OMG chapter 2 news inside!
Ashley Twig
If you remove all the superlatives from the interview, to take a look at what can be considered as facts, nothing much seems to happen in chapter#2.
Ok, the story continues. Big deal. That's not actually an "innovative" thing, is it?
"new profession" sure sounds good, but unless it's something like a ShapeShifter who can (by spell or whatever) turn him/herself into another profession for e.g. 60 seconds it can't be interesting, can it?
Or maybe a profession, that can fly. So you gotta have a "Flyer" on your team to e.g. reach certain places, or to scout the terrain.
Otherwise, what I get from the interview, it'll be just another "update" like SF, only bigger and with a new story.
Ok, the story continues. Big deal. That's not actually an "innovative" thing, is it?
"new profession" sure sounds good, but unless it's something like a ShapeShifter who can (by spell or whatever) turn him/herself into another profession for e.g. 60 seconds it can't be interesting, can it?
Or maybe a profession, that can fly. So you gotta have a "Flyer" on your team to e.g. reach certain places, or to scout the terrain.
Otherwise, what I get from the interview, it'll be just another "update" like SF, only bigger and with a new story.
Let's review important RPG elements/weapons or whatever that aren't in this game as of yet.
Stealing/Some form of Roguery
Player Crafting Skills/"Tradeskills"
The "Ultimate Weapon of Doom" to "Save the World/Earth/Universe/Just Some Kingdom" with
Look for some combination of these in the update, emphasis on the latter.
Stealing/Some form of Roguery
Player Crafting Skills/"Tradeskills"
The "Ultimate Weapon of Doom" to "Save the World/Earth/Universe/Just Some Kingdom" with
Look for some combination of these in the update, emphasis on the latter.
Vermilion Okeanos
I would love a summoner...
summon this summon that... and u get a whole class itself being able to do either AoE, Melee, Range, Spike, Heal, Hex, Enchant, etc...
but I wonder what it would be thou... it is really up in the air for us gamers. (too many possibilities)
summon this summon that... and u get a whole class itself being able to do either AoE, Melee, Range, Spike, Heal, Hex, Enchant, etc...
but I wonder what it would be thou... it is really up in the air for us gamers. (too many possibilities)
Rushing Wind
Originally Posted by akshay
when is the release date?
I look forward to chapter 2 because by the time it comes out (long before?) I may be tired of chapter 1. I really enjoy playing all 4 of my characters due to the diversity of their professions and so playing each one is so (tactically) different. So I really look forward to have new choices beyond the 6 available now.
However, I am really afraid for the game being ruined by the chaos which may develop if there are too many professions, particularly if the either 1) overlap each other in abilities or 2) are designed quickly without proper balance to the rest of the game and the already existing professions. I hope the developers don't ruin the game by trying to give us too many choices!
I think also of the example of the Heroes of Might and Magic game. HOMM3 was fantastic and the upgrade to HOMM4 was supposed to be a move to better technology and a lot more neat stuff. The new engine and new stuff was indeed neat, but the balance in the game was gone, and hardly any of the maps of HOMM4 were interesting to play.
What I do hope is that we will be getting the ability to create more than 4 characters per account, because I definitely would not like to delete any of my current 4.
However, I am really afraid for the game being ruined by the chaos which may develop if there are too many professions, particularly if the either 1) overlap each other in abilities or 2) are designed quickly without proper balance to the rest of the game and the already existing professions. I hope the developers don't ruin the game by trying to give us too many choices!
I think also of the example of the Heroes of Might and Magic game. HOMM3 was fantastic and the upgrade to HOMM4 was supposed to be a move to better technology and a lot more neat stuff. The new engine and new stuff was indeed neat, but the balance in the game was gone, and hardly any of the maps of HOMM4 were interesting to play.
What I do hope is that we will be getting the ability to create more than 4 characters per account, because I definitely would not like to delete any of my current 4.
Eet GnomeSmasher
New professions? New areas? New items? I don't care about any of that... I just want to be able to walk over an obstacle that's only 2 inches high and walk off an edge that's only a foot or two of a drop. I still can't get over how limited the environment and the interaction in it is....
I would expect a rogue and a spiritualist (i.e. summoner). Maybe the spiritualist could have one spirit "pet" out of each attribute, and it performs some buffing or debuffing duty. It would sort of float around and follow the player.
I hope they don't add stealth. Guildwars has been pretty good about avoiding lame pvp features such as crowd control and long stuns, so let's hope invisibility/stealth isn't added either.
I hope they don't add stealth. Guildwars has been pretty good about avoiding lame pvp features such as crowd control and long stuns, so let's hope invisibility/stealth isn't added either.
AWC Sandman
Who cares about that stuff...... I wanna know when beta weekends will be back. They were awesome staying up to 6 in the morning just to cram as much GW in a possible.
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by coolsti
What I do hope is that we will be getting the ability to create more than 4 characters per account, because I definitely would not like to delete any of my current 4.

I don't think, it's going to happen. Simply because aNet will need money. If people don't buy 2nd accounts, less money will come in.
And I was always wondering: that 1 mio registered users: how many of them are single-users who just have a 2nd account? And does that number include banned accounts?

And the price of chapter#2 will be one k.o. criteria for buyers.
How much would you pay? 19,99? 29,99? 39,99? 49,99?
Despite the fact that it may be a better moneymaker to limit the characters per account to 4 also with the expansion, I think it would be a very unfair move to make, and maybe not a wise one with regards to customer relations. Here you have a well established game. Then comes an expansion pack offering new professions. With no additional characters per account, that means that people need to either delete their original characters or purchase an additional account. But to purchase an additional account means purchasing the original game + expansion for the new account. And of course it would also mean purchasing the expansion for the original account in order to play the new areas with the original 4 characters. Moneymaker, maybe. But it will tick a lot of people off. As long as they are offering new professions, then I would imagine they should feel themselves obligated to kick in one or maybe two additional characters per account.
Anet can still make a lot of money via the 2 accounts per person idea anyway. Offer in total 8 professions, allow only 5 or 6 characters per account. There are still many of us who will like to fork out the money for two game accounts in order to play them all. When you think about it, for the price I paid for my account compared to the amount of enjoyment I've had from this game, it has been well worth it. Despite the fact that we (my wife and I) have had to buy two accounts, one for each of us. Normally with a non-online game I buy one game for both our PC's so we can both play them (simultaneously if a no-cd crack can be found). Here, I have been more than happy to purchase two accounts. And in fact, with the dropping prices of the game, I have also been considering buying one more account for my wife and I to share, so we both can play all 6 professions.
Anet can still make a lot of money via the 2 accounts per person idea anyway. Offer in total 8 professions, allow only 5 or 6 characters per account. There are still many of us who will like to fork out the money for two game accounts in order to play them all. When you think about it, for the price I paid for my account compared to the amount of enjoyment I've had from this game, it has been well worth it. Despite the fact that we (my wife and I) have had to buy two accounts, one for each of us. Normally with a non-online game I buy one game for both our PC's so we can both play them (simultaneously if a no-cd crack can be found). Here, I have been more than happy to purchase two accounts. And in fact, with the dropping prices of the game, I have also been considering buying one more account for my wife and I to share, so we both can play all 6 professions.
Chapter 2 will probably be coming out around the same time the game has it's big release in China.....that opens the possibility for a Samurai type class with Katana's or suchlike, or maybe a Ninja....sometype of Eastern based melee class I think. The game is biased 5:1 for ranged to melee. If the game adds 3 new classes, I would expect 2 melee and maybe one more ranged. My guess;
Samurai/Ninja - Katana's, Stealth, Shurikens, Poisons, Powder Magic
Rogues/Assassin - Knives, stealth, poisons, thieving skills, pickpocketting, lockpicks
Summoner - Demon summons, underworld skills
Anyway that's how I would do it.
Samurai/Ninja - Katana's, Stealth, Shurikens, Poisons, Powder Magic
Rogues/Assassin - Knives, stealth, poisons, thieving skills, pickpocketting, lockpicks
Summoner - Demon summons, underworld skills
Anyway that's how I would do it.
Originally Posted by PieXags
I want a pirate, pirates own ninjas.
EDIT - I have just one or two questions for Gaile which i would really like to know the answer to. Since there is a good chance that this thread will be read.

Will hobbies/trades (mining in particular) be incorporated into Guild Wars?
Will player housing play a part in the future of Guild Wars?
Shanaeri Rynale
I would so love a katana, or at least a sword that is more ladylike.
Aera Lure
Originally Posted by Wa$d
more charater slots please!
I am loving the sound of this. *sniff* How to wait until April/May-ish? :P
Cantha and Orr , Wohoo!!!
Originally Posted by rocklimit
the only way i would really buy this expansion is if they added a rogue/assasin class , daggers and Polearms, we need new melee classes.
Not a big guy in armor like the warrior that takes hits but a guy that evades attacks instead.
I tdon't think it's stupid either we don't have a stealthy class. We have 2 martial types (Warrior and Ranger) and 4 spellcasters. A rogue would add a 3rd to martial.
but I disagree on them being Ninjas, Guild wars is a European Medieval setting not a feudal oriental setting.
They just don't fit in. (Not that I don't like em)
Originally Posted by Ice Blessings
!!! What are the new profesions?!
~Ice Blessings~ |
hmm maybe rogue? unlike much of stance skills and quick sword attacking will gome for rogue hopelly if rogue gomes i ml wonder for ranger/rogue if rogue will gome.
i have a feeling the next char toon will be a DWARF....
lol anyone seen a lady dwarf in games yet???? must be nasty looking
lol anyone seen a lady dwarf in games yet???? must be nasty looking
The New Guy
Originally Posted by TwilightOblivion
official interview w/ gamespot! and check this out, new professions CONFIRMED "The continuation of the Guild Wars story will contain all the things that players love from the first chapter, and a whole lot more. We'll have a bunch of spanking new regions that offer new missions, new monsters, new items, new quests, new skills, and new professions. Yes, "new" is the recurring theme here. And all of this sparkly newness will take place in a setting that continues the compelling story of Tyria that was begun in the first installment. " "Jess Lebow, our world designer, says, "We don't want to give away too much about the upcoming story, but count on seeing landscapes that have been irrevocably changed by world events, meeting cultures only alluded to in the first installment, and facing challenges that could change the face of the world forever." " The Orr maybe? we can only wait and see! w00tness! |
This just made my day!
Eternal Equinox
Cape toggling plz. kthxbai
I quite like the idea of crafters and traders. I know it's a bit WoW'ish, but it would make a nice break from all the killing. Also we could make more use of those materials we all endlessly carry around - taking up precious slots.
Hmm... the company that dreamt up mesmers can come up with something else fairly unique as opposed to the generic "other games have it" classes. Personally, a swordsman that's more finesse than brute would be a nice touch, imo. A three musketeerrian type.
New classes and skills... will these be transferrable back to chapter one, or will there be an isolation of chapters? Chap one chars should, obviously, be able to progress to chap two, how about the reverse?
New skills only for the new classes or new skills for existing classes as well?
So many questions unanswered, let the speculation begin! (er... continue)
New classes and skills... will these be transferrable back to chapter one, or will there be an isolation of chapters? Chap one chars should, obviously, be able to progress to chap two, how about the reverse?
New skills only for the new classes or new skills for existing classes as well?
So many questions unanswered, let the speculation begin! (er... continue)
[QUOTE=Ashley Twig]The hope dies last. 
I don't think, it's going to happen. Simply because aNet will need money. If people don't buy 2nd accounts, less money will come in.
that says more slots specifically

I don't think, it's going to happen. Simply because aNet will need money. If people don't buy 2nd accounts, less money will come in.

that says more slots specifically

Funk ee Monk ee
Who says the new professions have to be humanoid at all?
I want a Monty Pythonesque killer rabbit! *fingers hooked in front of mouth* He has the sharp fangs ... he's a KILLER!
Perhaps a Stalker with a human pet?
I want a Monty Pythonesque killer rabbit! *fingers hooked in front of mouth* He has the sharp fangs ... he's a KILLER!
Perhaps a Stalker with a human pet?
One way in which we'll be using streaming technology more and more in the future is in adding content for special events. We might have an event in the world that takes place for just a few hours, as we did at the end of our final beta weekend event. Or we might offer seasonal art that lasts for just a week or so. |

It's absolutely true that player feedback is considered with just about every decision we make. We will always focus on our overall vision of what the game is and will be. But the finer details of Guild Wars have been greatly influenced by players. |

We'll have a bunch of spanking new regions that offer new missions, new monsters, new items, new quests, new skills, and new professions. |

Keep up the good work.
Skel Flamebender
Man if each new class has the same amount of skills as the older class, and considering how different skills in this game are compared to other games, I think there will be alot of in balances? Cmon now we dont need any smiting protective evading mo/ninjas running around do we?
I want a heretic pimp, riding his "low rider" elephant and wearing a purple fedora.
ooo think of the evil things he could do
ooo think of the evil things he could do
I would guess two new classes at most, also resulting in one extra character slot to cover all eight classes (pri or sec) on 4 chars plus a PvP slot. (5 total)
Although going to 6 would make more sense...
Although going to 6 would make more sense...
Fred Kiwi
ninjas are a good idea for this game, and pirates. I've always wanted to merge ninjas with pirates.
Originally Posted by Fred Kiwi
ninjas are a good idea for this game, and pirates. I've always wanted to merge ninjas with pirates.
A new swordsman would make sense. Would require a new class of weapons/swords that warrior skills don't work on...
A druid wouldn't, too intertwined with ranger. Imagine the R/Dr that would pop up...
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by MSecorsky
Sorry, but IMO ninjas are far outside of the "world" created and would take a lot away from it.
A new swordsman would make sense. Would require a new class of weapons/swords that warrior skills don't work on... A druid wouldn't, too intertwined with ranger. Imagine the R/Dr that would pop up... |
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
New professions? New areas? New items? I don't care about any of that... I just want to be able to walk over an obstacle that's only 2 inches high and walk off an edge that's only a foot or two of a drop. I still can't get over how limited the environment and the interaction in it is....
Dont Look At My
well an idea I thought of is like a "Spiritualist"
He can use spiritual powers:
*similar to enchantements, with the difference that they can only be removed by the caster or the enchanted person (which makes the powerful)
just more spiritual stuff and more roleplay between dark-> light.
and some sort of yey ninja. being able to hide yourself, stealth attacks and everything.
Perhaps stealing a warriors weapon to make him a bit useless (has to switch weapons).
and someone to counter it. A Bounty Hounter. They can see ninjas and shoot them off.
like the rangers have their bow, they have their rifle, a really old one like in the desert. and he would then also have special surviving skills or something.
and of course elite thiefs would have something to hide also from them or other spells.
like the stealing of the weapon, they should only be allowed to have one weapon spot to make them counterable by thiefs. (but then they should also have good enough no-weapon skills)
But at least that you have a counter.
like dark<->light, water<->fire, thief<->bounty hounter, Spiritualist<->Necro? or a new proffesion like Diabolist
He can use spiritual powers:
*similar to enchantements, with the difference that they can only be removed by the caster or the enchanted person (which makes the powerful)
just more spiritual stuff and more roleplay between dark-> light.
and some sort of yey ninja. being able to hide yourself, stealth attacks and everything.
Perhaps stealing a warriors weapon to make him a bit useless (has to switch weapons).
and someone to counter it. A Bounty Hounter. They can see ninjas and shoot them off.
like the rangers have their bow, they have their rifle, a really old one like in the desert. and he would then also have special surviving skills or something.
and of course elite thiefs would have something to hide also from them or other spells.
like the stealing of the weapon, they should only be allowed to have one weapon spot to make them counterable by thiefs. (but then they should also have good enough no-weapon skills)
But at least that you have a counter.
like dark<->light, water<->fire, thief<->bounty hounter, Spiritualist<->Necro? or a new proffesion like Diabolist
Shmash Witdaclub
so how much would you all pay for the game?
I would have no problem whatsoever with dropping $50 due to the fact that it sounds like the new chapter will pretty much open up a whole new game. New characters, new zones, new skills...
they will, imo, definately open up more slots if they charge $50 for it.
if they end up charging less for the chapter, and not give more than a slot, I would definately like to see an option - probably off their website - where it would make it availble for an account to purchase additional character slots. i am talking about something similar to how EQ has a fee that a player can pay to change his server and what not.
Is there a "problem" with making more slots for an account? i wouldn't think so. Why can't ANET already just put all of the characters onto one account for those that own 2 or more accounts? i know that doing so might remove the annoninimity that said player would like to keep - but i am sure many more players would love that option than those that would not. So, my point make an option for people with more than one account to tie them together thus actually giving them the benefits with both accounts that they wanted.
On a side note - man I am hoping for troll chars - i have always loved em (but they dont really fit into the GW story now do they).
Anyway - final answer for me $50 and no complaints out of me.
It would also give ANET the well deserved money they should be getting for the lack of the monthly fee.
I would have no problem whatsoever with dropping $50 due to the fact that it sounds like the new chapter will pretty much open up a whole new game. New characters, new zones, new skills...
they will, imo, definately open up more slots if they charge $50 for it.
if they end up charging less for the chapter, and not give more than a slot, I would definately like to see an option - probably off their website - where it would make it availble for an account to purchase additional character slots. i am talking about something similar to how EQ has a fee that a player can pay to change his server and what not.
Is there a "problem" with making more slots for an account? i wouldn't think so. Why can't ANET already just put all of the characters onto one account for those that own 2 or more accounts? i know that doing so might remove the annoninimity that said player would like to keep - but i am sure many more players would love that option than those that would not. So, my point make an option for people with more than one account to tie them together thus actually giving them the benefits with both accounts that they wanted.
On a side note - man I am hoping for troll chars - i have always loved em (but they dont really fit into the GW story now do they).
Anyway - final answer for me $50 and no complaints out of me.
It would also give ANET the well deserved money they should be getting for the lack of the monthly fee.
Sir Skullcrasher
I think for the next chapter, it will cost around $50 dollars and likely to include another set of cd-key so that it will give you more character slots. Also (if a-net nice enough) they would allow you to port or transfer your original characters into chapters two new regions.
Worst case situtation, $50 dollars with no character slots, which would force people to either buy the original copy again or delete some of their character. I would think that a-net want to keep their fan happy so.. there will be more character slots open and it should give you the ability to transfer your original characters instead of starting from new builds.
Worst case situtation, $50 dollars with no character slots, which would force people to either buy the original copy again or delete some of their character. I would think that a-net want to keep their fan happy so.. there will be more character slots open and it should give you the ability to transfer your original characters instead of starting from new builds.
Dont Look At My
yep $50 is fine for me too, and if you look really carefully, at the moment you will never need more then 4slots:
you have 6classes, to play every class you need like 3slots and 1you can make a PVP only. so you just try something new, if it doenst work, you just delete you pvp char.
well if they get like 4new chars, they should make at least 2slots. Else I would be really disappointed in them.
To be honest 4is a bit tiny yey, but its enough.
When they bring 4new chars, I would find it fair if they add even 3-4 slots, so that you can have fun trying out every single profession.
you have 6classes, to play every class you need like 3slots and 1you can make a PVP only. so you just try something new, if it doenst work, you just delete you pvp char.
well if they get like 4new chars, they should make at least 2slots. Else I would be really disappointed in them.
To be honest 4is a bit tiny yey, but its enough.
When they bring 4new chars, I would find it fair if they add even 3-4 slots, so that you can have fun trying out every single profession.
Originally Posted by Shmash Witdaclub
so how much would you all pay for the game?
I would have no problem whatsoever with dropping $50 due to the fact that it sounds like the new chapter will pretty much open up a whole new game. New characters, new zones, new skills... they will, imo, definately open up more slots if they charge $50 for it. if they end up charging less for the chapter, and not give more than a slot, I would definately like to see an option - probably off their website - where it would make it availble for an account to purchase additional character slots. i am talking about something similar to how EQ has a fee that a player can pay to change his server and what not. Shmash |
Personally, I've got 2 lvl 20s on my account, once I beat the game with my second I'm only making ONE more (if I even do). I have everything unlocked on this account, and until I find out if they expand the slots, I don't want to have to do the work ALL over again for a second account just to PvP. I'd rather buy a second account to just PvE on, and use this account for PvP characters.
And I think ANET said they were gonna charge roughly the same price as the original game was, since it's going to be just as much stuff as the rest of the game. Didn't other games with expansions do the same (i.e. The Sims, The Sims 2, etc.)?
Dont Look At My
Originally Posted by sir skulkcrasher
I think for the next chapter, it will cost around $50 dollars and likely to include another set of cd-key so that it will give you more character slots. Also (if a-net nice enough) they would allow you to port or transfer your original characters into chapters two new regions.
Worst case situtation, $50 dollars with no character slots, which would force people to either buy the original copy again or delete some of their character. I would think that a-net want to keep their fan happy so.. there will be more character slots open and it should give you the ability to transfer your original characters instead of starting from new builds. |
or something like that, but I think, It would be better if they dont do that. You should start off with your new character from the beginning. Dont you love the excitement when you crave for a new skill to be discovered?
Dont Look At My
Originally Posted by melbo
And I think ANET said they were gonna charge roughly the same price as the original game was, since it's going to be just as much stuff as the rest of the game. Didn't other games with expansions do the same (i.e. The Sims, The Sims 2, etc.)?
you know they bring a new update to The Sims, which changes almost nothing (and they brang like 10of that updates in 2years) and every update costed like a brandnew full-game.
That's just silly and stealing money from people.
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Dont Look At My
for ascended characters, or the ones who alreddy finished the game, there will perhaps be something like "The way of xxx" just in another way, that you can also change primary class as secondary one, if you wish to enter chapter 2.
or something like that, but I think, It would be better if they dont do that. You should start off with your new character from the beginning. Dont you love the excitement when you crave for a new skill to be discovered? |
Fred Kiwi
same price as the original