Guild Shields
Maybe this would work if you baught it as a max armour req Strength or tactics, (you choose, but high) and they made it so you can get addons for shields, this way your not getting an amazing shield at a really early stage, but have to piece it together, and of course once you have baught it it would be customized to you.
I like this idea, but yes, casters are excluded a bit, so maybe include focci, but then what would rangers get? a cape for their pets!? lol
/signed just as like you said Guild Wars should be more about the guilds.
I like this idea, but yes, casters are excluded a bit, so maybe include focci, but then what would rangers get? a cape for their pets!? lol
/signed just as like you said Guild Wars should be more about the guilds.
Dana Hawkeye
I love the idea. /signed
For non-shield carrying classes, what about a Gorget that hangs around the neck on a chain or some sort of Baton like what Field Marshalls/Generals carry, or even a waist worn Guild sash, like a cumerbund. For Rangers, they could have Guild emblased quivers.
For non-shield carrying classes, what about a Gorget that hangs around the neck on a chain or some sort of Baton like what Field Marshalls/Generals carry, or even a waist worn Guild sash, like a cumerbund. For Rangers, they could have Guild emblased quivers.
Anarion Silverhand
hmm a banner to put on staffs would be nice. Not a mod, but something purely visual. It would so rock.
That would be awesome!
Originally Posted by mega_jamie
Maybe this would work if you baught it as a max armour req Strength or tactics, (you choose, but high) and they made it so you can get addons for shields, this way your not getting an amazing shield at a really early stage, but have to piece it together, and of course once you have baught it it would be customized to you.
I like this idea, but yes, casters are excluded a bit, so maybe include focci, but then what would rangers get? a cape for their pets!? lol /signed just as like you said Guild Wars should be more about the guilds. |
They should add things like normal guild shields for warriors, magical see through sheilds for non-warriors, badges, banners, little patches that go on the armor and possibly more (if anyone can think of more). You should have to buy all of these (including the capes, they shouldn't be for free as non of the other things seem like the would be. Now if everything else is free then I'd say capes are also free

I'm thinking like a guild flag thing that officers can hold in outposts and town, not really a weapon and its not avalible in battle.
danish duke
Living Legend
Seriously I think its a really neat idea!
/Zsigned again
Seriously I think its a really neat idea!
/Zsigned again
Guildmaster Cain
Guild Emblased Quivers is a nice addition to the list I think. Maybe something similar for assasins. Hammerwarriors can put a shield on their back. And Bowrangers a Quiver of Arrows on their back.
Divine Fragrance
Guildmaster Cain
I'm gonna be away for 3 weeks, so I hope this post will not end up at the bottom of some pile of dung.
What about Guild Issued, armor +weaponry, although the storage thing is a problem. Why not Anet make a set of "Guild" armour for every profession, and it will be accessible on the tab like the one that lets you choose for the helmet "hide in towns and out posts, always hide etc" it will take the stats of the armour u are wearing, but appear as the armor of your guild's colour scheme and emblem.
Not sure bout weaponry, but the armour should do well.
and /signed to the different cape types, like shoulder and thing.
Not sure bout weaponry, but the armour should do well.
and /signed to the different cape types, like shoulder and thing.
The Hand Of Death
Casters can have some kind of shield looking item that adds to energy instead of armor.
I bet an emblem would be able to be put onto one of those fans that added to energy, ritualists can maybe have that pot ect..
Casters can have some kind of shield looking item that adds to energy instead of armor.
I bet an emblem would be able to be put onto one of those fans that added to energy, ritualists can maybe have that pot ect..
/signed for what the idea is asking for, generally.
though i would agree with some other people, and go as far as, all classes should have either their own way of wearing a "cape" or guild emblem or. having multiple options for wearing a "cape" or guild emblem. whether that be a cape on shoulder, on back like now, around waist and hanging like on an assassin for example. etc.
im sure they can do it, if u look closely alot of their ways of making things look good is very impressive, only in few places do u see a wind blow on your cape while in an outpost (why i dont know) but it moves so freely its truely believable to say its real cloth. thats my take on it.
anyway if u ever seen an assassin run with his cape, it looks so fake lol... its hanging off of him as if he wasnt even moving the whole time. could use some updating :P
though i would agree with some other people, and go as far as, all classes should have either their own way of wearing a "cape" or guild emblem or. having multiple options for wearing a "cape" or guild emblem. whether that be a cape on shoulder, on back like now, around waist and hanging like on an assassin for example. etc.
im sure they can do it, if u look closely alot of their ways of making things look good is very impressive, only in few places do u see a wind blow on your cape while in an outpost (why i dont know) but it moves so freely its truely believable to say its real cloth. thats my take on it.
anyway if u ever seen an assassin run with his cape, it looks so fake lol... its hanging off of him as if he wasnt even moving the whole time. could use some updating :P
I thought that great idea for the guild banners is if they give bonuses when you drop them, just like the sceptre of orr etc. And you can buy banners with their price reflecting the effects they have. Each guild is allowed one banner, and you'd have a stand to put it on in your guild hall for when your not using it.
I thought that great idea for the guild banners is if they give bonuses when you drop them, just like the sceptre of orr etc. And you can buy banners with their price reflecting the effects they have. Each guild is allowed one banner, and you'd have a stand to put it on in your guild hall for when your not using it.
This idea of implementing guild emblems on other forms than the cape has been brough up before and widely supported but i think the main problem lies in other than the warrior class, implementation on armour/items for rest of the classes are diffcult for ascetic reasons and Anet dont want to be percieved as being over favoring one class vs the others. Which is the reason why we have the current cape system and the "nappie drool neck hankie" in the betaweekends X_X before official release.
Potential solution would be to involve this concept in the design of new armour for C3 where alternative forms of Guild emblem can be incorporated either in the armour, weapons, Definately shields, banners(new class type) and this is definetly a very interesting idea and warrants further thoughs and hopefully implementation.
Potential solution would be to involve this concept in the design of new armour for C3 where alternative forms of Guild emblem can be incorporated either in the armour, weapons, Definately shields, banners(new class type) and this is definetly a very interesting idea and warrants further thoughs and hopefully implementation.
Guildmaster Cain
Lets just hope the GW design team shows some creativity to overcome the astetic issues. I wonder when they realize that the cape system is already something that is favoring warrior classes above othe classes, since warriorclass is about the only class the cape (usually) looks good). That is why we need more options to choose a way to show our guild-allegiance.
Li Tian
what a great idea, important that non wars have an option though - maybe a guild emote - different from rank emotes, blue or something...or an aura - but definetely need more buy in from members
what a great idea, important that non wars have an option though - maybe a guild emote - different from rank emotes, blue or something...or an aura - but definetely need more buy in from members
Guildmaster Cain
Guild Emotes sound like a good idea, another thing that makes us feel part of the guild.
Knight Othin Of War
Nice Idea, it would make Guilds more recogniseable
I love the idea, but I might have a suggestion for it, that might actually work well with guild storage.
Why not having like, a blacksmith or something, that takes an item that you already have, and customizes it for the guild.
So, you bring your crimson carapace shield, bring it to the blacksmith, and he reshapes it to your guild shield, and sticks your emblem on it, and it can be done with all shields, so it will not screw up the green/gold market.
the same thing should be done with focii. You bring your offhand to the smith, and he reworks it so that it has the same stats, but just your guild skin.
I was saying that it could work with guild storage, because it can be 'customized for (guild name)'. Not only would that give a more noticible guild symbol, it also makes it impractical for someone to join a guild, clear out the storage and sell the stuff, because no one else could use it.
I love the idea, but I might have a suggestion for it, that might actually work well with guild storage.
Why not having like, a blacksmith or something, that takes an item that you already have, and customizes it for the guild.
So, you bring your crimson carapace shield, bring it to the blacksmith, and he reshapes it to your guild shield, and sticks your emblem on it, and it can be done with all shields, so it will not screw up the green/gold market.
the same thing should be done with focii. You bring your offhand to the smith, and he reworks it so that it has the same stats, but just your guild skin.
I was saying that it could work with guild storage, because it can be 'customized for (guild name)'. Not only would that give a more noticible guild symbol, it also makes it impractical for someone to join a guild, clear out the storage and sell the stuff, because no one else could use it.
Originally Posted by siddy
I love the idea, but I might have a suggestion for it, that might actually work well with guild storage. Why not having like, a blacksmith or something, that takes an item that you already have, and customizes it for the guild. So, you bring your crimson carapace shield, bring it to the blacksmith, and he reshapes it to your guild shield, and sticks your emblem on it, and it can be done with all shields, so it will not screw up the green/gold market. the same thing should be done with focii. You bring your offhand to the smith, and he reworks it so that it has the same stats, but just your guild skin. I was saying that it could work with guild storage, because it can be 'customized for (guild name)'. Not only would that give a more noticible guild symbol, it also makes it impractical for someone to join a guild, clear out the storage and sell the stuff, because no one else could use it. |
Kit Engel
This is a neat idea. Like above, I think the idea of an NPC that changes an existing item you have to the "guild look" would be appropriate. Maybe for free or for a nominal fee.
So put me down for it. ^_^
So put me down for it. ^_^
How about this:
To perevent balance issues from occuring, just make it so instead of giving a guild member a new shield, "convert" a sheild of their choice that they have in their inventory into a guild shield with the exact same stats, and customized. If someone converts a sheild, it should not be possible to convert it back. To give an item to casters, give them what looks sortof like the earth elementalist scroll, but with the color scheme of the guild.
To perevent balance issues from occuring, just make it so instead of giving a guild member a new shield, "convert" a sheild of their choice that they have in their inventory into a guild shield with the exact same stats, and customized. If someone converts a sheild, it should not be possible to convert it back. To give an item to casters, give them what looks sortof like the earth elementalist scroll, but with the color scheme of the guild.
This is intriguing, it took a long time to get the design of my cape, it'd be cool to see it in other forms.
This is intriguing, it took a long time to get the design of my cape, it'd be cool to see it in other forms.
Steps Ascending
To simplified things, what about just make that the skin completely erase the one of your sheild/off-hand/staff/whatever. that way you could keep your equipment while having the identification.
To simplified things, what about just make that the skin completely erase the one of your sheild/off-hand/staff/whatever. that way you could keep your equipment while having the identification.
Dirty Sticks
My cape looks stupid on my war...i'd much rather a shield on my back or carrying it around..that'd look bad a**
Another idea to throw in (forgive if it's there already); tatoos on the arms, chest, belly or lower back of your guild symbol... somewhere you can pick and choose (since some armor leaves areas uncovered.
Sli Ander
/signed for overall concept
Yes, I like the idea of something other than the cape, but this does seem a bit focused on the Warriors. While I think it would be cool to see some have badges, and some have shields, etc. because you could distinguish each class, I think the best idea would find an item that everybody (whatever the class)could all look the same in, to replace the cape.
Also I think the best Idea here is for the officers to get a banner(maybe mark it differently to distinguish between officers/guild leader, or allow the silver/gold lining if your guild won them) so that you can use them if you're recruiting. Just cause it would be cool.
Yes, I like the idea of something other than the cape, but this does seem a bit focused on the Warriors. While I think it would be cool to see some have badges, and some have shields, etc. because you could distinguish each class, I think the best idea would find an item that everybody (whatever the class)could all look the same in, to replace the cape.
Also I think the best Idea here is for the officers to get a banner(maybe mark it differently to distinguish between officers/guild leader, or allow the silver/gold lining if your guild won them) so that you can use them if you're recruiting. Just cause it would be cool.
Fearful Bab3
But it will be in there name so you cann't sell, And you can only use in AB and GvG
But it will be in there name so you cann't sell, And you can only use in AB and GvG
Mr. G
What ive always wanted to see is some sort of rank thing going on (and not HA rank), how about:
just normal gear (and some of the stuff above of course)
Epaulettes above their capes (the old fashion ones)...In case your not sure what im on about its the shoulder things on these lego men (lol lego)
Guild Leader:
The Epaulettes and perhaps a laurel crown thing although it would look terrible on warriors with helms
Another point to this is that perhaps the added effects could change colour depending on certain things, the Shoulder things could depend on amount of members recruited
Green - none
Blue - 1-10
Red - 11-20
Imperial Purple - 21-30
Silver (or White)- 31-40
Gold - 41-50
black? (would look kinda dull though) - 51>
and for the laurels it could depend on the amount of members in the guild
Grey - <10
Dark Green - 11-30
Light green -31-60
Bronze/copper - 61-90
Silver -91-120
Gold - 121-149
Radient -(Possibly Bright gold that glows slightly or something equally impressive, to really seperate you from the crowd)
I want this - Id be on my Purple Epaulettes by now, combined with the above idea it could really give a guild sense of unity, imagine a GvG Battle where there are a group of warriors fighting in matching "uniforms" with matching shields, while 2 Rangers with Crested Quivers and Silver Epaulettes fire arrows into the fray - While this is going on a Ele is casting deadly spells and directing the battle with a Field marshels crop, Golden Epaulettes moving as they float into the air radiating with golden power from there lourel....
Not THAT is a GvG battle....
just normal gear (and some of the stuff above of course)
Epaulettes above their capes (the old fashion ones)...In case your not sure what im on about its the shoulder things on these lego men (lol lego)
Guild Leader:
The Epaulettes and perhaps a laurel crown thing although it would look terrible on warriors with helms
Another point to this is that perhaps the added effects could change colour depending on certain things, the Shoulder things could depend on amount of members recruited
Green - none
Blue - 1-10
Red - 11-20
Imperial Purple - 21-30
Silver (or White)- 31-40
Gold - 41-50
black? (would look kinda dull though) - 51>
and for the laurels it could depend on the amount of members in the guild
Grey - <10
Dark Green - 11-30
Light green -31-60
Bronze/copper - 61-90
Silver -91-120
Gold - 121-149
Radient -(Possibly Bright gold that glows slightly or something equally impressive, to really seperate you from the crowd)
I want this - Id be on my Purple Epaulettes by now, combined with the above idea it could really give a guild sense of unity, imagine a GvG Battle where there are a group of warriors fighting in matching "uniforms" with matching shields, while 2 Rangers with Crested Quivers and Silver Epaulettes fire arrows into the fray - While this is going on a Ele is casting deadly spells and directing the battle with a Field marshels crop, Golden Epaulettes moving as they float into the air radiating with golden power from there lourel....
Not THAT is a GvG battle....
I consider this to be a marvelous idea, and would love to see it happen.
However, I feel I must simply also state that it's rather unlikely to occur, given the amount of work that would have to go into it. The simple 2-dimensional, swap-stuff-in-and-out mechanism of the Guild Emblemer isn't something that carries over easily to 3-D objects, such as Staves, Shields, etc. To have something that looked truly unique, you'd either have to have something that looks about as fancy as a Guild Cape (and that comes in something quite as flat on at least one side of it), or have them custom-create something (which is unlikely to happen unless some kind of monetary contribution comes into play, or your guild wins a big fat competition, or something). And the Symbols--good luck with that. How in the world are they going to create a whole bunch of different objects that look different enough to differentiate those of one Guild from another? All of the objects are inherently small (I mean, yeah, beersteins can get kinda big sometimes, but not -that- big...), being offhands and all, and that would be a major headache to work out--far more complicated than instituting a Guild Shield or Banner Staff, for sure.
However, I think the following might be cool: suppose a certain list of criteria were made up (that is, minimum Guild size, posession of a Guild Hall, Rating, Faction, or any combination of those and other things), that would classify a Guild as an "Established Guild." That is--one that isn't likely to fade away any time soon. Suppose then that the Guild Leader of any Established Guild could commission construction of a custom Guild Symbol object (via the PlayNC in-game store, for instance) for real money. This would ensure that each Guild Symbol was made for a Guild that was going to use it and was serious about the whole business, and at the same time the graphical designers would be compensated. I think that would be something that would be far more likely to occur, and would ensure that a bajillion new in-game objects wouldn't be created and never used (because some turned out not to be popular, just like many Emblem designs). What say you?
However, I feel I must simply also state that it's rather unlikely to occur, given the amount of work that would have to go into it. The simple 2-dimensional, swap-stuff-in-and-out mechanism of the Guild Emblemer isn't something that carries over easily to 3-D objects, such as Staves, Shields, etc. To have something that looked truly unique, you'd either have to have something that looks about as fancy as a Guild Cape (and that comes in something quite as flat on at least one side of it), or have them custom-create something (which is unlikely to happen unless some kind of monetary contribution comes into play, or your guild wins a big fat competition, or something). And the Symbols--good luck with that. How in the world are they going to create a whole bunch of different objects that look different enough to differentiate those of one Guild from another? All of the objects are inherently small (I mean, yeah, beersteins can get kinda big sometimes, but not -that- big...), being offhands and all, and that would be a major headache to work out--far more complicated than instituting a Guild Shield or Banner Staff, for sure.
However, I think the following might be cool: suppose a certain list of criteria were made up (that is, minimum Guild size, posession of a Guild Hall, Rating, Faction, or any combination of those and other things), that would classify a Guild as an "Established Guild." That is--one that isn't likely to fade away any time soon. Suppose then that the Guild Leader of any Established Guild could commission construction of a custom Guild Symbol object (via the PlayNC in-game store, for instance) for real money. This would ensure that each Guild Symbol was made for a Guild that was going to use it and was serious about the whole business, and at the same time the graphical designers would be compensated. I think that would be something that would be far more likely to occur, and would ensure that a bajillion new in-game objects wouldn't be created and never used (because some turned out not to be popular, just like many Emblem designs). What say you?
Your name is already tagged with your guild. When I PUG around I do check out guild tags to see if it's from a guild I recognize.
Plus, not everyone has a warrior.
/not signed
Plus, not everyone has a warrior.
/not signed
/signed with my customised guild logo'd pen
Guildmaster Cain
Originally Posted by Esprit
Your name is already tagged with your guild. When I PUG around I do check out guild tags to see if it's from a guild I recognize.
Plus, not everyone has a warrior. /not signed |
And guild shields wont help making guilds more noticable for PUGs, its just a money sink in the end and wont add any 'real' value to the game, and it shouldnt. For instance Fissure armor isnt any better then any other armor, and often even doesnt LOOK better. Guild related items are there to widen the selection of things that make characters look better, for a price ofc.
About the tatoos, nice idea and i dont think I've read that before. If I have time in the coming weeks (aka bored at school), ill try to update the first post and let u guys know.
Anyway, any form of critisism is appreciated here, positive or negative. I do realize that IF Anet is willing to implement some of these ideas, they will not copy it in any way from this concept. Probably they tweak and turn the idea in something that is plausible to their own.
I just hope that people help me with creating ideas to make guilds more distiguishable and support the idea.
Let Anet know we want the GUILD back in G-Wars!!
Alotia Slipfeet
/signed perhaps for ranger instead of the sash or whatever have a quiver?
I like the idea in general but there should be something for every profession, something that wouldn't be too dorky to use. Shields are easy and obvious, other professions may be a little more of a challenge to provide for.
I like the idea in general but there should be something for every profession, something that wouldn't be too dorky to use. Shields are easy and obvious, other professions may be a little more of a challenge to provide for.