The Frog was back
They are giving you a pearl, and you dont accept it. You just want your dirty rock.
You are not supposed to go stand in the middle of billions of minotaurs and just stand there. Alone. No you see thats your dirty rock there not to much fun, well rocks can be fun.
But, lets look at the pearl. You could be a protection monk, with your guild, or some friends go exploring the desert. Or Kryta! Even if you already have, set a goal. Say you want to go get some awesome screenshots of your guild out somewere private were hardly anyone goes. You will have so much fun, and there will be some nice drops along the way. So what if you dont get as much in as little time as farming, at least you will be having fun. Thats what games are for right?
That said, feel free to try out some solo builds. That can be fun too. But you can try moving around, maybe getting someplace.
You are not supposed to go stand in the middle of billions of minotaurs and just stand there. Alone. No you see thats your dirty rock there not to much fun, well rocks can be fun.
But, lets look at the pearl. You could be a protection monk, with your guild, or some friends go exploring the desert. Or Kryta! Even if you already have, set a goal. Say you want to go get some awesome screenshots of your guild out somewere private were hardly anyone goes. You will have so much fun, and there will be some nice drops along the way. So what if you dont get as much in as little time as farming, at least you will be having fun. Thats what games are for right?
That said, feel free to try out some solo builds. That can be fun too. But you can try moving around, maybe getting someplace.
Has the frog appeared in Europe yet or is it just US?
Mourning Air
I'm not sure why people complain so much about the 105/55 builds when they don't complain about other builds that can solo, like the warrior one. There are also elementalist builds that can solo some high end areas. If it's just because of UW, then I think that is a little silly; 90% of the time, soloing UW doesn't get you much these days other than lots of exp and demonic remains. It's usually much more efficient to solo griffons or something along those lines. But I don't hear many people complain that warriors/eles can solo griffons too.
So, I don't get the complaints. Personally I think it is pretty cool that people came up with such creative builds where all the skills and items have to work together so perfectly. I hate when people say things like that are exploits, when 1. they took a lot of creativity to come up with, and 2. they are working as the game intended them to. I mean, I could see complaints if this build was interfering with people personally - but the only way you will come in contact with it is PvP, in which case it is easily disposed of with enchantment removal. Why do people complain about this?
So, I don't get the complaints. Personally I think it is pretty cool that people came up with such creative builds where all the skills and items have to work together so perfectly. I hate when people say things like that are exploits, when 1. they took a lot of creativity to come up with, and 2. they are working as the game intended them to. I mean, I could see complaints if this build was interfering with people personally - but the only way you will come in contact with it is PvP, in which case it is easily disposed of with enchantment removal. Why do people complain about this?
btw, the frog appeared again after this one. theres a thread on with it.
the biggest thing is that the frog has said big news within a weeks time. also, that there might be a new area other than Sorrows/Grenth. also, he confirmed guild storage
the biggest thing is that the frog has said big news within a weeks time. also, that there might be a new area other than Sorrows/Grenth. also, he confirmed guild storage
Sandman Uk
frogs still in lions d2 europe at back of storage under tree but not talking
the frog is always in LA between armor and fountain. it just doesnt always talk...
It's not a......crazy frog is it ?
I need my meds
the frog is awesome. I just hope the expansion will come out before the equinox or whatever. like...before the end of this month?
Grigori Sokolov
Originally Posted by Mimi Miyagi
I SERIOUSLY hope they don't nerf the farming monks. Why?
Because it's the only viable way for PVE players to unlock runes from farming certain areas. Before I started seriously farming, I had never seen a superior vigor or absorption rune. After hundreds of hours of "normal" play, ascending multiple characters, I had only seen ONE drop in all of the parties I had been in. PVP players can unlock one in a few hours. In normal play, chances of getting anything worthwhile is very slim. At least with farming, if you've managed to get the correct runes and skills, you can have a much better chance of getting those items unlocked - that would otherwise be nearly impossible to get otherwise. Nerfing farming, or the 105 monk is stupid. It hurts NO ONE, and just is getting called for a nerf because some people can't STAND the thought of someone being able to do something "cheap". Waaaahhhhhh. |
soloing on my 105 monk is the only time I dont get blamed for our group losing in fow (even, no, especially when its not actually my fault). And its my only chance of making money since all of my drops have sucked so far (650 hours or so and counting)
btw: my monk was my first char and I have used him for a long time. Enchant removals are not the way to go if you want to nerf uw more. most of the monks spells and best skills are enchantments; more so than any other caster anyway.
Originally Posted by DarkWasp
But, lets look at the pearl. You could be a protection monk, with your guild, or some friends go exploring the desert. Or Kryta! Even if you already have, set a goal. Say you want to go get some awesome screenshots of your guild out somewere private were hardly anyone goes. You will have so much fun, and there will be some nice drops along the way. So what if you dont get as much in as little time as farming, at least you will be having fun. Thats what games are for right?
You know how effective a warrior is when he can take no more than 5% damage? Combined with three stances? I can aggro loads of enemies and wait patiently until everything is on me. Few AoEs, and the battle is over. No need for the necro to bring energy management BiP, WoP, or Ritual. No need for more than one warrior. Bring in two other monks with Spell Breaker for the invinco-warrior and nothing can stop you. Watch out for Chillbains though and Renewal.

Why can't A.Net give us some straitforward information... Or at least straitforward hints that don't involve waiting around lions arch for a $&[email protected] frog?!
Dac Vin
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Why can't A.Net give us some straitforward information... Or at least straitforward hints that don't involve waiting around lions arch for a $&[email protected] frog?!
To piss you off?
Respect The Frog, or some big dude wearing all black will come knocking on your door...
I don't mind letting classes solo, every class can do it, but the 105/55 is just to much. All I see now are monks running into UW alone, wtf you aren't supposed to solo UW. Even if its nerfed why would you complain? Monks are still insanely powerful in PvE, you can still solo. Oh big woop you might die a few times, guess what your not gods.
I don't see how its not ruining the game, UW drops are now pretty much non excistant, I wonder why.... (combination of invicimonks, ER eles, trappers but the latter need groups). I have to go to FoW to get good drops and actual monks that aren't there just to show off...
All that people want is a quick way to do everything, and thats bull do we all have to make 105/55 monks just to keep up? I doubt the devs intended Snake Dance to be soloable, the trolls ok everyone can solo, but the entire map, thats a bit much.
I don't see how its not ruining the game, UW drops are now pretty much non excistant, I wonder why.... (combination of invicimonks, ER eles, trappers but the latter need groups). I have to go to FoW to get good drops and actual monks that aren't there just to show off...
All that people want is a quick way to do everything, and thats bull do we all have to make 105/55 monks just to keep up? I doubt the devs intended Snake Dance to be soloable, the trolls ok everyone can solo, but the entire map, thats a bit much.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Why can't A.Net give us some straitforward information... Or at least straitforward hints that don't involve waiting around lions arch for a $&[email protected] frog?!
I play as a solo 55 monk. I think you should be able to solo some parts of the UW (just as my necro can solo most of the Ring of Fire and Abbadon's Mouth mission. However, my only complaint with this is that it is FAR too easy, just like EVERY PART OF THE GAME.
This is pathetic. With my build, I can go afk with 7+ Aatxes all chomping on me, and come back without my health have even budged.
This is pathetic. With my build, I can go afk with 7+ Aatxes all chomping on me, and come back without my health have even budged.
Originally Posted by Weezer_Blue
Why can't A.Net give us some straitforward information... Or at least straitforward hints that don't involve waiting around lions arch for a $&[email protected] frog?!
Originally Posted by ZenPali
Look man, The Matrix had the Oracle, and we've got our frog =)
Originally Posted by wolfy3455
Ours is better because if we're ever stuck on an island with it, we can eat it!
Originally Posted by BigTru
The Oracle had cookies >=(
Originally Posted by wolfy3455
But if there was no spoon, then there must have been no cookies. So instead of being a positive, its a negative. She decieves you by offering fake cookies!
The Frog>The Oracle
'Nough Said
'Nough Said
The last few posts totally mindf*ed me.
Originally Posted by BigTru
This is pathetic. With my build, I can go afk with 7+ Aatxes all chomping on me, and come back without my health have even budged.
I already have a new idea in case the 105 monk gets nerfed.
I believe it's sort of possible to create a farmer no matter what. I hope they realize that once we can't use one build, there are many who are willing to spend abit of time building a new farmer.
I agree about the War farming. I mean that is just as bad if not worse. You can solo farm with Ele too but it's just not as fast. Haven't tried to farm much with my Necro.. but apparently from reading the posts in here it's possible.
So nerfing one build isn't going to stop us. I'm somewhat disappointed, but only because I had the silly notion in my head that perhaps they made those skills available for a reason (to promote everyone having a monk, or maybe they don't mind soloing :O)
Anyways, who knows what it means. So cryptic
I believe it's sort of possible to create a farmer no matter what. I hope they realize that once we can't use one build, there are many who are willing to spend abit of time building a new farmer.
I agree about the War farming. I mean that is just as bad if not worse. You can solo farm with Ele too but it's just not as fast. Haven't tried to farm much with my Necro.. but apparently from reading the posts in here it's possible.
So nerfing one build isn't going to stop us. I'm somewhat disappointed, but only because I had the silly notion in my head that perhaps they made those skills available for a reason (to promote everyone having a monk, or maybe they don't mind soloing :O)
Anyways, who knows what it means. So cryptic

I need my meds
I hope when they nerf the 105 monk, there arent too many healing monks. I just made a healing monk cus there werent enough and too many groups were waiting all day...
Originally Posted by dargon
Ok, let me get this straight. You created a build that rocks the UW as long as nothing disenchants you, and you're complaining that it's to easy? Simple solution. Change your build so it's not so cheap and actually makes you work to do stuff.
Why even add a bit of difficulty to the game then? We can just choose to make the game easy or hard right? So let's have all the enemies die in one hit and do 2 damage. That way, everyone can be uber and those who want "difficulty" can try going the entire game with no armor and not attacking any enemies. Sound fun?
Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Queto
Monk 105/55 build?
I wont like this update .. i know it ..
How do u drop stuff if u cant farm ?
How do u drop stuff if u cant farm ?
Originally Posted by I need my meds
I hope when they nerf the 105 monk, there arent too many healing monks. I just made a healing monk cus there werent enough and too many groups were waiting all day...
You will be one short that’s for sure!
I play both sides I and a healing monk at times but enjoy the hell out of solo monking. I have been able explore some places I have never seen because groups just don't go in these areas, it is actually the most fun I have had playing this game.
However if they screw up my solo monking it will piss me of enough to quit playing Monk in any form he will be deleted.
In fact Arena net’s policy of punish the whole for the acts of a few with regards to nerfing already has me fuming so no solo monk will probably make just make me quit altogether!
Originally Posted by BigTru
By this logic, you are saying that there wouldn't be a problem with there being one super build that could solo the entire game, all mission and all areas?
This monk build is really not the "uber do the whole game solo" that many of you seem to think, it is also not that easy, it does take a lot of work, time and patients to do it, and the slightest screw up you are dead.
I think most of you who want to see the solo monk gone are either jealous because you don’t have this build, to lazy to create a monk with this build. That’s not our (we the solo monkers) fault quit your pathetic whining and leave we the solo monkers the hell alone!
Numa Pompilius
It's true it's not teh uber solo everything build, but it's teh uber tanking build.
You can solo everything which doesn't have enchant removal, ie mobs like drakes, giants, aatxe, trolls, minotaurs or griffons, because the 55/105 is effectively immune to physical damage.
You can solo everything which doesn't have enchant removal, ie mobs like drakes, giants, aatxe, trolls, minotaurs or griffons, because the 55/105 is effectively immune to physical damage.
Originally Posted by Cobalt
With this monk build you can NOT solo all areas, in fact there are only a few areas in the whole game where a solo monk can survive. Even in UW solo monk and only go so far, can't do a single quest unless they are very lucky killing one near impossible group.
This monk build is really not the "uber do the whole game solo" that many of you seem to think, it is also not that easy, it does take a lot of work, time and patients to do it, and the slightest screw up you are dead. I think most of you who want to see the solo monk gone are either jealous because you don’t have this build, to lazy to create a monk with this build. That’s not our (we the solo monkers) fault quit your pathetic whining and leave we the solo monkers the hell alone! |
After beating the game twice, this is about the only thing that makes the game fun anymore.
Just to make sure farming doesn't go to my head, I can be found in numerous districts about every other day giving away free max shields and max weapons to those in need, and no, those in 15K armor don't get a damn thing

This build is not bulletproof either, as some have suggested. Even with all the enchantments, if your not careful, your toast.
Originally Posted by Severe
I agree 110%, if they nerf the 105/55, mark my words, alot of people will drop off GW.
After beating the game twice, this is about the only thing that makes the game fun anymore. Just to make sure farming doesn't go to my head, I can be found in numerous districts about every other day giving away free max shields and max weapons to those in need, and no, those in 15K armor don't get a damn thing ![]() This build is not bulletproof either, as some have suggested. Even with all the enchantments, if your not careful, your toast. Severe |
By this logic, every other person will leave if Ether Renewal is nerfed, same for NR... I see a flaw here... I doubt be it in pve of PvP people will just leave because something changes. This game isn't as inert as some hope.
If you don't like the idea of monks soloing, that's fine, but those of us who do, should have that option.
I paid for the game to play the way I want, not the way others "think" it should be played.
No, it won't affect PvP, but your a fool to think it will not affect the PvE players.
If it does get nerfed, and people bail, be sure to revisit this thread, since I'm not the only one who has said it will decline in players.
I paid for the game to play the way I want, not the way others "think" it should be played.
No, it won't affect PvP, but your a fool to think it will not affect the PvE players.
If it does get nerfed, and people bail, be sure to revisit this thread, since I'm not the only one who has said it will decline in players.
Im pretty sure they aren't going to change the way the skills work.... but I believe they will change fertile season so it doesn't effect other spirits...cause that just seems a bit evil in my opinion. Are spirits considered creatures?
Zackile Greenbirth
Can i just State that the 55/105hp Solo Monk can't Solo All of Underworld.....they can't go past the Behemoths.
The only way solo monks like this canm get past them is if they are in a team of 4 nukers 3 Healing Monks and a 55/105hp monk. This team can solo the whole of the UW. But it still hard.
Nerfing the monk build would be it will be nerfing a "Solo Monks Club" and 25% of players would play less and less
The only way solo monks like this canm get past them is if they are in a team of 4 nukers 3 Healing Monks and a 55/105hp monk. This team can solo the whole of the UW. But it still hard.
Nerfing the monk build would be it will be nerfing a "Solo Monks Club" and 25% of players would play less and less
Originally Posted by Severe
If you don't like the idea of monks soloing, that's fine, but those of us who do, should have that option.
I paid for the game to play the way I want, not the way others "think" it should be played. |

the game was meant to be played in groups

second point
you will play the game as they mean it to be played and they can change it any way they feel best for the most players
TGH needs you

Originally Posted by Severe
If you don't like the idea of monks soloing, that's fine, but those of us who do, should have that option.
I paid for the game to play the way I want, not the way others "think" it should be played. No, it won't affect PvP, but your a fool to think it will not affect the PvE players. If it does get nerfed, and people bail, be sure to revisit this thread, since I'm not the only one who has said it will decline in players. Severe |
If people leave because they can no longer be gods, then they are sad excuses for players. Perhaps they will go to WoW, as we know everyone is Uber and Godlike there, and the game is already in such a bad state that no one would mind more "gods".
Yes you bought this game, is this a console game? Does this game have to be fair only to you? Heck no. The world isn't a fair place, go try the stock market you can buy all you want, doesn't mean it will go your way. Life is a gamble learn to deal with what it throws in your face.
I salute all monks who did not jump on the bandwagon, its good to see real healer/prot/smite monks. Sadly they have become as rare as mesmers in this sea of crap.
EDIT: Saw the posts above mine.
I agree with the idea that this game was meant to be played in groups.
Also, yes I know they can't solo everything, but they can clear 1/2 of the UW... this would be the town, the labyrinth, the frozen fields, and if they are sneaky enough the fleshy part... thought this is probably hard with out atleast one other. In other words, half of UW has lost it challenge.
I don't consider UW a challenge even with a "normal" group. Really it's just trying not to be overwhelmed. I'd consider it challenging if there was some thought put into the fights, like having to split into two groups and take on two bosses at the same time to unlock a door, or... well, just something besides bludgeoning your skills against the walls in hopes of overpowering everything.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
It's true it's not teh uber solo everything build, but it's teh uber tanking build.
You can solo everything which doesn't have enchant removal, ie mobs like drakes, giants, aatxe, trolls, minotaurs or griffons, because the 55/105 is effectively immune to physical damage. |
The poor monk could not really solo anything after pre until now and it is just because they can go in UW and clear maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of UW solo where other classes would fail everyone is up in arms.
Even if they do nerf I don’t think they can nerf skills however they could put enhancement killers in some of the monk hunting areas but that will not only stop solo monks it will make in hard for anyone even in a group to ever use enhancements in those areas, (meaning all areas). Thus if they nerf the monk everyone gets punished in one way or another, so those of you hoping for a big bad monk nerf careful what you wish for.