Originally Posted by Vorlin
The 105/55 monks simply aren't that big a deal when it comes for any -other- person's enjoyment of Gwars PvP/PvE. I understand people's objections to the 105/55 build, but people with objections need to ask themselves the following question: "Would you want ANet to nerf one of -your- characters because someone else objected to it?". I think the answer would be a resounding 'No'.
Which exactly is the point. Nobody from the whiner/bitcher/nerf everything faction did EVER show ANY proof that 105 monks have a negative impact on ANYONE ELSE'S gaming.
It's not even the point whether Protective Bond is overpowered or not. The point is - assuming that Prot Bond IS overpowered - does it affect others or not? There ARE abusive methods of gameplay that affect others. Like
- wearing Forge Armor in Low Level Arenas (this DOES affect other players in a negative way)
- Spirit Spamming: Spirits never were meant to be used in such a way - and it DOES affect other players in a negative way.
If anyone calls for nerf of above things, they get my full support for it, although I won't start "NERF THIS NERF THAT" threads on anything here.
If anyone of the pro-nerf faction can show me ANY SUBSTANCIAL PROOF that 105 monks affect other players in a negative way, I will change my opinion. As long as they can't do it, I think that people who call to nerf 105 monks are either
- jealous or
- zealots or
- jealous zealots
People using 105 monk builds do essentially these things:
- they have more money
- they sell lots of items to traders or other players
- they buy items, either from traders or other players
- they can solo areas where other people can't solo or it's a bit harder for them to do so
So let's review the impact of this on the game:
- The last thing CAN NEVER affect other people since playing solo can't affect others by definition. They argument "Nobody should solo UW" is only laughable in my opinion. You might as well say "Nobody should drive a BMW" and it would be just as laughable.
- They have more money than others. Well, this by itself isn't a bad thing either. In real life, there are people having more money than others, too. We don't nerf that, too. Money by itself doesn't mean anything.
- They sell more items because they're getting more due to farming. This has been said many many times, is A GOOD THING since it KEEPS PRICES DOWN for everyone. Anyone having the slightest understanding of economy will agree that an increase of supply will decrease prices. And in GW, we all like low prices, don't we?
- They can buy more stuff because they have more money. The most expensive items in the game are the 15k and Fissure armor sets. Those don't give you an edge in gameplay, they only look better. Again, it doesn't affect anyone else.
Ok, now here it comes, they only thing in Guild Wars where 105 monkers will actually have an impact on other people... they can outbid most other players in player-to-player trade. If anyone sells his shiny golden godly uberweapon and a 105 monk wants it, he will get it because he will have more money than you. Well, so that's it. A bad thing, isn't it? Only that...
A 105 monk just outbid you for a 50k bowstring? He actually DID YOU A FAVOR and kept you from wasting money.
Oh... and even if you despite all good reasons want to actually buy other people's crap for tons of gold - you still can make a 105 monk yourself, can't you???
So, dear pro-nerfers - give me ONE FREAKING REASON why 105 monks are a bad thing! A broken skill is NOT AUTOMATICALLY A BAD THING. It's only a bad thing if it does affect others in a negative way. So, go ahead, prove me wrong.