Will Factions keep people playing as long as Prophecies did?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Isle of Wight



So bored with Factions I just spent the evening fighting from DWC to Beacon's through DD and Lornar's for something interesting to do.

Finished Faction's with 2 characters (1 has done every available mission/quest, the other has doner every available mission/quest up to the end game on Kurzick side, and is currently stuck on Luxon side as I can't get in the hatchery without 10k faction and there's no unique quests left to get it and I just can't be arsed to re-do quests yet again to get the required amount),

I have no intererst in repeating the tedium a 3rd time or more with my other characters (unlike with propechies) and tbh I can't see me still being interested in GW when Chap 3 comes out.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

im in exactly the same boat, prophecies lasted ages for me having fun doing different things, factions has lasted about a month and im bored of it already having got 3 characters through
i can see why people go afk in the challenge missions because we are forced to gain a large amount of faction just to progress and since they nerf any mission that gives easy faction (WHY??? it didnt really effect anybody and its not as if the nerf makes it easier to catch the leading alliances) it must be their game plan to make it hard to gain enough faction to continue past a certain point.
but good to see in typical anet fashion they ignore still the broken parts of the game (tel;eporting aspect in elite mission not actually being 30 secs and usually 2-5 secs for one) and nerf everythng that the whiners who dont like the casual players getting things too call for.
no chapter 3 for me and im not going to lose any sleep that noone gives a toss about it either.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

I think I just hit that wall myself. Was enjoying doing some hunting around, caps, working on titles and the other time wasters about... but now... meh.

I'm tired of standing around "lfg for..." and sick of getting terrible pugs where one leaves a second after some poor ranger is told to pull and gets two groups instead of one.

Leaves doing most of the game play with henchies till evening time when other guildies are on. And with all the faction farming needed; that's become just "another night of FF".

What's funny to me, is when going into some of the towns seeing other people say "LFG for anything... bored!"

As Led-Zep said, the easier farming nerfs were strange. I could have stuck with those just to do something instead of standing around bored, but now those are to slow and the pay offs are terrible for the effort put forth (10 minutes lfg, 10 minutes for quest = 20 minutes of done that already too many times to be fun).

I was also rather pumped about Chapter 3 till today seeing as Factions was at least keeping my attention... but now; hmm, not sure if it will be worth it unless it's drastically different.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
Everytime i see a post like this it makes me want to pull my hair out. If you want to beat on factions, do it RIGHT.
I don't think I did such a bad job but since you abviously want to talk (and I'm bored at work), I'll oblige you. Most of your counters were opinions just as mine were but if it makes you feel better to pull your hair out, don't let me stop you

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
1. Was listed as a CHAT FILTER IMPROVEMENT not a TRADE IMPROVEMENT, STOP DRAWING A LINE BETWEEN TWO DOTS THAT DONT CONNECT, and this has nothing to do with factions itself but the overall game. In addition they said it would be after the release of factions and not on the release of factions.
I honestly don't care what it was supposed to be, it was a retarded idea that any player could have pointed out numerous ways around. I've been playing this game a year with chats flooded by WTS/WTB with no resolve. GWguru has an auction system working and the admins here aren't making anything like the kind of salary the Guild Wars devs are. Fact of the matter is, there is no auction house. Their quick attempt at a "Chat Filter Improvement" could have been coded better by a first semester CS major with 3 weeks of C++ training.

Anyway, I digress. You focussed on the parenthesis to try and take away from my point that THERE IS NO AUCTION HOUSE AND THAT SUCKS.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
2. They didnt say making scrolls stack was a storage fix, it is still coming see above. Also this is about the overall game and not specifically Factions.
Again, who gives a crap if scrolls stack (which, honestly, they and all identical items should have done automatically from the beginning)? The storage fix may be coming, sure. Regardless, we have new characters now. It's annoying that we have to wait for a "storage fix" when they could just increase a freakin' variable for those of us who combined our accounts and given us a little more space.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
3. And what does this have to do with factions exactly?
Nothing, it's just irritating to have to carry around keys from each region in separate spaces once you are past it and don't use them any more. They never promised it but it's been suggested. You are focussing on the idea that I am bashing Factions when it is actually the lack of any real additional features provided by Factions that I do not like. A new area is well and good and new classes are fine and dandy but there was no real significant improvement to many of the issues that were raised during the Prophecies campaign. I don't hate Factions as much as you seem to think (though I didn't like it much), it's the failure to change some of the more irritating factors of Guild Wars combined with a brand new full price game that really irks me.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
4. only 1.5k-2k per 1k faction, sooo worthless....
Yes, it is. You assume that money means something. I don't need gold so what is Faction good for then? Own a town and get a 20% discount? I don't need money so there's no reason for that. Own House Zu Heltzer and get access to the elite mission within? [oOo] ferries people for tips and has millions of Faction...why would I want to take control from them when they are already doing what I would do myself? Attempting to give everyone access to the entire game.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
5. Yes they are, unfortunatly many people including yourself do not understand the term 'beta'.
If you prefer the term "Preview Event", I could use that instead. Regardless, you again attempt to shift the point to one of semantics instead of addressing the problem I mentioned. Alliance Battles are not what they showed us in the preview event and are a step down (imo) from what they DID show us. You don't agree, that's fine. You were happily surprised. I, on the other hand, did not get what I paid for and am not happy about it.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
6. Wrong again, just because anet does not gloat every time they ban someone doesnt mean they arnt doing it. Try fileing abuse reports with customer service.
How many posts were there about the bots in Elona and Augury? How many complaints did we all file about that? I sure as hell filed one for each. I could have sat there for one day and banned bots. They could have watched for one day and banned many many more. Fact is, it took them a month or more to do so while the economy deteriorated. Sorry to say but they were NOT doing it. The multitude of farming bots that remained there for months proved that.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
7. Aspenwood is not 12v12, the 12v12 guild vs guild bug was fixed on a holiday, actually rather rapidly.
Did I say anything about the GvG bug? I dont care about bugs. I care about people, since day one of release, just going afk in Aspenwood to gain free faction. I care about the people who leave so the other team can gain winning faction. I care about the fact that these matches are (and have been) less fun because of these people. Also, if Aspenwood isn't 12v12, then how many players are there on each team? If you are going to argue against my feelings and opinions, then do so without sweating petty semantics which you assume must adhere to your own version of game jargon. If there are 12 players on each side, it's a match that can be called 12 versus 12. Get over it.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
8. Check dev tracker. and you are referencing something that is completely out of context, check dev tracker again for the real story.
Fair enough. I was just used to them being elsewhere as well is all...

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
9. And more lvl 20 content than the original, more repeatable content. Not as empty as the original is.
...and by repeatable you mean....what? FedEx quests? Duels? 12v12 (whatver) that isn't what I paid for or that people just leave (after waiting 5-10 minutes to finally enter the match) in order to make it 9v12 or 10v12? What do you consider enpty about the original that is any less so in Factions?

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
10. Sure and then there are competative missions you could be doing. Oh wait those dont 'count' in your mind.
Oh, those sure are new but they have been more frustrating than rewarding for me and many others thanks to many problems that have been brought up in many other threads.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
11. And thats your oppinion. Yes it is quite frustrating if you fail due to the other teams actions, but it is also twice as fun when you get 2 good teams rolling through the mission. Action gets fast paced.
Absolutely, but they couldn't have tested this even once with henchies or they would have realized that Togo is not a priority life. In a party of 1 human + 7 henchies, Togo will die EVERY TIME unless the human heals him. I love those missions when they work out and hate them with a passion when there's 1 person on the other side who just keeps going in the mission with the same group of henchies and dies every time...thus, killing you.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
12. One is exclusive to the luxon side, only one. Unless you really want to do unwaking waters from the luxon side which is the same as doing it from the kurzick side. Switching sides does not take much time either, cash in all your faction do the cavalon quest and you already have more luxon faction than kurzick.
Fine. It still makes a short game shorter, even if it is only 1 mission and X quests shorter. The length of the game was already too short for me when compared to Prophecies.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
13. Many of the additional tasks were extremely time consuming, for the lot of us spending over an hour and a half in a mission is too much. Factions is at least awarding good play even play that takes more risks with higher awards.
Ok. You have your opinion, I have mine. I can live with that. I'm not trying to tell you to stop playing.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
14. True, but at least it is some global recognition.
Sure. I couldn't name any of the Alliances who own or have owned anything other than the 2 main cities (and I honestly only know a couple who fight for dominance of those)...and I'd wager I'm far from alone in that. Not quite global.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
15. Not that I want to argue with you here, but personally I thought factions plot was better than the constant backstabarific plot - too much plot twisting in prophecies.
That's fine as well. Me? I like complications, surprises, and an occasion twist that I wasn't expecting.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
16. And prophecies was any better? Really?
Yes. Factions had my girlfriend laughing from the bath tub when that stuttering "...but...but..." guard was echoing in Shiro's head due to the silliness of a stutter echoing in one's memory. Overall, I think Prophecies had much better dialogue even though it was still a weak point even then...

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
17. Most RPG's are exactly the same way, go do x here, run here and do y get item for x return to x. Going to any other game really wont see you getting into anything new.
And I should just resign to calling that fun? In Prophecies, you go do x here, maybe run there, and teleport back. In Factions you go do x here, run y there, zone, talk to z here, zone back, talk to x after fighting all the way from the middle of the region out and back again. I don't care if it's a common RPG feature, it's still repetitive, irritating, and boring.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
18. It is actually possible to get around most of the map without doing any of the missoins, you are simply locked out of the next mission zone until you get there in the storyline. You can explore up to the vally outside maatu keep and the one outpost beyond that without completeing any missions in the city. I like the fact that the storyline is continuous instead of allowing you to skip the majority of the plot.
If I were playing it once, I'd agree. I'm playing through my second character and realizing I will never go through it all again in order with my 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I went through Prophecies with 5 characters (by 5 it was a little tedious) and I'm having a rough time stomaching 2 in Factions. *shrug* That's just the way it is.

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
19. o.k. whatever you say.
Maybe I should have said new skills for the old classes. Maybe 80% was a bit too unforgiving....but I was and still am in an unforgiving mood. You never know what will be discovered in time, of course, but they don't seem all that great (1 or 2 goodies per class with 1 or 2 good elites *shrug*)

Originally Posted by Draygo Korvan
20. Also consider that the developers have stated that the game really begins at lvl 20, as in the goal of the game isnt just to reach that level but to progress beyond that point. If you dont like the speedy version suit yourself, again your opinion. (BTW if you dont rush the game you are easily lvl 17+ before hitting the mainland)
I don't mind the speedy style personally, but I've encountered no end of people in the game who it obviously didn't work for.

I dont really know what made you decide to try to prove me wrong when I was only saying why Factions wasn't holding my interest. It's not as though you are going to convince me otherwise with words when the game can't convince me otherwise with, well, itself. Maybe you just felt like Factions needed defense against my views and opinions. If so, that's fair enough.

Thank you for the distraction....it's been a loooooong day



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


On the subject of #6 and if you look in another link you'll notice that not all were actually bots but people who have put alot of time into the game.

Factions drew my attention pretty fast and so it was that my Tyrian characters booked their passage to Cantha.

2-3 weeks past and the dull surroundings soon got up my nose so I went back to Tyria, the pvp in factions is good and that on occassion drew me back to Cantha but all my primary boredom filling was appeased on Tyria.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


No, because GW has about 1.5 years of everyone in one world only.. where GW Factions will have 6 months of lots of people in it before they move on to GW C3...

That and they stated there less pve content in Factions and future expansion due to the fact of the 6 month cycle so you can get through it easier and move on after it's prime.

On a different note, there still should be people in C1 and C2 after C3 comes out looking no how C1 is still having a population coming back despite the mass leaving when c2 came out.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


Would peoples agree that each expansion will last around 6 months before the next chapter is out?

Denny Pace

Denny Pace

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2005

Good Eye Sniper [GeS]

Originally Posted by Stabber
Will Factions keep people playing as long as Prophecies did?
No chance of it. Several people I know have quit or are on the verge of quitting. Contentwise, Factions is only half the size of Prophecies, and as far as gameplay goes there have been no improvements, and even a possible deterioration given the massive increase in server lag and random err7s.

I am disappointed that Anet has spent several months implementing an elaborate caste system, but seems unable or unwilling to implement even a rudimentary market/auction system or a slightly less irritating partying system. There comes a point when one gets simply tired of the same nonsense.

You virtually echo my sentiments, and mention some of my top pet peeves. Faction farming is ridiculous, Alliance battles/Fort Aspenwood/Jade Armory are hopelessly broken, given to phreakers/losers who just want to mess up the game, lag is horrific at times, mazes don't add anything positive to the game at all, titles just add to the faux elitism of the game (just as Rank 3 means nothing, Canthan Explorer means nothing, and puts one out there as a sub-human, as there's always someone ready to rank on you for ONLY achieving that level of 'competency'), beating Shiro is positively a let-down from a challenge standpoint.... I could go on and on (and I have, to some degree)

The auction system, to me, would have been the #1 improvement for this game. It would pretty much eliminate the WTS spamming, and provide for a more robust economy.

Top all of that off with the fact that the game is so short, and so easy to 'finish', and you have a totally underwhelming experience. So, no, there is no way Factions is going to be as entertaining as Prophecies was (and it was). I'm hoping to chalk this all up to a sophomore curse. Perhaps Chapter 3 will remove this foul stench and get the franchise pointed in the right direction again.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Good Game Noob [GGNB]


Factions will not hold my interest for long. I am a farmer by heart, and farming has been all but nerfed in Factions. The only thing you can do is merely "Faction farm." I don't find any fun in doing Aspenwood a hundred times over. I'm either going back to Prophecies or taking a hiatus until Chapter 3 comes out. I can only hope they don't "screw up" the next one.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

I am one the few(?) who seem to love Factions for the most part. To me it seems to be superior to Propecies in some things, even (yes, it has quirks, too - but which game doesn't?). Since it came out, I have only played in Tyria when a guildie needed help with a mission.

The answer to the original question, "Will Factions keep people playing as long as Prophecies did?", still is a "no".

And that's a good thing.

In the end, Prophecies got a bit dull, too - to say the least. I ended up making new characters of classes I already had and play the game again with a second Mesmer, second Necro and so on. Mostly, because Prophecies had next to no replayable end game content for PvE except SF, maybe. The 12 months between Prophecies and Factions were definitely too much (our guild experienced quite a player drain to WoW in the last months before Factions because they got too bored having to play the same 5 missions over and over again).

So, I will intensely play Factions for the next 6 months until Chapter 3 comes out and then move on. Factions will have served its purpose by then and it will have done its job well.

Helll is for Heroes

Helll is for Heroes

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

True Cinema


i'm now, very tired and weary of parties which there is more thna one assassin.

-_-; They usually suck and rush.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

I pity people who have bought factions thinking they are getting the guild wars experience. There not. There paying Full price for what is, imo, a armour and skills addon pack. I have lost all interest in factions and i'm only a few missions into the mainland. All factions has done for me is take people away from Prophecies. When factions came out I had 5 empty characters slots and intended making them in Factions, but after a few weeks, I have remade them all in tryia. For me, I have to force myself to play factions. In Prophecies, I enjoyed playing through the beautiful landscapes etc and following the storyline. In factions however, I find myself skipping all the cutscenes and rushing through the missions just so I can complete it and not have to worry about it again. Also, In Factions, although people say the graphics are better, I disagree. Throughout the game I feel the locations are all too dark and depressing and that deters me from playing Factions even further. The only purpose Factions is goin to serve me is in Kaineng City, where I will buy factions skills. Apart from that, factions is dead.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Markrids
I pity people who have bought factions thinking they are getting the guild wars experience. There not. There paying Full price for what is, imo, a armour and skills addon pack. I have lost all interest in factions and i'm only a few missions into the mainland. All factions has done for me is take people away from Prophecies. When factions came out I had 5 empty characters slots and intended making them in Factions, but after a few weeks, I have remade them all in tryia. For me, I have to force myself to play factions. In Prophecies, I enjoyed playing through the beautiful landscapes etc and following the storyline. In factions however, I find myself skipping all the cutscenes and rushing through the missions just so I can complete it and never think of it again. The only purpose Factions is goin to server me is Kaineng City, where I will buy factions skills. Apart from that, factions is dead.

If not for healing light and the Luxon 15K armor, the rest I can very well do without

eternal pho


Join Date: Nov 2005

The Licious Fame Farmers {TLG}


Btw if anyone hadn't heard, when prophecies was released, Anet said that the next guildwars was suppose to arrive within 6 months (just like right now, where chapter 3 is estimated to be released in 6 months as well), but dissapointly arrived almost a year later. So perhaps chapter 3 come out next year as to the expectation of 6 months, but time will tell...

Omni Spirit

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by eternal pho
Btw if anyone hadn't heard, when prophecies was released, Anet said that the next guildwars was suppose to arrive within 6 months (just like right now, where chapter 3 is estimated to be released in 6 months as well), but dissapointly arrived almost a year later. So perhaps chapter 3 come out next year as to the expectation of 6 months, but time will tell...
If Anet pushes the release date back, then I'm gonna shelf GW permanently. I'm getting sick of Anet's lies. Maybe its true what Gaile said, they are working in a vacuum.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

Plane of Oblivion

Sigilum Sanguis [keep]


Originally Posted by eternal pho
Btw if anyone hadn't heard, when prophecies was released, Anet said that the next guildwars was suppose to arrive within 6 months (just like right now, where chapter 3 is estimated to be released in 6 months as well), but dissapointly arrived almost a year later. So perhaps chapter 3 come out next year as to the expectation of 6 months, but time will tell...
If it takes them six more months to perfect the game, then so be it. I would much rather play a stable and polished game than a rushed and bugridden game. I simply do not understand the mindset of the poster immediately before me.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Stabber
If it takes them six more months to perfect the game, then so be it. I would much rather play a stable and polished game than a rushed and bugridden game. I simply do not understand the mindset of the poster immediately before me.
Agreed. I would have bought Factions a year down the road and probably enjoyed it a lot more if they had taken that extra time to do the things they should have....



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Girl Power [GP]


Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
If I were playing it once, I'd agree. I'm playing through my second character and realizing I will never go through it all again in order with my 3rd, 4th, and 5th. I went through Prophecies with 5 characters (by 5 it was a little tedious) and I'm having a rough time stomaching 2 in Factions. *shrug* That's just the way it is.
I hear ya. When online games started to show up, I tried to get into them, but never could. Guild Wars is the first online game that managed to grab me. I love Prophecies--have ascended several characters and am working on getting some of the titles.

Looked forward to Factions, and preordered and bought a copy for each of my two accounts. Created six characters of different professions on the starter island, intending to take them all through Factions, over time.

What actually happened: my Canthan mesmer completed the Factions storyline and then hopped the boat to Tyria as fast as her high-heels would carry her. My Canthan ranger is currently working her way through the storyline--it's an effort to play her and I don't play her much. My Canthan assassin is completely stalled somewhere in the city, so last night I decided, screw Factions, I'll take her over to Tyria--my main reason for keeping her is that I want to play an assassin in Prophecies, anyway.

All other Canthan characters: deleted.
Plans for further Canthan characters: None.

I've brought my Tyrian ranger over to play through Cantha, mainly because a friend wanted help. I have no plans to bring over any of my other Tyrians at this point. Maybe in a few months, when memories of the city have faded just enough for me to forget how bad it is, or to get the few Factions skills that are useful and unavailable in Prophecies.

Chapter 3 plans: None. Will wait for reviews.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by felinette
I hear ya. When online games started to show up, I tried to get into them, but never could. Guild Wars is the first online game that managed to grab me. I love Prophecies--have ascended several characters and am working on getting some of the titles.

Looked forward to Factions, and preordered and bought a copy for each of my two accounts. Created six characters of different professions on the starter island, intending to take them all through Factions, over time.

What actually happened: my Canthan mesmer completed the Factions storyline and then hopped the boat to Tyria as fast as her high-heels would carry her. My Canthan ranger is currently working her way through the storyline--it's an effort to play her and I don't play her much. My Canthan assassin is completely stalled somewhere in the city, so last night I decided, screw Factions, I'll take her over to Tyria--my main reason for keeping her is that I want to play an assassin in Prophecies, anyway.

All other Canthan characters: deleted.
Plans for further Canthan characters: None.

I've brought my Tyrian ranger over to play through Cantha, mainly because a friend wanted help. I have no plans to bring over any of my other Tyrians at this point. Maybe in a few months, when memories of the city have faded just enough for me to forget how bad it is, or to get the few Factions skills that are useful and unavailable in Prophecies.

Chapter 3 plans: None. Will wait for reviews.
I Agree completely. I started off with the goal of putting 6 chars though Factions, but instead I've re-created them in Prophecies.

When I play Prophecies, Im drawn into the game. When I play Factions, I have nightmares



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by Beat_Go_Stick
Agreed. I would have bought Factions a year down the road and probably enjoyed it a lot more if they had taken that extra time to do the things they should have....
You and maybe five other people are this nit-picky about software that can never come out perfect; many in-game bugs occur from utter chance and bad-luck, do you expect any manufacturer to run thousands of probability tests for every bug possible? I dare hope not.

They have done everything they said they would, if you some how try to connect more point that are not even within the same dimensional space... I will cry. Though please show me one thing that they PROMISED would be IN chapter two that was not delivered, all that I have read was "planned to be added during chapter two" never "will be in chapter two upon launch". kthxbay.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006


Anet should just fire the factions team, ditch the release a game every 6 months mentality, and let the original prophecies team do each game, I'm sure they wouldn't want to look at a sales figure of:

Chapter 3 - 2 million players
Chapter 4 - 300 thousand players
Chapter 5 - 1.6 million players
Chapter 6 - 180 thousand

Chapter 7 - ? (the way Guild Wars is going I doubt NCsoft is going to let this shit go past chapter 4 anyway)

Already everyone is talking about Chapter 3! WTF! One month after an overhyped release everyone is holding their breath for the next installment?? I don't care what anet forces Gaile to say or whatever reason they come up with, this is a sure sign of FAILURE. Don't believe me? When Halo 2 was released, how many people on their own forums did you see going *when's Halo 3 coming out* *wtf where's our updates that were promised months ago* *I'm bored*.

To further prove my point, if you had a friend who never heard of guildwars and excluding the order of the storyline etc., which game would you recommend he get first?? Most everyone would say Prophecies. *some random guy* But Anet said Factions had even more content than Propheices!. Sorry buddy, but highly compressed mobs and the GW equivalent of FedEx and UPS quests don't really make you feel like you got alot right?

Alliance battles are a JOKE, instead of gloryified mayhem and the thrill of winning because of superior tactics and strategy, you are in a 12 man random arena. Do you really think people take time to form their team to WIN? *GLF 2 MORE INVITE SELF* *NEED MONK AND 2 OTHERS* *STARTING GROUP INVITE SELF*. Instead of being able to acutally push anyone anywhere, the past MONTH has pretty much been a stalemate at Saltspray and Etnaran. Add Anet's unwillingness to ban AFK'rs and you got a recipe for CRAP.

Jade Quarry, that is acutally something they haven't managed to screw up yet. But then again, how much more can they screw it up if NO ONE EVER GOES THERE??

Fort Aspenwood, ohhh man, the new slum and ghetto of PvP (random arena has competition now). Everything is so uncoordinated, unbalanced, and not fun, especially when PEOPLE KNOW WHO'S AN AFKER JUST BY THEIR NAME OR GUILD TAG ! Where's the justice and enforcement of the EULA? Anet already KNOWS about the farming bots in Elona! Yet they sit around and force Gaile to say something corny and vague to keep us at bay.

This whole situation is WAY too reminicent of Runescape, anyone who ever came from there knows how CRAPPY their customer support is. So many unfufilled promises and pointless updates, yet people keep playing it because its FREE! 100% FREE! You don't even need to buy a damn client its ALL FREE! Guild Wars was NOT free, you paid 50$, sure you're running on Anet's servers w/o monthly fees but they get their money back in the form of bi-yearly expansions, but no one's going to buy an expansion if they SUCK. We don't owe Anet anything, we don't need to be thankful or grateful or satisfied just because its "free". If you are, thats OK, but don't forget they are being "nice" to us to get OUR MONEY.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Theos
You and maybe five other people are this nit-picky about software that can never come out perfect; many in-game bugs occur from utter chance and bad-luck, do you expect any manufacturer to run thousands of probability tests for every bug possible? I dare hope not.
You dare hope not?

Who are you?

A bit self obsessed aren't you?

Originally Posted by Theos
They have done everything they said they would, if you some how try to connect more point that are not even within the same dimensional space... I will cry. Though please show me one thing that they PROMISED would be IN chapter two that was not delivered, all that I have read was "planned to be added during chapter two" never "will be in chapter two upon launch". kthxbay.
Yeah.. they have said everything they said they would. For instance locking gates to make give the perception of more content. Don't know about your previously quoted crapshot statistics, but this I am pretty sure. Perhaps only you and 5 other nutjobs like the gates.

So the things they promised will be in chapter 2 apparently are promised to be out DURING chapter 2? Well good! Because come the following months are they are bounded to change tack and try to goad us into thinking it will come with chapter 3! And so forth. Never again.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Retribution

To further prove my point, if you had a friend who never heard of guildwars and excluding the order of the storyline etc., which game would you recommend he get first?? Most everyone would say Prophecies. *some random guy* But Anet said Factions had even more content than Propheices!. Sorry buddy, but highly compressed mobs and the GW equivalent of FedEx and UPS quests don't really make you feel like you got alot right?
To further add a point, all I gotta say is while I have subscriptions to quite a few PC magazines as part of my occupation, and from time to time pored through various game reviews like the recent DDO or HOMM V, never once did I ever get a game as a result of a positive review in a magazine.

It is always peer reviews all the way.

Something for you to keep in ya mind NCSoft. All that [strikethrough]bribery[/strikethrough] ADVERTISING DOLLARS for glossy reviews may net a few suckers but they don't mean jack.




Join Date: Oct 2005




Finished Factions with 3 chars, took a little over 4weeks! DONE! now what do i do i guess ill go make a rit and sin for shits and giggles!



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005


Like any game; some like it some don't. For every post here that say "I don't like Factions because..." These are the reason I like Factions.

I like that all the quest can be completed in one zone, no more of the "One more Thing" from the dwarves, or crossing back and between 3 zones like "Bllod and Smoke".

Rewards are in cash and collecter itmes that can be redeemed for stuff I really want, like keys and kits.

In Prophecies I had to grind for days to get enough cloth, wood and leather for my armor, in factions it falls like rain.

No more wondering if I will ever get enough money for my armor, I can easily net 1 or 2k a day just playing the game. In one week I made 30k.

IMO no game has to be everything for everybody. If you don't like playing GW move on, I don't like 1st person shooter or sports games, I don't play them but neither do I go on boards and post how much I don't like them. If you like GW and have some suggestions to make the game better, great let the DEVs know. If you don't like Faction, that's a shame, but find a game you do like.

We are comparing GW to you average consol game which goes trough years of testing, because they get one chace to get it right, and even then there are things that are missed.

Lenght of game, my favorite RPG Grandia II about 40 hrs, I felt I got my money's worth.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by Theos
You and maybe five other people are this nit-picky about software that can never come out perfect; many in-game bugs occur from utter chance and bad-luck, do you expect any manufacturer to run thousands of probability tests for every bug possible? I dare hope not.

They have done everything they said they would, if you some how try to connect more point that are not even within the same dimensional space... I will cry. Though please show me one thing that they PROMISED would be IN chapter two that was not delivered, all that I have read was "planned to be added during chapter two" never "will be in chapter two upon launch". kthxbay.

Seriously tho, we don't need to argue about this. If you feel the game is everything you had hoped, good for you. Consider yourself lucky you are pleased and enjoying yourself. Don't expect me to be of like mind. I pay $50 for a game and I like seeing something I haven't seen before as well as some improvements on the gameplay of the previous version.

I see new twists on the balance of power in the form of new classes. I see new twists in the classes of monsters they have grouped together. Then I see all the things that I found irritating and stale in Guild Wars still there. No way to sell my stuff, no extra room to store stuff, a new quest reward system that has little to no meaning once you are level 20 if you are already wealthy from chapter 1. Broken PvP additions. And on and on and on.

You don't have to agree. This thread isn't about convincing others, imo, it's about letting any Devs or GW staff who decide to look at it see what we like and don't like. Attacking my views specifically serves no purpose other than an obvious attempt to start a flame war.

Q.E.D. <----------- or "kthxbay" in leet speak if you prefer



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by generik
You dare hope not?

Who are you?

A bit self obsessed aren't you?
I am no one, never said I was someone. Its just foolish to believe that every error can be solved. If you think you can do better show me, almighty god. From all your posts I'd dare say you know the working of all things under the blue sky, how else could someone find so many faults with everything.

Originally Posted by generik
Yeah.. they have said everything they said they would. For instance locking gates to make give the perception of more content. Don't know about your previously quoted crapshot statistics, but this I am pretty sure. Perhaps only you and 5 other nutjobs like the gates.

So the things they promised will be in chapter 2 apparently are promised to be out DURING chapter 2? Well good! Because come the following months are they are bounded to change tack and try to goad us into thinking it will come with chapter 3! And so forth. Never again.
I never said I liked locked gates, personally I don't but I also don't like seeing level 1 dip stick in Dunes of Despair asking for even more runs; lesser of two evils, give me the gates. So please don't assume, unless you truly believe you are god and know all, almighty one.

Yes they said they would be, ANet has yet to let us down. They said SF would be in the summer, hey look it was in the summer. You doubt things to easily to be taken seriously, no better than the paranoid people who sit in their corners blaming everything and fearing anything.

If you really think it won't come then why do you stay to only complain about it? With all your doomsday speak I'd think you'd have taken for the hills, apperantly not. To be honest, go sit infront of a raven; you will find less fault in it saying nevermore... though who knows you may think it sits in an odd manner on your Pallas bust above your chamber door. Maybe it says Nevermore with an incorrect accent, or maybe the ruffling of curtains filled you with terrors you didn't like so you yelled at them to make it better.

Stick: It was not so much an attack on you or your views, I just don't see what more time could have changed; there is no possible way for many errors to be overcome by simply delaying something. Many bugs are simply found by players. And you are right, no reason to argue; I just wish people would get a slightly more "solid" reason for pushing back the 1 year of development. Nothing can be perfect, time only delays that imperfection reaching us and with more time more possibility for error occurs; its trully a double edged sword.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Theos
I am no one, never said I was someone. Its just foolish to believe that every error can be solved. If you think you can do better show me, almighty god. From all your posts I'd dare say you know the working of all things under the blue sky, how else could someone find so many faults with everything.
dude, sorry, but get real.. since WHEN do game-developers NOT use beta testers or such??? anet mightve used for ch2, but sorry, there was no sign of it, there were some AMAZING bugs about 2 weeks after the release. we aint talking about hardware incompatiabilities which u say cant be fixed for every possible scenario (and it is only normal), we are talking about game bugs that happen on EVERY machine... I dont know if this is ur only game or something, but other game with a similar players-count are simply DEVELOPED a lot better..

stop defending anet, its simply OBVIOUS how the whole ch2 thing is rushed thru, no testing, no new fresh ideas (ok, that thing with the 2 opposing sides isnt that bad, but then agian, its not that big either)..

I dont see how we shouldnt be disappointed :
1) it IS bugged
2) no new interesting stuff really..
3) the new content is crap
4) we are lied to, receiving horrible claims about game content length and so on and so forth

unless anet does add some newer content ala SF/new FOW/UW, I do think theyll lose a lot of players.

its simply not the way to treat your target audience


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Fantus
The answer to the original question, "Will Factions keep people playing as long as Prophecies did?", still is a "no".

And that's a good thing.

So, I will intensely play Factions for the next 6 months until Chapter 3 comes out and then move on. Factions will have served its purpose by then and it will have done its job well.
plz tell me what in faction will keep u playing it for the next 6 months.. what would u actually be ABLE to find to do in faction for that period of time?

I did the pve part in within 4 days of release, on the second week i came to the conclusion, i got nothing really interesting to do in pve.. heck, weve even been doing uw again after so long...



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by fb2000
dude, sorry, but get real.. since WHEN do game-developers NOT use beta testers or such??? anet mightve used for ch2, but sorry, there was no sign of it, there were some AMAZING bugs about 2 weeks after the release. we aint talking about hardware incompatiabilities which u say cant be fixed for every possible scenario (and it is only normal), we are talking about game bugs that happen on EVERY machine... I dont know if this is ur only game or something, but other game with a similar players-count are simply DEVELOPED a lot better..
They had testers which is why you don't have a game of bugs only, but unless you believe they can some how have a thousand testers to find every single error there is no possible way to find everything and obviously things will be missed. I have never seen an internet game come out without glaring issues, look at BF2 for some very great examples of what can be missed. There were no "amazing" bugs, just people exploiting holes to make them seem grand, neyond the Vizunah sticking issues nothing impede your game play. Thats... one AMAZING bug.

Originally Posted by fb2000
stop defending anet, its simply OBVIOUS how the whole ch2 thing is rushed thru, no testing, no new fresh ideas (ok, that thing with the 2 opposing sides isnt that bad, but then agian, its not that big either)..
I wish to defend them because I feel they did a good job on delivering exactly what they promised; a good new game. No testing is blatant and baseless accusation, give me stats for it then we will speak of it. No fresh ideas? Ok then I don't know what you'd call assassins and ritualists, or competetive missions, or even challenge missions; I don't remember any in prophecies, maybe you found some super secret ones?

Originally Posted by fb2000
I dont see how we shouldnt be disappointed :
1) it IS bugged
2) no new interesting stuff really..
3) the new content is crap
4) we are lied to, receiving horrible claims about game content length and so on and so forth
1) Every piece of software is bugged, does that mean we should be disapointed about everything?
2) Sure, whatever you say.
3) Your opinion, not mine, and surely does not represent the gaming comunitee as a whole.
4) We were lied to? Wow when did they lie? Content is there, its the same as Prophecies its just not spread out pointlessly. And so on... please though more of your groundless accusations please.

Originally Posted by fb2000
unless anet does add some newer content ala SF/new FOW/UW, I do think theyll lose a lot of players.

its simply not the way to treat your target audience
Well why don't we just treaten them, I am sure it will work, it always works... oh wait no it doesn't. The game has been out a month and I am still finding things to do, I rushed the game on my Mesmer then I went back and enjoyed it again with my mesmer, I don't know; seems quite fullfilling to me.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

no bug beyond vizunah?

heres a big amazingly obvious one -> faction reward guys..
didnt work for about 6 days if im not wrong.

tell me how you wouldnt have seen this if you had testers..

not gonna argue with u, u do seem to stick to ur ideas, which is good for u



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by fb2000
no bug beyond vizunah?

heres a big amazingly obvious one -> faction reward guys..
didnt work for about 6 days if im not wrong.

tell me how you wouldnt have seen this if you had testers..

not gonna argue with u, u do seem to stick to ur ideas, which is good for u
Yes, because faction awards make/break the game... also how exactly do you plan on having Beta testers test a system designed for a global installation where almost anything can and probably will go wrong? Do you think testers are some sort of demi gods?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Theos
I am no one, never said I was someone. Its just foolish to believe that every error can be solved. If you think you can do better show me, almighty god. From all your posts I'd dare say you know the working of all things under the blue sky, how else could someone find so many faults with everything.

I never said I liked locked gates, personally I don't but I also don't like seeing level 1 dip stick in Dunes of Despair asking for even more runs; lesser of two evils, give me the gates. So please don't assume, unless you truly believe you are god and know all, almighty one.

Yes they said they would be, ANet has yet to let us down. They said SF would be in the summer, hey look it was in the summer. You doubt things to easily to be taken seriously, no better than the paranoid people who sit in their corners blaming everything and fearing anything.

If you really think it won't come then why do you stay to only complain about it? With all your doomsday speak I'd think you'd have taken for the hills, apperantly not. To be honest, go sit infront of a raven; you will find less fault in it saying nevermore... though who knows you may think it sits in an odd manner on your Pallas bust above your chamber door. Maybe it says Nevermore with an incorrect accent, or maybe the ruffling of curtains filled you with terrors you didn't like so you yelled at them to make it better.

Stick: It was not so much an attack on you or your views, I just don't see what more time could have changed; there is no possible way for many errors to be overcome by simply delaying something. Many bugs are simply found by players. And you are right, no reason to argue; I just wish people would get a slightly more "solid" reason for pushing back the 1 year of development. Nothing can be perfect, time only delays that imperfection reaching us and with more time more possibility for error occurs; its trully a double edged sword.
I didn't even bother to finish reading your whole crap, here is something for ya to read:




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by generik
I didn't even bother to finish reading your whole crap, here is something for ya to read:

You should also read the article, as you seem to do it too.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Theos
You should also read the article, as you seem to do it too.
I am only returning your favour



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Ok. Enough is enough.
We are paying customers, GW IS NOT FREE. A-Net is not doing us a favor. We have paid for there services. No monthly fee is there bussines plan, and be sure they have calculated in an profit in it.
So anyone who thinks we should be greatful to A-net for not charging a monthly fee, I would love to have you as customers, I can get you some stuff that was returned because off malfunction, you can have it at 50% off regular price and an Rc garantie.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by fb2000

stop defending anet, its simply OBVIOUS how the whole ch2 thing is rushed thru, no testing
were you aware that some of the beta testers post here regularly?

yes it was tested and no you cant find everything so ease up a bit

even win xp still has a few bugs in it after all this time and testing so get real.

if you are so unhappy good luck on your new game



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006




Originally Posted by Theos
neyond the Vizunah sticking issues nothing impede your game play.

Update - Wednesday May 10
Fixed a bug that was preventing some players from completing the Aurios Mines mission.

Update - Tuesday May 9
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Arborstone mission from being completed.
Fixed a bug in the Aurios Mines that caused the challenge to last longer than intended.
Made various improvements and bugs fixes to the following quests: Quimang's Last Stand, To the Rescue, Zen Daijun, Duel of the Houses, and The Jade Arena.
Improved the skill sets for several creatures in the Aurios Mines.

Update - Monday May 8

Made various improvements and fixed bugs in the following quests: To the Rescue, Duel of the Houses, The Jade Arena, The Halcyon Job, To Tahnnakai Temple, and Urgoz's Warren.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Arborstone mission from being completed.

They where all after Vizunah Square.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

River Dancing

Eternal Treachery [TimE]


Originally Posted by Stockholm
Update - Wednesday May 10
Fixed a bug that was preventing some players from completing the Aurios Mines mission.

Update - Tuesday May 9
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Arborstone mission from being completed.
Fixed a bug in the Aurios Mines that caused the challenge to last longer than intended.
Made various improvements and bugs fixes to the following quests: Quimang's Last Stand, To the Rescue, Zen Daijun, Duel of the Houses, and The Jade Arena.
Improved the skill sets for several creatures in the Aurios Mines.

Update - Monday May 8

Made various improvements and fixed bugs in the following quests: To the Rescue, Duel of the Houses, The Jade Arena, The Halcyon Job, To Tahnnakai Temple, and Urgoz's Warren.
Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Arborstone mission from being completed.

They where all after Vizunah Square.
Only one of those is actually anything and thats Arborstone in which I never had a problem. The quest updates were more updates then fixes so why you bring those up is beyond me. Aurious mine wasn't even visited by people, nor was it needed to do much of anything but FF.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Apr 2006




i am a gw nut(plays way to much) hence im here on a break.i have 6 level 20 pve char and i may not look to play the game as fast as i can but i am looking to get(just got)new armor for my fav char.and capping all the new elites,looking for greens ect.i have beaten prophices without ever going to the maguma stade area with multiple char,fun to explore but boring.i dont pvp(yet) and i dont think 6mo is long enough......i think its posible to beat prophices faster than factions.well there is my 2 cents.