New update!!!
"WHAT!!, i just finish busting out 100k+ for my invinci monk now it gets nerfed ?!?!?! i hope every one deserts gw and anet gets screwed seriously wtf.... how am i suppost to come up with 1000k+ for fissure.."
To be honest... Your not. They want you to spend the rest of your life playing in large groups of ppl who drop for nothing. They want drones! I was fraked too in the same way. The game gets to a point where the only thing left to do is farm. After you ahve every class lvl 20 and all the skills, the only fun thing to do is farm and get items so you can try and save for the retarded armor! I paid 60k recently for my runes, and then they nerf it, wtf r they thinking.... they are not.
You people say good job, it is because you do not understand and it did not affect you. I suppose you thinkA-Bomb was a good thing since it ended a war and only affected a small amount of people. Solo monks had a vital role. Ask ppl I sold to cheap, and see if they think the solo monk is fraking things up??? In fact we lowered prices!
To be honest... Your not. They want you to spend the rest of your life playing in large groups of ppl who drop for nothing. They want drones! I was fraked too in the same way. The game gets to a point where the only thing left to do is farm. After you ahve every class lvl 20 and all the skills, the only fun thing to do is farm and get items so you can try and save for the retarded armor! I paid 60k recently for my runes, and then they nerf it, wtf r they thinking.... they are not.
You people say good job, it is because you do not understand and it did not affect you. I suppose you thinkA-Bomb was a good thing since it ended a war and only affected a small amount of people. Solo monks had a vital role. Ask ppl I sold to cheap, and see if they think the solo monk is fraking things up??? In fact we lowered prices!
Maybe you should go back and read the thread then Father Nurgle as solo monks still exist. Look at your skills, if you have an ounce of brainpower I'm certain you can come up with adjustments to make it work.
I do not have an invinci monk or a ranger. I dont feel any personal effects of the changes myself as i use different skill sets to those updated.
To the ppl saying great job, wait till its your characters and builds that get nerfed, the im ok wasnt me attitude only lasts for so long. You will be next sometime LOL.
I see the great builds that have been tweaked for months by ppl as an excellent addition to the game and something for people to strive for if thats what turns them on.
This must mean every great build that comes along its going to be struck down? Simply has to happen now as the pecident has been set. Especially as we will always work to find other ways to achieve the same end, so really there is no end in sight. Once the workarounds have been out for a while they will have to be fixed so they dont work, simply has to happen now.
Seems thats the direction we are heading people so be careful what you wish for YOURE NEXT!! LOL.
To the ppl saying great job, wait till its your characters and builds that get nerfed, the im ok wasnt me attitude only lasts for so long. You will be next sometime LOL.
I see the great builds that have been tweaked for months by ppl as an excellent addition to the game and something for people to strive for if thats what turns them on.
This must mean every great build that comes along its going to be struck down? Simply has to happen now as the pecident has been set. Especially as we will always work to find other ways to achieve the same end, so really there is no end in sight. Once the workarounds have been out for a while they will have to be fixed so they dont work, simply has to happen now.
Seems thats the direction we are heading people so be careful what you wish for YOURE NEXT!! LOL.
I've been getting more dyes....
Dargon idoit!
They were nerfed. if they were changed to their detriment it is a nerf!
It is a major pain now to do anything and takes twice as long. It took long enough before, now you ahve to change things and do this and that. The guy who post that thread is clueless as well. So I have an ounce of brainpower, and I am now using it to dispell the myth that you know wtf your talking about.
They were nerfed. if they were changed to their detriment it is a nerf!
It is a major pain now to do anything and takes twice as long. It took long enough before, now you ahve to change things and do this and that. The guy who post that thread is clueless as well. So I have an ounce of brainpower, and I am now using it to dispell the myth that you know wtf your talking about.
I wish they'd never put in any armor past Droknar's Forge armor. I am so freakin' sick of hearing about people crying about the cost of this do-nothing ego-armor. Please, ANet, take out all post-Droknar armor in your next patch and put an end to this. 
On another note, when reading some of the incredibly dramatic reactions to the patch, I have to ask some of you a question: if a tiny little change in a fantasy game is going to freak you out this much, just what are you going to do when life hands you a -real- setback? Jeez, get some perspective for God's sake.

On another note, when reading some of the incredibly dramatic reactions to the patch, I have to ask some of you a question: if a tiny little change in a fantasy game is going to freak you out this much, just what are you going to do when life hands you a -real- setback? Jeez, get some perspective for God's sake.
Originally Posted by Sandman Uk
All you greedy Uw solo farmers are crying because you now cant make your millions. Giving us who play the game properly a chance to bid for weapons in auctions without being outpriced by a Monk who has 1 Million in Plat and thinks nothing of paying 400 plat for a weapon.
Originally Posted by FatherNurgle
Dargon idoit!
They were nerfed. if they were changed to their detriment it is a nerf! It is a major pain now to do anything and takes twice as long. It took long enough before, now you ahve to change things and do this and that. The guy who post that thread is clueless as well. So I have an ounce of brainpower, and I am now using it to dispell the myth that you know wtf your talking about. |
Lets see, you resort to insults and say you're going to dispel the myth, and then don't actually do it. Are you sure I'm the idiot? Perhaps you should look at the mesmer line for recovering energy, I've heard that mesmers can do some pretty interesting things. Not having one myself, I can't say this with certainty. I'm certain others here can though. BTW, it's spelled i-d-i-o-t
Divine Elemental
Father got owned
Sandman Uk
Originally Posted by kbealow
Wow you know I wish I knew some of these over pricing I could have made some money off of them...I play the game a lot more than I should and sometimes it seems like I'm selling more than I'm playing...cause I sell not only my stuff but husbands and friends as well...never seen any over pricing monks...wished I had...and it's not like I didn't have good stuff...I had killer stuff...oh well I guess I'll never see it!
1 mill,40 shards and a wingblade with 15% dmg health above 50%, war axe 15%dmg health above 50%
enought said
Good changes, for the most.
Solo monk still exist if you don't want or can't figure out how to create one, google it and you'll find the new build. (there are evene other profession soloing if you prefere)
If a-Net was trying to nerf solo monk than, easier than change a skill, that affect the enteire gameplay, they would have added mesmers in UW and DONE! just some mesmer...
They don't! Only adjusted a owerpowered skill.
Now use your brains to solo UW and not a "copy/paste" build from webpages.
Solo monk still exist if you don't want or can't figure out how to create one, google it and you'll find the new build. (there are evene other profession soloing if you prefere)
If a-Net was trying to nerf solo monk than, easier than change a skill, that affect the enteire gameplay, they would have added mesmers in UW and DONE! just some mesmer...
They don't! Only adjusted a owerpowered skill.
Now use your brains to solo UW and not a "copy/paste" build from webpages.
It's easier to do a duo monk now. 1 guy can tank alone with almost the same build, even with it's nerfing, but he won't be able to deal a whole lot of additional damage.
Hi guys,
I dont play an invincimonk build. I still don't get why arenanet nerfs the game at all?? What does this achieve, it pisses players off and they leave and find something else to play.
The game is meant to be designed for fun, uber characters and loot is what its all about.
All this nerf achieves is that areanet will lose players. In my opinion areanet have got it very wrong indeed. When the new update comes out, how may people will actually buy it??
That why WoW is a much better and far more popular game..
I dont play an invincimonk build. I still don't get why arenanet nerfs the game at all?? What does this achieve, it pisses players off and they leave and find something else to play.
The game is meant to be designed for fun, uber characters and loot is what its all about.
All this nerf achieves is that areanet will lose players. In my opinion areanet have got it very wrong indeed. When the new update comes out, how may people will actually buy it??
That why WoW is a much better and far more popular game..
Again, can't see any nerfing, only rebalancing.
Are you plaing pvp, seen some difference? seen a lot of different builds? more variety more gampeplay.
Noobs still losing like noobs, experienced players still win, only changhe is no newbie winning because they are plaing a wellknowed strong build. (that is still strong but requires "player's skill" to win not only "skills".
Are you plaing pvp, seen some difference? seen a lot of different builds? more variety more gampeplay.
Noobs still losing like noobs, experienced players still win, only changhe is no newbie winning because they are plaing a wellknowed strong build. (that is still strong but requires "player's skill" to win not only "skills".
that will change shortly. a whole new set of FoTM will come out shortly, i'm sure. smiter E/Mo's still exist, although it may take them a couple more skill slots to do it.
FoTM -> smite smite smite. Anet RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up the game ; /
Farrah Nappo
I for one am very happy about the prot bond nerfing.
There was a ridiculous flood of otherwise useless 105/55 wannabe "monks", and that situation had to be corrected.
Way to go A.Net
There was a ridiculous flood of otherwise useless 105/55 wannabe "monks", and that situation had to be corrected.
Way to go A.Net

Wow, some people really need to grow up. I see nothing but good changes out of this balancing. And, with the rewards going on, they are bringing in as many pvpers as they can to maybe crunch numbers and provide more balancing very quickly due to the changes.
I do like all of the changes, such as spirit, smite, and putrid spamming reduction. I do have one question though, what is the exact usage of protective bond now? With an energy reduction of -3 with max att points, how can a monk ever come out on top while using that spell? I would understand it if the maintainment no longer ended when the monk ran out of energy, but at the moment, it seems it should not even be a maintained enchantment.
As it has already been said before, there are still ways to farm with the 105/55 monk, it just takes a little more brainwork (not much, but a little).
The last thing I have to say is, could some of you people just leave? All you do is constantly complain about any and every nerf, instead of looking at the big picture. Maybe you should try wrapping your brain around things and seeing everything that is involved in the so called "nerf". You could also try new things, maybe even surprise yourself. If you do find something, keep it secret for a while, have fun with it, then once you have profitted from it, you can tell everyone else and watch it get nerfed as you work on your next big thing.
And for all you people that complained about the solo farming monks, you need to grow up as well. I honestly think that the majority of you complainers are the greedy ones. The ones that are so immature that if you don't have something your way, you have to throw a tantrum until it is your way. I'm not saying your complaints even had any effect on this nerf (as I /bugged it when I first found it, even while using it, cause hey, we all got to turn a profit somehow right?).
Everyone just needs to relax, its a game, and not even a game you are paying constantly for.
I do like all of the changes, such as spirit, smite, and putrid spamming reduction. I do have one question though, what is the exact usage of protective bond now? With an energy reduction of -3 with max att points, how can a monk ever come out on top while using that spell? I would understand it if the maintainment no longer ended when the monk ran out of energy, but at the moment, it seems it should not even be a maintained enchantment.
As it has already been said before, there are still ways to farm with the 105/55 monk, it just takes a little more brainwork (not much, but a little).
The last thing I have to say is, could some of you people just leave? All you do is constantly complain about any and every nerf, instead of looking at the big picture. Maybe you should try wrapping your brain around things and seeing everything that is involved in the so called "nerf". You could also try new things, maybe even surprise yourself. If you do find something, keep it secret for a while, have fun with it, then once you have profitted from it, you can tell everyone else and watch it get nerfed as you work on your next big thing.
And for all you people that complained about the solo farming monks, you need to grow up as well. I honestly think that the majority of you complainers are the greedy ones. The ones that are so immature that if you don't have something your way, you have to throw a tantrum until it is your way. I'm not saying your complaints even had any effect on this nerf (as I /bugged it when I first found it, even while using it, cause hey, we all got to turn a profit somehow right?).
Everyone just needs to relax, its a game, and not even a game you are paying constantly for.
Ok, for me it's unavoidable to be pleased with this weekend event, because it gives much more faction. I'll be sure to enjoy the event till the end.
But besides that temporary pleasure I took a look at the bigger picture, and I don't know what to say. The game STILL isn't going to be UAS'd for me after this event... and I STILL won't have what Izzy acknowledged is where the full fun of the skill system is... having access to them. And thus there will STILL be a problem of a small, ungrowing PVP audience because you can't get people to stay when even some long term players haven't unlocked everything yet. It's still going to be hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, and how can a fast paced PVP game thrive under that?
So, thumbs up to the weekend, just because it's fun
but... I'm still not sure they are getting to the root of the skill acquistion problem. You still have to basically take 3 characters completely through PVE mode which is too much time and play to ask of the majority of people.
But besides that temporary pleasure I took a look at the bigger picture, and I don't know what to say. The game STILL isn't going to be UAS'd for me after this event... and I STILL won't have what Izzy acknowledged is where the full fun of the skill system is... having access to them. And thus there will STILL be a problem of a small, ungrowing PVP audience because you can't get people to stay when even some long term players haven't unlocked everything yet. It's still going to be hundreds and hundreds of hours of work, and how can a fast paced PVP game thrive under that?
So, thumbs up to the weekend, just because it's fun
but... I'm still not sure they are getting to the root of the skill acquistion problem. You still have to basically take 3 characters completely through PVE mode which is too much time and play to ask of the majority of people.
why? I've taken 3 characters through the game, but for the remaining classes I'm just using my main. I've done all 4 change-secondary quests so I'll just change my secondary go back and pick up the class-specific quests. Level 20 doing a quest out of Ashford Abby? Easy as pie. Might take a bit more planning and perhaps a partner or two by the time I get to the jungle, but I'm sure that I can unlock a great deal of skills... and no need to play more than 1 to end game (although I did for fun, but they all had the same secondary)
Originally Posted by caz67
Hi guys,
I dont play an invincimonk build. I still don't get why arenanet nerfs the game at all?? What does this achieve, it pisses players off and they leave and find something else to play. The game is meant to be designed for fun, uber characters and loot is what its all about. All this nerf achieves is that areanet will lose players. In my opinion areanet have got it very wrong indeed. When the new update comes out, how may people will actually buy it?? That why WoW is a much better and far more popular game.. |
In case you didn't notice, GW was designed to create balance competition between players, not for 'uber characters' with which you can p0wn all teh noobz0rs with your broken skills. This is not your free WoW server, sorry.
The Great Al
it says protection bond is now 6...3 what was it before?
Anet designed the game from scratch, it was not given to them in form of perfection.
Could you make a game from scratch that was completely balanced?
Or would you have to learn from your mistakes and continue to improve to achive a higher balance?
Tweeking, nerfing, whatever, will forever be a part of game balancing.
Becuase people arent perfect.
Here is your silver spoon:
Protective Spirit
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit
Mending (+4, req. 13 Healing)
Bonnetti's Defense
Balthazar's Aura
Zealots Fire
Divine Boon
Could you make a game from scratch that was completely balanced?
Or would you have to learn from your mistakes and continue to improve to achive a higher balance?
Tweeking, nerfing, whatever, will forever be a part of game balancing.
Becuase people arent perfect.
Here is your silver spoon:
Protective Spirit
Essence Bond
Balthazar's Spirit
Mending (+4, req. 13 Healing)
Bonnetti's Defense
Balthazar's Aura
Zealots Fire
Divine Boon
Brother Andicus
Having played with it, i'm a little dubious about the change to healing seed, but other than that I like the changes. Seed was a very effective counter to the smite builds running around GvG/Tombs, now with only a 10 second duration - kinda tricky. I guess given time for people to stop going "OMG OMG smite smite smite" we will see a return of the hardcore healing balls, as seed can be rotated much easier in that situation.
Looking forward to see how things pan out.
Looking forward to see how things pan out.
Dice Them
Originally Posted by lord_shar
Well, my soloing necro/mesmer survived the latest nerfs!
As an ex-EQ player, I've learned how to handle nerfs in stride ![]() /rude SOE |
Are you saying you can solo UW with necro mesmer? , u got to teach me that ...!
well im new to the forums....and honestly stopped playing gw just about a week before the changes....sure i had a 105/55 monk....farmed hydra mostly....the updates really just made me not wanna start playing it again......people here saying its guild wars and not"solo" wars......well yah know maybe if they made it worth it to be a healing monk....for a while your drops were nice...then they nurfed it so a healing monk gets screwed for drops with a team....making the huge demand for the solo monk build.....the wars and the ele's get the drops...the support doesnt.
reason i quit was just the fact that PvE is so repetative and boring that its not worth it...i mean i got 4 lvl 20's with 15k armor....only 1 i actually used was the once yah get to that point..then what????go in the uw?or fow?? the ele that aggro's everything and dies get the ecto or shard.....after you use all your energy keeping idiots alive....then get screamed at because a war dies..... at least with the solo monk build you could actually get drops, and not get screamed at because some moron doesnt know how to play......basically what im trying to say is...that this nerf isnt gonna make more monks available for pve...your later q's like rof,and hells...are still gonna have a total of 3 monks in all the districts.....and now there gonna be charging for the they do at thunderhead......a lot of people are gonna stop monking...pure and simple....there is no advantage to it.....what fun is it to just watch the health bars ???
for use of those who dont PvP much....the game just simply is repetative and boring to play after so long......i imagine this help nerf spikers and spirit spammers....funny thing is people figure out a star...and a-net nerfs the strat...kinda sad. yah......good job a-net..... i was done before these changes...and looks like ill be giving away my stuff and settign my disk to collect dust just like i did when they made d2 suck.....i wonder if they same guys who came out with the 1.10 patch for d2 were the ones who left to make gw....cause they just screwed this 1 up.
reason i quit was just the fact that PvE is so repetative and boring that its not worth it...i mean i got 4 lvl 20's with 15k armor....only 1 i actually used was the once yah get to that point..then what????go in the uw?or fow?? the ele that aggro's everything and dies get the ecto or shard.....after you use all your energy keeping idiots alive....then get screamed at because a war dies..... at least with the solo monk build you could actually get drops, and not get screamed at because some moron doesnt know how to play......basically what im trying to say is...that this nerf isnt gonna make more monks available for pve...your later q's like rof,and hells...are still gonna have a total of 3 monks in all the districts.....and now there gonna be charging for the they do at thunderhead......a lot of people are gonna stop monking...pure and simple....there is no advantage to it.....what fun is it to just watch the health bars ???
for use of those who dont PvP much....the game just simply is repetative and boring to play after so long......i imagine this help nerf spikers and spirit spammers....funny thing is people figure out a star...and a-net nerfs the strat...kinda sad. yah......good job a-net..... i was done before these changes...and looks like ill be giving away my stuff and settign my disk to collect dust just like i did when they made d2 suck.....i wonder if they same guys who came out with the 1.10 patch for d2 were the ones who left to make gw....cause they just screwed this 1 up.
The Great Al
i really dont think that monks get less drops than any other class, do they?
Im so happy they fixed the Spirit spammers an NR now maybe HoH can be fun again :P
Maybe Air Spike teams will come back since the SS team builds will be less popular, who knows. Thanks for the one in a mil good update anet.
I also have a UW farming monk that was nerfed and i dont care farming is so damn boring. Also, i have 40 ectos in storage waiting for the price to jump sky high, Weee!
Maybe Air Spike teams will come back since the SS team builds will be less popular, who knows. Thanks for the one in a mil good update anet.
I also have a UW farming monk that was nerfed and i dont care farming is so damn boring. Also, i have 40 ectos in storage waiting for the price to jump sky high, Weee!
Sir Skullcrasher
good thing i not a monk
Dancing Blade
Great update. Keep up the good work, ArenaNet!
Naw - mostly good update, but it's been said before - take away NR and you need to up the effectiveness of enchanment removal. Smiting teams (well, good ones) just dominated all weekend. Ether Renewal wasn't nerfed and should have been, and the smiting builds are much much harder to stop without a global enchanment strip - chillblains just doesn't cut it as far as stripping goes.
Yeah....its is boring. Nerfing it only makes things worst. And these 2 new areas that is suppose to be out b4 the summer look like its going to be a Fall Update. Sorry, can't wait, got school and work. I'm so disappointed in Anet, this game had so much potential.

I used to love solo'ng. Sittting with 10 hydras on me was a girls dream and watching mad black cows by the 6 slamming repeatedly into me just gets me all a quiver! "Ooh, a glob!" and "Wow a rare!" I couldn't believe it, I'd found a way to get myself all the goodies I wanted and didn't even have to think hard on it! You see, I created my build on my own with no help and solo'd for quite a lot longer than most.
Now what?
Sadly, I've gotten used to such attention from the baddies to the point where if I am not smacking around more than two, I get bored! I've finished the game. I have 1.4 million gold, I can't even pick anymore up. I have a slew of the little pink circles in storage. My characters all have godly weapons (even this one, my ele, has a staff with +60 hp). I have more weapons in storage I can sell. I have fissure armor. I helped my friend get his fissure armor (donation of more than 90 globs and no don't ask).
I think the solo monk build with prot bond should have been tanked a while back to control the inflation of items and the deflation of getting a rare. Slip over to district 1 in Lions Arch and you'll see the Ebay Gold Machine in action with --- Girl selling unidentified this and Hua ---- selling unid'ed that and --- Begkiss selling unid'ed and so on and so on. The rare has been made so commonplace it's sad. Drops have been made to suffer with only 1 glob per run in UW being most common now.
So yes I've managed to throw together a new build, one I had already used when I was waiting for prot bond to get nerfed and needed something as a just in case. It's not that hard to do it, simply takes a few more keyboard movements than the prot bond build. Here it is exactly the way it is in my skill bar with a few notes to follow.
* Protective Spirit (used as often as possible, almost spamming)
* Blessed Signet
* Balthazar's Aura (an old favorite)
* Shield of Judgment (with a high enough smite att, a nice attack!)
* Bonetti's Defense (very important now more than ever)
* Watchful Spirit (for that always lovely +2 Health Regen)
* Mending (make that mending a +4 and with Watchful, hello +6 regen!)
* Balthazar's Spirit
What's my attributes set at you ask? Well I am different from most and find it more helpful to do it this way instead of trying to max out my smite.
BEFORE going, I always jack Health to 13 and get my 4 for Mending. Then I lower it back down to the following attritbute numbers. Note, these numbers include superior runes.
Healing - 9
Smiting - 13
Protection - 12
Divine - 11
Tactics - 8
I put tactics higher because with smites, having that extra 3 seconds becomes vital since they attack so much. One group at a time is safest now, you can no longer tank 4 groups like I used to. Colds can be killed the same as before, they are quite easy and you will find Aatxes die quicker with the added SOJ.
Anyway, this will be my last run for a while. I am sincerely bored of GW now which I guess is good in a lot of ways but bad in plenty of others. I had high hopes for this game on the PVE end and got my money's worth, have no doubt. As for the lasting value of PVE, it just kind of died off. The solo builds made it interesting, but, if I wanted to be a farmer I'd live in Nebraska with some corn instead of NJ. I have zero need for gold or items and to be quite frank have not seen a rare worth clamoring over (I personally don't need a 15/50 Storm Bow).
I hope this build helps you all out and you get many many weeks of time using it because God knows that Anet is about as fast as old people having sex when it comes to fixing damaging, economically impacting builds. I have made many friends on here (except for Leprekan X, talk about a fella needing to get over something in life!) and will keep in touch with them hopefully until Sorrows comes out.
Till then, see you next build!
Why oh why did they nerf natures renewal?!? It's not as if every team in Tombs had 2 warriors and 1-2 e/mo smiters...oh wait...that's exactly how it was. And let's see, what was the one way to stop them. Well, thanks for making the strongest team even stronger and harder to beat. I hope everyone enjoys either playing on one of these smite teams or losing to them.
The other changes are ok as far as I'm concerned (don't quite get the meteor change though).
The other changes are ok as far as I'm concerned (don't quite get the meteor change though).
Originally Posted by Del
Why oh why did they nerf natures renewal?!? It's not as if every team in Tombs had 2 warriors and 1-2 e/mo smiters...oh wait...that's exactly how it was. And let's see, what was the one way to stop them. Well, thanks for making the strongest team even stronger and harder to beat. I hope everyone enjoys either playing on one of these smite teams or losing to them.
The other changes are ok as far as I'm concerned (don't quite get the meteor change though). |
Using Nature's Renewal to stop smiters is akin to using a nuclear weapon to destroy a building.
Originally Posted by Del
Why oh why did they nerf natures renewal?!? It's not as if every team in Tombs had 2 warriors and 1-2 e/mo smiters...oh wait...that's exactly how it was. And let's see, what was the one way to stop them. Well, thanks for making the strongest team even stronger and harder to beat. I hope everyone enjoys either playing on one of these smite teams or losing to them.
The other changes are ok as far as I'm concerned (don't quite get the meteor change though). |
Originally Posted by film
biggest newb post evor!.... first off e/mo smiters are probably 10th on the ladder of most effected things by nr. Secondly they nerfed e/mo smiters as well as nr. Brilliant
Originally Posted by Akathrielah
Using Nature's Renewal to stop smiters is akin to using a nuclear weapon to destroy a building.

Originally Posted by Epinephrine
No, they didn't nerf the one skill that's broken in an El/Mo build - Ether Renewal. That skill is just wrong, and has been for ages.
Originally Posted by Epinephrine
No, they didn't nerf the one skill that's broken in an El/Mo build - Ether Renewal. That skill is just wrong, and has been for ages.
Lol - but it works ![]() |
they nerfed insta recharge spells ala divine boon, draw conditions... e/mo's can no longer spam these moves at alarming rates which is a pretty big nerf
Not much of a nerf - they just run 2 of them and alternate instead. Still plenty of damage fast - and the problem isn't so much the damage but the energy regen - if they ran out after spamming I wouldn't care, but Ether Renewl is about 7 times as good as the next best Elite energy regeneration skill.