W/Mo Ghial the Bone Dancer solo farm...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2006




im using my own build with no sprint. now after 40-50 runs i got 10 ghials staffs XD (no joke)

the trick is to use totem axe / rajazans fervor and a collectors shield with -2 +45 while ench (wajjun-basar)
for the run and use hh be4 the first group. then its no problem with some experience.

i got
10+1+2 Sword
11+1 Str
10 Heal

Sever Artery
Final Thrust / (Factions Galrath sth with silver)
Tiger Stance

use hh second time after u crossed the 2. bridge. be4 aggro the 1st mesmer !
then just run to the first group and kill ritu first ( use hh when the mesmer attacks u)
i got no prob to kill ghial, just pull him (with a mesmer or ritu is no prob too)
then kill the mesmer or ritu (if its mage u dont have to kill it if he hasnt got a golem)
then go back and pull the golem only, now kill golem then ghial.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


What really ticks me off is the price of the staffs dropping.I used to be selling em 60k each now they are 35k-45k each. Anyways thanks stee i made over 400k by using ur build and oh yeah had a little talk with ur daughter it was nice.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by Hey_homies
What really ticks me off is the price of the staffs dropping.I used to be selling em 60k each now they are 35k-45k each. Anyways thanks stee i made over 400k by using ur build and oh yeah had a little talk with ur daughter it was nice.
NP. I have 4 kids and everyone plays but my wife (shes a Counter Strike gamer).


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deathspawn Elite


what was stopping you from taking damage? i watched the video and everything was -0.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by IamCarl
what was stopping you from taking damage? i watched the video and everything was -0. I have sentinel's armor. That probrably helps. Also the video was from before the -physical damage deal on the armor.

But I have been out since and took a couple people. I took more damage but I still didnt have any problems soloing it.

Galeo Stormbringer

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2006



nice build

Al Andaluz

Al Andaluz

Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006


Great build... I've done 2 ghial runs so far without any major problems; bagged his staff on the second run. I've also had similar success using this build on Royen. Thanks.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006

I haven't had the drop rates you guys have had. I kept track of the runs and found that in 28 runs I only got the staff 2 times. Thats a drop rate of about 7%. Is anyone getting drop rates like this?

Yes, I am doing it solo. Yes, I take precautions to prevent anti-farming from kicking in. What are the drop rates you guys are getting?

I also have noticed a lot of jadite shards dropping. I even got a +50 hp rune on one run. Sweet!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Oh yeah i forgot you can take out tiger stance and put in vigorius spirit,change galrath for gash.Vigorius helps when you pull ghial away from the others to the other small bridge.Activate dolyak and vigorius and you'll heal 15 per attack you hit.And ur taking 10-15 dmg from ghials attacks while having dolyak on.So its basically ur taking no damage from him and if you start to take to much damage or have low health use healing hands to heal up.Then just dish out Sever artery,gash,final thrust repeatly untill hes dead.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


The idea behind tiger stance is to increase your rate of attack since Ghial slows you dow with fainthardeness. This just counters his skills he uses against you. If you are having trouble staying alive I would agree with the VS but if your like me and don't have any trouble with staying alive just kill him faster.

Also I do not have knowledge of this or if it has anything to do with the drops. Is doesn't make any since either but I get a better drop rate if I kill him where he stands instead of pulling him. Sometimes you have to pull him but I prefer to kill him where he stands. I have never got the drop pulling him farther than half way down the long bridge.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

HI, this is a video maed today ...
the build .. is the one of stee less sprint but with spirit of balthazar

sword .. not a good sword
shield : tanzit
armor : dreadnought 90 AF

here is the link



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Evil Death Bane [EDB]


after a 1 month break from guildwars... i decided to try farm Ghial again using this build and zomg i got my first and ever ghials staff on my first run!! nice build , i have to say it worked marvelously >_< thanks for sharing.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


No problem. Thats why we post them.

Sabrina Greavous

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006

Grandiose Dreamers


I can not imagine this run to be any easier. I can only dream how easy it was before. Thanks Stee for the build. I did, however, substitute some spells. I use gash and vigorous spirit. VS+HH+TS FTW. So far, 1 successful run and got my first staff.


Oh and also a superior Vigor and Curses rune.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

The Olde Knights [TOK]


I made my on build as well, but its W/N. check it out heres the link. XD

Been doing this for a while now XD.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

Star Riders (StR)


I was wondering whether anyone else is having trouble with the skill taste of pain. I used to solo Ghial a lot with a different W/Mo build to the OP and never noticed this skill. Is this a new edition, if so how do you counter this?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Light of the Pheonix


this build relies on HH to heal you, so if the damn mesmers interrrupt you, you're screwed. =/ this has happened to me way too many times. =(



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dragon's Lair



Originally Posted by hawK_Wing
this build relies on HH to heal you, so if the damn mesmers interrrupt you, you're screwed. =/ this has happened to me way too many times. =( Mesmer has only interrupted me once, build works great! Although it took me 12 tries to get staff, I still got it. Plus, you don't have to kill every single guy in Ghials group. Take out warriors, and guys blocking the entrance so you can get a nice pull. And, even if Ghial spawns a Flesh Golem, you can pull the flesh golem without Ghial even noticing!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



I think I did about 15 runs or a bit more before it dropped for me.
Too many on the market anyway to make a living out of it since everyone is farming them and its rare that it drops.

So as soon as I got one I gave it to my necro.
Might go back sometime to try it since its a nice run and gives tons of cloth and silk.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

this build relies on HH to heal you, so if the damn mesmers interrrupt you, you're screwed I prefer to bring HH and Vigorous Spirit. Lure their interrupt with VS then use HH. VS has a mere 4 second recharge so will be available soon enough.

Unfortunately I am something like 0/15 in my attempts, the greedy bugger just won't drop the staff for me, even though I've gently assured him that I'll be giving it to my necromancer and not selling it.

Dr Ripley

Dr Ripley

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Force of Arms [FoA]

Originally Posted by Stee Janz
Also I do not have knowledge of this or if it has anything to do with the drops. Is doesn't make any since either but I get a better drop rate if I kill him where he stands instead of pulling him. Sometimes you have to pull him but I prefer to kill him where he stands. I have never got the drop pulling him farther than half way down the long bridge. I don't think it matters where he stands. My drop success is pretty much exactly opposite of yours Stee. I always pull him onto and PAST the bridge before engaging (sometimes even to the ramp). I find it faster to pull him instead of killing everything around him first. I do however pull the rits out of there to make things easier. But after that, only one mesmer or an ele usually follow him out of his spawn and onto/past the bridge...

Wicked Shadow

Wicked Shadow

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Gamerz Unlimited [GU]


Thank you very much for this build. Just got a staff on my 3rd (successful) run.
As far as pulling out vs where he stands, I typically pull out and kill the mesmers and mages first. Then I go for ghial himself and pull him out of range of the ritualists.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


Hired Killers [HK]


Great build which works well. All I changed is substituting Doylak Signet for Essence Bond? (30 sec get +15 health per hit). Have this on when using Tiger Stance and you are ok until Healing Hands recharges. Works for me anyway.
I find that, once you are onto Ghial and screw it up and he raises a Golem then I just over the rooftop on the way to the market area. The Golem will follow you all the way to there but Ghial will stop at the opposite end of the bridge where he starts from (the opposite end to the square he is in to start with). Kill the Golem by which time Ghial has made his way back across the bridge. No need to worry though that you might have to clear out the square (if you left any Rits etc in there) because as soon as you make your way back to the bridge he will come back towards you. You should meet him halfway across the bridge in the perfect location as to not aggro anything else. Once he is there he is an easy kill.

I think I've done this run about 10 times (successfully) now and only had the staff drop on the first successful attempt. It's a bit annoying especially as the staff now only sells for 30k but I still enjoy doing it when bored of the Hydras, Trolls and Vermin etc.

Thanks again for the build.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Stee Janz, I just saw your build, and tried it out. Works great. I have a question though. I have done this about ten times, and haven't gotten a staff yet. Is this supposed to be this way? Am I going to get it soon?

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by mdog21
Stee Janz, I just saw your build, and tried it out. Works great. I have a question though. I have done this about ten times, and haven't gotten a staff yet. Is this supposed to be this way? Am I going to get it soon?
Sometimes you get 1 in 30 runs and sometimes you get 3 in ten. There is no way to know. But just keep trying, one will drop soon.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Ok, thanks. Also, is it ok if I get your online character name and I add you to friends?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

I got it....... WOOT!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Rangers Of Chaos(RoC)


Originally Posted by Brutal
Great build which works well. All I changed is substituting Doylak Signet for Essence Bond? (30 sec get +15 health per hit). Have this on when using Tiger Stance and you are ok until Healing Hands recharges. Works for me anyway.
What are you on? Essence bond gives energy fyi..
You mean vigorous spirit....




Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand

Im Targeting The Ghostly (HeRo)


Hey guys,

This is just an idea that i thought of and havent tried this so dont flame if its stupid. For a W/N build, to counter Ghial's golem u could bring Veratas Aura to take control of his golem or bring Soul Feast to cancel the corpse and get heal aswell.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2006

Dismembered Demons [DD]


nice build dude....works well for me...only time ive died is silly mistakes..like forgetting to cast mending when leaving senjis ...I've soloed him bout 6 times now...how many times do you reckon i might gotta kill him b4 he drops his staff...any idea?..whats a ball park average?....any reply would be appreciated...

The Prince

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006


ive seen a W/N build using grenths, but i didnt have much luck w/it, if anyone has a good W/N build plz post it thnx

Daenarys Storm

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006



I had to kill him about 20 times before he dropped the staff.

Hidden Animal

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2007

Worth Opponent


I dont know if you guys realized this, but with the release of Nightfall, and the ability 'Flail' this build can become much more effective. Swap out Tiger Stance for Flail. Flail costs adrenaline, not energy, and you can keep it up endlessly as long as you have the adequit adrenaline, i know that when i farm this i have a much easier time taking him down even while working through his faintheartedness beceause i can keep my attack speed up indeffinitly.

Levi Garett

Levi Garett

Old School Nub

Join Date: Jun 2005




This post is obviously dated. Did you check the dates?

If you really want to kill him efficiently try 55hp Mo/E Sliver Armor. Ghial dies in like 10 seconds for me with this combo. I use the Burdek Byway zone/rez portal for quick trips back and forth. I just die after I kill Ghial. You can still do it with 60dp. Actually it's even easier with 22hp. Also I use Glyph of concentration, SoA, and Shielding hands. Mending with +3 regen is nice to counter Ghials degen hex. It's so easy it almost feels like cheating. A E/Mo would probably be even faster but I'm not 100% you could get the attribs to work out?

Happy farming!


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006



Originally Posted by LeviGarrett
This post is obviously dated. Did you check the dates?

If you really want to kill him efficiently try 55hp Mo/E Sliver Armor. Ghial dies in like 10 seconds for me with this combo. I use the Burdek Byway zone/rez portal for quick trips back and forth. I just die after I kill Ghial. You can still do it with 60dp. Actually it's even easier with 22hp. Also I use Glyph of concentration, SoA, and Shielding hands. Mending with +3 regen is nice to counter Ghials degen hex. It's so easy it almost feels like cheating. A E/Mo would probably be even faster but I'm not 100% you could get the attribs to work out?

Happy farming! With a E/Mo build, I was getting about 2 min runs. This includes running to Ghial, killing him, getting drops, dying, and rezoning. Probably can do it even faster now with NF skills since last time I actually farmed Ghial was when his staff was actually worth something.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

I know I'm bumping and old thread. Just want to know if this run has been changed in any way, or is it still the same as it was 2 years ago?

EDIT: something may have been changed now. I don't know, maybe it's jsut because I suck, but I cannot kill the first group that the OP tells you to engage (rit, 2 wars, mes and mage). I use VS but it doesn't heal me fast enough. I get owned before I can kill the rit. What's wrong???

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Afaik the skills are the same as they were, and Anet has no reason to change the run.

PS: Farming greens is generally a waste of time.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

Well then can you suggest a better necro death staff?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Farm for money, not items. You'll get several times the amount that Ghial's Staff is worth farming raptors or something.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Portugal & Greece


The easiest way to get most greens (very few exceptions) is buying them.
Sometimes some of us get "stuck" (I recently spent a couple of days trying to get Kepkhet's Refuge to drop - yes I know I could have farmed 30 min, get 5k and buy it).
If that's your purpose then the build should work - i'll give it a try when i get home tonight. Are you sure you're using Healing Hands? Vigorous Spirit is there to cover the "gap" Healing Hands leave. You might wanna make a vampiric sword of enchanting to extend HH duration but I had used this build back in the day and didn't have any problems with it.

If you want good gear for your MM however my advice is to go with 20/20 wand and 20/+1 offhand, even if you craft/mod them (I have for example made a pair of Asuran wand/offhand for my necro's MM setup) it'll probably come cheaper than buying Ghial's.
If you wanna go with green gear:






or the identical


I'll post if I'm able to still kill Ghial with the original build, however bare in mind that you can always farm a couple of hours something like raptors for example or any other boring well known farm , get 15-20k and go buy the Staff.

Good luck