Petition for white dye
It's a good idea, strange that you can get black without mixing but not white.
And it's eventual price is really irrelevant, just because something would be expensive is no reason not to implement it. That's like saying "no don't put in any more rare weapon models, they'll just cost 100+30ectos!".
And it's eventual price is really irrelevant, just because something would be expensive is no reason not to implement it. That's like saying "no don't put in any more rare weapon models, they'll just cost 100+30ectos!".
monk in white - love it
Originally Posted by floppinghog
/signed #2
while their at it, reinvent the dye market..... make all dye's equal. i dont care anymore i want to make my character unique like they promised. more easily... why not? armor prices at crafters are set in stone, why not dyes? why not make colors craftable? why not anything new? no more why's, just do it please. all dyes equal + new white |
Horseman Of War
as far as the prices of dye- if it bothers you, just tell everyone to stop buying dyes from the trader and the price will drop... good luck with that.
white dye- eh... dont care. im sure one of my crayola box characters could look nice in it.
/signed but only half-assed-like
brown dye- pointless
adding other color dyes- also pointless
white dye- eh... dont care. im sure one of my crayola box characters could look nice in it.
/signed but only half-assed-like
brown dye- pointless
adding other color dyes- also pointless
Bloodied Blade
Hmm... I like the idea of having a white dye instead of spending gold on 4 dyes to make a single one that sometimes doesn't dye the armor perfectly white. I don't really see a point for other dyes though, since white is the only one that really isn't reliable in how you make it for an armor.
I'd also support an ANet implemented gold dye. Just because.
I'd also support an ANet implemented gold dye. Just because.
Gold Dye.. Silver and Yellow is close enough for me on that one.
Awesome Nuke
Idea 1 : Implement white dye
Idea 2 : To counter the loss of useage of silver dye, make it so it adds shinyness to an armor (kinda like paragon's armor, or the cape emblems)
This way, we get white dye, and silver dye doesnt go down to trash
Idea 2 : To counter the loss of useage of silver dye, make it so it adds shinyness to an armor (kinda like paragon's armor, or the cape emblems)
This way, we get white dye, and silver dye doesnt go down to trash
Unless they use White to override Silver.
Originally Posted by lightblade
Yes, I know there are formulas for white dye
BUT THEY ARE NOT WHITE! Silver dye gives me gray! We need white dye that's actually white and not some yellowish gray! ================================== Sign Count: 82 No Sign Count: 3 (@15,89,94) as of #101 post ================================== |
Not that white dye wouldnt be absolutely gorgeous and nice to have!!!!
...white dye is soooooo sort after, that if it existed the price would sky rocket to insain amounts within a day of it being released. I wouldnt be surprised if it reached 100k at the trader.
But you would also have those people who bought it when it was cheap, the instance it was added, trying to sell it on days later for 90k.
You'd be making millionaires really fast and unbalancing the game.
I think its a bad idea, purely for that.
Otherwise id love to have white dye.
/signed. Every other combination of dye is currently available via mixing. It seems that, with the introduction of the Paragon and their white armor, that this would be easily introduced.
Angel Develin
/signed, i love white
Bane of Worlds
the problem isnt the dye, its the armor itself.... take for example the 15K platemail armor... most of it is undyeable, and that undyeable part of the armor is black... its the accents of armor that are dyed when you decide to dye the armor... for instance look at Justicar Hablion's armor (cooles armor in the game bar none), his armor's primary color is white, the secondary color (the accents) are grey.... what im trying to say is that white dye wouldnt neccessarily give you white armor, though armor that itself is white would rule.... especially for warriors... i still havnt figured out why white warrior armor hasnt been introduced into the game
Nightfall and the introduction of the Paragons is the perfect time to introduce white dye!
Yes the market will be unstable at first, but that will eventually balace out nicely.
Nightfall and the introduction of the Paragons is the perfect time to introduce white dye!
Yes the market will be unstable at first, but that will eventually balace out nicely.
shaolin mind trick
And for what it's worth, I thought black was the sum of all colours and white the absence there of too.
Just remembered the album cover for Dark Side of the Moon, and brushed a little of the dust off of my high school physics education....
Was originally mistaken, white = sum, black = absence
And for what it's worth, I thought black was the sum of all colours and white the absence there of too.
Just remembered the album cover for Dark Side of the Moon, and brushed a little of the dust off of my high school physics education....
Was originally mistaken, white = sum, black = absence
Neo Nugget
/signed..and brown dye too!
Simply put, if anet adds white dye the economy in GW would crash. I believe white dye was left out because its a necessary ingredient to make BLACK DYE!!!
how does White=Black?
On Brown, i still don't know why people want that, it costs less than Silver... purple+yellow, Blue+orange... There's loads!
On Brown, i still don't know why people want that, it costs less than Silver... purple+yellow, Blue+orange... There's loads!
might add gold dye too
might add gold dye too