Hmm. I wanted to get Ghial's in the first place because it's just one staff to farm/buy. No need to bother getting two items when you can just have one, I say. Will it be more or less expensive to buy the greens, or build golds replicas?
Though you can get a 20/20 wand and a 20/+1 offhand from collectors, so I probably just answered my own question...
W/Mo Ghial the Bone Dancer solo farm...
You can get a 20/20 collector's death staff - there are 5 available in the game, easiest to get is probably the crystal desert one for 5 minotaur horns (easy 55-ing), add the energy mod and look around for Death Magic/Mastery wrapping. They're rare but not many people looking for them since inscriptions were added.
There are no 20/20 wands and 20/+1 offhands available from collectors.
There are no 20/20 wands and 20/+1 offhands available from collectors.
I've been trying this build, but I keep getting interrupted on my healing skills and dying. Did they change the mobs skills to add interrupts, or am I doing something wrong?
Jade Mesmers have a signet that will interupt anything
royal mercenary
this build is to old, farm it with a/e or 55hp or w/e
today its much harder, i used to 55 ghials, but now i tried more then 30 different builds untill i found 1 that is working but very hard to do.
i will publish soon the video and post here. but i wonder if someone here found other way to farm ghials today?
i will publish soon the video and post here. but i wonder if someone here found other way to farm ghials today?
Not worth things that are good.
i have already all i need.
I'm not farming for the money, i am farming for the challenge.
challenges make you better gamer and make you enjoy the game.
I'm not farming for the money, i am farming for the challenge.
challenges make you better gamer and make you enjoy the game.