Originally Posted by Algren Cole
obviously the original poster cares...the more important questions is why he cares.
either a) he's under the impression that people soloing the game reduces the value/frequence/quality of his drops. Which is entirely untrue given the fact that drops are assigned randomly, dropped randomly, and upgraded randomly(im using randomly even though the roll system is technically not random...it's close enough) based on a roll system. or b) he's upset that HE can't solo a specific area. Let's face it...since the nerf of Protective Bond running places as a monk is painstaking...it's not worth it. This leaves a small selection of places a monk can solo and guess what....every other class has an area or two or three that they can solo as well. But if he can't do it then nobody should be allowed to do it. |
UW is still being solo`ed
Originally Posted by ddoogle
I have a 105 monk, and just solo`ed UW 5 mins ago its dam wrong i dont think it should be able to do that, its silly and makes UW look stupid.
If people want to play solo, they paid for their game it is their prerogative to do so and it is their business and theirs alone not yours or Anets for that matter.
First the monk came under heavy attack and stills is, currently the Ele”s with ER are under unwarranted attack and now that some have released some good solo Warrior builds there are already those who want them to be next on the nerfing block.
Way way too many people, including Anet have an unjustified distain for people who are smart enough and skilled enough to solo their characters. Whether this unjustified distain it is based out of ignorance, jealousy, or in Anets case complete and utter obsession to the point of mental instability with forcing people play together, it needs to stop and you solo haters need to mind your own damn business and leave other players the hell alone!
There is an AI fix that can counter monk solo smiting. Once an Attaxe
sees that its health is dropping below 30% or so, and that his target's
health isn't dropping -- it could swap targets and charge someone else.
If there isn't anyone else, then the Attaxe should probably just run
away till he is at 100% health again.
This isn't so much as a "nerf" as it is common sense. Currently healer
AI logic trys to run away once health is below a particular level, there
is no reason why warriors should also have some sort of self-preservation
built-in behavior. Consequently, this might increase the usage of
snares and the like in PvE, making Dunham (for once) an actual
contributor to the team.
sees that its health is dropping below 30% or so, and that his target's
health isn't dropping -- it could swap targets and charge someone else.
If there isn't anyone else, then the Attaxe should probably just run
away till he is at 100% health again.
This isn't so much as a "nerf" as it is common sense. Currently healer
AI logic trys to run away once health is below a particular level, there
is no reason why warriors should also have some sort of self-preservation
built-in behavior. Consequently, this might increase the usage of
snares and the like in PvE, making Dunham (for once) an actual
contributor to the team.
Originally Posted by ddoogle
what are you talking about, READ all my posts, i can solo UW now! easy! just slightly more hard.
its the economy that suffers, more rich monks (super rich) that caused Anet to NERF UW, because of this it now make the gamers get crap drops (NERFED means Anet decrease the amount of ecto, gold items etc IN a certain place not averge roll when your in a team) dont put 1 or 2 on me! lol |
so you can solo uw and your whining about it? mmmm k
There is an easy solution to prices, if you don't have to have it you don't have to buy it.
OMG!!! OMG!!! anet make it so hard i can't even log IN without smiting my keyboard!!!!! I want it so hard it hurts to even think about entering a mission.
let's see.... we get a awesome new game we cry, we get a FREE update for that awesome game we cry. Do you want your computer to smack you when you try to log in? or do you need a pamprin/midol?
In a perfect world (you know the one which we DON'T live in) you would not have to worry about updates, you would not have to worry about people being able to do solo runs in ANY part of ANY game and I am betting you would still find a reason to complain.
If the game is just too easy for you to play I don't believe anyone is twisting your arm to make you play.
We meet the most ungrateful/spoiled people anymore

Originally Posted by IxChel
There is an AI fix that can counter monk solo smiting. Once an Attaxe
sees that its health is dropping below 30% or so, and that his target's health isn't dropping -- it could swap targets and charge someone else. If there isn't anyone else, then the Attaxe should probably just run away till he is at 100% health again. |
Originally Posted by Mormegil
You're forgetting the fact that such an improvement
in AI would rip 90% of PvE pugs apart, therefore making GW unplayable. |
other very hard places. Or, it could be "phased-in" over skill levels, giving
players time to adjust to smarter opponent AI (just in time for pin-down,
hamstring, and other skills).
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by IxChel
Good point. However, this logic could be limited to just UW and SF and
other very hard places. Or, it could be "phased-in" over skill levels, giving players time to adjust to smarter opponent AI (just in time for pin-down, hamstring, and other skills). |
you're 100% right...arenanet needs to implement a learning curve...not just the noob trap we all call Thunderhead Keep. There is no reason for anyone to change their skills or attributes from pre-searing straight through Iron Mines. It's not until Thunderhead that you actually need to know what you are doing.
Hippie Crack
No matter how much they nerf, people will allways come up with solo builds for the area's of the game that offer the best loot. Remember, 105/55 monks arent the only characters that can solo UW. If they truly wanted to make it impossible to solo they would have to incorporate monsters that could attack through stances and wards, make their attacks un-interuptable and impossible to knock down. Untill they put ALL of those effects in the first room of UW, people will be able to farm it solo. Silly enchantment stripping just takes it away from the masses, the pro-farmers will still be out there solo'n the "uber loot" with other builds.
Originally Posted by Hippie Crack
No matter how much they nerf, people will allways come up with solo builds for the area's of the game that offer the best loot.
few things all at the same time:
1. profession unbalance; why is it that this profession can solo, but yet,
the other professions don't seem to be able to do it (or as easily?)
2. a skill unbalance; why is it that this skill is so predominant, not that all
skills in this way are unbalanced -- only that it demonstrates a sufficient
reason to question skill balance
3. a game unbalance; is there a game mechanism that is being abused (for
example, adjusting attributes once you enter an area)
4. poor ai; is there some common sense code that is an effective counter
to the build -- like running away!
In my opinion, if something can be soloed, it is broken in one or more
ways by definition. Therefore, the constant attempt to prevent soloing
isn't a strike against farmers so much as it is an obvious place to find
and correct flaws in the game. That said... I cheer on the person don't
the soloing and I have no resentment for them being rewarded on
creativity of their build.
Ugg more bitching and moaning about uw soloers. Yes, it has not yet been completely fixed. However, it has sorted out the moronic copy cat builders that only take the build, and hope for the best. The skilled players can still do it. Now whether this is right or wrong and needs nerfed, is for anet to decide, and I'm not even going to start a flame about how my view is wrong and some moron is completely correct. What makes it difficult to fix and perfect, is that its not an out of place skill, but an amazing combination of them. If they just alter 1 skill, they will break it, and it will be useless. Small steps taken for each skill would help the problem, and may fix it. I don't think that anet should continue with the temporary solution of equipping creeps with enchantment removals. Instead, more focus should be put into fine tuning these skills and abilities. Protective bond can still remain valuable, however, the same skills will no longer render the monk near-invincible.
Originally Posted by Hippie Crack
No matter how much they nerf, people will allways come up with solo builds for the area's of the game that offer the best loot.
I'm sort of confused with peoples use of the word "nerfed" - how is making the mobs in the Underworld stronger _nerfing_ it... I'd say it's buffing it.
On the drops - being static regardless of group size, I thoroughly agree, possibly xp too - so by that I think the drops should be slightly worse for those who solo, slightly better for those in max teams... yeah, somewhere in the middle.
Obviously since I don't work for Anet I can't say for sure but I don't think they want the UW to be solo-able, their recent addition of the enchantment removers is enough to suggest this.
AI improvements would be nice, but, could definitely ruin some pve builds.... fire magic would become useless (if the mobs would move out of it), some farming builds would be (if mobs stopped attacking when you had healing hands/MoProtection up), not that I'm one to promote farming and I think Anet should improve team drops so people don't see any need to farm.
They do claim it is a "Coperative online rpg" - cooperative being the key word here. But PUGS can be pretty annoying (especially in UW or FoW, where one person can ruin it for everyone)... another reason to solo places like the UW - why not allow henchmen in the UW or FoW? That become level 20 rather than the level 15(?) at the TotA.
There are very few downsides to UW farming that I can think of... Fissure Armor does not hold the prestige it should do, and previous to update people could get lots of globs of ecto, therefore lots of money - which the gold sink could not keep up with. Also the fact, most would be healer monks have just gone and switched their secondary to warrior leaving groups who have an average of 500HP with no healers or protection, this probably being the most noticable downside, but, if one could take henchmen.. not a problem
At the end of the day - if the UW is still solo-able and Anet doesn't want it to be, they will do something about, and imo, they have every right to. I'm pretty sure they see things like where the gold entering the game is coming from... and if UW is the reason for too much gold appearing.. well you can expect more changes (or "nerfs") - I think the mobs should be more balanced, a healer for the enemies would be a decent addition, among other things... look at Fissure, nice balance of enemies there
Lol, I can imagine the looks on their faces when they found out one of the best builds for solo-ing the Underworld was a monk with 55hp - if this way my game, I'd see it as a problem.... 55hp monk... soloing one of the hardest areas... just doesn't sound right. Got to congratule the guy who came up with such a build though.... should have kept it to himself...
On the drops - being static regardless of group size, I thoroughly agree, possibly xp too - so by that I think the drops should be slightly worse for those who solo, slightly better for those in max teams... yeah, somewhere in the middle.
Obviously since I don't work for Anet I can't say for sure but I don't think they want the UW to be solo-able, their recent addition of the enchantment removers is enough to suggest this.
AI improvements would be nice, but, could definitely ruin some pve builds.... fire magic would become useless (if the mobs would move out of it), some farming builds would be (if mobs stopped attacking when you had healing hands/MoProtection up), not that I'm one to promote farming and I think Anet should improve team drops so people don't see any need to farm.
They do claim it is a "Coperative online rpg" - cooperative being the key word here. But PUGS can be pretty annoying (especially in UW or FoW, where one person can ruin it for everyone)... another reason to solo places like the UW - why not allow henchmen in the UW or FoW? That become level 20 rather than the level 15(?) at the TotA.
There are very few downsides to UW farming that I can think of... Fissure Armor does not hold the prestige it should do, and previous to update people could get lots of globs of ecto, therefore lots of money - which the gold sink could not keep up with. Also the fact, most would be healer monks have just gone and switched their secondary to warrior leaving groups who have an average of 500HP with no healers or protection, this probably being the most noticable downside, but, if one could take henchmen.. not a problem
At the end of the day - if the UW is still solo-able and Anet doesn't want it to be, they will do something about, and imo, they have every right to. I'm pretty sure they see things like where the gold entering the game is coming from... and if UW is the reason for too much gold appearing.. well you can expect more changes (or "nerfs") - I think the mobs should be more balanced, a healer for the enemies would be a decent addition, among other things... look at Fissure, nice balance of enemies there
Lol, I can imagine the looks on their faces when they found out one of the best builds for solo-ing the Underworld was a monk with 55hp - if this way my game, I'd see it as a problem.... 55hp monk... soloing one of the hardest areas... just doesn't sound right. Got to congratule the guy who came up with such a build though.... should have kept it to himself...
Joe L.
If it aint broke, don't fix it. Anyone who is such a baby about someone else soloing either needs to make their own character( Oh yeah, if they bitch this much, they are either too dumb or lazy), or they should just stop playing, because everyone was tired of the pissing and moaning about two months ago already. Just so you know, I solo as well, just in my own spots (have made 300k and rising) and I use a R/E, It can be done with any build, you just need to use some of the matter located inside your skull
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Joe L.
If it aint broke, don't fix it. Anyone who is such a baby about someone else soloing either needs to make their own character( Oh yeah, if they bitch this much, they are either too dumb or lazy), or they should just stop playing, because everyone was tired of the pissing and moaning about two months ago already. Just so you know, I solo as well, just in my own spots (have made 300k and rising) and I use a R/E, It can be done with any build, you just need to use some of the matter located inside your skull
when you get some free time you should look into changing your secondary to mesmer and getting Mantra of Resolve and Spirit of Failure. The you can switch back and forth between your R/E that has found places to solo and the R/M that can solo griffons/trolls/uw. just FYI
Originally Posted by Joe L.
If it aint broke, don't fix it. Anyone who is such a baby about someone else soloing either needs to make their own character( Oh yeah, if they bitch this much, they are either too dumb or lazy), or they should just stop playing, because everyone was tired of the pissing and moaning about two months ago already. Just so you know, I solo as well, just in my own spots (have made 300k and rising) and I use a R/E, It can be done with any build, you just need to use some of the matter located inside your skull
It's just the question as to whether you believe what are supposed to be the hardest areas in the game should be solo-able at all. Sure if it's not broken, don't fix it - but if Anet believe this area shouldn't be possible to solo, then it actually is broken.. because you can solo it - we aren't the ones to be saying as to if something is broken or not - My only reasoning as to why i don't think it is supposed to be soloable is due to the fact that they threw in enchantment removers, and a lot of the new updates are geared towards encouraging team-play but not enough....
Smple solution, make the drops same solo and team
*sigh*... And yet another whiner thread....
The only thing desperately needing a nerf is the people calling for nerfs every other minute.
The only thing desperately needing a nerf is the people calling for nerfs every other minute.
This is proof that UW can still be solo'd for all the previous unbelievers out there...good.
There's still the question...Is Arena Net trying to nerf UW soloers? uh, i don't think so. After all, if ANet WAS trying to prevent anyone from soloing the UW, I don't think you'd see lvl 18 100hp dying nightmares who simply sacrifice themselves to remove your enchantments. This is what I would call a buff. Yes, UW has been beefed up, to make it slightly more challenging and trickier than before. But this is nowhere NEAR a nerf. If they were trying to nerf UW soloers, I think you'd know...
So this is a fairly good indication that ANet does NOT discourage soloing, in fact it seems as though they encourage soloing. The fact is, UW was just too easy to solo before the September 7th update, and that is probably why they decided to make it slightly more difficult.
There's still the question...Is Arena Net trying to nerf UW soloers? uh, i don't think so. After all, if ANet WAS trying to prevent anyone from soloing the UW, I don't think you'd see lvl 18 100hp dying nightmares who simply sacrifice themselves to remove your enchantments. This is what I would call a buff. Yes, UW has been beefed up, to make it slightly more challenging and trickier than before. But this is nowhere NEAR a nerf. If they were trying to nerf UW soloers, I think you'd know...
So this is a fairly good indication that ANet does NOT discourage soloing, in fact it seems as though they encourage soloing. The fact is, UW was just too easy to solo before the September 7th update, and that is probably why they decided to make it slightly more difficult.
I love people who can pick up on something, and turn it into evidence of what they believe the Developers at Arena Net indended. If they want us to know something, they'll tell us. But don't let me stop you from guessing away, by all means!
"The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote."
"The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote."
Originally Posted by Teklord
I love people who can pick up on something, and turn it into evidence of what they believe the Developers at Arena Net indended. If they want us to know something, they'll tell us. But don't let me stop you from guessing away, by all means!
"The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote." |
Originally Posted by GWplayer745
This is proof that UW can still be solo'd for all the previous unbelievers out there...good.
There's still the question...Is Arena Net trying to nerf UW soloers? uh, i don't think so. After all, if ANet WAS trying to prevent anyone from soloing the UW, I don't think you'd see lvl 18 100hp dying nightmares who simply sacrifice themselves to remove your enchantments. This is what I would call a buff. Yes, UW has been beefed up, to make it slightly more challenging and trickier than before. But this is nowhere NEAR a nerf. If they were trying to nerf UW soloers, I think you'd know... So this is a fairly good indication that ANet does NOT discourage soloing, in fact it seems as though they encourage soloing. The fact is, UW was just too easy to solo before the September 7th update, and that is probably why they decided to make it slightly more difficult. |
I admit im irritated that I never got the chance to experience what the 55/105 builds achieved in the UW. How come Anet let you people farm it for weeks/months and I never got a chance? Is it because I am unable to put in 8 hours a day? I say those before me got their turn and riches, wtf happened to mine?
You play the game the way you want to and i'll play the way I want to.
So your saying theres a chance. alright.
You play the game the way you want to and i'll play the way I want to.
Originally Posted by GWplayer745
This is proof that UW can still be solo'd for all the previous unbelievers out there...good.
There's still the question...Is Arena Net trying to nerf UW soloers? uh, i don't think so. After all, if ANet WAS trying to prevent anyone from soloing the UW, I don't think you'd see lvl 18 100hp dying nightmares who simply sacrifice themselves to remove your enchantments. This is what I would call a buff. Yes, UW has been beefed up, to make it slightly more challenging and trickier than before. But this is nowhere NEAR a nerf. If they were trying to nerf UW soloers, I think you'd know... So this is a fairly good indication that ANet does NOT discourage soloing, in fact it seems as though they encourage soloing. The fact is, UW was just too easy to solo before the September 7th update, and that is probably why they decided to make it slightly more difficult. |
Fair enough, evidence was the wrong word. However my point was more along the lines of "Do we really need to be guessing as to what Arena Net intends?" Soloing isn't wrong, and it isn't right. My opinion: I don't believe a game designed around multiplay has any room for solo. But until such day comes when a representative from Arena Net says one way or the other, I will not try to guess their intents or desires on this (or any other) issue.
Originally Posted by Teklord
Ah what the heck, I don't always have to be proper and nice so...
Where in 'Multiplayer' does the word 'Solo' show up? |
The milk shake
heres the instant solution, give grasping darkness degen mesmer spells like
conjure phatasm, phantom pain, crippling anguish, that stuff, or possibly power block
conjure phatasm, phantom pain, crippling anguish, that stuff, or possibly power block
Tyrent Frath
Why can't we just let this topic die...
chaos dragoon
all i can say is: good.stop trying to get the whole game nerfed,just because someone was creative and found a way to still solo.
Originally Posted by ddoogle
Well Anet has tried to stop this by having the monsters use strip enchantments and changing protective bond BUT today i was in UW and a 105/55 monk tanked the whole place then after i got into a difernt party and another monk did the same... he seem to keep renewing bond with out getting hurt much at all, i have been with 105 monks before the update and these guys did it JUST as easy as before.
We dont care

If u dont wanna see it again .. delete all ur chars and play PvP mode Only

Originally Posted by Teklord
Fair enough, evidence was the wrong word. However my point was more along the lines of "Do we really need to be guessing as to what Arena Net intends?" Soloing isn't wrong, and it isn't right. My opinion: I don't believe a game designed around multiplay has any room for solo. But until such day comes when a representative from Arena Net says one way or the other, I will not try to guess their intents or desires on this (or any other) issue.
People try to guess other's intentions and/or desires in the real world also. Im sure that you too have done so many times. Sometimes we even discuss it with other people. So I really don't see what the problem is with trying to voice your opinion online, when Im sure that you, too, do (or have done) it at one point in your life.
Edit: After a little more thught, I can see where you're coming from. Perhaps you've seen so many people trying to guess ANet's intentions and/or what they will do next, that you've grown sick of seeing people discuss it. I can see that your reply to my post (just a couple posts above this one) is with reason...however, common sense states says that if one does not like to see something, then he/she will avoid it. So, if my psychological mind analysis brain skills are correct, then don't bother reading threads like these then.
"all i can say is: good.stop trying to get the whole game nerfed,just because someone was creative and found a way to still solo."
Make me. I'm one of those who don't want to have "insert-build-name" soloing supposedly toughest area in game. Just because. And I do hope there will be new "nerfs" that will make it impossible.
Actually, I'd prefer entire PvE content to become harder - I like challenges and there's clearly not enough of it, if "most challenging" area can be solo'ed.
Make me. I'm one of those who don't want to have "insert-build-name" soloing supposedly toughest area in game. Just because. And I do hope there will be new "nerfs" that will make it impossible.
Actually, I'd prefer entire PvE content to become harder - I like challenges and there's clearly not enough of it, if "most challenging" area can be solo'ed.
ppl are always complaining about lotsa stuff 
Bots and Chest... all removed
Hard to unlock stuff? ... tons of easy px and BP
farming .... nerfed the drops
trade.... made green items
so what r u waiting for?? remove ALL the PvE content from GW.. just keep arenas and PvP stuff and kick the rest .... dammit
at the moment U LL cry ppl

Bots and Chest... all removed
Hard to unlock stuff? ... tons of easy px and BP
farming .... nerfed the drops
trade.... made green items
so what r u waiting for?? remove ALL the PvE content from GW.. just keep arenas and PvP stuff and kick the rest .... dammit

i soloed uw with a mesmer before the latest patch and never had any trouble with it. and they sure didnt nerf my way. ^^
soloed with a Mesmer? heh 
how did u handle those aatxes? Peanuts-throwing at em?
(no offense, i m just curious
how did u handle those aatxes? Peanuts-throwing at em?
(no offense, i m just curious

Originally Posted by romO
i soloed uw with a mesmer before the latest patch and never had any trouble with it. and they sure didnt nerf my way. ^^

How it is done... well many use SoMidnight, Epidemic, Spirt of Failure, Distortion, channeling and PBAoE spells.
I use... something more secret and kinda... odd...
this IS already odd 
but since ur soloing UW, that is bad ^^ lol
u know, "bad", like "crossing the streams" this also would be bad

but since ur soloing UW, that is bad ^^ lol
u know, "bad", like "crossing the streams" this also would be bad

whoaaaa what are you talking about man? lol, i doubt that would even work. how do you live? no wonder it takes you so long. i just used basically the same thing as the monk soloers, smiting off myself, and maintaining prot spirit instead of prot bond since i didnt have bonettis defense. no mesmer skills at all. its harder because you need to think about your prot spirit, but its just as fast and wasnt nerfed with the patch.
Hmm..Lets see...I told you all the day of the patch (maybe the morning after) that a solo smite run was still doable easiely. A smite run can still be soled by the following (I have personally tested each of these repeatedly so others may be able to do it but I'm not sure) E/Mo, Mo/W, Mo/Me, R/N, N/R, Mo/E, and N/Mo. Every one of those builds (except R/N) is still more time efficent than an average 8 person PUG. Three of those builds are as efficent as all but the best guild groups for a smite run. One of the builds is more efficent (No it isn't the Mo/W).
Now the most efficent is an excellent guild group on Vent/TS that clears the whoel UW because once you get past a smite runs the drops pick up greatly and improve massivly. With guildes/friends we can easily net 100K worth of drops (each) by clearing UW. And that is with no more than 1 drop worth over 10K.
The first quest or 2 of FoW can still be soloed (Only by very specific builds and by very good players) but it is less efficent than the average PUG.
Now who really cares who can solo an UW smite run?
For the people who just copied the posted Mo/W build and are complaining I have no sympathy for you. Go make your own build. I am still annoyed at the idiot who posted the build but her posting it made me more money than 100 solo runs would (and in less time).
To those who came up with their own build before the Mo/W was posted online you have my congradulations. We are the only ones who have a rite to complain yet we are the ones complaing the least.
To those complaining that anyone can solo a smite run I say Why? You were the same people complaining about the price of Ecto and Shards, yet the solo craze lowered the costs on both drasticly.
To the W/Mo players who are complaining GET OVER IT. The solo builds were invented because most monks don't like dealing with the 99% of you who were/are idiots.
So stop complaining people as ANet has already done the almost perfect nerf unless the people who can still solo a smite run are idiots again. The nerf was jsut enough to stop the cookie cutter build yet it wasn't so harsh as to stop the smart players among us from making builds that can solo a smite run.
Now the most efficent is an excellent guild group on Vent/TS that clears the whoel UW because once you get past a smite runs the drops pick up greatly and improve massivly. With guildes/friends we can easily net 100K worth of drops (each) by clearing UW. And that is with no more than 1 drop worth over 10K.
The first quest or 2 of FoW can still be soloed (Only by very specific builds and by very good players) but it is less efficent than the average PUG.
Now who really cares who can solo an UW smite run?
For the people who just copied the posted Mo/W build and are complaining I have no sympathy for you. Go make your own build. I am still annoyed at the idiot who posted the build but her posting it made me more money than 100 solo runs would (and in less time).
To those who came up with their own build before the Mo/W was posted online you have my congradulations. We are the only ones who have a rite to complain yet we are the ones complaing the least.
To those complaining that anyone can solo a smite run I say Why? You were the same people complaining about the price of Ecto and Shards, yet the solo craze lowered the costs on both drasticly.
To the W/Mo players who are complaining GET OVER IT. The solo builds were invented because most monks don't like dealing with the 99% of you who were/are idiots.
So stop complaining people as ANet has already done the almost perfect nerf unless the people who can still solo a smite run are idiots again. The nerf was jsut enough to stop the cookie cutter build yet it wasn't so harsh as to stop the smart players among us from making builds that can solo a smite run.
Orvix Thang
Got some news for the whiners. Anet is going to do whatever gets them the most sales. So whine away, we take names and make sure never to group with you.
Originally Posted by Teklord
Ah what the heck, I don't always have to be proper and nice so...
Where in 'Multiplayer' does the word 'Solo' show up? |
Originally Posted by Orvix Thang
Got some news for the whiners. Anet is going to do whatever gets them the most sales. So whine away, we take names and make sure never to group with you.

wow just got back to this thread and found a load of greedy farmers giving it their all!
aron searle
I used to be against solo UW.
But now i really couldnt give a monkeys if someone can solo UW, i mean how exactly does it affect me??
all i care about is that any attempts to stop this DONT AFFECT THE REST OF US.
But now i really couldnt give a monkeys if someone can solo UW, i mean how exactly does it affect me??
all i care about is that any attempts to stop this DONT AFFECT THE REST OF US.