Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Sad to know that your personal happiness dependents on your experience playing an online videogame - that's really pathetic.
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
Sad to know that your personal happiness dependents on your experience playing an online videogame - that's really pathetic.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
What I find amusing about this thread is that almost everything mentioned in it as being better in the "good old days" was actually something that people bitched and moaned about to no end, and things that ANet changed in the game due to popular request.
The five-runs-to-infuse thing is a good example. |
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
That dependents, Are you refering to 'the good ol' days' of the game, or 'the good ol' days' of my life... Cause i'm not old enough to have 'good ol' days' like a geezer yet. How far did you have to stretch your imagination to try to insult me? That's pretty pathetic, IMO.
Divinitys Creature
Kai Nui
Originally Posted by ZeR04U
This thread is pretty stupid. Us new players have it easy? Its freaking 5 months old.. I've been playing for like 1-2 months and whatever. WE HAVE IT EASY? Yeah we sure do after you guys got greedy and nerfed every possible spot in Guild Wars. So all you old geezers (really, are we trying to show off or something?) have 1000K gold while all the new people have to scrounge to get a measly 1K.
This thread is a freaking joke. Sounds like a 'look at me, im 1337 leetz0r because I was around from 'teh' start. *yawns*. |