Algren Cole
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
I just wish soloers did more for other people and werent just in it for themselves.
This game would be so much better if the community was self servering, not self righteous. |
salja Wachi
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Teklord
Ah what the heck, I don't always have to be proper and nice so...
Where in 'Multiplayer' does the word 'Solo' show up? |
Originally Posted by Aera Lure
If the box says multiplayer we cannot solo? Dont remember reading that fine print.
Mugon M. Musashi
Originally Posted by Lasareth
Where's the part where you say it took ages for him to do so? Because even though it can be soloed, it's not worth it for those who did it for the money before.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Teklord
Negative, never said that or implied it. Simply used the same line of thinking to make a point for the other team, nothing more nothing less.
BTW, I'm still waiting for the difference between Simulated Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. ![]() |
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by sp3ct3r
Nerfing sucks. Cry noobs sucks. If ppl solo, whats the big problem? I dont see anything written in the EULA stating that you cant solo or farm!??!?!... AND i dont understand why is this unfair to other players. Everyone has the same oportunities.
Originally Posted by theVariable
Solution is simple. Party size should no longer affect your drops. Your drop rates should stay static, whether you solo or go with a group of 8. You take away the reason to solo, and then there's no benefit to do so. Except for bragging rights. Which is how it should be.
Of course, an increased drop rate should go along with that |
Teufel Eldritch
Originally Posted by theVariable
Solution is simple. Party size should no longer affect your drops. Your drop rates should stay static, whether you solo or go with a group of 8. You take away the reason to solo, and then there's no benefit to do so. Except for bragging rights. Which is how it should be.
Draygo Korvan
Originally Posted by mm00re
OMG!!! The shame!! The scandal!! The jealousy of what others can do that you can not...
Dude is this all you can worry about is if someone can solo a part of the game? If they can do this then so be it. I can solo a lot of the game myself, it doesn't meen that they have to make it so you have to have team mates or henchies with you 100% of the time. |
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by ddoogle
I have a 105 monk, and just solo`ed UW 5 mins ago its dam wrong i dont think it should be able to do that, its silly and makes UW look stupid.
i agree with the guy that posted above about drop rates to party size, good idea, so the drops could be the same for a full group now but less with smaller groups. |
Originally Posted by Dralon
So play a differnet build, or a different build monk if you feel guilty about soloing the underworld. I play builds that usually don't solo well, but are builds I enjoy playing. Difficult concept I know. Yeah I am poor and always will be, but a small price to pay if I still enjoy playing the character. Oh and if you say you play your 105 monk because you enjoy it, then fine, use it in areas where you get enjoyment and doesn't make you feel guilty about getting too much Uber loot.
Originally Posted by Borealis
Invasion of the whiners *TAKE TWO*
I can smell them crawling out from under theirs rocks again. *sprays the forum with whiner repellant* |
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Charrbane
Who cares if somebody plays a part of the game solo or even if someone decides to play with a team of gerbils wearing WoW t-shirts. I don't see how it's hurting anybody and for some reason certain people hate that someone can solo parts of the game. Haha. Big whoop.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
obviously the original poster cares...the more important questions is why he cares.
either a) he's under the impression that people soloing the game reduces the value/frequence/quality of his drops. Which is entirely untrue given the fact that drops are assigned randomly, dropped randomly, and upgraded randomly(im using randomly even though the roll system is technically not's close enough) based on a roll system. or b) he's upset that HE can't solo a specific area. Let's face it...since the nerf of Protective Bond running places as a monk is's not worth it. This leaves a small selection of places a monk can solo and guess what....every other class has an area or two or three that they can solo as well. But if he can't do it then nobody should be allowed to do it. |
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by ddoogle
what are you talking about, READ all my posts, i can solo UW now! easy! just slightly more hard.
its the economy that suffers, more rich monks (super rich) that caused Anet to NERF UW, because of this it now make the gamers get crap drops (NERFED means Anet decrease the amount of ecto, gold items etc IN a certain place not averge roll when your in a team) dont put 1 or 2 on me! lol |
Originally Posted by ddoogle
And P.S no one helped these monks, they did it all on their own.
Originally Posted by Mugon M. Musashi
it's still better to solo, take time and have all drops to yourself than be in a party of 8 and have 1/8 of the drops...