Morocco, so this leaves ALOT of possibility. Not 'bones thru nose and loin cloths', lol hella ignorant.
But ignorance is exactly why people post on message boards, so keep on truckin. cha cha |
Originally Posted by THEMUFFINMAN
to be honest i would like to see more dealing with the continent of orr since theyve done cantha and tyria already why leave orr out?
the Xunlai have a glowing magic storage box, they can transport your stuff anywere.
I belive i heard that they had no plans at this point on expanding the C1 map, i think it was i a cat log a while back, and whats left of orr is on the C1 map so i dont think we will see it.
I belive i heard that they had no plans at this point on expanding the C1 map, i think it was i a cat log a while back, and whats left of orr is on the C1 map so i dont think we will see it.
Count to Potato
Zulus are coming to guild wars now, like they expanded to japan and china, the african countries are now coming to guild wars, the ultra warrior builds are coming!
Dark Suoon
lol im thinking final boss is..... in egypt and its Imhotep XD
Found My post... Couldnt find the original one though.....
ended up it was only a month ago though!
Found My post... Couldnt find the original one though.....
ended up it was only a month ago though!
idk bout anyone else, but i REALLY wanna visit the ruins of the nation Orr. ghosts and gouls, or down right abandoned magic or something that leads to something big!, they gotta branch off the original story eventually in terms of what caused the rise of the undead, and the Liche and the whole huge domino effect of the mursaat, seers, white mantle, and the flameseeker prophecies which we have just passed...im going on and on... im half asleep here sorry, heck my bed is right next to me, ima hit it right after this is done.. like now.. good night..
North Africa eh... well, I guess it was to be expected.
Things it could include?
It all sounds interesting, but looking into the future, if they keep basing Chapters on real world geography and mythology, they're gonna get more and more limited in cultures, landscapes and professions. If the Chapters are gonna continue to reach two digits, there can't be two new professions per chapter, or the balance of the game will be totally screwed up.
Future Chapter themes I can think of off the top of my head?
The last of these remains my favorite, and most hopeful theme for the future of Guild Wars. I have touched on it so many times before, but I feel we just have to return to Tyria and fill in all those gaps, and see what has happened to the nations of the continent while we have been away. Ascalon could be rebuilt and green, the White Mantle ousted from Kryta...
As for those people that say we cannot go to Orr...
Yes, Orr was mainly submerged under water in the Cataclysm... but not all of it! Just look at those broken islands at the end of the peninsula! I imagine that there are lots of ruined islands, and we could walk through the shallows between them. Heck, we could even have magical enchantments to go underwater, as people other than me have discussed.
But, I digress. I will buy this chapter, but I am not convinced that Guild Wars is going down the right track by following real world/mythological themes with each chapter. Tyria wasn't so much so... be more inventive in cultures, landscapes and creatures just like you were with Chapter 1, Anet!
Things it could include?
- Egypt - pyramids, underground tombs/temples, big river delta, oasis
- Savannah - Libya, southern Algeria and Tunisia
- Morocco - lavishly decorated towns with packed markets
- Northern mountain range that runs through Algeria/Morocco (can't remember the name)
- Mali/Timbuktu - already kinda got that with this 'stone city'
- Some sort of tribal fighter class - spear, javelin, or even clubs
- A Sage/Voodoo-type class
It all sounds interesting, but looking into the future, if they keep basing Chapters on real world geography and mythology, they're gonna get more and more limited in cultures, landscapes and professions. If the Chapters are gonna continue to reach two digits, there can't be two new professions per chapter, or the balance of the game will be totally screwed up.
Future Chapter themes I can think of off the top of my head?
- South America/Amazon, Incas and Aztecs
- New World theme, North America/Caribbean, colonies
- Roman, Greek, Persian, the Fertile Crescent - ancient/classical theme
- Norse/Barbarian theme
- Renaissance, introduction of guns
- A cold chapter - Northern Canada, Russia, the Arctic/Antarctica
- RETURN TO TYRIA - Orr, lands above Kryta, lands below Maguuma, link between Ascalon and Crystal Desert, realms of Dwayna/Lyssa/Melandru, the whole continent is evolved... oh wait, how many times have I mentioned this stuff in previous threads/posts?
The last of these remains my favorite, and most hopeful theme for the future of Guild Wars. I have touched on it so many times before, but I feel we just have to return to Tyria and fill in all those gaps, and see what has happened to the nations of the continent while we have been away. Ascalon could be rebuilt and green, the White Mantle ousted from Kryta...
As for those people that say we cannot go to Orr...
Yes, Orr was mainly submerged under water in the Cataclysm... but not all of it! Just look at those broken islands at the end of the peninsula! I imagine that there are lots of ruined islands, and we could walk through the shallows between them. Heck, we could even have magical enchantments to go underwater, as people other than me have discussed.
But, I digress. I will buy this chapter, but I am not convinced that Guild Wars is going down the right track by following real world/mythological themes with each chapter. Tyria wasn't so much so... be more inventive in cultures, landscapes and creatures just like you were with Chapter 1, Anet!
Neriandal Freit
Naw, I dont want any form of Guns in this game or any form of Renisance.
Originally Posted by seut
desert, dry sand.....
GW3: Revenge of the Devourers |

Originally Posted by floppinghog
idk bout anyone else, but i REALLY wanna visit the ruins of the nation Orr. ghosts and gouls, or down right abandoned magic or something that leads to something big!, they gotta branch off the original story eventually in terms of what caused the rise of the undead, and the Liche and the whole huge domino effect of the mursaat, seers, white mantle, and the flameseeker prophecies which we have just passed...im going on and on... im half asleep here sorry, heck my bed is right next to me, ima hit it right after this is done.. like now.. good night..
I personally just like the idea of going to see more of the C1 plot. Understanding Orr, getting more history of the White Mantle, the Seer even. Those would be great chaper expansions, this every six month a new chapter deal has me worried. If ANet doesn't decide to do something new, and innovative, and sticks with this cookie cutter approach, I'll lose intrest on a game I really enjoy.
It'd better not be a new (small) chapter every 6 months. Once every 9 to 12 months sounds better imo. 6 months sounds like quantity over quality and THAT sounds sounds pretty scary
Though a more open chapter does sound very interesting to me as I personaly prefer wide open spaces (ala crystal desert) to claustrofobic cities with closed gates. makes more fun for random exploration and running/surviving to the next outpost, making it to the gate barely alive!!
Btw, I'm referring to running with my own toon, not having someone run for me ofcourse, no fun in that
Also I'm guessing that this would probably mean that, after a new chapter is sold it is considered 'finished' so no new expansions ala SF in chapter 2, 3, 4 etc.
Personaly I 'do' like how they handled the pre-area in chapter 2 in giving it what the first pre is missing (storage and the ability to re-visit it after your toon finished Cantha) but I'd realy like it to have an isolated pre like the first one but thats just my own personal lil wish
Also mass-production of more chapters, if I may call it this way, would also mean that many people will start skipping the aquisition of chapters that theyi supposedly 'can do without', making the GW population spread out more over many fragmented areas. This also wouldn't realy imo benefit the quality of gameplay.
I do think theres enough that could be added to the GW universe, many suggestions have been made on the forums in the last odd-year that could substantially enrich the gaming experience like new types of pve or pvp challenges (like somekind of defend-the-base option where your team has to try to defend an area against an ongoing swarm of ever improving mobs till your teams defences give in...amongst many others)
Anyways I hope it'll be worth it!

Though a more open chapter does sound very interesting to me as I personaly prefer wide open spaces (ala crystal desert) to claustrofobic cities with closed gates. makes more fun for random exploration and running/surviving to the next outpost, making it to the gate barely alive!!
Btw, I'm referring to running with my own toon, not having someone run for me ofcourse, no fun in that
Also I'm guessing that this would probably mean that, after a new chapter is sold it is considered 'finished' so no new expansions ala SF in chapter 2, 3, 4 etc.
Personaly I 'do' like how they handled the pre-area in chapter 2 in giving it what the first pre is missing (storage and the ability to re-visit it after your toon finished Cantha) but I'd realy like it to have an isolated pre like the first one but thats just my own personal lil wish

Also mass-production of more chapters, if I may call it this way, would also mean that many people will start skipping the aquisition of chapters that theyi supposedly 'can do without', making the GW population spread out more over many fragmented areas. This also wouldn't realy imo benefit the quality of gameplay.
I do think theres enough that could be added to the GW universe, many suggestions have been made on the forums in the last odd-year that could substantially enrich the gaming experience like new types of pve or pvp challenges (like somekind of defend-the-base option where your team has to try to defend an area against an ongoing swarm of ever improving mobs till your teams defences give in...amongst many others)
Anyways I hope it'll be worth it!
lol yeah BlackPower is coming
i want to have a Snake as Pet^^
dude look at this
i want to have a Snake as Pet^^
Originally Posted by drakken06
Dude, we think alike...that's kinda creepy. LOL. I mean, I practically soloed all of the Prophecies campaign...THEN I had myself rushed through it. Also, I've explored 99% of the Tyrian map...exactly 99%...I can't find the rest of the 1% but the game was enjoyable at my pace. ^_^
dude look at this

Originally Posted by King Symeon
North Africa eh... well, I guess it was to be expected.
Future Chapter themes I can think of off the top of my head?
The last of these remains my favorite, and most hopeful theme for the future of Guild Wars. I have touched on it so many times before, but I feel we just have to return to Tyria and fill in all those gaps, and see what has happened to the nations of the continent while we have been away. Ascalon could be rebuilt and green, the White Mantle ousted from Kryta... |
has it been said anywhere by anet that new classes will come with every new chapter? personaly i think having to unlock the massive amounts of stuff that comes with new classes could get a little overwhelming somewhere around chapter 5 or 6.
Yes they said they would introduce new classes that were specificly meant for that chapter and if they couldn't think of any they would turn to adding new races.. that being said.. while we know vary little to make a judgement yet I'm thinking this might look very erm dull... but who knows. I also hope for a little bit longer compaign. It would be nice to have more open areas to run to but have all the mission areas locked untill you follow primary quest which is the story anyway. But Factions campaign is way too short... I'm on my fourth character through it and that's doing both kurzick and luxon sides. There is only 13 missions in this one.. so i'm just asking for something a little bigger in the next one.
What I'm really waiting for is a more thriving/upperclass region... I think a thief and bard would then fit well
As for the north african theme.. I could see a brawler or barbian or something along those lines being a new heavyweight class.
What I'm really waiting for is a more thriving/upperclass region... I think a thief and bard would then fit well
As for the north african theme.. I could see a brawler or barbian or something along those lines being a new heavyweight class.
Da Cebuano
Damn.. So I'll have to rush all my chars to finish the game game and do an entire map completion ;_; every 6 months huh, damn, too short time, hope quality doesn't go down due to quantity.
Takeko Nakano
It looks interesting. I hope there's plenty of content in it
However, as a warning to ANet - I won't buy it automatically. You have to prove to me that it's worth getting.

I wonder....Factions now has 8 core classes ( including sin and rit ), will the sin and rit also become core classes? I don't think so...
Originally Posted by King Symeon
North Africa eh... well, I guess it was to be expected.
Things it could include?
Originally Posted by King Symeon
Future Chapter themes I can think of off the top of my head?
The last of these remains my favorite, and most hopeful theme for the future of Guild Wars. I have touched on it so many times before, but I feel we just have to return to Tyria and fill in all those gaps, and see what has happened to the nations of the continent while we have been away. Ascalon could be rebuilt and green, the White Mantle ousted from Kryta... As for those people that say we cannot go to Orr... |
A Nordic style culture seemed to almost be appropriate for the survivors of ascalon. The hide style Ascalon armor made me think of it originally. Also, with the robe like garb the kyrtans displayed i could almost expect a roman/greek relationship between orr and kryta. The only thing really out of place was the platemail of the white mantle.
Should they do some kind of renissance them, id sincerely hope that they advance the global timeline some and give the entire existing world up to that point a face lift and new content to make it seem to fit. Otheriwse the march towards the modern era in small pockets just seems to be a march into being obscelete waiting to happen for those who opt to not purchase the expansion.
Originally Posted by King Symeon
Yes, Orr was mainly submerged under water in the Cataclysm... but not all of it! Just look at those broken islands at the end of the peninsula! I imagine that there are lots of ruined islands, and we could walk through the shallows between them. Heck, we could even have magical enchantments to go underwater, as people other than me have discussed.
Personally I'd love to see more weird things in future chapters, like taking us into the Mists, and in turn to other "worlds"
More missions like Dragon's Lair (in terms of neat effects and looks) is what I want. Let's face it, you can only have so many continents in a world before you need to move to another planet to keep up the expansions I'd think, unless you start opening gateways to other places. One mission in Factions seems to suggest theres roughly 5 planets in this galaxy and a ton of moons from what I saw, I'm sure other faction players know what I'm talking about.
I'm fairly certain the lore in the first game's book mentions the Mists specifically tying different worlds together and being the "center" or something along those lines.
And for the record please please let Chapter 4 be about Greek Mythology =p
More missions like Dragon's Lair (in terms of neat effects and looks) is what I want. Let's face it, you can only have so many continents in a world before you need to move to another planet to keep up the expansions I'd think, unless you start opening gateways to other places. One mission in Factions seems to suggest theres roughly 5 planets in this galaxy and a ton of moons from what I saw, I'm sure other faction players know what I'm talking about.
I'm fairly certain the lore in the first game's book mentions the Mists specifically tying different worlds together and being the "center" or something along those lines.
And for the record please please let Chapter 4 be about Greek Mythology =p
Found this on 1UP:
Apparently EVIL got a sneak peek at some of the next chapter at the end of E3 and someone from 1UP was there. I wonder if they saw 2 sketches of the same class maybe. Seems odd they'd introduce 2 new melee classes.
There were only two sketches of the new professions shown, one being a white robed woman wielding a wicked looking double bladed staff, and an unarmed bald monk-like man, possibly a bare-knuckle combat class. |
Not really, so far there are seven classes, only two of which are melee. Two more melee classes means there will be four melee classes, and ten overall classes. Seems fair.
You have to remember that, right now, 5 out of 8 classes are casters. More melee options would not be a bad thing.
And I must say, any character who wields a double bladed staff is a character I will create on the day of release.
And I must say, any character who wields a double bladed staff is a character I will create on the day of release.
i can definitely see a Shaman class coming, which could be a mix between Necro/Monk/Mesmer or something.
The evidence that the bald monk-like man does unarmed combat is pretty near non-existent I would say. He could just be another spellcaster that doesen't happen to have a staff/focus equipped in the concept art.
omg....more wanna be W/Mo's for us monks to take care of...
Originally Posted by brybry
omg....more wanna be W/Mo's for us monks to take care of...

~Captain CCC
I would have expected an unarmed specialist to be in Cantha, and the shamanistic Ritualist to be in the African-themed land. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by EndoftheSyringe
Not really, so far there are seven classes, only two of which are melee. Two more melee classes means there will be four melee classes, and ten overall classes. Seems fair.
Originally Posted by nimloth32
well, can we have lion for pets?..
Actually, I'd kind of prefer the pretty Zunraa horsie.
Meh, with all the chapters I'll never have time to catch up on myself. But I suppose 6 months is ample time actually... I made my assassin and I don't plan on making anything else so I'm content.
Yes they said they would introduce new classes that were specificly meant for that chapter and if they couldn't think of any they would turn to adding new races.. that being said.. while we know vary little to make a judgement yet I'm thinking this might look very erm dull... but who knows. |

Anyways, as an independant game-developer my self I'm very interested in the possibilties this could bring. I can imagine decking out in Egyptian clothing,etc. And yes, pirates. That in itself hints at a class.
I have an odd thought....
In Guild Wars there are the 6 core professions Necromancer, Warrior, Elemantist, Monk, Ranger, Mesmer. Then from what I know each chapter will be adding 2 new professions. Using Factions as an example: Will the Assassin and Ritualist carry on into Chapters 3-8 getting the basic 6 new armor sets, new skills, and new weapons in each one? Or will they only be frozen in Chapter 2 and PvP while the 6 core professions contiously move on through out Chapters 3-8.
I say this because contiously adding this many professions seems like a lot of work even for Anet.
In Guild Wars there are the 6 core professions Necromancer, Warrior, Elemantist, Monk, Ranger, Mesmer. Then from what I know each chapter will be adding 2 new professions. Using Factions as an example: Will the Assassin and Ritualist carry on into Chapters 3-8 getting the basic 6 new armor sets, new skills, and new weapons in each one? Or will they only be frozen in Chapter 2 and PvP while the 6 core professions contiously move on through out Chapters 3-8.
I say this because contiously adding this many professions seems like a lot of work even for Anet.