N00b Stories
Man With No Name
I don't know where to start....it's not really a story, just more of a list :P
Let's start with the stupidity of random arena and team arena:
- W/Mo's with Mending, Deadly Riposte and Riposte actually participating in PvP -- they actually zealously believe that 6 life per second will save them oO
- Anything W/R
- Warriors that target the other warriors first ( there are exceptions to this )
- Warriors that use any armor apart from Gladiators + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
- People that can't follow a target call
- Necro's with the "1337" Life Transfer (E) and anything N/W
- Necro's that think stacking Life Degen is the best way to play -- rather than drop curses like SoF and Enfeeble
- IW mesmers
- Mesmers with Conjure Phantasm and/or Mind Wrack
- Dare I say it -- Fragility mesmers... :x
- People that actually stand in the Smiting AoE
- Elementalists that bring Fire AoE spells to PvP -- and worse people that stand in Meteor Storm...
- Monks that cast Life Bond on the rest of the team -- even though they'll be targetted first.... ( much better IMO to have a W/Mo put it on the Monk )
- Monks that think PvP functions like PvE -- they don't bring stances or other defensive buffs against melee
- Rangers without interupts and snares :X
- R/W Hammer users
As far as missions go I've been fairly lucky with only a few minor annoyances, seeing as I tend to use mostly henchies:
- People that talk to Rastigan The Eternal on first entering FoW....
- Frontline characters that talk to King Ironhammer first in Thunderhead Keep -- when someone standing in the backlines should -- since he follows that player...
- The "Tank Elementalists"
That's enough, for now >)
Let's start with the stupidity of random arena and team arena:
- W/Mo's with Mending, Deadly Riposte and Riposte actually participating in PvP -- they actually zealously believe that 6 life per second will save them oO
- Anything W/R
- Warriors that target the other warriors first ( there are exceptions to this )
- Warriors that use any armor apart from Gladiators + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
- People that can't follow a target call
- Necro's with the "1337" Life Transfer (E) and anything N/W
- Necro's that think stacking Life Degen is the best way to play -- rather than drop curses like SoF and Enfeeble
- IW mesmers
- Mesmers with Conjure Phantasm and/or Mind Wrack
- Dare I say it -- Fragility mesmers... :x
- People that actually stand in the Smiting AoE
- Elementalists that bring Fire AoE spells to PvP -- and worse people that stand in Meteor Storm...
- Monks that cast Life Bond on the rest of the team -- even though they'll be targetted first.... ( much better IMO to have a W/Mo put it on the Monk )
- Monks that think PvP functions like PvE -- they don't bring stances or other defensive buffs against melee
- Rangers without interupts and snares :X
- R/W Hammer users
As far as missions go I've been fairly lucky with only a few minor annoyances, seeing as I tend to use mostly henchies:
- People that talk to Rastigan The Eternal on first entering FoW....
- Frontline characters that talk to King Ironhammer first in Thunderhead Keep -- when someone standing in the backlines should -- since he follows that player...
- The "Tank Elementalists"
That's enough, for now >)
I always laugh when I see messages like "starting group for the wilds mission, levels 18+ only", or something like that. If I am forced into doing a mission that requires human players (I prefer hench), like Thirsty River, I will look for players who aren't level 20. Generally, those are the ones who have been through the game multiple times and know what they are doing, plus have been run to Droknars and have drok's armor.
Sometimes I like to do missions with my monk just to use unyielding aura on some 12 year old with ADD. If he keeps yelling "WTF HEAL", I'll just double click on my enchant, tee hee.
Sometimes I like to do missions with my monk just to use unyielding aura on some 12 year old with ADD. If he keeps yelling "WTF HEAL", I'll just double click on my enchant, tee hee.
Lol, another funny story.
I was playing with my guildies, and we were trying 2 get 2 the ToA, and I ended up getting there with my N/Me lvl 15 b4 the W/Mo got there, and he was 20, and also, all the other charecters died b4 I did, so I had to run them.
I was playing with my guildies, and we were trying 2 get 2 the ToA, and I ended up getting there with my N/Me lvl 15 b4 the W/Mo got there, and he was 20, and also, all the other charecters died b4 I did, so I had to run them.
Divine Elemental
ur from LoH?...
i always hated LoH cause half of their members are bad mannered
anyways ^^
i saw a monk in random arenas who was a mo/w
when prot bond wasnt nerfed
he was saying his all that and his uber l33t h4xor lmao
it cracked me up when our mesmer drained 1 of his enchantments
he replied u son of a ***** im gonna screw ur life and f**king slit ur throat u freaking nerd lol
offcourse he ended up in the ignnore list..
i always hated LoH cause half of their members are bad mannered
anyways ^^
i saw a monk in random arenas who was a mo/w
when prot bond wasnt nerfed
he was saying his all that and his uber l33t h4xor lmao
it cracked me up when our mesmer drained 1 of his enchantments
he replied u son of a ***** im gonna screw ur life and f**king slit ur throat u freaking nerd lol
offcourse he ended up in the ignnore list..
Can't say that this is a n00b story.. but it was just outright ridiculous!
I was on my monk at Copperhammer looking for a run to Citadel..
this one guy popped up and said "Hey, I'll take you guys to Citadel.. let me switch out to my Warrior."
He came back a few seconds later and gathered a group.. and zoned out.. everyone in the group was expecting a run.. but instead he said.. "I'll fight you guys thru to Citadel for 2k each"
everyone couldn't help but laughed though..
I was on my monk at Copperhammer looking for a run to Citadel..
this one guy popped up and said "Hey, I'll take you guys to Citadel.. let me switch out to my Warrior."
He came back a few seconds later and gathered a group.. and zoned out.. everyone in the group was expecting a run.. but instead he said.. "I'll fight you guys thru to Citadel for 2k each"
everyone couldn't help but laughed though..
being shouted in Fort Ranik pre searing "Selling armor 27 for characters, 50G or best offer" whats sad is I was the only one to say "you can't use someone else's armor."
Shouted from Droknar Forge "Where is Talus(sp) Chute?"
Shouted from fisherman's haven "I hear beacon's perch is how to get to droknar, where is beacon's perch?"
Also shouted from droknar "How do I get to the desert?"
Shouted from Droknar Forge "Where is Talus(sp) Chute?"
Shouted from fisherman's haven "I hear beacon's perch is how to get to droknar, where is beacon's perch?"
Also shouted from droknar "How do I get to the desert?"
i was playing my warrior when she was still lvl 12-ish...i had recently bought her a fiery dragon sword (max dmg) because of all the ice golems around the north shiverpeaks. i got into a group, and someone asks if he can buy my sword. i paid 2k for this sword (clean, i didn't really think it was much of a rip-off when i bought it)
i say:
"well, i paid 2k for it, so if you can pay more than that then sure"
"2k? whatre the stats?"
"it's max dmg 15-22"
at this point my entire party says "rofl you noob that's not max dmg"
i answer back asking to see a sword that has a higher damage rating....nothing happens. everyone is silent for the rest of the mission (borlis pass). i just sighed, shook my head and continued on.
the same day, after i finished borlis pass, i got into a group at the frost gate (or whatever the next mission was....i can't remember)
the leader keeps on spamming "gogogoogogogogogogogogo before anyone leaves". our monk said that he wasn't ready, he was arranging his skills. lo and behold, 3 seconds later the time starts and we zone in. i laugh in a pained way as the monk and his friend, a necro, start cussing out the group and leave. we actually ended up finishing the mission, with our glorious warrior ending up having 60% DP and dying every 4 seconds, constantly asking for heals.
this defnitely wasn't the best try i could ask for, but looking back i tend to laugh my ass off.
i say:
"well, i paid 2k for it, so if you can pay more than that then sure"
"2k? whatre the stats?"
"it's max dmg 15-22"
at this point my entire party says "rofl you noob that's not max dmg"
i answer back asking to see a sword that has a higher damage rating....nothing happens. everyone is silent for the rest of the mission (borlis pass). i just sighed, shook my head and continued on.
the same day, after i finished borlis pass, i got into a group at the frost gate (or whatever the next mission was....i can't remember)
the leader keeps on spamming "gogogoogogogogogogogogo before anyone leaves". our monk said that he wasn't ready, he was arranging his skills. lo and behold, 3 seconds later the time starts and we zone in. i laugh in a pained way as the monk and his friend, a necro, start cussing out the group and leave. we actually ended up finishing the mission, with our glorious warrior ending up having 60% DP and dying every 4 seconds, constantly asking for heals.
this defnitely wasn't the best try i could ask for, but looking back i tend to laugh my ass off.
If people are from another country, they might jsut walk up to you and offer items are stupid prices. A bot is not intellegent and can not answer questions. Are you a bot? Yes. That seems silly. It is probably a chinese or korean person selling off stuff their bots got them, so they can turn around and sell gold on ebay. A limited vocabulary is more likely responsible for the strange diction your getting.
Infernal Monk
This is one huge thread, but ill add my newb experience. It happened last weekend during the wonderful extreme PvP weekend. spent most of the day in the competitive arena (the random 4v4 lvl 20). Now, me being a warrior, i always state before the battle i will call targets..just cuz im like that i guess. During this one battle however (teamed up with 2 other warriors and a ranger) after saying "ill call targets", i get the dreaded response of "okay, but im not gunna follow, i can kill a person by myself" from the uber warrior standing beside me. Now, myself being a hammer warrior and fairly good at taking people down...i admit to feeling some doubt when he flashed his shiny sword in front of me. The team we ended up fighting i believe had two monks...flawless victory for them...
oh i got one, i finally got my fissure armor for my necro, slapped a couple superior runes on it, cause they were really cheap at the trader, not even thinking about the -150 health, and i get killed in a mission, well before long, i am at 80 hp and every spell is cast at me, before long i am spending more time dead than alesia, not to mention i gotta come up with 40k for the sup vigor, and i am broke cause i sold all my stuff for the gold to get my armor, i coulda hit myself over that one.
Actually, when killed by hydras (or any other mob not in UW or FoW) when you respawn you have *1* health with the 55 builds. Also, the DP makes impossible to be rezzed with Signet as you get up and fall dead again (I think you get 1 with the respawn, but with the Signet its less than .5 health xD
My personal solution is play the game in windowed mode, maxing the window until it fills the whole Desktop. It leaves the Tool Bar at sight so I can watch forums, see the clock and anything else in Windows while you play. If you press WinKey by error, another click or Alt-Tab puts you in GW!
Originally Posted by Caelus The Fallen
The tyranny of Superior Runes; I actually saw this today from a level 20:
My Health is 17 of 17! Made me chuckle anyway... |
Originally Posted by Boylard
It took me ages to realise why GW kept being minimised, normally when I was in the middle of a big battle and trying to call targets. That little sucker has now been prised out of my keyboard and is blue-tacked to the top of my moniter.
Charcoal Ann
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
- Warriors that use any armor apart from Gladiators + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
someone being not being an unimaginative power gamer does not make them a n00b.
by and large n00bs do wear the most uber haxx0r equipment.
n00b story:
Leeroying ele in FoW called me a bible bashing american
uh huh....
i did warn him that to die was to burn in hell for all eternity i suppose.....
Monk in Tombs, pretending to get rank 3 in two days (too bad naming persons is against forum rules
Healing and protecting only himself, calling on other monks : don´t protect me. As soon as our prot monk stopped protecting him, he was dead, demanding for res, still shouting : "dont protect me they cant kill me". And still caring only about himself.
Well his nick was saying that something wouldn´t be alright because part of his name was from the hero of the movie with S. Stallone where nobody could kill him

Well his nick was saying that something wouldn´t be alright because part of his name was from the hero of the movie with S. Stallone where nobody could kill him

Originally Posted by Old Warrior Dood
Oh..Man....That cracks me up too. Why? Because it still happens to me from time to time. I get so ticked off at myself when I realize that I am in "chat mode". Thinking I am stuck once again on someone's Pet or Minons. Do I just hit Enter and clear the chat? Heck no. I waste precious seconds erasing the WWWW's so I don't look like a total idiot. When team mates ask why I am not doing anything I say...sorry damn lag.
![]() |

Weird thing is, if you use another chatprogram after that like MSN or so you start your conversations with w.

I asked a warrior once "Are you axe?"
And she replied "Why axe?"
And she replied "Why axe?"
Alura Pyro
ToA get group going to uw I'm a monk and a frien with me is a monk we get 3 tanks and i necro and 2 nukers as soon as we start the necro yells
Lerroooyyyyyy Jenkiiinnnnnssss!!!111!!1!!11!!!!11!!1!
runs up talks to the gost and runs out agroing everything he can but dies halfway through.
the monsters all go back to their patrol zones our group (being smart) kills the mobs the whole time he is yelling rez!!!!!! and roflcopter that no work like i planned
we procede to dance on his corpse jump on it and generaly defile it(not through spells
) .
eventualy he appologizes and we rez him at that point he charges the center room yelling LLLEEEEEEEERRRROOOYYYYYY again.
well he manages to kill something that drops an ecto for him.
we left him dead no one took his ecto we just left it sitting their with him screaming
dont steal that is G4yxor joo n00bs!!11!!1!11!
the funnyest part was we got wiped eventualy and when we got back to town he screamed and yelled and generaly carried on (another on ignore).
Lerroooyyyyyy Jenkiiinnnnnssss!!!111!!1!!11!!!!11!!1!
runs up talks to the gost and runs out agroing everything he can but dies halfway through.
the monsters all go back to their patrol zones our group (being smart) kills the mobs the whole time he is yelling rez!!!!!! and roflcopter that no work like i planned
we procede to dance on his corpse jump on it and generaly defile it(not through spells

eventualy he appologizes and we rez him at that point he charges the center room yelling LLLEEEEEEEERRRROOOYYYYYY again.
well he manages to kill something that drops an ecto for him.
we left him dead no one took his ecto we just left it sitting their with him screaming
dont steal that is G4yxor joo n00bs!!11!!1!11!
the funnyest part was we got wiped eventualy and when we got back to town he screamed and yelled and generaly carried on (another on ignore).
Ghost Recon
erm i supose u can call it a n00bish moment i was selling 2 ecto i found in UW at TOA in dist 1 when some guy tells me that i am suck a moron and that no on will pay 10k for ecto (this was a while bak when ecto was like 12k from trader) so i asked why and he says it is worth 100g max so i thought 2 my self what gave him that idea looking at the ecto and seeing at the bottom it saying.
Glob of Ectoplasm
Rare crafting maertial
Value 100g
So i thought 2 me self he couldn't have could he? i asked him who he he sold it 2 and he answer trader so i told him 2 go 2 lion's arch and talk 2 the rare materials trader and see how much ecto is 1min l8r i tryed 2 pm him and it said this player is ingoring U.
Still put's a smile 2 my face
Glob of Ectoplasm
Rare crafting maertial
Value 100g
So i thought 2 me self he couldn't have could he? i asked him who he he sold it 2 and he answer trader so i told him 2 go 2 lion's arch and talk 2 the rare materials trader and see how much ecto is 1min l8r i tryed 2 pm him and it said this player is ingoring U.
Still put's a smile 2 my face
a lvl 4 warrior in the 1st mission right next to ascalon. REzzed him with ressurect. He went up then down. Was like WTF!?!?!?! then I said check your armor. The guy went oops 3 superior runes...
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
I don't know where to start....it's not really a story, just more of a list :P
Let's start with the stupidity of random arena and team arena: - W/Mo's with Mending, Deadly Riposte and Riposte actually participating in PvP -- they actually zealously believe that 6 life per second will save them oO |
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
- Warriors that use any armor apart from Gladiators + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
- People that actually stand in the Smiting AoE
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
- Elementalists that bring Fire AoE spells to PvP -- and worse people that stand in Meteor Storm...
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
As far as missions go I've been fairly lucky with only a few minor annoyances, seeing as I tend to use mostly henchies:
- People that talk to Rastigan The Eternal on first entering FoW.... |
talking to Rastigan doesn't make him move, killing the trigger group does
Originally Posted by Man With No Name
- Warriors that use any armor apart from Gladiators + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
Other than that, good list.
Man With No Name
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
Um, sometimes energy is not as good as the extra armor. Sometimes its better to have a strength boost than a weapon skill boost. Why the hell would you wear just knight's boots? Not like you get hit in the feet very often.
Other than that, good list. |
As for why you should wear the Gladiator Set + Weapon Helm + Knights Boots
You'll usually want your weapon mastery bumped up to Rank 16 ( 12 + Sup Rune + 1 Hat ) -- for 15% more damage always when compared against someone at Rank 12. Eviscerate will do a whopping +43 dmg at Rank 16 -- and Final Thrust really hits hard too
Check the table HERE
If I:
- Raise my Mastery to 16 ( +15% )
- Use a the weapon that has +15% Damage mod ( like the Collector items )
- And customise it ( +20% )
That's 50% more damage I'm doing on every swing. Add in Frenzy and you can take down foolish casters amazing quickly >)
With an Eviscerate + Exe Strike combo, if they both critical I can hit for 200+ ( unbuffed ) adding another +80~ for the deep wound inflicted -- that's worth more than any fancy looks IMO
Why the Gladiator boots / gloves ..??
The protection from the Knights Boots/Gloves is only 80 AL -- although it "reduces damage from attacks"
....So using the Knights Chest Piece would be unwise when compared with the Gladiators ( 80AL +20 vs Physical ) or Platemail ( 85 +10 vs Physical ) -- since the chest region receives the majority of the hits. Hence we use the Knights Boots on an area that won't get hit often...
Again check HERE for information on armor and hit locations
The damage reduction from Knights Boots is global. It applies to every armor piece and stacks with your Absorption Rune. I think it's a -2 damage reduction. Adding extra pieces of Knights armor does not improve the benefit.
.....So that'll be:
Sup Absorption ( -3 ) + Knight's Boots/Gloves ( -2 ) == -5 damage received on every attack. In other words by wearing the Knight's boots/gloves your getting the benefit of a Sup Absorption and a Major Absorption rune
4 Pieces of Platemail + Knights Boots/Gloves is the best combination for protection against Elemental damage -- although it's a minor difference ( 5AL ) when compared with Gladiators.
The Gladiators + Knights Gloves/Boots gives an extra 6 energy ( if you follow the setup I posted ) and best protection vs Physical damage. You'll lose a tiny, unnoticable bit of defense against Elemental damage for more functionality -- a good trade off as you can always add a +7 vs Elemental Mod on your weapon
With that extra 6e I can do an extra Plague Touch and I have the ability to use 25e spells.
The +1 Strength helms are usually pointless too -- as long as your strength is around 8 or 10 -- that's enough -- you'll get more benefit raising your weapon mastery higher by using a +1 weapon hat
In a sentence -- the Platemail and Knights sets offer no noticable advantages when using the full set and cost more... It's bad enough having trash skills like Warrior's Cunning ( tied to Strength oO, crap cooldown ) and Berzerker Stance ( crap cooldown, ends on skill ) -- so why penalise yourself even more...??
Bear in mind -- I was really commenting on PvP -- wear what the hell you like for PvE -- you'll be disadvanted although it won't matter as much...
Going back OT, last night I was forming a group for FoW. Had a party of 8, people paid me...then I went to the Voice of Grenth
I guess it was a force of habit after too many smite runs.
About half the team dropped after a few Aatxes, but the funny thing was, I pulled 3 ectos off of that run. I think only 1 other person got an ecto. Possibly one of the better mistakes I've made.

About half the team dropped after a few Aatxes, but the funny thing was, I pulled 3 ectos off of that run. I think only 1 other person got an ecto. Possibly one of the better mistakes I've made.
syrius el barbarian
Personal n00b moment:
I always place an ID kit, salvage kit, and an expert salvage kit in the first 3 slots of my inventory
That being said, I sold a sword to this guy, but he decided that he didn't want it anymore after a few minutes, so I gave him a full refund. I tell him that the sword was worth much more than I had sold it to him for and etc. I was about to continue selling until I realized that the weapon was gone from my inventory! I PM him back and I start accusing him of being a scammer, but upon further inspection, I find the sword back in my inventory where my ID kit usually is (I forgot to buy a replacement). The "scammer" was confused and I just played it off as if I PM'ed the wrong person.
n00b encounters:
1) A while ago I was looking for a max Chaos Axe (when they used to be cool) with a +dmg mod while enchanted or >50% hp. I get a PM from this person and he tells me to take a look. He shows me the axe, and it is a clean 6-27 war axe or something. I refrain from bashing him and tell him that it doesn't have a dmg mod and that it isn't even max or a Chaos Axe. He tells me that if 6-27 is max and dares me to show him something higher. I put in the trade window my max clean Chaos, which I was looking to replace and he just leaves.
2) While selling, I like to warp from district to district and town to town as do many others. I forgot what I was selling, but it was at Lion's Arch and after doing a run through the first few districts, I receive a PM from someone asking to see it. I ask him what district he's in and he's like "WTF, OMG, r u kidding me, u n00b!? I just saw your ad and I'm in the same district as you are, dumbass." Some namecalling ensues while I tell him the benefits of warping from dist. to dist. He eventually gives in and realizes his n00b-ness and asks to see the weapon, which I refused to sell to him for his behavior
3) Some guy I was selling to today said nothing in this game sells for 100k, so I sent him to this site to look at the Crystalline Sword that was price checked for like 80 billion gold
Guild n00b stories
1) Well, my guild mate did this the other day. Our guild was doing the Iron Mines mission so a few people could catch up. He's a Necro/Mo and told us to run when we clearly told him that we were fighting our way through the mission. He refuses orders and runs ahead of the group and just stands there by himself while we're all fighting. He keeps telling us how easy it is to run through, so we let him run it and he stays alive until the tundra giants. We all laugh and rez him eventually. He continues to run ahead of the group and waits for us to finish fighting. We reach the hill going up to the Seer and he decides to run again to "save us the trouble." He "forgot" about the azure shadows and he tries to evade them by aggroing them back to us and gets our monk killed. We all laugh at him again and rez him...again. We finished the mission eventually, but our guild mate still has problems following directions sometimes.
2) After finishing the Dragon's Lair mission I think, or whatever the mission is before Droknar's Forge, a guild mate forgot to talk under guild chat and said under all, "Ohhh, so this is the real way to get to Droknar's"
Everyone in the district started laughing their asses off
I always place an ID kit, salvage kit, and an expert salvage kit in the first 3 slots of my inventory
That being said, I sold a sword to this guy, but he decided that he didn't want it anymore after a few minutes, so I gave him a full refund. I tell him that the sword was worth much more than I had sold it to him for and etc. I was about to continue selling until I realized that the weapon was gone from my inventory! I PM him back and I start accusing him of being a scammer, but upon further inspection, I find the sword back in my inventory where my ID kit usually is (I forgot to buy a replacement). The "scammer" was confused and I just played it off as if I PM'ed the wrong person.
n00b encounters:
1) A while ago I was looking for a max Chaos Axe (when they used to be cool) with a +dmg mod while enchanted or >50% hp. I get a PM from this person and he tells me to take a look. He shows me the axe, and it is a clean 6-27 war axe or something. I refrain from bashing him and tell him that it doesn't have a dmg mod and that it isn't even max or a Chaos Axe. He tells me that if 6-27 is max and dares me to show him something higher. I put in the trade window my max clean Chaos, which I was looking to replace and he just leaves.
2) While selling, I like to warp from district to district and town to town as do many others. I forgot what I was selling, but it was at Lion's Arch and after doing a run through the first few districts, I receive a PM from someone asking to see it. I ask him what district he's in and he's like "WTF, OMG, r u kidding me, u n00b!? I just saw your ad and I'm in the same district as you are, dumbass." Some namecalling ensues while I tell him the benefits of warping from dist. to dist. He eventually gives in and realizes his n00b-ness and asks to see the weapon, which I refused to sell to him for his behavior

3) Some guy I was selling to today said nothing in this game sells for 100k, so I sent him to this site to look at the Crystalline Sword that was price checked for like 80 billion gold
Guild n00b stories
1) Well, my guild mate did this the other day. Our guild was doing the Iron Mines mission so a few people could catch up. He's a Necro/Mo and told us to run when we clearly told him that we were fighting our way through the mission. He refuses orders and runs ahead of the group and just stands there by himself while we're all fighting. He keeps telling us how easy it is to run through, so we let him run it and he stays alive until the tundra giants. We all laugh and rez him eventually. He continues to run ahead of the group and waits for us to finish fighting. We reach the hill going up to the Seer and he decides to run again to "save us the trouble." He "forgot" about the azure shadows and he tries to evade them by aggroing them back to us and gets our monk killed. We all laugh at him again and rez him...again. We finished the mission eventually, but our guild mate still has problems following directions sometimes.
2) After finishing the Dragon's Lair mission I think, or whatever the mission is before Droknar's Forge, a guild mate forgot to talk under guild chat and said under all, "Ohhh, so this is the real way to get to Droknar's"
Everyone in the district started laughing their asses off
Son of Mooky
I love clicking on the enchant and watching them drop dead. They never think it is strange they go from dead to full power in the first place. Although I like to wait until the battle is over and then turn it off when they take their first step.
Shanaeri Rynale
First time in the fissure - Alone and by myself I talked to the Ghost,
I think these are more annoyances then anything but can qualify as noobish.
1) I'm playing my W/Mo in Thirsty:
Other W/Mo: WTF are you using mending for n00b?
Me: To activate the enchantment feature on my axe. It negates the bleeding effects here, too.
W/Mo: n00b you don't need mending it sux turn it off.
Both monks agree with me so I opt to leave mending on and eventually we go. On the third round of fights Ghostly is in trouble after uber W/Mo rushed the monk boss and died, taking with him the monks that were trying to heal him. N/Me and I are only ones left alive.
W/Mo: OMG rez me rez me
Me: Hey Nec can you cast a WoP please?
Nec: Inc.
W/Mo: stfu n00b and rez me.
(Nec and I kill the priest and I have the boss aggroed on me)
W/Mo: F'N rez me!!!!!
Needless to say I take my time rezzing the other three members of the team. We kill the boss so one monk can cap and then finish off the last Enchanted. Whole time W/Mo is screaming for a rez.
2) First trip to FoW I take my Necro. I let the party know this is my first trip, what skills do they want me to equip? Get a few replies, pay my share, in we go. One of the monks asks me to stand by him and just cast WoP/B.Rit mostly so I do. Warrior rushes everything and doesn't call targets so I'm frantically trying to set up WoPs and keep the monks' energy levels up. Warrior complains I'm not doing anything so the monks stop healing him. When he dies and complains about it the leader monk tells him to shut up and never complain about their energy battery again. I love monks.
3) Playing my E/Mo in Hell's Precipice today. We discuss skills before leaving. I'm spec'd for Water/Fire for this mission because we have two monks and a Winter ranger. We get into battle, I see the Winter icon appear, and start tossing out the Fire AoE's. Warrior (why do I only have trouble with Wars?) starts yelling to stop casting Fire spells because they're worthless. Ranger kindly points out the Winter icon and tells him to read the freaking description. He shuts up for a while. Later we get to the portals and some of the bosses have dropped Greater Conflag spirits. He decides to kill them first and ignore the titans. Once again we point out Phys Damage = Fire damage. Ranger drops winter and Fire damage = cold damage. Therefore, phys = cold. Takes him about 5 minutes to get it. Makes me wonder how someone can get to the very last mission and not know how to read the skill descriptions in the effects bar.
4) Playing my W/Mo in Dunes I join a 4/6 group. We pick up a monk.
Me: Hey monk are you heal, protect, or smite?
Monk: STFU
Me: Just want to know so we can get a healer if we need to.
Monk: Kung Fu
Me: ??
Monk: STFU
At this point I guess he's a smiter so I whisper the party leader to get a healer monk. He says no that any monk is as good as the next. (I should have left at this point). He picks up a tank. Party setup is Wx3, E/Mo, Necro, and Monk. Get into the battles and I notice everyone's HP bars never have that magical upward spike to indicate there's someone healing. Ele admits he's Fire/Smite. I'm the only W/Mo and only brought rez + mending. Monk decides he wants to solo a seige worm and dies after a few hits.
Monk: WTF y u no heal?
Me: Because you're Kung Fu. You don't need heals.
Yeah... I was a total n00b at that point. He starts yelling the same old profanities. Leader whispers everyone except Kung Fu to map to dist 2 and we'll take Alesia. Did so, beat the mission with no trouble.
1) I'm playing my W/Mo in Thirsty:
Other W/Mo: WTF are you using mending for n00b?
Me: To activate the enchantment feature on my axe. It negates the bleeding effects here, too.
W/Mo: n00b you don't need mending it sux turn it off.
Both monks agree with me so I opt to leave mending on and eventually we go. On the third round of fights Ghostly is in trouble after uber W/Mo rushed the monk boss and died, taking with him the monks that were trying to heal him. N/Me and I are only ones left alive.
W/Mo: OMG rez me rez me
Me: Hey Nec can you cast a WoP please?
Nec: Inc.
W/Mo: stfu n00b and rez me.
(Nec and I kill the priest and I have the boss aggroed on me)
W/Mo: F'N rez me!!!!!
Needless to say I take my time rezzing the other three members of the team. We kill the boss so one monk can cap and then finish off the last Enchanted. Whole time W/Mo is screaming for a rez.
2) First trip to FoW I take my Necro. I let the party know this is my first trip, what skills do they want me to equip? Get a few replies, pay my share, in we go. One of the monks asks me to stand by him and just cast WoP/B.Rit mostly so I do. Warrior rushes everything and doesn't call targets so I'm frantically trying to set up WoPs and keep the monks' energy levels up. Warrior complains I'm not doing anything so the monks stop healing him. When he dies and complains about it the leader monk tells him to shut up and never complain about their energy battery again. I love monks.

3) Playing my E/Mo in Hell's Precipice today. We discuss skills before leaving. I'm spec'd for Water/Fire for this mission because we have two monks and a Winter ranger. We get into battle, I see the Winter icon appear, and start tossing out the Fire AoE's. Warrior (why do I only have trouble with Wars?) starts yelling to stop casting Fire spells because they're worthless. Ranger kindly points out the Winter icon and tells him to read the freaking description. He shuts up for a while. Later we get to the portals and some of the bosses have dropped Greater Conflag spirits. He decides to kill them first and ignore the titans. Once again we point out Phys Damage = Fire damage. Ranger drops winter and Fire damage = cold damage. Therefore, phys = cold. Takes him about 5 minutes to get it. Makes me wonder how someone can get to the very last mission and not know how to read the skill descriptions in the effects bar.
4) Playing my W/Mo in Dunes I join a 4/6 group. We pick up a monk.
Me: Hey monk are you heal, protect, or smite?
Monk: STFU
Me: Just want to know so we can get a healer if we need to.
Monk: Kung Fu
Me: ??
Monk: STFU
At this point I guess he's a smiter so I whisper the party leader to get a healer monk. He says no that any monk is as good as the next. (I should have left at this point). He picks up a tank. Party setup is Wx3, E/Mo, Necro, and Monk. Get into the battles and I notice everyone's HP bars never have that magical upward spike to indicate there's someone healing. Ele admits he's Fire/Smite. I'm the only W/Mo and only brought rez + mending. Monk decides he wants to solo a seige worm and dies after a few hits.
Monk: WTF y u no heal?
Me: Because you're Kung Fu. You don't need heals.
Yeah... I was a total n00b at that point. He starts yelling the same old profanities. Leader whispers everyone except Kung Fu to map to dist 2 and we'll take Alesia. Did so, beat the mission with no trouble.
in fissure , we clean first part , no problem , a few dp on warriors , but still good to go , after taking the 10k exp quest , we continue , we decide to clear that first area , instead of going left , so we clear preaty much everything , when only the mobs that have the green spot , and the one on that castle are left , people start leaving since dp was 60 for almost everyone , but we where all alive , monks where doing an amazing job not geting killed , running away and rezing all , yes , the team was not godly perfect , we died a lot , but hey , we are inside , and all alive , wth lose faith ?
i hate leavers - noobs !
in the end me and one worrior lure the rest of the monsters at the door of the castle , killed one by one , i think we killed 2 or 3 , lol , then he died , .. i had no more rez signet , so i made suicide run to the center of the castle , my first time inside , scary !!!!
i know i sould change my second profession to monk , but i love so much the sprint spell , its hard ... but eventulay i will ...
i hate leavers - noobs !
in the end me and one worrior lure the rest of the monsters at the door of the castle , killed one by one , i think we killed 2 or 3 , lol , then he died , .. i had no more rez signet , so i made suicide run to the center of the castle , my first time inside , scary !!!!
i know i sould change my second profession to monk , but i love so much the sprint spell , its hard ... but eventulay i will ...
Down in FoW, almost done with the Wailing Lord quest. Had lost...1 member I think, but we still had 1 warrior left, as well as all the monks (I was one of them) and other casters. Well, DP was a bit high as we had gotten mugged by the skeleton beserkers that are around the Wailing Lord, but had not yet gotten to talk to him, so we still needed to kill them all.
But thats ok, we will all sit in a small corridor and let the warrior wall the front, so that the casters are safe. Well, time to start. Our ranger pulls the skeleton hords..and the warrior runs back, through the tunnle he was supposed to be walling, right up until all those bloodthirsty beserkers where on top of the monks.
Needless to say, we died then.
hmm...the worst 'newb' moment I can think of for myself of the top of my head is the fact that I did not know about ToA (and so did not know about FoW or UW) till well after I had finished all the missions.
That or the fact that when I first started playing, and when I took charm animal off my skill bar, I had no idea what had happened to my pet.
But thats ok, we will all sit in a small corridor and let the warrior wall the front, so that the casters are safe. Well, time to start. Our ranger pulls the skeleton hords..and the warrior runs back, through the tunnle he was supposed to be walling, right up until all those bloodthirsty beserkers where on top of the monks.

hmm...the worst 'newb' moment I can think of for myself of the top of my head is the fact that I did not know about ToA (and so did not know about FoW or UW) till well after I had finished all the missions.

ok , this is almost a doble post , but you inspired me to say this
when i go to hoh with a godly guild friend of mine , i fell a complete nood in TS , its amazing how they know almost what every spell does , what are the best combinations etcetc , i had to stop playing with them , i dont have time to study so much the spells .. im hoping with time i will reach that level .. sometimes i join the ts server just to enjoy professionals playing ...
in my missions runs , the time i felt really noob was when i got to rock , and was completly lost ... took me some time to figure the 3 missions
and also , someone run me to ToA , and then to fishermans heaven , then to sancum , so i missed about 4 missions , so i was in river at level 17 or 18 ...
people start saying , dont take low level , i had no clue what i have missed , lol
noob <- heheh
when i go to hoh with a godly guild friend of mine , i fell a complete nood in TS , its amazing how they know almost what every spell does , what are the best combinations etcetc , i had to stop playing with them , i dont have time to study so much the spells .. im hoping with time i will reach that level .. sometimes i join the ts server just to enjoy professionals playing ...
in my missions runs , the time i felt really noob was when i got to rock , and was completly lost ... took me some time to figure the 3 missions
and also , someone run me to ToA , and then to fishermans heaven , then to sancum , so i missed about 4 missions , so i was in river at level 17 or 18 ...
people start saying , dont take low level , i had no clue what i have missed , lol
noob <- heheh
I was playing for a bit with my second character (Mo/Me) who was at Greddich Courthouse. A low level W/Mo called out that he wanted a group to run to Yak's bend (no, he's NOT the n00b in this story), so we got a decent varied team of 4 people for the journey.
One of them, an E/N seemed to be very concerned about his DP. At one stage in Diessa, we took a wrong turn. three of our group died, and I was left to res them. No problem. I got the team back together, and we continued, but this time, with the E/N complaining that he had -15% DP and that we should go back. Well, we were almost at the portal to the foothills, so I thought the best option would be to carry on. The leader agreed with me.
The foothills were tricky. All of us suffered at the hands of the hydras, and once again, the E/N kept on spamming his DP percentage. We were all pretty much on at least -30% -45% but the group had held, thanks to at least 2 of us having cool heads and knowing when to back off.
Finally, we reached Travelers Vale and got up to the bridge guarded by ice golems, ettins and stone summit. I suggested a run, seeing that we were close to Yak's Bend. We'd just be ressed there if we died and get to the mission. Again, the E/N asked if it was a good idea. and that his DP was 40%. We ran, and the first (and only one) to fall was the E/N. Just as we ran confidently into Yak's Bend, he left the group.
After the usual gg and patting on the back with the other team members, I sent him a whisper asking why he had left. He said "Well I died, and no-one was coming back for me. I wouldn't have made it". Oh dear....!!
One of them, an E/N seemed to be very concerned about his DP. At one stage in Diessa, we took a wrong turn. three of our group died, and I was left to res them. No problem. I got the team back together, and we continued, but this time, with the E/N complaining that he had -15% DP and that we should go back. Well, we were almost at the portal to the foothills, so I thought the best option would be to carry on. The leader agreed with me.
The foothills were tricky. All of us suffered at the hands of the hydras, and once again, the E/N kept on spamming his DP percentage. We were all pretty much on at least -30% -45% but the group had held, thanks to at least 2 of us having cool heads and knowing when to back off.
Finally, we reached Travelers Vale and got up to the bridge guarded by ice golems, ettins and stone summit. I suggested a run, seeing that we were close to Yak's Bend. We'd just be ressed there if we died and get to the mission. Again, the E/N asked if it was a good idea. and that his DP was 40%. We ran, and the first (and only one) to fall was the E/N. Just as we ran confidently into Yak's Bend, he left the group.
After the usual gg and patting on the back with the other team members, I sent him a whisper asking why he had left. He said "Well I died, and no-one was coming back for me. I wouldn't have made it". Oh dear....!!
Heh, there's only one n00b moment I can think of that I had... With my first character (Me/Mo), I spent ages trying to find a 2nd bag. I had got the belt pouch and the 1st bag, but for some reason I thought I needed to look for an 'even bigger bag' because of the different sizes of the icons when there's no bag present...
Not my n00b moment, but pretty funny nonetheless.
I was in the Yak's Bend Arena with my second character, waiting for the gates to open, and some Warrior from the other team says "Press alt+f4 to see the score!" and the next thing you know, he's the only person left in his team.
I was in the Yak's Bend Arena with my second character, waiting for the gates to open, and some Warrior from the other team says "Press alt+f4 to see the score!" and the next thing you know, he's the only person left in his team.
Charcoal Ann
i always laugh when i see: !!!!!!!!!!Experienced Runner to Dorknans Forge! 3k!!!! guaranteed arrival!!!!!!!!!!
uh huh. experienced?
uh huh. experienced?
i was in Gates of Kryta last night with my lvl 20mo/me i just went back for the bonus. grouped with a few people and i ended up getting 3 dye drops. at the end of the mission i figured i would be nice and offer a gold max sheild with 8 req (no mods) to 1 of the warriors, for free. he looks at it and freaks out that its "Hax0rzz" and he is going to report me......... i was confused. but it was funny as hell.
Jaythen Tyradel
During Beta:
I was very new to the game nd still experimenting with the differnt build options. I played the Warrior and leveled him up to a decent level. While at the merchant..I sold my sword.
I went farming for one and couldnt find one.
So I took my starter hammer that I had in my bag and thought: "Hey maybe the acdemy will have new items!" Not knowing at that time academy was PVP match. Of course, failed miserably. Now during beta, there was only one NPC to help you (Stefan) if your teammates dropped out. No prince Rurick. or anyone else. SO I got stuck there not being able to complete mission or go back.
I was very new to the game nd still experimenting with the differnt build options. I played the Warrior and leveled him up to a decent level. While at the merchant..I sold my sword.

I went farming for one and couldnt find one.
So I took my starter hammer that I had in my bag and thought: "Hey maybe the acdemy will have new items!" Not knowing at that time academy was PVP match. Of course, failed miserably. Now during beta, there was only one NPC to help you (Stefan) if your teammates dropped out. No prince Rurick. or anyone else. SO I got stuck there not being able to complete mission or go back.
Darth Lamblike
I was at a message board today where the topic was to share N00b stories with each other. The noob moment comes in when I actually responded. OMG!!!11!!1!1eleven
Oh well, I will try to learn from my mistake.
Oh well, I will try to learn from my mistake.

I got one.
I'm doing Thirsty River, my last mission. We have 2 warriors (me being one) 2 eles,a necro, and monk and a a ranger. We all decide to kill some giants for Morale. We spot a giant and tell the ranger to pull him. He starts running towards the giant getting withing range and then he hits stormchaser.......
We're ******.
He runs right by the giant, does a huge loop and then starting running twoards us. l think screw this! I hit sprint and start running to the cutscene. I look back and theres at least 2 giants, and 5 mobs of Devourers.Anyways I manage to get to the cutscene and we ask the ranger wtf he was doing. He said I dont use bows. (note he had a bow equipped at start of mission but when we started to fight he pulled out a staff, No he didnt have a pet)
I'm doing Thirsty River, my last mission. We have 2 warriors (me being one) 2 eles,a necro, and monk and a a ranger. We all decide to kill some giants for Morale. We spot a giant and tell the ranger to pull him. He starts running towards the giant getting withing range and then he hits stormchaser.......
We're ******.
He runs right by the giant, does a huge loop and then starting running twoards us. l think screw this! I hit sprint and start running to the cutscene. I look back and theres at least 2 giants, and 5 mobs of Devourers.Anyways I manage to get to the cutscene and we ask the ranger wtf he was doing. He said I dont use bows. (note he had a bow equipped at start of mission but when we started to fight he pulled out a staff, No he didnt have a pet)
This conversation is not from the worst n00bies but at least annoying in my opinion. He didn't stop even I explained. Blamed me because bolt of linen price was down. Like I would be the major factor to define the price. It is true that linen is not worth much and selling it to trader will keep the price down but it has been at 200g about couple weeks.
Others will sell if I don't.

Selling a MAX purple flameberg for 200g...

Melkor of ZoSo
"Originally Posted by MuKen
This one time, I took my W/Mo out for a spin on the first mission, and ended up in a group with 3 monks. 2 of them wanted to change to smiting and attacking builds, OMG!!1eleven wtf n00bs. I tried to explain to them that a monk's job is healing, and I would do all the fighting cuz I was the fightar. It took liek 20 minutes but I finally convinced them to become healers.
So as soon as the mission starts, I run around and try to gather up as many enemies at possible so we can take them down all at once, and the st00pid monks are screaming "wait!" the whole time. What whinegers, would you like some cheese with that? I was all liek "a good monk can solo tons of mobs on his own, and there are 3 of you along with a l33t w4rrior, so stfu!" After we finally start fighting, I died like 5 times, what a bunch of carppy monks, couldn't even keep a **W/MO** alive!
Afterwards, they keep spamming "my energy is blah". Like, stfu! nobody cares what ur nrg is, so I go running off to finish the mission, and all of sudden all of them are like "fark this", and leave the mission. So it turns out it wasn't just a group of n00bs, but also griefers. Hope none of you ever has problems like this"
Are you kidding? You're a W/Mo who thinks he can agro a bunch of mobs and kill them all? Tanks aren't suposed to kill things... You sound like the noob of that group, pal
This one time, I took my W/Mo out for a spin on the first mission, and ended up in a group with 3 monks. 2 of them wanted to change to smiting and attacking builds, OMG!!1eleven wtf n00bs. I tried to explain to them that a monk's job is healing, and I would do all the fighting cuz I was the fightar. It took liek 20 minutes but I finally convinced them to become healers.
So as soon as the mission starts, I run around and try to gather up as many enemies at possible so we can take them down all at once, and the st00pid monks are screaming "wait!" the whole time. What whinegers, would you like some cheese with that? I was all liek "a good monk can solo tons of mobs on his own, and there are 3 of you along with a l33t w4rrior, so stfu!" After we finally start fighting, I died like 5 times, what a bunch of carppy monks, couldn't even keep a **W/MO** alive!
Afterwards, they keep spamming "my energy is blah". Like, stfu! nobody cares what ur nrg is, so I go running off to finish the mission, and all of sudden all of them are like "fark this", and leave the mission. So it turns out it wasn't just a group of n00bs, but also griefers. Hope none of you ever has problems like this"
Are you kidding? You're a W/Mo who thinks he can agro a bunch of mobs and kill them all? Tanks aren't suposed to kill things... You sound like the noob of that group, pal