1 - I don't really mind either way, but PLEASE Anet, be more clear about it than last time - in my opinion, along with a lot of others, "The conclusion of the Dragon Festival will be marked with surprises true Canthans won't want to miss." implies that something will be happening at the very end. Also, if the 'final day' is supposed to start at 7 GMT (3 AM EDT, 12 AM PDT), it is natural for a lot of us to suggest that we would be able to start trading in our orbs at that point - there was no mention that it'd be another hour or 2 before the guy first came. On the west coast this might not be a problem, but please think of us on the east coast, who want to be able to be one of the first to get our masks, without having to stay up til 4 or 5 in the morning.
2. The dodgeball game was fun, it was a great idea and people loved it. I was personally terrible at the whack a worm game, but it was also a very good idea. I always prefer games of skill to games of chance, so I didn't really play the games of chance much. I also don't really like how the titles based on those games were basically a direct result of: how long you could keep GW minimized and stay 'afk', and how many stacks of 250 tickets you could buy to keep the game going. A whack-a-worm or dodgeball title would have been nice.
3. I was able to complete the 2nd set of captain missions, they seemed easier than the first set. The first set we were not able to complete, but I really enjoy hard content (like the elite missions) and it was awesome having a true challenge - I wouldn't suggest making them easier, I think the difficulty levels were great.
4. I didn't make it a priority to catch as many drops as I could, but it was certainly possible to, no complaints there.
5. I probably liked the Captain missions the best....I love PvE based gameplay, and honestly, the Captain missions were exactly what I hoped for. The drops could have been better, as could the reward, but regardless, the missions were awesome, albeit a little repetitive.
Least liked was the timings and confusion of everything, as stated above. The first day of the event was kind of slow, but in the end I feel that it all came together.
Oh, and it was awesome being able to farm orbs a day early, and sell 88 for 44k right before the first update came out
Thanks for everything, and I hope I was able to help.