Originally Posted by Sinbios
I don't get why they're so desperate to get rid of the solo farming monk. How /else/ do they expect people to come up with the horrendous amounts of ecto and shards they set to get fissure armour?
New update!!!
john little
Pandora's box
Guild Wars have been updated with a multitude of skill balances in preparation for the PvP Extreme Weekend |

Where is the nerf of the Wa/Mo?
Damn looks like i missed it along the update notes. But when Arena.net really judges by logic it has to be in there too... damn, i really don't find it. So... may we guess then, the only "honorable farmer" is the wa/mo class? Well you know, as all others got nerfed to hell while they can still own the shit out of tyria? Okay, thats it... having to make a wa/mo now -.-
And all the morons complaining about "cry babies"... you're just happy because the nerfbat did not hit your fun with the game but others. Human disease is what you are, only happy if someone else gets hit by misery.
Damn looks like i missed it along the update notes. But when Arena.net really judges by logic it has to be in there too... damn, i really don't find it. So... may we guess then, the only "honorable farmer" is the wa/mo class? Well you know, as all others got nerfed to hell while they can still own the shit out of tyria? Okay, thats it... having to make a wa/mo now -.-
And all the morons complaining about "cry babies"... you're just happy because the nerfbat did not hit your fun with the game but others. Human disease is what you are, only happy if someone else gets hit by misery.
With this revelation, I'm here left to wonder if Fissure armour is now attainable at all. We all know WHY the solo build was even thought of in the first place. It's time to do something about the REAL problem.
I've been nerfed o.0 it's okay though, all in the name of discovering better tactics... and my biggest bane (spirits and spirit walls) have also been nerfed so it seems to me that the playing field has been levelled a tad.
Approximately 3 hours before I can test out my lowered powers against my enemies lowered powers 
Three cheers for Anet! (no sarcasm here, I'm pleased with the update!)

Three cheers for Anet! (no sarcasm here, I'm pleased with the update!)
I think they did very well. This made it so that thinking, vice spamming, wins battles. The Putrid Explosion was simply annoying. I have a N/M without PE because it's a waste of a skill slot. While I'm trying to be innovative in ways to damage or disable an enemy, I have some other necro spamming PE until he's out of energy. He becomes useless to the team (especially when he's on my team) because he's out of "ammo" and face it, his weapon just doesn't hurt that much.
With the Spirit Spammers, sorry, no more camping in your indestructible cave in the HOH while the other teams fight. There's no reason for us not to stop by and say "Hi" anymore.
And I agree with the above, these aren't nerfs, this game was meant to have a tactical angle on it, no spamming and superbuild clones means ingenuity. It isn't nerfing when it's obviously unbalanced.
Finally, solo monks, we don't need you. I have never paid anyone to escort or party, and never will.
With the Spirit Spammers, sorry, no more camping in your indestructible cave in the HOH while the other teams fight. There's no reason for us not to stop by and say "Hi" anymore.
And I agree with the above, these aren't nerfs, this game was meant to have a tactical angle on it, no spamming and superbuild clones means ingenuity. It isn't nerfing when it's obviously unbalanced.
Finally, solo monks, we don't need you. I have never paid anyone to escort or party, and never will.
My favorite build is what's known as a Flavor of the Month build. There are loads, smiters, spikers, shut-down, spammers, and more I'm sure I could think of. I'll continue to play my FotM build because I don't see it as that. I don't see it as a quick way to get wins, I see it as a build I enjoy doing and most importantly a build with which I've learned how to lead a (reasonably) successful team. I'm hoping that despite my build having been nerfed (not a great deal) the other nerfs will have evened things out so that my team no longer loses hope the second they know we're against a spirit team.
And being limited to one fertile soil changes everything!
And being limited to one fertile soil changes everything!
many changes for some classes, little for others
(ele and warriors nervs seem to be thrown in only to have them in the update at all it seems...).
and enchent removal is still a problem.
of the 24 skills of my 3 chars not one got a change...
i would like to see more skills changed, but overall i think it is a good direction they take.

and enchent removal is still a problem.
of the 24 skills of my 3 chars not one got a change...

i would like to see more skills changed, but overall i think it is a good direction they take.
Calnaion Blackhawk
yeh but it has LAGGED alot since they started doing this update, i find it nigh impossible to navigate ANYWHERE and tombs is well... i wont start lol
Okay, so they made the solo monk bend over and grab his ankles. Big deal. It bugs me, but as others have said there are many more builds out there. The problem as I see it is this. Wa/Mo's have been solo farming since the beginning and they did NOTHING to make them bend over and grab thier ankles. Ditto goes for pretty much every other solo build EXCEPT the Mo/(place misc. class here.) I think that if they're gonna hump one class they should hump them all.

John Bloodstone
Great changes A.Net, I hope this appeases some of the pvp fans. I'm looking forward to some GvG this weekend and unlocking a bunch of really damn hard to find upgrades 
Btw, I do think it's funny that all the solo monks are screaming murder about losing their invincible build. Oh, so you can't solo farm the hardest area of the game and make millions any more? my heart bleeds.

Btw, I do think it's funny that all the solo monks are screaming murder about losing their invincible build. Oh, so you can't solo farm the hardest area of the game and make millions any more? my heart bleeds.

Numa Pompilius
Well, it's nice that invincimonks and spirit spam were nerfed, but why nerf mesmers? I don't get it. What am I missing?
Also, why boost rangers? They seemed pretty good to me already. If they were going to boost rangers, why not boost their pet skills instead? I don't get that either.
The modifications are geared toward 1) less lethal spells which can be spammed, and 2) better survivability. That's not the direction I'd have liked combat to go, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that.
And SOT: well said, dude!
Also, why boost rangers? They seemed pretty good to me already. If they were going to boost rangers, why not boost their pet skills instead? I don't get that either.
The modifications are geared toward 1) less lethal spells which can be spammed, and 2) better survivability. That's not the direction I'd have liked combat to go, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that.
And SOT: well said, dude!
Originally Posted by John Bloodstone
Btw, I do think it's funny that all the solo monks are screaming murder about losing their invincible build. Oh, so you can't solo farm the hardest area of the game and make millions any more? my heart bleeds.
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Took me long enough into the game to figure out what healing seed does, I finally realise that it makes my life as a healer easier.. less than two weeks later, I'm back to square one!!
*edit: They didn't nerf Mesmers.. just domination mesmers, which I don't understand either.
yeah wd devs, way to ruin a game with one update. Thx for saving me some bucks on the expansion tho.
im so upset they chose THIS weekend to do this event, its the one time im away and cant play :'(
I hope you all have fun, just wish i could join in and kick some ass too!!
I hope you all have fun, just wish i could join in and kick some ass too!!
Originally Posted by John Bloodstone
Btw, I do think it's funny that all the solo monks are screaming murder about losing their invincible build. Oh, so you can't solo farm the hardest area of the game and make millions any more? my heart bleeds. ![]() |
Actually... we still can. My heart bleeds too....
Artemis Bladewing
This is an awesome update, people have to think of more than 3 builds now.... thats too much for most GW players.
Who cares about changing the solo monks anyway those who know how to use it have enough money and those who dont the just got 3 new possibilities for new farm characters.
Who cares about changing the solo monks anyway those who know how to use it have enough money and those who dont the just got 3 new possibilities for new farm characters.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
Well, it's nice that invincimonks and spirit spam were nerfed, but why nerf mesmers? I don't get it. What am I missing?
Also, why boost rangers? They seemed pretty good to me already. If they were going to boost rangers, why not boost their pet skills instead? I don't get that either. The modifications are geared toward 1) less lethal spells which can be spammed, and 2) better survivability. That's not the direction I'd have liked combat to go, but I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority on that. And SOT: well said, dude! |
As for rangers, well, I play one, and barely use punishing, crippling, distracting shot etc. My builds tend to nod towards quickshot, damage dealer and trapper. Beast Master and Disruptor should also be useful PvP AND PvE builds, but they're seldom used.
The spirit nerf is just fine as it should be. I'm saying this as a regular UW trapper. It's too easy to spam the hell out of them and abuse them.
As for the nerfed 105 smite monks, trapping rangers and all the usual UW farm builds, well, they're not exactly nerfed to buggery are they? It's just made it a little slower and a little more challenging to solo or go in small groups there. Still possible, but at least you have to work more for your Ectos, and that's not a problem now, is it?
Originally Posted by john little
perhaps because it's designed as a long term reward, not something to farm for?

As for the rest of the update, I can live with it - some changes I like, some I don't. I did expect the nerf to Prot Bond although I argued against it here, but I am sportsman enough to admit to a lost battle. I will (and already have) find other ways to continue soloing with my monk. At least the spirit abusers got a whack with the nerf bat, too.
Like with some other posters, the reason for them nerfing Mesmers is beyond me.

Mesmers were nerfed? Did you read an other changelog than I did?
They got a very big buff: no NR anymore.
Mantras are cheaper now, the hex breaker adjustment doesn't change hex breaker at all, signet of humility was overpowered and shatter hex deserved that nerf also. All in all are Mesmers now much stronger than before (considering the metagame)
They got a very big buff: no NR anymore.
Mantras are cheaper now, the hex breaker adjustment doesn't change hex breaker at all, signet of humility was overpowered and shatter hex deserved that nerf also. All in all are Mesmers now much stronger than before (considering the metagame)
Originally Posted by Pandora's box
As for nerfing Protective Bond that's the most hypocrite statement I ever heard: The monk solobuild was completely useless for pvp games
![]() |
But on the other side of that....would people have whined if all they did was update the pvp skills...yes it is a pvp event but why not kill two puppies with one stone
On aside note, not that anyone cares about my opinion (and the feeling is mutual I promise

Is this the be all and the end all (aka something to quit over)....only if you are very silly, but one thing that i did not was interesting is the number of new posters who are complaining. come on....enough with they nerfed my game,ruined my life,raped my dog -like comments...
AWC Sandman
Wow yeah great update yeah, the protective bond thing thats the only going to stop the idiots, but the thing that gets me is how useless nature renewal now is. Now all it does is slighty anouy people who maintain mass ammounts of enchantments, what happened to the days when it removed enchantments. So my geuss for the future of PvP in the Halls and GvG is just going to be 5-8 smiters running around with balthazars arua. So which reallly means GvG is going to last like 1 minute max and be a race as to which team can smite the others lord first, seen theres no way to mass remove enchantments. But of course maybe you could ask them nicely to run through a little greencircle called well of profane.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by lg5000
It's just sad that some of us actually play monks who were NEVER farmers.. and we got hit as well.
*edit: They didn't nerf Mesmers.. just domination mesmers, which I don't understand either. |
What the mesmers really lack is an effective armor buffing skill and a snare, boosting the mantras is just worthless except for Me/E's.
Also I still think they shouldn't have made ranger ranged skills more powerful, but instead boosted their pets. I bet ranger will be the new flavor of the week.
Still, over all I like the changes. Will be interesting to see what's happened in the arenas.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
It seems they want mesmers to do energy denial, not deal damage. That wont do much for mesmer popularity.
Originally Posted by AWC Sandman
So my geuss for the future of PvP in the Halls and GvG is just going to be 5-8 smiters running around with balthazars arua. So which reallly means GvG is going to last like 1 minute max and be a race as to which team can smite the others lord first, seen theres no way to mass remove enchantments.

Don't forget the snares that are now that NR is gone come in handy.
No, I don't see smiters as overpowered.
Dreamcatcher X
YES! GW is saved!
No more noob 'farm' build monks! I can now play UW with a TEAM and not watching the Mo/W from a distance! The economy will now stabilse and you won't get people selling wares at incredible prices!
No more camping spirits in HoH with those damn rangers! The GW Economy will now right itself! Long live aNet & Ncsoft.
For all those people 'deeply effected' by this, unlucky, you can't spam now! you'll have to wait untill someone posts the next anomoly build to exploit. Bravo aNet
now i can delete that stupid farm build monk! Who actually enjoys farming on there own with anyway? Why not play morrowind? Pointless quest for funny looking armour and it wont be long before we all run around with FOW armour on :P
No more noob 'farm' build monks! I can now play UW with a TEAM and not watching the Mo/W from a distance! The economy will now stabilse and you won't get people selling wares at incredible prices!
No more camping spirits in HoH with those damn rangers! The GW Economy will now right itself! Long live aNet & Ncsoft.
For all those people 'deeply effected' by this, unlucky, you can't spam now! you'll have to wait untill someone posts the next anomoly build to exploit. Bravo aNet

now i can delete that stupid farm build monk! Who actually enjoys farming on there own with anyway? Why not play morrowind? Pointless quest for funny looking armour and it wont be long before we all run around with FOW armour on :P
Originally Posted by Schorny
You can beat smiters without NR. Diversion the spam skill and he is useless for about a minute. healing seed effectivly counters smiters too. Maybe we'll see more healing hands also
![]() Don't forget the snares that are now that NR is gone come in handy. No, I don't see smiters as overpowered. |

Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Fantus
That Mesmers could be played in many different ways including dealing some damage was what I really liked about this class...
And she will now need re-speccing.
as a side note....i have paper bags if anyone needs to breath into them to keep from passing out....also I am willing to hold your hand....well....um....no i wont but ill pretend to be your friend.
The patch is good, not because I am vehimently anti-materialism (as some people who laud this patch are), hell i have a Mo/W which i converted from a healer to test this out....I could care less about the economy (i don't see how they were ruining an economy based on gold goods you could build from collectors pieces). I really think it tried to balance the skill selection process a little more....come on what's a little challenge
. I think in a week or two someone will come up with a new AWESOME SUPER DOOPER BUILD which will PWNOR 3v3RY7H1NG and make a lot of very silly people UB3R 1337 again.
also as a real side note....man you know it is a slow news day when you are reading the Mode section of the Aftonbladet at work....and posting on forums with a turn around time of a couple seconds
The patch is good, not because I am vehimently anti-materialism (as some people who laud this patch are), hell i have a Mo/W which i converted from a healer to test this out....I could care less about the economy (i don't see how they were ruining an economy based on gold goods you could build from collectors pieces). I really think it tried to balance the skill selection process a little more....come on what's a little challenge

also as a real side note....man you know it is a slow news day when you are reading the Mode section of the Aftonbladet at work....and posting on forums with a turn around time of a couple seconds
Denny Pace
Checking in with my opinion:
Good first step, Anet! And that's what it is, a first major step to balancing the game. Kudos for buffing Mesmers and Necros, and for nerfing the invincimonks perhaps just enough (I was actually worried for the poor SOBs that there'd be an overreaction to the 105/55 scourge, but it was handled subtly enough to keep monks quite viable).
Someone mentioned the lack of toggleable capes. Keep in mind that James Phinney said there were more updates to come, plus our 'summer' update.
Finally, for those angry invicimonks in this thread, and on this forum. Anet spends a lot of time working on this game, in parallel with working on Chapter 2. Take these and upcoming changes as challenges to be a better player, rather than rely on cheap skill combo spams that make life easy. Welcome to my W/N world, where playing smart = success, playing dumb = death, and we have no skill spams to protect us.
I shall play a violin for those who have been nerfed....
Good first step, Anet! And that's what it is, a first major step to balancing the game. Kudos for buffing Mesmers and Necros, and for nerfing the invincimonks perhaps just enough (I was actually worried for the poor SOBs that there'd be an overreaction to the 105/55 scourge, but it was handled subtly enough to keep monks quite viable).
Someone mentioned the lack of toggleable capes. Keep in mind that James Phinney said there were more updates to come, plus our 'summer' update.
Finally, for those angry invicimonks in this thread, and on this forum. Anet spends a lot of time working on this game, in parallel with working on Chapter 2. Take these and upcoming changes as challenges to be a better player, rather than rely on cheap skill combo spams that make life easy. Welcome to my W/N world, where playing smart = success, playing dumb = death, and we have no skill spams to protect us.
I shall play a violin for those who have been nerfed....
Mugon M. Musashi
you know what ?
I bet you won't see more healing monks
because those who simply copied the invincible monk build in order to farm weren't healers to begin with anyway
they will just go back to what they were doing before
on a side note, Anet, will you do something about those who made millions in a few minutes during the major economy update ?
I bet you won't see more healing monks
because those who simply copied the invincible monk build in order to farm weren't healers to begin with anyway
they will just go back to what they were doing before
on a side note, Anet, will you do something about those who made millions in a few minutes during the major economy update ?
Only change I see is that my invincimonk turned useless... lucky for the people who been using this build for months and got rich with it, bad for the people who thought Anet was "okay" with the invincimonk and decided to make one themselves...
Not that there's much to do in PvE anyways, but I always like farming.
I did get alot of fun out of a 25$ game though.
Not that there's much to do in PvE anyways, but I always like farming.
I did get alot of fun out of a 25$ game though.
Pure Domination
*curses.on.Anet* Lol, no, seriously I don´t care about the changes made, because I can still farm like a mofo. I just just don´t like the fact that they always take the nerfbat at hit around like a D2 WW Barb. Prot Bond wasn´t a serious problem in PvP and since most ppl always tell us that the game is mainly PvP intended, why was there a reason to nerf ? Did the UW farmers stole your ecos ? No they invested a shitload of time in earning them - they will not go out with their healing hands for other players now :P
For myself, Igot 1.000plat & ~200ectos with my Mo/W so I don´t really care
For myself, Igot 1.000plat & ~200ectos with my Mo/W so I don´t really care

AWC Sandman
I still don't see who diverson will stop a smiter using balthazaras arua, at best you might be able to power block it, but really in large volumes you'll never be able to remove enough enchants, or interupt enough smiters unless everyone in your party is a mesmer/necro. And as for those who say the 105/55 monk is down and out, it really ain't, theres other spells already in use which are just as good if not better.
To be honest I got bored with the 105/85/55 build a few days after I began using it (pretty early on the bandwagon). I only went to the UW solo about 5 times total, then decided to just roam the desert instead. You don't even need the 105 monk to roam the desert, so I certainly can live without it. Although, the 105 build made hydras cry, I tell you. CRY! They used to think they were hot stuff ganging up on one party member all the time with their meteors. Well I loved watching their little hydra tears hydrate the desert floor as their fire bombs did a measly 2 dmg to me. Giant Sand Wurms? You want to take forever to kill? The 105 build ate your sorry butts for breakfast. Sand Elementals? You want to run wild with your Aftershocks? I laughed at you, all the while building a nice supply of encrusted lodestones to sell to the Amnoon folk.
Hopefully the prices on Monk runes will drop now, so all the hopeful Monks-in-waiting can get their gear reasonably in the future.
Hopefully the prices on Monk runes will drop now, so all the hopeful Monks-in-waiting can get their gear reasonably in the future.
Originally Posted by AWC Sandman
I still don't see who diverson will stop a smiter using balthazaras arua, at best you might be able to power block it, but really in large volumes you'll never be able to remove enough enchants, or interupt enough smiters unless everyone in your party is a mesmer/necro. And as for those who say the 105/55 monk is down and out, it really ain't, theres other spells already in use which are just as good if not better.
Old Dood
The complaining reminds me of simulations like SimCity. No matter what you did in those type "games" you always affected something else.
I for one do not mind the changes. I give Arena-Net credit for trying to balance this game. I am a Boon healer and they affected me. Big deal. Time to try other types of healing skills then.
I for one do not mind the changes. I give Arena-Net credit for trying to balance this game. I am a Boon healer and they affected me. Big deal. Time to try other types of healing skills then.
Originally Posted by lg5000
It's just sad that some of us actually play monks who were NEVER farmers.. and we got hit as well.
The skill deserved a nerf because it was overpowered compared to other skills. Plain and simple. People can farm and/or solo all they want as far as I'm concerned, as long as they do so with balanced means.
Ranger Li

Originally Posted by Ranger Li
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