Party members dialog. This would be sweet!
With 8 teammates, a guild lord, guild thief, and 2 bodyguards, the party window is already fairly huge even in the smallest font size in 1024X768, I'd think it would become rather annoying to add skills inbetween as well.
All they'd need to do is split the existing Health Bar into two parts, one (smaller) part would become the energy bar, and the remainder would be the health bar.
That way the Party box would remain the exact same size. Health bars would look a little smaller but not noticeably so. This is of course assuming only the energy display is implemented, which I'm leaning towards being the better option personally.
That way the Party box would remain the exact same size. Health bars would look a little smaller but not noticeably so. This is of course assuming only the energy display is implemented, which I'm leaning towards being the better option personally.
Azn D
Originally Posted by Cold
And I always find it funny when after a fight I have 45 of 45 energy and some necro put Blood Ritual on me. Like that stupid necro doesn't know that I don't need it
![]() Or what about puting BR on a bonder monk? Why the hell would you do that? I didn't ask you to maintain my energy. I can manage it myself. What do you think I am doing staying half the screen from the battle. Run back you stupid necro and stay where you belong ![]() Anyway, I think the idea is great. |

Either way this energy bar thing is pointless... It is just going to suck up more space... Want to get this bar on your hud? Give me a 21" monitor for me to play then, mmkay?

Pinging energy is a hit and miss tactic in my past experience. Doing a Titan quest with Guildmates, the Necro guildie tells us to ping energy if we need it. I think only once out of the many times I ping my energy did I get BiP. Sometimes you're just too busy to watch the in game text to see if anyone is pinging.
Even a red-green-yellow circle next their names to indicate rough energy levels would be nice.
/signed for the 1st one
Even a red-green-yellow circle next their names to indicate rough energy levels would be nice.
/signed for the 1st one
Originally Posted by Lexar
With 8 teammates, a guild lord, guild thief, and 2 bodyguards, the party window is already fairly huge even in the smallest font size in 1024X768, I'd think it would become rather annoying to add skills inbetween as well.
but still i think even the 'slightest' hint of how much energy an ally has can be so much more helpful for a battery necro, its hard sometimes trying to figure who to bip, especially during mid battle; when a monk is so low on energy, but the elementalist keeps pinging his energy bar even though he has plenty energy. this kind of mistake is what seperates a successful battle or utter defeat.
I didn't read all 6 pages though but endorse the basic idea. Perhaps there should be toggles for each feature: health, energy, conditions, enchantments, etc. Sorry if already suggested, too much to read thru.
I didn't read all 6 pages though but endorse the basic idea. Perhaps there should be toggles for each feature: health, energy, conditions, enchantments, etc. Sorry if already suggested, too much to read thru.
I can think of many, many ways this would improve the game.
I can think of many, many ways this would improve the game.
that would be an awesome update
that would be an awesome update