Unsportsmanlike conduct in Team Arena: Running Players
I ignore it because it doesn't really effect me. I map out when someone starts to stall a match longer than five minutes. Even if it's team Arena, I won't entertain someone who is trying to inhibit my ability to have fun in the game.
I don't have anything to prove to someone who has specifically made a built to do one thing exceptionally well to a fault when my build is especially deficient in stopping.
I am not saying that I do not view fair play and comradery between rivals negatively, however, this is not something that's ever promised in a random environment, therefore nobody can betray it.
While you are justified in reviling this sort of attitude, by letting someone impact your peace of mind so totally by their rude actions, you encourage said actions to be repeated. Griefing requires two people, the griefer and the griefed. As long as there are plenty of overly-proud marks willing to fruitlessly chase after a runner, there will likewise be people that relish in taunting them.
I don't have anything to prove to someone who has specifically made a built to do one thing exceptionally well to a fault when my build is especially deficient in stopping.
I am not saying that I do not view fair play and comradery between rivals negatively, however, this is not something that's ever promised in a random environment, therefore nobody can betray it.
While you are justified in reviling this sort of attitude, by letting someone impact your peace of mind so totally by their rude actions, you encourage said actions to be repeated. Griefing requires two people, the griefer and the griefed. As long as there are plenty of overly-proud marks willing to fruitlessly chase after a runner, there will likewise be people that relish in taunting them.
Originally Posted by Lag Hell
this has given me an idea for a hoh/gvg run... u must have a team of 8 dedicated runners with ALOT oftime on their hands, in every match they would jus run around like crazy dodging everything, and boring the other team to quit, and using this tactic to win >_>
yes...i am very stoned right now so dont ask me wat i was thinkin... |
All kidding aside, it could happen...and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. Nor would it surprise me a petition run when it does.
would be quite interesting tho. in the Hall u would be screwed tho, cos u gotta cap altar.....
Sentao Nugra
new condition
fatigue: for (5...20) seconds you cannot activate a speed skill, and move 50% slower.
problem solved
EDIT: to the post below, increase recharge on condition removal, and it just comes back after you use another running skill
fatigue: for (5...20) seconds you cannot activate a speed skill, and move 50% slower.
problem solved
EDIT: to the post below, increase recharge on condition removal, and it just comes back after you use another running skill
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
new condition
fatigue: for (5...20) seconds you cannot activate a speed skill, and move 50% slower. problem solved |
It may be a pain to catch them... but honestly if you know what you're doing and you have more than one person, it can be done with relative ease. Corner them, do as much damage as possible... use crippling, water skills... etc. Poison works too.
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
new condition
fatigue: for (5...20) seconds you cannot activate a speed skill, and move 50% slower. problem solved |
The bottom line is, if you don't bring a snare into competition arena or team arena, expect to have to deal with a runner. That's the nature of that type of PVP. No snare, then body block. No body block, hope the runner gets tired. But you didn't win and the runner didn't lose.
Sorry it sucks but that's the way it is. You don't go into a hex heavy environment without a way to deal with hexes so don't go into a run heavy environment and not expect to deal with runners.
no life losers ... trying to beat some stupid record from a school mate.
its riduculus , once i found a warrior doing this , runing in circles , and counting ... he made about 20 full rotations ...
dont take random arenas very serius , i just go there to try some skill combination , sometimes have a lot of fun and even beat 5 to 10 matches .. sometimes found a stupid runner , sometimes lose on first 10 seconds , everything goes there.if you have some experience in pvp , go to team arenas ot tomb.
its riduculus , once i found a warrior doing this , runing in circles , and counting ... he made about 20 full rotations ...
dont take random arenas very serius , i just go there to try some skill combination , sometimes have a lot of fun and even beat 5 to 10 matches .. sometimes found a stupid runner , sometimes lose on first 10 seconds , everything goes there.if you have some experience in pvp , go to team arenas ot tomb.
there are two types of runners, one kind runs to prepare to fight again and the other kind runs for the sake of running. I hate it when people call me a runner just because I'm running away from the warrior to wait for my health to regen, or wait for my trap recharge to go away.
Lag Hell
Originally Posted by KuTeBaka
there are two types of runners, one kind runs to prepare to fight again and the other kind runs for the sake of running. I hate it when people call me a runner just because I'm running away from the warrior to wait for my health to regen, or wait for my trap recharge to go away.
I see nothing wrong with the ranger's tactics, although devoting so many of his 8 skills to trying to escape rather than damage seems rather lame, like as if this was the winning tactic they prepared for and had no intention of trying to kill the other team.
But, hey, anyone has the right to equip themselves with whatever works for them. It is your job, if you want to win consistently, to equip yourselves with the skills that can cover every possible situation. If you don't have a trapping or snare or slowing down like skill equipped in your party, then maybe you don't deserve the win - the team with the fast-moving ranger was better equipped than you and, therefore, deserves the win!
Why didn't your team have a ranger with traps? Why didn't your team have a mesmer with the skills that slow movement? Maybe your team was typical of those that think these two professions are useless?
But, hey, anyone has the right to equip themselves with whatever works for them. It is your job, if you want to win consistently, to equip yourselves with the skills that can cover every possible situation. If you don't have a trapping or snare or slowing down like skill equipped in your party, then maybe you don't deserve the win - the team with the fast-moving ranger was better equipped than you and, therefore, deserves the win!
Why didn't your team have a ranger with traps? Why didn't your team have a mesmer with the skills that slow movement? Maybe your team was typical of those that think these two professions are useless?
running wont get you anywhere in tombs, any decent build should have at least some kind of snare for relic runs. in the worst case it will come down to attacking them/snaring them 1 by 1, something pretty dumb imo.
it works in 4-4 because no one really brings counters. its amazingly easy to kill a runner if you have rigor mortis and imagined burden (especially if theres no monk), just no one seems to feel the need to bring these in TA, and especially not in CA
it works in 4-4 because no one really brings counters. its amazingly easy to kill a runner if you have rigor mortis and imagined burden (especially if theres no monk), just no one seems to feel the need to bring these in TA, and especially not in CA
Hanuman li Tosh
eh, if you go to pvp w/o anti running skills GG.
Why didn't your team have a ranger with traps? Why didn't your team have a mesmer with the skills that slow movement? Maybe your team was typical of those that think these two professions are useless? |
Although I haven`t played a mesmer (and i think they are a bit more appreciated then rangers, though not enough) i think that (as a caster) it is really irritating to lose energy all the time.
Back on the subject again

I gave my opinion on this before, and also agree with coolsti (again), that if you are not good enough to kill the opponent, you may not be good enough to deserve the win.
Another thing:
A monk has the ability to heal himself
A warrior has the ability to take really low damage
Why wouldn`t it be allowed for a ranger to be running all the time, and dodging all attacks?
(I agree though, that when u do it to screw up some1 else his game, its not good)
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by coolsti
Why didn't your team have a ranger with traps? Why didn't your team have a mesmer with the skills that slow movement? Maybe your team was typical of those that think these two professions are useless?
And why does every ranger have to have traps just because there are griefing runners? If that were the case then PVP has gotten very boring if now we are limited in our builds because of a few idiots.
Bottomline is, if you're running and doing nothing else, you've hurt your own team and just being an ass. People can and should always zone out when this happens but this crap shouldnt happen in the first place.
if a runner is in CA, quit and start again. its random after all, so why would it matter if you quit and rejoined? all you do is save.. about an hour of chasing.
of its in TA, its your groups fault for not bringing ANY snares, since even one decent one = gg
there see, i just proved your all nubs for crying about it
of its in TA, its your groups fault for not bringing ANY snares, since even one decent one = gg
there see, i just proved your all nubs for crying about it
Sentao Nugra
in response to smurfhunter:
i have had groups that kill the 3 other opponents in about 40 seconds in randoms, but then there is that damned runner who takes an hour to kill because the ele isnt specced for ice, the mesmer is dom not illusion, and the warrior didnt bring a speed skill (didnt have a ranger). so what am i supposed to do?? sacrifice the good group and save some time or wait an hour for the idiot to leave and keep my group, which sounds better to you?
i have had groups that kill the 3 other opponents in about 40 seconds in randoms, but then there is that damned runner who takes an hour to kill because the ele isnt specced for ice, the mesmer is dom not illusion, and the warrior didnt bring a speed skill (didnt have a ranger). so what am i supposed to do?? sacrifice the good group and save some time or wait an hour for the idiot to leave and keep my group, which sounds better to you?
There's 4 of you and 1 runner. Corner him and bodyblock. If you can't do that, then you didn't win.
In team arenas a guildmate and I came up against a team of 4 ranger/monk trapper/runners. All they did was trap and run, taunting the whole time about the faction bonus they would get for the flawless victory when we all left. I guess it was a good tactic because after about 25 minutes we left.

Hanuman li Tosh
Originally Posted by Sentao Nugra
in response to smurfhunter:
i have had groups that kill the 3 other opponents in about 40 seconds in randoms, but then there is that damned runner who takes an hour to kill because the ele isnt specced for ice, the mesmer is dom not illusion, and the warrior didnt bring a speed skill (didnt have a ranger). so what am i supposed to do?? sacrifice the good group and save some time or wait an hour for the idiot to leave and keep my group, which sounds better to you? |
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by smurfhunter
here see, i just proved your all nubs for crying about it
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
This attitude is why random arena is the hell hole that it is. You have the runners, griefers, quitters and the occasional faction bot. And when someone voices a complaint about these issues, suddenly it's called "crying"
Sheesh. |
I got into a match a few sundays ago where we killed off the other team, leaving a Wa/Mo running around.
Our monk left instantly; it ended up with my Me/N, a Warrior, and an Elementalist on my team. We were on the Jungle map, and bodyblocking there can be pretty tricky- although we managed to do it once.
After twenty minutes, I was chatting idly with my teammates, perched on a bridge, while doing my homework.
Thirty minutes go by, us deciding to just sit/stand there and repelling him when he comes too close. We chat about everything you can possibly imagine.
By the end of the 69-minute match, he's challenged each of us to 1v1 (and ran away when we accepted and he was losing- he lost against my bloody MESMER/NECRO, with faintheartedness and enfeebling blood), I have two new additions to my friendslist, and one new guildie. We actually benefited from it, just sitting there and getting to know one another. It was especially good after we all turned off local chat.
Our monk left instantly; it ended up with my Me/N, a Warrior, and an Elementalist on my team. We were on the Jungle map, and bodyblocking there can be pretty tricky- although we managed to do it once.
After twenty minutes, I was chatting idly with my teammates, perched on a bridge, while doing my homework.
Thirty minutes go by, us deciding to just sit/stand there and repelling him when he comes too close. We chat about everything you can possibly imagine.
By the end of the 69-minute match, he's challenged each of us to 1v1 (and ran away when we accepted and he was losing- he lost against my bloody MESMER/NECRO, with faintheartedness and enfeebling blood), I have two new additions to my friendslist, and one new guildie. We actually benefited from it, just sitting there and getting to know one another. It was especially good after we all turned off local chat.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Sanji
Most people who run probably don't even come the forums much less would ever care to reform. So it pretty much comes down to this being a venting thread. Which I can respect, however I do admit I'm in the "cry more" camp on this. It's a social issue that really isn't going to change. Take it or leave it, PvP is PvP and Internet Smacktards are Internet Smacktards. You shrug them off and you carry on. If you can't, well, gaming with random people online probably isn't for you.
It's not the behaviour of runners that people here are wanting to change....it's the mechanics of the game that runners are abusing that's the problem. For instance, you don't try to change the behaviour of spammers, instead you put in a measure to keep those spammers from spamming.
Originally Posted by oscarmac
In team arenas a guildmate and I came up against a team of 4 ranger/monk trapper/runners. All they did was trap and run, taunting the whole time about the faction bonus they would get for the flawless victory when we all left. I guess it was a good tactic because after about 25 minutes we left.
![]() |
and hey i mean maybe you dont like the word crying, but your all complaining about what a bunch of assholes do to waste time. call it what you want....
and you really only need like 1 skill to catch runners, usually, so i mean its not like you need to rework the entire build, just shuffle a few things around. like some people said, you dont win until you win, assholes or not. in tombs, if you come against a group your in a stalemate against, you dont say "ohh lame build blahblahblah" most people just start to think of ways to augment the damage of their own build. so just extend this idea to TA....
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
Just because I take issue with some problems with random people in a random arena doesnt equate that I can't handle it. Apathy does not equate some sort of strength of character or that I can't handle some social retards.
It's not the behaviour of runners that people here are wanting to change....it's the mechanics of the game that runners are abusing that's the problem. For instance, you don't try to change the behaviour of spammers, instead you put in a measure to keep those spammers from spamming. |
Sardelac Sanitarium, on the other hand is far more suited for complaining about problematic mechanics. Even more so if the poster explains why it's a bad thing and offers suggestions about how it can be fixed.
The tone, topic, and location of a thread can be responsible for the type of responses it recieves. This thread is obviously angry, this topic has been done to death, and it's in a place where fights tend to break out pretty easy.
I appreciate the advise and stories of successful techniques to combat the running build in PvP. I adjusted my build accordingly, although with a big sacrifice to my ability to cause damage.
Thanks to the rest of you for making it my fault. -_-
Thanks to the rest of you for making it my fault. -_-
Honestly, having runners be your Achilles' heel isn't all that bad. I would rather focus my build to beating stuff that actually is a concern.
The responses weren't made to make it your fault as much as explain that "Yeah, it sucks. But there is meta out there for it if you wish to take it."
The responses weren't made to make it your fault as much as explain that "Yeah, it sucks. But there is meta out there for it if you wish to take it."
Originally Posted by lyra_song
I appreciate the advise and stories of successful techniques to combat the running build in PvP. I adjusted my build accordingly, although with a big sacrifice to my ability to cause damage.
Thanks to the rest of you for making it my fault. -_- |
And, well, it's not really your fault you don't have a counter. Learning to counter runners in Arenas can help later on.
I always love the idea that you guys imedially attribute these kinds of acts to butt ramming a homosexual. Is that some kind of obscure insecurity of some kind? I always wondered? anyway. Try either crippiling the little twerp or pinning em down or something. a running ranger / warrior can be delt with. just DO it. whats so hard about that?
Running is not poor sportsmanship at all. What is poor sportsmanship and what should not be tolerated are the original poster and others like him thinking they have any legitimate claim on asking other players to commit in-game suicide just to gratify them.
There is also a new thread on this exact same subject every 3 weeks or so. It's really old. I don't understand why mods often lock good questions threads that have been asked before yet threads about running players get repeated perpetually and they do not get locked.
There is also a new thread on this exact same subject every 3 weeks or so. It's really old. I don't understand why mods often lock good questions threads that have been asked before yet threads about running players get repeated perpetually and they do not get locked.
Originally Posted by Savio
First off, don't post ingame screennames without the player's permission. Edit the screennames out of the images too.
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
Runners appear most in random arenas, so how exactly do you get to CHOOSE to have a ranger with traps on your team? Or a mesmer with snares? So it's the teams fault for not having a Mesmer or Ranger in RANDOM arenas?!?
And why does every ranger have to have traps just because there are griefing runners? If that were the case then PVP has gotten very boring if now we are limited in our builds because of a few idiots. Bottomline is, if you're running and doing nothing else, you've hurt your own team and just being an ass. People can and should always zone out when this happens but this crap shouldnt happen in the first place. |
The point is, if you find yourself facing teams that are beating you because they are evading you, then you better look at your skills and find some combination that can counter this. And take at least one skill with you. If you are a ranger, take pin down or a trap. If you are a Mesmer or elementalist, take one of the skills that slow. Considering that all characters have a second profession, there must be something you can take. Otherwise, don't take anything against runners and evaders, and accept the loss when you come up against a team that uses this strategy.
The best way to deal with a runner who won't fight is to simply do absolutely nothing. Nada. Just get your team to stand completely still and don't talk on public channel. Just wait. If they want to run around for an hour and give themselves RSI then let me.
Tell me, who is the bigger fool? The runner or the person who fruitlessly chases them?
Tell me, who is the bigger fool? The runner or the person who fruitlessly chases them?
Originally Posted by jasondragon
Can you explain why? *ponders*
And for what coolsti said...it's true. Pretty much anyone can bring an anti-runner measure. Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Warrior: these all have some way to stop a runner. Unless you're running a N/Mo or Mo/N, you can bring one skill.
aron searle
Ok ive done a bit of pvp but not really go into it yet, bit here bit there.
Is this a common occourance, should i be worried about it?
Because to be honest when i hear things like this i just think, meh shant bother.
Is this a common occourance, should i be worried about it?
Because to be honest when i hear things like this i just think, meh shant bother.
I have come up against a few of these, but then I never have any problems, I have yet to see someone outrun my pet build, and if I bring maiming strike its all over red rover as the saying goes.
Originally Posted by Diplo
The best way to deal with a runner who won't fight is to simply do absolutely nothing. Nada. Just get your team to stand completely still and don't talk on public channel. Just wait. If they want to run around for an hour and give themselves RSI then let me.
Tell me, who is the bigger fool? The runner or the person who fruitlessly chases them? |
This isnt about how to combat runners, this is a complaint that runners exist and if they are un-sportsman like!
If you or your team cannot defeat a runner then it is you who is lame, to force a draw is a perfectly acceptable strategy used by sportsmen all over the world... take chess for example..
if your oponent cant check mate you because your in a situation where you could run your peices around the board forever then this is classed as a DRAW. why should one say.. oh its a draw, so I'll just declare you the winner?
Why should a ranger who can run you around the arena for the rest of your life be the one to give up?.. has he lost?.. no... YOU have failed to defeat him! and probably its YOU who has had to concede.
This is about the runners skill, and your lack of skill... nothing to do with sportsmanship at all!
If you or your team cannot defeat a runner then it is you who is lame, to force a draw is a perfectly acceptable strategy used by sportsmen all over the world... take chess for example..
if your oponent cant check mate you because your in a situation where you could run your peices around the board forever then this is classed as a DRAW. why should one say.. oh its a draw, so I'll just declare you the winner?
Why should a ranger who can run you around the arena for the rest of your life be the one to give up?.. has he lost?.. no... YOU have failed to defeat him! and probably its YOU who has had to concede.
This is about the runners skill, and your lack of skill... nothing to do with sportsmanship at all!
Originally Posted by Snowman
This is about the runners skill, and your lack of skill... nothing to do with sportsmanship at all!