Then getting rid of the 105 monk build won't mean much

Max Taco
Originally Posted by chaos dragoon
just my 2 cents,
but the only people in favor of the nerf are people without a 105 monk(as far as i know).i saw some other posts and i agree in thinking that many are just jealous.i dont have a 105 monk(the monk u see in my charecter listing is a healer,not planing to make a 105 monk,unlocking healing skills with him). |
Originally Posted by Mhydrian
No alot of us dont do it becuase its incredibly lame. I have a full set of superior runes sittingmy box. I was thought about putting together a high prot gear set, but decided I dont want to explot and be a lame ass. I realyl dont get much feeling of acomplishment from exploiting an obvious oversight on the DEVs and then bragging about it. Just lame in so many ways. But hey its a free game who the hell cares.
But this is for sure, it simply HAS to be fixed. ANET will do something about this build. They have no choice before this game gets labeled as a game full of exploits and hacks. If they want people to take them seriously they need to do something. Until now they have been very underhanded and nerfed things my putting more mobs in places, adding lame skills to the mobs and screwing drop rates. All of this has had the cumulative effect of making the game a incredible hassle to play. And Im sick of it, this cowardly "adjusting" of the game world to tip toe around exploiters and hacks is starting to piss me off. |
Originally Posted by Blue Steel
The sole reason it needs to be and should be fixed is because it is stupid. No one intended it. One creative person figured it out, and tens of thousands who aren't even good at the game copied it (reading these posts it sounds like there are people who can't even beat thunderhead who are solo farming the UW).
Originally Posted by Mhydrian
No alot of us dont do it becuase its incredibly lame.
Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Rossaroni
End-all-be-all on 105/85/55 Monks: If you don't play one, prove it affects your gameplay, then begin your argument from there. Otherwise, it's not an issue for those who don't play them.
Originally Posted by Fantus
I think Spirit Spammers are incredibly lame.
I think using run skills to offer taxi services to people is incredibly lame. I think run skills generally are lame because most people only use them to run around battles because they are too lazy to play the game I think Natures Renewal is incredibly lame because it basically makes whole enchantment builds USELESS Did you ever see me bitching and whining about ONE of these things in forum and yell for a nerf? No? Well, that's because I DON'T FORCE MY PREFERRED STYLE OF PLAYING ON OTHERS. |
Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
Same poor excuse for an argument I heard countless times on my thread. I don't know where people get this misconception that if what youre doing doesnt effect anyone else it cant be unbalanced/abuse/exploitative,whatever.
Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
Neither am I, You can play however you want, with or without an unbalanced and abused monk build.
Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
Typical Monkroach argument, its all about the monkroach, I dont care how YOU play, I dont expect you to care what I do, I expect anet to keep the game a lvl playing field. Or at least attempt to.
Originally Posted by ElderAtronach
Fantus, just because you don't bitch and whine about stuff doesn't mean no one else does. Tons of people bitched about spirit spam, running, and NR. Does it mean they want to force their playing style on everyone else? No. It means there's some balance issue that people think should be addressed.
Frankly you sound like you've posted in a powergamer vs. roleplayer thread on a Neverwinter Nights board. Forcing playstyle... lol. |
Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Fantus
If you agree that what the "monkroaches" do doesn't affect anyone else - then why do you even care if what they do is "unbalanced"??? Are you some self-imposed Knight of Righteousness or what?
Originally Posted by Fantus
Good that we are in agreement here, too.
![]() |
Originally Posted by Fantus
Or is it (like so many people here like to think) really all about jealousy - despite you like to deny that so much?
Originally Posted by Fantus
Is Protective Bond a powerful skill? Yes, it is. Is it too powerful? That's up to ArenaNet to decide.
Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
Absolutely, but if you're trying to tell me that I dont have the right to post my opinion on the matter you're out of your mind.
Robos Stavanis
Charcoal Ann
Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Fantus
Refer to my post (last one on page 7) for my opinion on that. Posting one's opinion is ok. Beating a dead horse is whining. I hope you can see the difference in that.
I have a 55 monk, I've run one since well before the build become popular - let's face it, for generating gold and experience, it's unparalleled. That being said, I am hoping they tweak the protective bond skill |
Originally Posted by Hookecho
... You want to know why I made a solo monk for the UW?....not for untold riches...not for Ecto....I made it for skill points ...
Algren Cole
Elistan Theocrat
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
can we stop calling this build a "hack" or an "exploit"..neither of which are accurate. The skills was designed a certain way and the math for the algorithm was done so that at lvl17 you cast a protective bond that takes 1 energy away from's not an exploit, the skill is working doesn't need to be "fixed" it needs to be reworked and the algorithm needs to be changed.
at the same time can we stop calling the Henchamn "AI"...that terms also incredibly false. |
Nikita Firestorm
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Nikita Firestorm
Nerf all "farming", add more and better cooperative content.
Nikita Firestorm
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Also, the UW is a bad place to generate gold.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
Ecto: 9.5 Plat atm. For a few weeks it has been sitting at about 10 plat. -500g, gg, this has hardly effected the market, if at all.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Yamat
Oh yeah, so bad that in 1 hour last night I generated 5 plat and an ecto...
Originally Posted by Yamat
Remember when ecto was at 17k? That was just as the monk solo-ers were starting en masse... so it's gone from 17k to 9.5k in about a month. That's not bad going...
Originally Posted by Yamat
Oh yeah, so bad that in 1 hour last night I generated 5 plat and an ecto...
Originally Posted by Yamat
Remember when ecto was at 17k? That was just as the monk solo-ers were starting en masse... so it's gone from 17k to 9.5k in about a month. That's not bad going...
Originally Posted by Yamat
Oh yeah, so bad that in 1 hour last night I generated 5 plat and an ecto...