Originally Posted by Snowman
This isnt about how to combat runners, this is a complaint that runners exist and if they are un-sportsman like!
If you or your team cannot defeat a runner then it is you who is lame, to force a draw is a perfectly acceptable strategy used by sportsmen all over the world... take chess for example.. if your oponent cant check mate you because your in a situation where you could run your peices around the board forever then this is classed as a DRAW. why should one say.. oh its a draw, so I'll just declare you the winner? Why should a ranger who can run you around the arena for the rest of your life be the one to give up?.. has he lost?.. no... YOU have failed to defeat him! and probably its YOU who has had to concede. This is about the runners skill, and your lack of skill... nothing to do with sportsmanship at all! |
Second - Are you saying you play chess with the goal of getting a draw?
Personally, I play to win, but if you like your choices to be lose or draw...