Originally Posted by WasAGuest
First, the Why:
PvE and PvP players have completely different goals when they play. One side plays for ego, the other more for vanity and then some both. I'll leave it to you all to descide which is which. Now, ego and vanity are not bad things when game playing, they are a part of the fun. The two playstyles do not mix well at all when attempting to reach their seperate goals.
We can see a rather heated debate going on in several threads about "leechers" and "afkers" going on right now. Well, those "leechers" and "afkers" are just PvEers using the fastest, easiest way they can to get what they are after.
This is false. Those individuals have existed in the random arenas for a very long time. I first began noticing it when they introduced the priest of balthazar rewards. They could be doing this for account selling, but who knows for sure.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
They can add a "kick" system as requested by some and we will find that abused as bigger groups of "leechers" head to those missions and begin to kick out of spite for being kicked and eventually you'll have those missions ruined. You can remove the rewards, but again, that's not really fair.
This would assume that the function was coded with no logic at all. Even if it went this route, the simple fix would be to place logic within who has rights to it. Easiest way to do so would be to default it to people with the most faction, exp, or rank overal. Having a combination of those traits, the person could not have afk'd their way through the game. Also, it could be extended in a different direction into how the game distributes the rewards, penalizing those who are afk and possibly making it dynamic enough to hinder/slow down those who attempt to bot it.
The only real sad truth is that once you are in a mission area, you are stuck with your team and it doesn't matter if it is a pvp or pve setting.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
The only way to stop this type of behavior is to seperate the two completely and unlink them 100%. No Favor system. No Rewards for PvE in PvP and vice versa.
Wrong, see above. It will continue if only out of spite in order to grief the rest of the group. This behavior occurs in alot of different places. If anything, you could reduce it to only grief style play by removing all rewards entirely and leaving just the core game mechanics at hand. The only people that would really be overly upset with that would be the pve only players, since it takes the carrot off the stick. High end pvp via gvg fights cant be done afk anyway and typically build up to the tournaments that are held occasionally and the reward is winning the tournament or performing well, which also has nothing to do with afk people.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
Another reason why I support the idea is the quality of the game type suffers from mixing the two. With all the effort put in place to make the two game types come together, the over all game suffered a great deal. Don't agree?, that's fine. We are all entitled to our opinions, but I feel Factions could have been 100 times better if less emphasis was put on bringing the two types together.
This is entirely an assumption that is easily answered with a question in return. Would DAOC be as good of a game as it is, if the pvp element was removed entirely? Do not discredit the pvp content of the game or pretend that having simply more pve content makes a game better overal. Most of the best games are all about the replay value, not the single play through content value. This is almost, by definition, the difference between a story and a game. The story will get old after the first experience of it, but a game will continue to be fresh as long as there are others to play it with.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
The second Anet shows any favor to one of the playstyles and not the other, these boards lite up in flames. Players get ticked off fast. If Anet rewards the PvP mini games in Factions more rewards, then the time playing the other quests and missions is not worth the same, thus the players feel forced to play them.
Player ignorance is not a game design issue. The pve centered players have a myriad of quests sprinkled throughout the game, which give rewards. This is the same kind of weak argument that was presented when faction rewards for balthazar were first introduced. The pve person should not care what a pvp person is doing, unless they are interested in competing with those pvp people. Otherwise there is no interaction at all and the comparison is pointless. What does happen is the pvp person, when looking for a goal for character completion, looks for a similar "shortest route" for completion and will use the pve side to achieve it. Increasing the rewards for the pvp side, merely puts the pvp player back into the favored element, instead of finding new ways to exploit the pve system in place. This was easily observed prior to factions release with the "runners" style of play to move multiple characters through key points to maximise skill aquisition versus hours spent playing. You also illustrate my point elegantly with the following.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
It's the same situation we had with the Luxon Supply run and Kurzick Duel Farm. The other quests were pretty much ignored once players learned these because doing anything else was more time consuming and not worth the effort.
Had the rewards for the pvp been higher, this would not have come to pass. Even still, you are blaming pvpers for exploiting the easier setting of pve, since pvp rewards are not guarenteed and are more dependant on having a large pool of players wanting to use the system. A easy reference would be to look up any thread complaining about how long it takes to enter some of the mission battle areas.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
This is purely theory on my part.
Anet has a 1 year dev cycle for each chapter. Most PvE or RPGs take longer than that to make.
It takes far longer to balance a system where people are competing against people in a complex or dynamic environment(s). Alot of the problems arise when the on paper mechanics do not accuratly reflect the in play mechanics. There is only challenge tuning for a pve only setting, which takes less time as it can be more reliant on the on paper mechanics and player alteration is viewed as enginuity typically. This is dicounting bugs or unintended effects of course. You should have used hypothosis instead of theory.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
So, by attempting to bring the two playstyles closer, Anet seems to understand they can release on schedule with a much smaller game world with PvE lite content "if" the PvEers can get hooked into the PvP mini games.
Considering the time investement for just mission completions, many would argue the pve as a "mini game" by comparison to pvp mastery. The two playstyles are very different as well. This is due to the inherent differences between AI logic and the logic of other people. This is why the skill balancing is largely based off of the pvp aspect. Even when it does affect the pve, its rather minor as a whole and still easy to work around due to the AI and mob distribution.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
However, many people can not stand the competition for various reasons.
There are plenty of people who are competing in their own pve ways. One of them being the town ownership. Another is market manipulation, as if they were trading stock on wall street. You may not like competition, but it does come in various forms and much of your argument is supporting the idea that even pve individuals are competitive. The fact they aren't taking an axe to another player's head is irrellevant.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
That said, Anet has, IMO, missed it's target in thinking more people would actually play these PvP mini games. The PvEers seem more opt to just sit there (as I said they would upon seeing the FPE) and soak up the rewards... hey, I'm an old man still playing these games, I've seen the way people behave and watched them for years smash in Pong arcade systems when they lost.
Since you dont actually play in them, how exactly are you qualified in making the statment that people in fact do not use the feature that is pvp? The reality is people do play them and it did hit the mark and people wouldnt complain about time between matches, if they also didnt enjoy doing them. Do not continue to make the mistake of blaming other people's laziness on the game design or justify it as a valid excuse for those individuals. The game as a whole would be better off with those people banned from it, along with all the botters in various other locations, but that's a different witch hunt altogether.
Originally Posted by WasAGuest
I can also hope Chapter 3 isn't built in a "conflict" (PvP) heavy way. I can also hope that Chapter 4 (since the Factions team is working on that) stays away from this type of play, maybe they learned enough to know the two do not mix well... on either side.
You failed to prove much of anything through experience in your telling and merely spouted off your opinion. I doubt anyone would buy a game without any "conflict" in it, as there would be no point of interest. Of course they could jus be like a quote from spaceballs and be the, "search for more money" with no conflict and just more money and time sinks like endless cut and paste fedex quests re-using the same areas or the same areas with a different skin so you can acumulate virtual wealth to obtain some meaningless item into eternity. Hell, instead of mobs they could just put random obstacles and traps and have it timed. Hmm, this sounds more of an idea for a game that came out back in the late 80s or early 90s.
... No conflict? yawn