Please enjoy this guide to the 1st Dragon Festival 2006 Guild Wars event.
Enjoy, comments/feedback is always welcome...

General Event Information:
The event begins on June 30, 2006 7:00 GMT (June 29, 2006 Midnight PDT) and ends on July 5, 2006 7:00 GMT (July 4, 2006 Midnight PDT). That is 7am for those who are wondering
GMT Time Conversion Tool:
The Dragon Festival is an exclusive weekend event for Guild Wars Factions players. Anyone with Factions can take part, both Cathan and Tyrian born characters.
History of the Event (In-game Story):
After the assassination of Emperor Angsiyan at the hands of Shiro Tagachi and the catastrophe of the Jade Wind which threatened to wipe out and destroy the empire of Cantha, newly crowned emperor, Emperor Hanjai, the son of Angsiyan, announced the commencement of a new festival... The Dragon Festival.
The festival marks the anniversary of establishing the settlement on Shing Jea Island as well as the expansion of Kaineng City to accomodate the refugees from the areas hit hardest by the Jade Wind. It is named the Dragon Festival to symbolize the survival of the Empire of the Dragon (Cantha) in the face of that calamity.
Guild Wars Factions Dragon Festival News Announcement
Cantha Prepares for Annual Dragon Festival - The Scribe, June 29, 2006
Can Tyria Characters join in with the Event?
"On accounts with both Guild Wars Factions and Guild Wars Prophecies, players may take characters back and forth between the continents of Cantha and Tyria. The first journey to a new continent must be done through a quest. After that, characters may travel quickly and easily using the Ship Travel icon on the world map.
Factions characters wishing to travel to Tyria for the first time should seek out Guardsman Chienpo in Kaineng Center and take the "Chaos in Kryta" quest.
Prophecies characters may travel to Cantha using the quest "Mhenlo's Request," which is offered by Firstwatch Sergio in Lion's Arch.
Characters coming from Tyria will need to take the following steps:
- Travel to Cantha as described above.
- Travel south through the Marketplace to Kaineng Docks.
- Speak to Firstmate Xiang, who will transport you to Seitung Harbor.
- Travel west through Saoshang Trail and Linnok Courtyard to reach Shing Jea Monastery.
Cities changed included Shing Jea Monastery and Kaineng Center. Changes include:
- Both towns have been placed into a nice Twilight setting
- Asian-Style Stringed Lanterns
- Fancy Lights
- Dragon Heads have been placed over Archways.
- There is a big fountain in the Shing Jea Monastery near storage.
Jade Wind Orb (Event Collectors Item):
Jade Wind Orbs are items dropped from any monster in Cantha during the Dragon Festival of 2006. The Orbs collected could be traded for gifts during the festival.
Note: The level of the Monster doesn't seem to determine if a Orb will dropped or not. They can drop on Monsters of any level (Even level 0), this also includes bosses.
- 250 Orbs are required for a single Dragon Mask.
- You can trade your orbs for a Mask directly to Emperor Kisu who will show up every 2 hours on the final day of the event at the Shing Jea Monastery.
- Also there will be a Imperial Supplymaster stationed in the Shing Jea Monastery who will also take orbs for masks.
Ceremonial Dragon Masks (Headgear):
Ceremonial Dragon Masks will be awarded to those players who are able to collect enough globes filled with the Jade Wind essence that changed Cantha two hundred year ago. You require 250 Jade Orbs for a single mask, however by doing the event quests you can get 240 Orbs to start you off.
Masks come in the the default colour of Yellow. But can be dyed other colours like blue, green, red, black and white (Silver?).
The Emperor appears by the foot of the stairs and then walks up to the Fountain by the Storage in the Monastary. He appears every 2 hours from midnight Pacific time till Midnight again.
He gives a long speach and then hands out masks to anyone who has orbs. They appear in your inventory and the orbs dissapear.
You don't have to speak to the emperor, as long as you are holding 250 orbs and are in the district that he is speaking at that time, you will get your mask. As soon as he says the sentence about "those of you who collected 250 orbs", then your 250 orbs will be replaced by a mask.
Luna Silverwood wearing a Silver Dyed Dragon Mask
I've done some tests, the white dye formular Yellow + Silver + Silver + Silver and Silver + Dye Remover + Silver does not dye the mask white, so don't waste your money - Luna Silverwood
Madness! A glitch caused multiple Emperor Kisu to show up ^^
The following information below is subject to change:
Basic stats for a Ceremonial Dragon Mask when you get one:
- They have zero AL... In fact they provide no armour at all! Headshots are deadly in PvP and PvE. So watch out!
- They come pre-customised.
- They come in the default colour of yellow.
- They have no other benefits, no bonuses, no extra attribute stats or anything.
- 250 orbs are needed to get a single mask.
- Ceremonial Dragon Mask are free items (All you need is 250 Jade Wind Orbs) given on the last day of the event by Emperor Kisu and the days following by a Imperial Supplymaster stationed in the Shing Jea Monastery.
- They can be infused!
- All masks are yellow in colour, by default, but can be dyed.
- They can be dyeable. (Confirmed)
- They are pre-customised to the character that collected them. And thus should not be traded.
- They may or maybe be dyed (Unknown at this time)
- You can add runes to them, for your primary profession only.
- They cannot be salvaged.
- Lastly they cannot be restored, so don't delete your character or trash the Ceremonial Dragon Mask, it’s gone for good. will not restore lost items.
Mask Dyed blue, Infused and with a Rune on it!
Emperor's Special Event **SPOILER** - In-game Event
After the Emperor has handed out the Dragon Masks, a new event begins...
Discussion Thread about this mini-ingame event:
Emperor talks about the foul beasts attacking the Shing Jea Monastery and asks for everyones help repelling them from the event. This starts a 15 min timed event in the monastary where you must run around and gather up these celestial essence drops (dont remember the correct name sorry) and deliver them to sorccerers around the monastary edges.
The grasps are also gathering these up and killing people who pick them up if they catch you (So bean cakes are usefull). You rez back a min or so later to continue in the race.
There are huge numbers that count how many you have turned in and how many the enemies have turned in.
How does the special event Work?
- When a grasp touches you with a charge in your hand, you die and they get a point.
- When you return a charge to a sorc, your team gets a point.
- Whoever is ahead after 15 mins determines the outcome.
- For every essence you deliver to a sorceror, you get a Jade Wind Orb!
- Grasps ahead - everyone in District get killed over and over and over and over.
- Players ahead - random festival gifts drop along with fireworks show.
Example Score Counter, here the players are winning
Drop the charge as a grasp gets close to you. It will run past and you can pick up the charge to run again. Ideally your district camps the spots instead of wildly chasing over the map.
After you've won the minigame, the emperor speaks some more words about the great empire and then starts throwing Gifts left and right (the ones you can also buy from Kao Tseng [Festival Prizes]. This goes on for a good 10 mins. The prizes land randomally all over the place, but mostly near NPCs.
The Fury
During the 15 minute min-game The Fury can be found. He was standing by the Sunqua Vale zone next to the henchies... He's a boss, Elementalist type. He seems to be the one leading the Grasps!
Note: He doesn't attack, and you cannot attack him.
The Fury! As seen in the Shing Jea Monastery event mini-game
Dragon Festival Collectable Items:
There is a few new items added during the event. Information on the four collectable items is as follows:
Red Bean Cake:
Collectable item, has only one use. Red Bean Cake is an item that you can get from Festival Prizes from Kao Tseng in the Shing Jea Monastery. When use (eat) it within town, it gives you a Sugar Rush (see below). It can only be used in town.
Sugar Rush - This is an enchanment spell which can only be used in town. Enchantment Spell. For 5 minutes, you move 25% faster. If ends if you leave a town.
Rice Wine:
Collectable item, has only one use. Bottle of Rice Wine is an item that you can get from Festival Prizes from Kao Tseng in the Shing Jea Monastery. When you use 3 or 4 of these it produces the same effect as using Dwarven Ale, basically the screen becomes stranger and wavy... you become drunk! In addition to this your character will start to act odd, saying random things and do /emotes without you typing. Good fun.
Festival Prize:
Collectable item, has only one use. Festival Prize is an item that you can get from from Kao Tseng in the Shing Jea Monastery. He will give you one in exchange for 25 Festival Tickets. The Festival Prize can be opened to give you one of the following:
- 1x Bottle of Rice Wine
- 1x Red Bean Cake
- 5 Jade Wind Orbs
- 1000 Gold Coins (1K)
Collectable item, this item has a number of uses. They are used to play various minigames (see below) or exchanged for unopened gifts. Tickets may be bought from Sunri at the festival or won in minigames. Details of mini-costs and winnings are as follows:
- Rings of Fortune - Costs 2 tickets to play, which are taken from you each round automatically when you stand in one of the 16 stone rings. Each round, the NPC called Pan counts down - 3... 2... 1... and then one of the stone rings is randomly chosen. An orange glow appears in that ring, and anyone standing in it receives 12 tickets. Horizontally/vertically adjacent rings to the one chosen emit a white glow, and anyone standing in them receives 3 tickets.
- Nine Rings - Costs 10 tickets to play, which are taken from you each round automatically when you stand in one of the 9 stone rings. Each round, the NPC called Teilah counts down - 3... 2... 1... and then one of the stone rings is randomly chosen. An orange glow appears in that rings, and anyone standing in it receives an amount of tickets decided by which ring it is. Corner rings give 55, side rings give 40 and the middle ring gives 25. Horizontally/vertically adjacent rings to the one chosen emit a white glow, and anyone standing in them receives 15 tickets.
- Dragon Nest - Costs 1 ticket to play, which is taken from you when you enter the playing area (talk to Ki Leung to do so).
Up to 8 players can participate in each game which takes 4 minutes. The aim is to get as many points as possible by 'tagging' hatchlings (simply touching them). Black hatchlings give you 1 point. White hatchlings give you 2 points and cripple other adjacent players. Red hatchlings give you 0 points and knock you down on touching.
There are 4 rounds in this game, and in the last round points are doubled. If you come 1st, 2nd or 3rd at the end of the game you get 2 Jade Wind Orbs for each opponent you outscore, and if you're the winner you receive 10 more orbs as a bonus.
The above three event mini-games have been added in for you to enjoy. Also playing these days helps towards new titles:
- Charmed - Win 50,000 tickets in games of chance *
- Lucky - Win 100,000 tickets in games of chance. *
- Favored - Win 250,000 tickets in games of chance. *
- Prosperous - Win 500,000 tickets in games of chance. *
- Loved - Win 2,500,000 tickets in games of chance.
- Hapless - Lose 5,000 games of chance *
- Unlucky - Lose 10,000 games of chance. *
- Unfavored - Lose 25,000 games of chance. *
- Tragic - Lose 50,000 games of chance. *
- Hated - Lose 500,000 games of chance.
(source: Loose translations
Discussion Thread about these titles:
Here is some maths from Fate and skyfox:
Originally Posted by Fate
On the 3x3 board:
Corner: 55 + 15 + 15 = 85 (6 in 9 chance to lose) Edge: 15 + 15+ 15 + 35 = 85 (5 in 9 chance to lose) Middle: 25 + 15+ 15 + 15 +15 = 85 (4 in 9 chance to lose) Corner: 85 / 9 = 9.4444 tickets won per round 6 / 9 = losses per round = .66666 <----- fastest of 3x3 game to get losses (10 * 9) - 85 = 5 tickets lost per 9 games 5 / 9 = .55555 tickets lost per round Rounds required to earn charmed = 5294.1176470588235294117647058824 ((50k / tickets won per round = rounds)) Rounds required for Unlucky title = 7500 ((5k / losses per round)) 7500 rounds * tickets lost per round = 4166.6666666666666666666666666667 tickets lost while aquiring titles Tickets lost * 15gp = total cost (62500 gp) Edge: 85 / 9 = 9.4444 tickets won per round 5 / 9 = losses per round = .555555 Middle: 85 / 9 = 9.4444 tickets won per round 4 / 9 = losses per round = .444444 On the 4x4 board: All points: 12 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + (0*9) = 30 won tickets (9/16 chance to lose) 30 / 16 = tickets won per round = 1.875 9 / 16 = losses per round = .5625 (2 * 16) - 30 = 2 tickets lost per 16 games 2 / 16 = 0.125 tickets lost per round Rounds required to earn charmed = 26,666.666666666666666666666666667 ((50k / tickets won per round = rounds)) Rounds required for Unlucky title = 8888.8888888888888888888888888889 ((5k / losses per round)) 26,666.666666666666666666666666667 rounds * tickets lost per round = 3333.3333333333333333333333333325 tickets lost in aquiring titles Tickets lost * 15gp = total cost (49999.999999999999999999999999988 gp) If rounds average ((20 rounds * 8 sec) + 33 sec delay) / 20 rounds = 9.65sec Time to get both titles on 3x3: 9.65 * 7500 / 60 / 60 = 20.104167 hours Time to get both titles on 4x4: 9.65 * 26,666.666666666666666666666666667 / 60 / 60 = 71.481 hours Analysis: The 4x4 takes much longer. The 4x4 costs about 13k less gold. |
Originally Posted by skyfox
if you play a large enough amount of games here are the calculated results:
on the 3x3 board: you get 9.444... tickets per play - 1 game costs 10 tickets -> you loose 0.555... tickets per play it doesnt matter where you are standing! on the 4x4 board: you get 1.875 tickets per play - 1 game costs 2 tickets -> you loose 0.125 tickets per play it doesnt matter where you are standing! -> bank always wins! if you play the games for earning titles, which is the only good reason to play them: if you loose 5000 games you earn the hapless title: on the 3x3 board: center: your chance of loosing is 4/9 -> you need approx.11250 games side: your chance of loosing is 5/9 -> you need approx. 9000 games edge: your chance of loosing is 6/9 -> you need approx. 7500 games on the 4x4 board: all fields: your chance of loosing is 9/16 -> you need approx. 8889 games if you win 50000 tickets you earn the charmed title: on the 3x3 board: you need approx. 5295 games to earn 50000 tickets it doesnt matter where you are standing! on the 4x4 board: you need approx. 26667 games to earn 50000 tickets it doesnt matter where you are standing! if you want both titles, here is the cheapest way to get them: play on the 4x4 board - you should play approx. 26667 games - to play this amount of games you need around 3334 tickets - which will cost you 50k gold - and it will take around 74 hours time!!! if you want both titles, here is the fastest way to get them: play on the edge of the 3x3 board - you should play approx. 7500 games - to play this amount of games you need around 4167 tickets - which will cost you 62.5k gold - and it will take around 21 hours time!!! hope that helps and greetings, skyfox |
To travel to the Dragon Arena invisible outpost, simply speak to Captain Li Sah in the middle courtyard of Shing Jea Monastery. Captain Li Sah can also be found in the middle circle in the Great Temple of Balthazar too.
In this arena, two randomly formed teams of 6 battle against each other. The first team to reach 20 kills wins.
When you enter a battle in the Dragon Arena, you have 'Spirit of the Festival' on you. This takes your health to 100 and your Armor to 60. All your attributes are set to 0 and you cannot attack.
In the arena every player has the same 8 skills on their skillbar:
- Dragon Blast: No cost. Casting time = 1 second. Recharge time = 5 seconds.
Skill. Send out a projectile that kills target foe if it hits. - Imperial Majesty: No cost. Casting time = 3/4 second. Recharge time = 10 seconds.
Skill. Target touched foe kowtows before you and takes 50 damage. (Target is knocked down and takes damage) - Trade Winds: No cost. Casting time = 3/4 second. Recharge time = 5 seconds.
Skill. For 10 seconds, you move with the swiftness of the Canthan fleet. (Best guess is +33% speed) - 5 Resurrection Signets
General Tactic:
It's Dodgeball. Strafe while under the Trade Winds skill (Speed Boost). Stop just long enough to cast your one-shot kill on a good target. Kiting is the key to success.
Recommended Tactic:
The following is a working tactic for this arena:
The best tactic is to stand back and pick a target, then use Trade Winds to rush in and Dragon Blast them, and run out again. At this point you will be able to resurrect any dead allies, but consider their position. It is easy for an enemy to Dragon Blast the resurrected person before they can do much. Imperial Majesty can be useful when you are close to an enemy. Very often in the Dragon Arena you will experience lag after being hit by Dragon Blast (your death will be delayed by a few seconds but you will be stuck).
Dead players are resurrected at their team's shrine every minute.
Every win in the Dragon Arena awards each player on the team 4 Jade Wind Orbs.
New Quests:
At the moment there are four new quests that you can do, all received from Imperial Guard Hanso, who is located in the central area of Shing Jea Monastery. These quests follow on from each other, i.e. when one is completed the next will be available. See the map below created by llsektorll of all the new quests:
- 1. The Rampaging Yetis
(Reward 40 Jade Wind Orbs, 100 XP, 150 Gold)
Recommended starting place: Ran Musu Gardens.
Enter Kinya Province and run south to the green marker, to find Imperial Guard Musashi. She's level 10, and you don't have to keep her alive in any of the quests.
Once you've talked to her she'll follow you, so head further south towards the next marker. Kill all 5 yetis in the area, then go back the way you came to reach a cave, in which there is a Lesser Grasp. This is basically a weaker version of the Grasps in TotPK. The same type of creature appears in the following three quests as well. They use the skill Fingers of Chaos, which has different effects on players of different professions. They are all level 18.
Kill it and you're done, so go get you reward from Hanso, then the next quest.
- 2. The Shrine of Maat
(Reward 50 Jade Wind Orbs, 100 XP, 150 Gold)
Recommended starting place: Shing Jea Monastery.
Enter Sunqua Vale and talk to Musashi. Then go northwest with her to the marker, in the mountains. There is a small shrine with various panicking peasants, and a Lesser Grasp standing in front of an NPC called Brother Sitai. Kill the creature, then talk to Sitai.
Quest completed, so return to Hanso for your reward, then get the next quest.
- 3. A Strange Request
(Reward 60 Jade Wind Orbs, 100 XP, 150 Gold)
Recommended starting place: Shing Jea Monastery.
Enter Sunqua Vale and talk to the Crimson Skull Captain below the cliff. Then map to Ran Musu Gardens, and head out into Kinya Province. Travel south to the green marker and defeat the grasp there.
Return to Hanso to get your reward and the next quest.
- 4. Darkness at Kaitan
(Reward 90 Jade Wind Orbs, 100 XP, 150 Gold)
Recommended starting place: Tsumei Village.
Enter Panjiang Peninsula and talk to Musashi. Then head south into the village, and destroy all 7 groups of Naga. Once this is done, talk to Farmer Lune, an NPC in the village.
Following this, travel south to the green marker at Raiyan Cave. There are lots of Lesser Grasps in here that you must kill, and a Chaos Rift in the center that occasionally spawns new ones (untill all are defeated, when it disappears).
Be careful with aggro here, especially if you are trying to do this with henchies. Watch the Fingers of Chaos too, as some of its effects aren't very nice.
When you've killed them all and the Chaos Rift is gone, you can return to Hanso and get your reward.
Note: Its confirmed that you don't need to kill ALL of the Lesser Grasps, just the orginal ones. Not all the new ones that spawn.
Hanso tells you to speak to Captain Rujiyo next.
New Missions (Captain Rujiyou):
The following is all the information we currently have available on the new missions. There is also in this discussion thread more information.
Do these missions keep switching?
It seems the missions switch appox every 4 hours - GuildWiki
New Mission is available - The Shing Jea Monastery (Defence Mission)
It seems at the moment these two new missions keep switching between each other depending on which one you have last completed successfully. However it has been reported that sometimes another NPC called Imperial Guard Musashi will run in and talk to Captain Rujiyou, who will forcefully change the current mission. Here is a screenshot of what they said:
Missions Changed to: Haiju Lagoon
Mission changed to: Tsumei Village
Mission changed to: Defend Tsumei Village
Mission changed to: Defend Seitung Harbor
Mission changed to: Defend The Shing Jea Monastery
WhiteZombie in this thread had some information on the change of the missions:
Originally Posted by WhiteZombie
there was a cool little transition lore when the missions switched over. a guard ran up to rujiyo and they had a huge conversation about the enemy pushing forward into jaya bluffs and that the mainland reinforcements hadnt arrived, speculation that the celestial ministry were behind the delay with their 'paperwork', and appealed for more mercenaries to be sent out to jaya bluffs to investigate.
obviousely, its gonna push forward more. i just hope the last one has something worthwhile ^^ |
- Press U to see a map of the areas along with all the location of the rifts. Red flags are open rifts, blue ones are closed ones.
- Rifts can be reopened by patrolling mob groups, so make sure all surrounding monsters.
- Ectos can drop on these missions from some of the monsters like the Banished Dream Rider
A Chaos Rift in the Jaya Buffs with Monsters defending it - GuildWiki Image
The following Monsters are found in this mission:
- Level 28 - Banished Dream Rider
- Level 30 - Chaos Wurm (Currently only in Tsumei Village Mission)
- Level 28 - Grasp of Insanity
- Level 24 - Scythe of Chaos
- Level 28 - Terrorweb Dryder
- Level 28 - Torment Claw (New Monster Type)
- Level 28 - Wrathful Storm
A Torment Claw waits for its next victim - GuildWiki Image
- 1. Haiju Lagoon Rifts
(Reward 50 Jade Wind Orbs)
Captain Rujiyou has now appeared in the Shing Jea Monastery. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Haiju Lagoon.
You must destroy 8 of the chaos rifts in Haiju Lagoon. Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Torment Claws, Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
The Rifts can be taken out by "Capturing them" the same way you do for command points in Alliance Battles. Keep in mind this does mean that even if you close a rift and a group of mobs come near it, they can capture it back and reopen it. So make sure all mobs that go near any rifts are dead.
Thanks to GuildWiki for image - 2. Jaya Bluffs Rifts
(Reward 50 Jade Wind Orbs)
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Jaya Bluffs.
You must destroy 8 of the chaos rifts in Jaya Bluffs. Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Torment Claws, Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
The Rifts can be taken out by "Capturing them" the same way you do for command points in Alliance Battles. Keep in mind this does mean that even if you close a rift and a group of mobs come near it, they can capture it back and reopen it. So make sure all mobs that go near any rifts are dead.
Thanks to GuildWiki for image - 3. Tsumei Village Battle
(Reward 75 Jade Wind Orbs)
You will encounter Chaos Wurms on this mission.
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Tsumei village.
NPC Dialogue:
The mission objective is to wipe out the enemy forces occupying Tsumei Village. There is 40 out of 40 enemies which you need to kill, ranging from a number of Monsters types, as found in other mini-missions.
Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Torment Claws, Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
Very easy mission, takes only 10-15 mins to do. Beware... when you spawn in your are attacked by a group of 4 Banished Dream Riders.
- 4. Seitung Harbor Battle
You will encounter Chaos Wurms on this mission.
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Seitung Harbor.
NPC Dialogue:
The mission objective is to wipe out the enemy forces occupying Seitung Harbor. There is 40 out of 40 enemies which you need to kill, ranging from a number of Monsters types, as found in other missions.
Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Torment Claws, Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
- 5. Defend Tsumei Village
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Tsumei Village.
NPC Dialogue:
The mission objective is defend Tsumei Village. There are 9 out of 9 waves of mobs coming towards the village and you have to defend Tsumei Village instead of taking out mobs that are already running around.
There are 4 rifts which the mobs come out from, they cannot be closed however. They function as spawn points only - Confirmed as image below shows:
Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
- 6. Defend Seitung Harbor
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Seitung Harbor.
NPC Dialogue:
The mission objective is defend Seitung Harbor. There are 9 out of 9 waves of mobs coming towards the village and you have to defend Seitung Harbor instead of taking out mobs that are already running around.
Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
- 7. Defend the Shing Jea Monastery
Speak with Captain Rujiyou in the Shing Jea Monastery central courtyard. You do not have to have completed any other quests to speak with him. He will send you (And your other party members) to the Shing Jea Monastery.
NPC Dialogue:
The mission objective is defend the Shing Jea Monastery. There are 4 chaos rifts which must be closed simultaneously. This means you have to kill all spawned mobs and then have each party member close a rift each at the same time.
Monsters consist of level 28 creatures such as: Banished Dream Riders, Grasps of Insanity, Scythes of Chaos (Level 24), Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms.
Beware of Terrorweb Dryders and Wraithful Storms, they are Elementalists which use Fire Storm and Meteor Storm, don't get nuked.
New NPCs:
Acolyte Norge:
You can find this new NPC near the storage in Shing Jea Monastery. He has the following to say:

Master of Ceremonies:
This new NPC can be found in the main courtyard of the Shing Jea Monastery, near the stairs where all the Headmasters are. He has the following to say:
List of known scams which have popped up since the event started:
The Festival Prizes Scam:
Here's a heads up.
People are already trying to sell bulk Festival Prizes, saying that each opening gives you a chance at 1k. Please be aware there is a chance you may get 1K of gold from a Festival Prizes. As showed by a sample of prizes done by GuildWiki:
Prize odds per present (over a 1,000 present sample):
- 4.8% chance 1000 gold
- 39.9% chance 5 Jade Wind Orbs
- 26.8% chance Bottle of Rice Wine
- 28.5% chance Red Bean Cake.
Note that the chance of getting 1K gold is very low!
Also note that not matter what people say, Festival Prizes don't contain Minipets!
There is in fact you see a means of determining which prizes will yield 1k before opening it. Thus scammers have been keeping these ones for themselves and filter those out from the rest. I have reason to believe that there are some sellers (at least 2 to my knowledge) who are doing this, and selling off only the rest. (No names will be given)
Details of how this is done will not be provided, but it is easy to figure out.
In anycase once you have these gifts left you can sell them to others, who will be thinking they have an equal chance as everyone else of getting gold out of them, when in fact they all have itmes (bean cakse, orbs, or wine).
Again, this is not a bug, it's just the way it works. It's pretty lame to do it, but its a side-effect of having the items in the gifts pre-determined as opposed to being determined upon opening.
I recommend not buying gifts from anyone! Buy the prizes out of the boxes if you really want them!
And remember, don't get scammed!
List of known bugs since the event was patched in. This doesn't include existing bugs from earlier patches:
Deletion of Pets (FIXED)
During the start of the event, entering the Dragon Arena with Charm Animal deleted your pet. The bug was fixed but restoration of your pet is not possible.
Gaile Gray - We are very sorry for the deletion of the pets during the few minutes -- yes minutes -- that that bug existed. I reported it to Mike O'Brien on a phone call about another issue, and before I could blink an eye, he had confimed it, and the programmers had checked in and rolled out a fix. As a Ranger myself, I know that's a real "ouch" and I personally feel your pain. But as a Ranger, I know that the leveling process is very rapid, and I encourage you to not despair but to charm a new pet and have him/her at your side, in fighting form, in a short while. Again, we're very sorry about those pet losses. |
Ranger's Faces Switching (FIXED)
Reported by several people now, Ranger's faces are changing to different faces permanently when switching headgear. There was a bug which changes two of the Ranger faces around. This has now been fixed and all faces have been restored. Gaile Gray posted this statement:
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
This should be corrected now. You are absolutely correct: Two of the male Ranger faces were somehow swapped in a recent update. But as we say, we read the forums every day, and we learned of the problem from you and took steps to amend it.
If you don't see a fix now, you should see one very shortly. |
Ranger Scout's Armor Issue (KNOWN TO A.NET - NOT FIXED YET)
A few people have reported that the Ranger Scout's Armor has an issue with the armor armount on it.

Its supposed to say Armour +10 (While using preparation). But according to this, its unconidtional. The downside, however, is that the +10 armour has absolutely no effect when im using a preparation and no effect.
All other Ranger armors appear to be working fine. There is a discussion thread on this already:
I have an update for support:
Thanks for contacting the Guild Wars customer support team. We always appreciate hearing from our players. The problem you have reported is a known issue and the development team is already working on an appropriate solution. However, we are going to forward your enquiry to our QA department in order to provide the development team with as much information as possible. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding, as well as your interest in helping to improve Guild Wars. Please feel free to contact the support team again if you encounter any other problems. |
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