Can you beat this salvage? (You must post a screenshot)
Here's a pic of me getting an insane salvage from a "Highly salvagable" item:
Anybody seen any like this?
Anybody seen any like this?
Just a shame granite slabs are near worthless crap.
if it were charcoal or steel that would be nuts, good salvage, crappy item
Originally Posted by PieXags
Just a shame granite slabs are near worthless crap.
Agreed. It is a pretty good salvage though.
Red Locust
They're useful for 15k monk armor I think.
But that's a pretty good salvage. I've gotten 40 wood, 40 something granite, once even 5 steel. But 61 is a new one for me
But that's a pretty good salvage. I've gotten 40 wood, 40 something granite, once even 5 steel. But 61 is a new one for me
well ive never salvaged that much before, but ive picked up like 86 piles of gliting dust before... good work on the salvage
the sad thing is that the Iron is prolly worth about double what the granite is worth
I've got similar salvages. On a side note one time I picked up a stack of 7 somethings that were worth roughly 100 gold each. Made a pretty penny. Don't remember the exact item or location though
That granite will get you what, 183 gold? I've gotten a couple steel before, so that tops yours. :-D But really, that's awesome. 61 of anything is really cool.
*is waiting for that 61 ectoplasm salvage*
Mario 64 Master
I think my personal record is 59 wood planks... got that a while ago.
I got 65 wood planks from a staff before... that was insane.
I've also gotten 5 steel from a sword, I think.
I've also gotten 5 steel from a sword, I think.
What salvage kit did you use, regular or expert?
61 slabs are worth about 180 gold though.... not bad in that perspective.
I picked up a highly salvagable staff or something that was worth around 110g, I got 66 bones from it.
Algren Cole
maybe A.Net is changing the salvaging system...this is the second thread today with a godly number salvaged from a single item..
to bad its not steel
My best salvage was 12 steel from a wingblade sword. Still waiting for that to happen again...
Highest I ever got was in about the 40's. I'm happy if its in the 20's though. I'm a raw material packrat.
Ilya Khan
Yup, I picked up 6 steel from a salvage of, I beleive, a purple longsword? Maybe it was a defender.
Highest rare material salvage has been 3 steel ingots from an item I don't recall.
Highest regular material salvage has been in the 30's of wood planks from a bow.
Highest regular material salvage has been in the 30's of wood planks from a bow.
Originally Posted by Tuna
I've got similar salvages. On a side note one time I picked up a stack of 7 somethings that were worth roughly 100 gold each. Made a pretty penny. Don't remember the exact item or location though
wait, i could swear ive seen your name before. Wasnt it at elona or thirsty river or dunes and you picked up 7 montrous claws? There was a guy in my party, im pretty sure his name was tuna something
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by PieXags
Just a shame granite slabs are near worthless crap.
granite slabs are needed for some elementalist' armor.
Quite usefull at times
Quite usefull at times
heh, i've gotten 70 granite slabs from a highly savagable healing anhk while in UW during a smite run. that was pretty funny
4 rolls of parchment was my best Rare Salvage! heheh!! think I picked up 22 bones as best as well...
61 granite from a healing ankh?! Man I'd hate to be the monk carrying that thing around.
I was just gonna mention how heavy it must've been. I mean, "Granite Slab" sure doesn't sound light by any means. And you're carrying 71 of them? In your left hand? Sheez!
Originally Posted by Diomedes
I'm guessing you got it pre-yak's bend. I've noticed that anything before yaks pretty much salvages for 1 item unless it's highly in which case you get 2.
-Diomedes Found it outside of grendich courhouse, post-searing so you're right Still... the staff would have sold for more.
-Diomedes Found it outside of grendich courhouse, post-searing so you're right Still... the staff would have sold for more.
Mmmm... granite slabs....
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers!
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers!
I once salvaged 13 steel ingots from one buckler... it's a bit of a mystery since the buckler picture looked like it was made of wood...
Originally Posted by Zelc
Mmmm... granite slabs....
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers! Now are you rebuilding the wall or are you building a new and improved one? In which case i think you are going to need 25,000,000 wood planks and steel ingots.
WTB 25,000,000 granite slabs to fix the Great Northern Wall! PST With Offers! Now are you rebuilding the wall or are you building a new and improved one? In which case i think you are going to need 25,000,000 wood planks and steel ingots.
Salvaged 21 Rolls of Parchment from some item before. My best salvage yet.
Originally Posted by Phades
Now are you rebuilding the wall or are you building a new and improved one? In which case i think you are going to need 25,000,000 wood planks and steel ingots.
Rebuilding. Granite slabs are cheap, wood planks and steel ingots aren't
Divinitys Creature
Granite slabs were good for crafting skill charms back in the day, but since you can't do that anymore, just sell them with a bunch of other stuff. When I have too many materials I just sell all of it in one go at 10 per or cheaper and only in a single load. Means I get rid of everything.
Did anyone else notice that if you get a normal item, or a highly salvagable item from say ascalon, and you use an expert salvage kit on it, you get less then you would from a normal salvage kit? Test it out yourself.
WOW, must have been a heavy healing ankh! Poor monks, lol.
My best salvage was a superior rune of fire magic but that's kinda cheating the topic.
Wood planks in the 30's is my best i think.
My best salvage was a superior rune of fire magic but that's kinda cheating the topic.
Wood planks in the 30's is my best i think.
Originally Posted by KuTeBaka
wait, i could swear ive seen your name before. Wasnt it at elona or thirsty river or dunes and you picked up 7 montrous claws? There was a guy in my party, im pretty sure his name was tuna something
Entirley possible, as all my characters have Tuna in them
I think my best rare material salvage was 3 steel from some sword. On a related note, anybody notice the high salvage rate from the stuff dropped in Fissure? Stuff like Dark Remains, Umbral Skeletal Limbs, and several others, which have no apparent use other than to sell/salvage. I've always gotten between 12-20 of each material from each item salvaged, which is pretty nice methinks. Of course, it's probably better to just sell them to the merchant for the 60 gold each, eh? (Depends on what you get from them I suppose...)
best salvage I got was 2 bolts of linen from salvaging a web with an expert salvage kit. But I did get a 20 bone drop once near Riverside Province.