Originally Posted by erick5876
A dungeon crawl is an RPG, chief. Look at your deffinition of RPG.
Agreed, and that's why I make SEVERAL references to Dungeon Crawl RPGs, thanks for reading though.
Some of you are drowning in semantics over if RPGS like GW should be solely fighting-based, or should include the social aspect... but my two main problems with this are "..."
1. why the hell do you care when its their lives?
As I've said, what they do, and what I don't have to hear about, or be affected by, I could care less. I just want to see Dungeon Crawl RPG-styled updates (or better yet, critical ones), before essentially "off-topic" updates.
and 2. you are forgetting these are still real people, so there is always a social aspect. Are you telling me you have no one on your friends list? That you never used emotes in town when you were bored, or anything like that? ran around in circles to make somebody laugh? We're all human, and these characters still represent us in-game.
There is a very large difference between what you defined and what Social RPGs are. What you are defining is best described as "having fun" or "goofying around." There is never anything wrong with that, but I just want to be clear that that is not what Social RPGs are.
And if there's no point in RP in a game like GW why do people pay millions for fow armor? or pay 100k+xx ecto for urgoz's longbow when it's the same as a cheap modded longbow? Because it's still a status symbol in the SOCIAL world of guild wars.
Why do people pay more money for "better" looking things, regardless of what they are? Human nature.
and if you're honestly trying to fight the social part of this game, I suggest you go sit in Grotto for awhile and just watch and learn.
I think I realize where your confusion is.
You are talking about Socializing, I'm talking about Social RPGs.
Socializing is what we do when we are around other people. We talk, laugh, joke, cry, goof off, argue, etc. It's a basic tenent of being human.
Socializing also subtley (or sometimes not so subtley) incorporates elements of a heirarchal nature as well. Here is where your status symbols come into play. As humans, we are so quick to define everything, including how we rate amongst are peers.
Any time there is more than one person ANYWHERE you will see elements of the above two paragraphs. It's simple human nature.
What I'm talking about when I say Social RPGs though, is not the same as Socializing.
A Social RPG (referencing: Vampire: The Masqurade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascenscion, etc.) involves creating a character, defining it and how it exists within its enviroment. And then playing the character through said enviroment where it (the character, not you) will meet a variety of challenges most basically defined into three catagories (Physical, Mental, Social).
Guild Wars only has the Physical component. Any "dialouge" you engage in with NPCs is either scripted or presented in the form of few options of already scripted texts.
The reason that Social and Mental challenges don't apply here even though people say "Well, trading could be a social challenge and skill sets could be a mental challenge" is that its YOU being challenged, not the character.
In a social RPG, your character could be smarter than you, dumber than you, a better socializer than you, or worse. That's not represented here, you are playing yourself, with the GW character as your medium.
Unless you've done the following...
...Entered a trade and thought to yourself, "Well, I know its a horrible trade, but my Whammo isn't that charasmatic, so with his 'great' trading skills he'd probably go for something like that... Sure, I'll trade 50 ecto for 5 gold! That's enough for me to get him an apple!"
...Looked at your avalible skils and thought to yourself, "Well, my Necro really isn't that smart, so I'll give her this horrible build, when I could easily of used this much better one instead..."
... or conversly, "My Mesmer's a real Einstein, I'm going to have her have this AWESOME build that's even better than something I can come up with/find..."
That is similar to what you'll find in a Social RPG. Decisions that YOU may not make, but your character would, because you and your character are seperate entities.
In Guild Wars, unless you are engaging in Role-Play (social), you essentially are your character.
I hope that clears up that bit of confusion.