What to do with Runners..


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by drakul
I noticed the OP blanked out his name but left the name of the runner for all to see. Does that seem like fair play? I shall talk to the runner that was scammed and make him aware of this post. I will urge him to talk to Anet as well. Let them see who gets 'pwned'. Also shall endeavor to get ign of the OP and post it. That will balance this up some

And if you seriously dont believe the guy was scammed ask yourself if it was just a little premeditated.
Ummm, so he said he'd do it for free what does it matter if it was premeditated?...atleast according to the post.

Now if this was some elaborate scam involving screenshot touching up and he said he would pay, it is lame. But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

Sister Rosette

Sister Rosette

Lady Fie

Join Date: Aug 2005


Tha Skulls [Ts]


Originally Posted by Fenix
Fansite Friday No. 56 - 26 Aug 2005

Originally Posted by The interview
" If we find that players are using runners to develop a character that is then abusive in PvP play by virtue of their higher-level acquisitions (particularly armor) we will need to take steps to prevent this.
This was some funny shit. They've done nothing to stop it.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by TheIMP
I have always disliked runners, and today I saw yet another runner who wanted 1,5k for a trip to Beacon's Perch from Ascalon. I don't want to show superfluous offence, so i just sent a n00bish reply:

Odd enough he accepted my request..

When we got to Beacon's Perch after about 30 minutes and 6 deaths (the runner, lol), he peculiary enough asked me why I didn't pay :P

Obviously I didn't pay,
So let me get this straight, you agreed to pay someone to run you somewhere and then when you got there you decided not to pay? And how does this make you look good? I don't care how many times the runner died, if you agreed to pay him to take you somewhere, you pay. Bottom line. If you wanted a runner that never dies, you should have asked for a runner that can make the trip without dying at all. You might pay more and probably will, but at least you aren't screwing someone that was offering you a service. This is the problem with many people playing this game, you want something for nothing and you have no honor or dignity when you agree to pay someone to do you a favor.

And before you answer, you know damn good and well your silly little comment about not having a head and being run for free was not part of the deal. You knew what you were getting and you knew what his price was. Bottom line, you tried the screw someone that was doing you a favor and you're a real POS because of it.

Sister Rosette

Sister Rosette

Lady Fie

Join Date: Aug 2005


Tha Skulls [Ts]


I have a couple conditions to the people who run me.
(And I let them know before hand)

1. If I beat you there, I don't pay. It's pretty straightforward, and I don't
take running skills with me. Most runners agree with it because they see it
as a challenge. Even if I have yet to win the race.

2. You die more then 10 times, I leave. It's not worth it to pay someone
to circumvent a large part of the game if they never manage to make it
past the wurms.

3. Before the run begins, I friend the Runner. That way, if they log or
scam or whatnot I still have the username, and can contact them to see
if it was the dreaded Err=7 or an actual scam. If it's a scam I report it, if not,
back to Beacons.

Just lay down your rules before you go. An established runner will often
understand and respect the rules you have. A 'OEHGEE 1 C4PPD CH4RG3
I'M T3H RNNR NOWZ!!!' will call you a f*****g noob and kick you. You're
better off anyway.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Sister Rosette
I have a couple conditions to the people who run me.
(And I let them know before hand)

1. If I beat you there, I don't pay. It's pretty straightforward, and I don't
take running skills with me. Most runners agree with it because they see it
as a challenge. Even if I have yet to win the race.

2. You die more then 10 times, I leave. It's not worth it to pay someone
to circumvent a large part of the game if they never manage to make it
past the wurms.

3. Before the run begins, I friend the Runner. That way, if they log or
scam or whatnot I still have the username, and can contact them to see
if it was the dreaded Err=7 or an actual scam. If it's a scam I report it, if not,
back to Beacons.

Just lay down your rules before you go. An established runner will often
understand and respect the rules you have. A 'OEHGEE 1 C4PPD CH4RG3
I'M T3H RNNR NOWZ!!!' will call you a f*****g noob and kick you. You're
better off anyway.

Good tips, most of these I use as well.

Mimi Miyagi

Mimi Miyagi

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Port Orchard, WA

The Second Foundation: [TSF]

I've never had any problems with runners. They have almost zero impact on the way I play my game - except in one area.

It's almost impossible to get a group together to do Elona's Reach. Even if you do manage to put one together, chances are you'll fail by the third Crystal. It is, without a doubt, one of the most frustrating missions in the entire game, and that's why runners are so popular there. In this respect, runners are either ruining the game, or being a huge help, depending on your POV. They are ether ruining it because it's impossible to get a party together to finish the mission - or a boon because it was almost impossible before, and runners are making it fairly simple.

But I constantly see people offering to pay outrageous prices to be run someplace. Lately I see people begging for runners, offering up to 5K a person to be run, from War Camp to Granite Citadel. It's their money, and if they want to be ignorant and pay that much money for such a short trip, then that's there perogative.

EDIT - as far as people being "outraged" by people not paying, either as the runner, or as the runnee (if that's a word) - caveat emptor. It's the risk you take when providing a service that has no mechanics for retribution. For the runners, it's your choice to provide the service, you have to expect people to rip you off. If they don't pay, oh well, that's life. For the person being run, while it's dispicable to enter into an oral agreement then renege once the service has been performed, if you can live with yourself for having no honor, that's your choice too. For anyone upset that all of this is happening, from either POV, face it, it's life on the internet. People will get ripped off when attempting to rely on the goodwill of perfect strangers. It may suck, but the moral decay of society doesn't stop online, it only gets worse.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Blkout
So let me get this straight, you agreed to pay someone to run you somewhere and then when you got there you decided not to pay? And how does this make you look good? I don't care how many times the runner died, if you agreed to pay him to take you somewhere, you pay. Bottom line. If you wanted a runner that never dies, you should have asked for a runner that can make the trip without dying at all. You might pay more and probably will, but at least you aren't screwing someone that was offering you a service. This is the problem with many people playing this game, you want something for nothing and you have no honor or dignity when you agree to pay someone to do you a favor.

And before you answer, you know damn good and well your silly little comment about not having a head and being run for free was not part of the deal. You knew what you were getting and you knew what his price was. Bottom line, you tried the screw someone that was doing you a favor and you're a real POS because of it.

Whoa am I imagining things? Does it say- "will you run me for free"? and then the runner replies "sure"?

I don't know unless something was cut out of the conversation I would think he said "Sure" as in ok, yes, affirmative.

What part is a scam, seems to me if he wanted to be paid the runner would have replied "no".

Originally Posted by Mimi Miyagi
EDIT - as far as people being "outraged" by people not paying, either as the runner, or as the runnee (if that's a word) - caveat emptor. It's the risk you take when providing a service that has no mechanics for retribution. For the runners, it's your choice to provide the service, you have to expect people to rip you off. If they don't pay, oh well, that's life. For the person being run, while it's dispicable to enter into an oral agreement then renege once the service has been performed, if you can live with yourself for having no honor, that's your choice too. For anyone upset that all of this is happening, from either POV, face it, it's life on the internet. People will get ripped off when attempting to rely on the goodwill of perfect strangers. It may suck, but the moral decay of society doesn't stop online, it only gets worse.
Yea, it seems to me if Anet really put running in they would have put some sort of mechanism for a secure transfer. Sorry being sorta sarcastic, but in this case the runner made alot assumptions and said he'd run for free.

It's kinda ironic when we're talking about someone being scammedd on a trade, I usually see the majority of people have a "you got what you deserved, be more careful next time" attitude. This person obviously made a mistake in what he said and everyone is up in arms about it.

Running is gamble at best. I can think of lots of ways a person could mess them up and claim ignorance as the culprit. If the runner is a saavy business person they should factor this in when they offer this service.

Fenix Swiftblade

Fenix Swiftblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Illusion of Competence


Like I said, I'm a runner, and the runner in the OP's thread had it coming. He agreed to do the run for free (again, unless something was cut out there), and the OP was completely right in what he did. If the runner was stupid enough not to see that he agreed to run the OP for free it's his fault.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

1. The OP is an asshole. He didn't scam the dude, he's just being an ass about getting run with an overseen loophole.

2. Runners are contributing to problems in the game. No I will not blame them for all the problems, but I do believe (and I use that term loosely as I do not have the capability for faith) that runners should at least do some sort of check or something. I like the idea of restricting Lornar's from people who haven't finished the game on the account.

Then again, my issue isn't with the Lornar's run. It's just with running in general.

3. I have something personal against running. However I don't openly mock runners in districts. They 'play' the game how they want to. I can't and wont force my playstyle apon them. But for god sakes, tone it down. The whole thing of people new to the game being run is due to the excessive spam in districts about it.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


The OP did scam period.

He took advantage, knowingly and willingly. He even bragged about. The runner was simply not aware of the OPs true intentions, and the OP was well aware of this fact. He deliberately used cunning to extract a service and then not pay.
Dont ever say people deserve to be taken advantage of, thats putting blame on the victim.

So all I see is a SCAMMER, followed by some smug look at me post you got pwned.

Well here is the kicker, the OP is a true asshole, and to those that say yay go OP good one or the victim deserved what he got you are just plain asshole minions of the OP and it has absolutely nothing to do with running or not running as any form of argument, just a plain brag from a scammer glossed up with spin bullshit.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

To be fair, the runner agreed - whether he knew what was being agreed to; that's the runner's responsibilty.

I don't however, condone the OP's behavior. Taking advantage of stupid people is hardly a laudable act.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005




[QUOTE=Sister Rosette]I have a couple conditions to the people who run me.
(And I let them know before hand)

1. If I beat you there, I don't pay. It's pretty straightforward, and I don't
take running skills with me. Most runners agree with it because they see it
as a challenge. Even if I have yet to win the race.

2. You die more then 10 times, I leave. It's not worth it to pay someone
to circumvent a large part of the game if they never manage to make it
past the wurms.

3. Before the run begins, I friend the Runner. That way, if they log or
scam or whatnot I still have the username, and can contact them to see
if it was the dreaded Err=7 or an actual scam. If it's a scam I report it, if not,
back to Beacons.[QUOTE]

I was just looking at this thread and i happend to like this comment by Sister Rosette. I do runs to all the desert locations, and i do it on an individual basis (meaning me and the person im running). I have too have conditions for thoes who I run as well as being receptive to thier conditions.

1. I refuse to run people who give my attitude and are rude in their response to me, as well as thoes who don't acknowlege my time as valuable.

2. I never accept payment up front: (you pay when you get to the desired destination).

3. If you cannot afford my price - say so, i am (more often than not) completely willing to do free runs or runs for tips. (i didn't always have money, and even now most of my worth is in my armor and weapons). (even with my standing on this issue i have been stiffed by people, who had they bothered to ask could have recieved the run for free in an honest manner)

4. I want my runs to be a pleasent experiece - i love when people have questions, or just want to talk about whatnot. which is partly why i usualy only run one person at a time. (and if i find someone who is respectful and pleasent I always extend the offer of aiding them in the future if need be - there is always time to help decent people)

well i guess my point for this post is that running is a business, and one that births certin problems. But if the runner and the one utilizing the service act in a honest and responsible manner these problems are minimized. i run for the excitement of it, (the money doesn't hurt, but it is not why i do it). With great freedom, comes great responsibility, and this is why having a personal criteria for runners (or any transaction for that matter) is inportant not only for the sake of keeping you assets unharmed, but for keeping the game as a whole a pleasent experence... thats all... if anyone has issue with my viewpoint i appoligize, but stand firm in my convictions.

good night to everyone and i wish you the best

Elistan Theocrat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

What to do with runners?

Simple, outsell them on an even better idea.

Go into a zone, tell all the lazy non playing bastiches that are begging for free trips that they dont have to spend in game gold on runs anymore, for 3 simple paymens of 4.95 (paypal accepted) and an email confirming thier logins they can hire a professional guild wars player!!!

Just think, no more grind!!! With a pro player, you can start an account and 15 dollars (thats just 2 lattes at starbucks) and 3 weeks later you can have every skill unlocked for pvp AND NEVER HAVE TO LOG IN TO DO IT. You'll never even have to go as far as have your lazy ass drug thru a district that you could never survive on your own!!!

*disclaimer* I in no way advise doing this.

what do do with runners?

In a perfect world, hang them up by thier toes and flog them with a halibut.

For me, ignore the opportunistic assholes and try to ignore the lazy non playing bastiches who patronize them.

Teufel Eldritch

Teufel Eldritch

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Shadar Logoth

The Legendary Majestic 12


Hell! I would play someone else's account for money! Sounds fun. Always get to play & get paid for it? Awesome!

Then again mebbe it wouldn't be so much fun after your 268th time thru the game just jamming it out. Nahhh that would be extremely dull no matter what the pay.

Do I like runners? Nahhh. I do think they have a negative effect on gameplay but ANet approves of them so what can I do? Nothing. To me it's a flaw in the game, one among several. I don't think it will EVER change tho. The only thing I can really hope for is for ANet one day to make a more traditional type of RPG with a GW theme. I love a lot things about GW but IMO it's flaws are massive & have a tremendous negative impact on the game/gameplay.

So till ANet makes that game I will play GW(till I get sick of it) & deal with the flaws in the best way I can. Nothing else I can do. <shrug>


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Teufel Eldritch
Hell! I would play someone else's account for money! Sounds fun. Always get to play & get paid for it? Awesome!

Then again mebbe it wouldn't be so much fun after your 268th time thru the game just jamming it out. Nahhh that would be extremely dull no matter what the pay.

Do I like runners? Nahhh. I do think they have a negative effect on gameplay but ANet approves of them so what can I do? Nothing. To me it's a flaw in the game, one among several. I don't think it will EVER change tho. The only thing I can really hope for is for ANet one day to make a more traditional type of RPG with a GW theme. I love a lot things about GW but IMO it's flaws are massive & have a tremendous negative impact on the game/gameplay.

So till ANet makes that game I will play GW(till I get sick of it) & deal with the flaws in the best way I can. Nothing else I can do. <shrug>

To each his own, in my opinion GW has far more RIGHT than WRONG going for it. It seems to me that out of all the MMO games on the marekt, GW got far more right than the others did. Every game has its flaws and exploits and always will, GW does a very good job of making the game still fun while still dealing with the issues that pop up from time to time that affect gameplay for others.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Elistan Theocrat
What to do with runners?

Simple, outsell them on an even better idea.
Right on....fight the power.

Originally Posted by drakul
The OP did scam period.

He took advantage, knowingly and willingly. He even bragged about. The runner was simply not aware of the OPs true intentions, and the OP was well aware of this fact. He deliberately used cunning to extract a service and then not pay.
Dont ever say people deserve to be taken advantage of, thats putting blame on the victim.
Dude, the guy asked him if he could be run for free, the runner said yes and then asked for money.

If anyone was a scammer, it was the runner for changing the deal. If someone said they would do it for free and then renegged on me, I'd probably blow a head gasket.

All he had to say was no.

Originally Posted by Blkout
To each his own, in my opinion GW has far more RIGHT than WRONG going for it. It seems to me that out of all the MMO games on the marekt, GW got far more right than the others did. Every game has its flaws and exploits and always will, GW does a very good job of making the game still fun while still dealing with the issues that pop up from time to time that affect gameplay for others.
Hicarumba, really? I agree it's a fun game and all, but its got more exploits and holes than most games. Then again maybe that's why it's fun.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2005


Rangers Of Melendru


Here's a new one, Saw a Runner today charging 1K to take new people in Post-Sear from Ascalon City to Ascalon Arena.

Teufel Eldritch

Teufel Eldritch

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Shadar Logoth

The Legendary Majestic 12


Originally Posted by Blkout
To each his own, in my opinion GW has far more RIGHT than WRONG going for it. It seems to me that out of all the MMO games on the marekt, GW got far more right than the others did. Every game has its flaws and exploits and always will, GW does a very good job of making the game still fun while still dealing with the issues that pop up from time to time that affect gameplay for others.
Don't get me wrong...I don't think GW has a lot of flaws...in fact if I were count it's major flaws I would be hard pressed to come up with more that 4 or 5. However the few flaws it does have are so massive that they have a huge negative impact on the game...IMO.

Hanuman li Tosh

Hanuman li Tosh

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

garden of the gods, CO

Over Powered


i wonder if some people can even read in here? seriously.
OP definately scammed the guy. look at what was typed. if he wound up having a head (which all GW characters have) he is obligated to pay. the cost was 1.5k per head and he asked if he could not pay on the grounds he didnt have a head.

the funniest part about it is he spent the time getting run to a place he didnt need to get run to, and took 30 minutes out of his life to rip someone off for something he didnt need. actions speak louder than words bro. you might as well get a tattoo that says "i need a hug".


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
i wonder if some people can even read in here? seriously.
OP definately scammed the guy. look at what was typed. if he wound up having a head (which all GW characters have) he is obligated to pay. the cost was 1.5k per head and he asked if he could not pay on the grounds he didnt have a head.
Dear god, are you serious? Wow you have a strange idea of what scamming is.

Obviously the runner knew he had a head (as you even admit all GW characters do) or he was a complete moron. All he had to say was one little word, "NO".

Unless there was more to this story, then the runner said he would run him for free... because even if we take the fact that the runner was under the impression he had no head (which is highly unlikely) he could see that he did before they started. If he assumed that the guy was joking he was stupid for making that assumption and should have made sure. Either way, if he said it was free then you can't blame the runnee for not paying.

Please try to use some common sense, and think about what you're saying.

Hanuman li Tosh

Hanuman li Tosh

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

garden of the gods, CO

Over Powered


rofl i cant even believe someone debated that. wow. point being is some people are willing to go waaaaaaay out of their way to be stupid. ill stop posting about it now and go hone my common sense (by not posting about it anymore).



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

"I don't have a head, will you run me for free?"

Or lets put it in a better context.

"I don't have a head"
"Will you run me for free?"


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
rofl i cant even believe someone debated that. wow. point being is some people are willing to go waaaaaaay out of their way to be stupid. ill stop posting about it now and go hone my common sense (by not posting about it anymore).
Hahah, nice I guess that's far easier far than trying to explain your reasoning, because you can't.

I'm beginning to understand why people feel the need to run.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


I do run people all the time and I do it for tips only and I will also run my guildmates for free. Most have completed the game but in my opinion it is really none of my business if anyone I run has completed the game.

Does a taxi driver ever ask you if you have a drivers license? or if you have a birth certificate to prove how old you are?

Occasionally there are some people that don't tip and get a great run for free, I don't necessarily make the run because I am in need of the money and the ones that don't want to tip I still have the satisfaction of knowing that I can make that run and they couldn't.

Runners provide a service to those that want/can afford it. I socialize with the people I run with and by the end I usually have someone that wants to add me to their friends list, I entertain and joke while running and turn it into a fun event.

I am not the game nazi and it is not my business what other people do or how they play.

Hanuman li Tosh

Hanuman li Tosh

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

garden of the gods, CO

Over Powered


[QUOTE=Dax]Hahah, nice I guess that's far easier far than trying to explain your reasoning, because you can't.
i was being sarcastic about the head part, i was being serious about the part where OP took time IRL to spite someone who never wronged him in game.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
Hahah, nice I guess that's far easier far than trying to explain your reasoning, because you can't.
i was being sarcastic about the head part, i was being serious about the part where OP took time IRL to spite someone who never wronged him in game.
Well, I'm glad you responded, and the fact that you weren't serious about the head.

The OP if he would have been nice about it he could have given him the money, but let's put it another way:

If he had said "look I don't have a lot of gold would you run me for free" and the runner said "sure" then demanded money we would be having a completely different conversation.

I really have little pity for the runner as I think that running is a crappy way to make money. So if the guy was stupid enough to say yes then so be it.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA


Originally Posted by mm00re
I do run people all the time and I do it for tips only and I will also run my guildmates for free. Most have completed the game but in my opinion it is really none of my business if anyone I run has completed the game.

Does a taxi driver ever ask you if you have a drivers license? or if you have a birth certificate to prove how old you are?

Occasionally there are some people that don't tip and get a great run for free, I don't necessarily make the run because I am in need of the money and the ones that don't want to tip I still have the satisfaction of knowing that I can make that run and they couldn't.

Runners provide a service to those that want/can afford it. I socialize with the people I run with and by the end I usually have someone that wants to add me to their friends list, I entertain and joke while running and turn it into a fun event.

I am not the game nazi and it is not my business what other people do or how they play.


I completely agree.

Why should the runner care what people are doing? It dosnt make sense. I think it is silly when people think that their opinion about the game should apply to everyone.. and everyone who dosnt think like them is automatically a "noob"

I seriosly think that the real "noob" players are the ones who make up those silly rules (in their heads).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Venus
Why should the runner care what people are doing? It dosnt make sense. I think it is silly when people think that their opinion about the game should apply to everyone.. and everyone who dosnt think like them is automatically a "noob"
That's why they are opinions and nothing more, tis a shame when people can't respect that. No one's telling anyone how to play.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2005

ORLY - Legions of Lueshi



1. While it is allowable, paying someone to run while you die and be dragged is hardly what I imagine the developers had in mind. [Later quote: But, for myself I have nothing against runners. I have a problem with people in the group being drug through by dying. If a runner and party can make it through alive together ...my hats off.]

- I'm not sure if that is exactly what the developers had in mind, but they must have at least realized this would happen and are ok with it. They have explicitly stated that they are fine with the concept of people being run, and in this game how else would you be run? If you suggest that you have to make it to the end in order to zone, that kind of kills the purpose of running don't you think? If your entire group makes it through, why would you pay one specific person? The idea of running is to arrive somewhere fast without having to go through all the mobs etc. , so if possible please explain how you can be run and not have the option of dying and being taken through. The idea of everyone making it through kills the purpose of having a runner since it would be the same as fighting through without him/her, no?

2. Please name me a successful MMORPG that lets you wear end game armor at a low level. There are reasons for everything and running seems to be a way to appease people who don't want to take the time. A new player who wants to play through has a immediate perception of dissadvantage, especially when they use the low level arenas. I know you might say that Arenas in PvE don't mean anything but as a first time player it may be their first experience.

- Someone else has named the MMORPG so I'll let that rest. You are right in that running is to appease people who don't want to take the time, or in many cases, don't have the time. However, I'm not sure if admitting that leads anywhere in terms of disproving running as a viable part of this game. In terms of having a disadvantage of in low level arena, though I don't think this should be a reason to drastically overhaul the game, I agree that is a problem. However, I again emphasize that removing runners and the act of running should not be the way to solve this because it would remove an important feature. Rather I think we propose a lvl requirement for the armors that can be used in certain arenas and skills that correspond with how far in the game you can reasonably advance at a certain level. That basically excludes elites from all the low leveled arenas and should keep it fair.

3. Runners cause a need for gold, which causes people to go to ebay for money. [pretty sure thats what you said, correct me if I'm wrong]

- I think it's a bit of stretch to say that newbies would turn to ebay for running money. All runs basically are under 2K at MAX, with Drok's run now being around 4K. Being that the lowest amount I see is 100K on ebay (just did a quick search), I don't think many people will turn to ebay for this. Again from talking to people ingame, they buy the gold BEFORE they even activate their key to jumpstart their account. This means they buy the gold before they know about running, meaning this ebaying goes on whether or not running is present.

4. So by that logic the game would suck if you couldn't run? I play the game through because that's the way the game was designed. If the game was designed so people could run (which is different than just allowing people to do it) the game would suck. Since we live in society and we have to deal with people, drugs can be damaging because it affects lots of people. Same with running- If it was a single players experience I'd say go for it, but since it affects other people (being a MMO, atleast it should) it's not ok.

-No the game wouldn't suck if I couldn't run, I merely stated that running has maximized my enjoyment. I would still have fun without running, but running allows me to skip the boring ascalon areas if I so choose to.
- The game was designed to include runners, the devs themselves said they aren't against it and it is an integrated part of the game, so yes the game was designed this way. I'm also not sure what distinction there is between if people could run and allowing them to do it in the context of this discussion.

- I would agree with your drug example if there weren't certain differences. First in society, most of the people you deal with are people you will see again, often times repeatedly. In Guild Wars, most people you interact with will not see you again or even remember you after your once instance (of course you make friends etc, but those are special cases). In real life you can't just ignore someone who is doing drugs or offering drugs to you, but in Guild Wars it is possible. People who are run or runners basically have no detrimental interaction with you unless you choose to. In real life, there is no ignore command to screen out people you don't like. In essence, complaining about people who were run in Guild Wars is parallel to complaining about drugs when you decide to hang around them all day and be their friends. In both, you reap the detriments that your choices brought you.

5. Yea, it seems to me if Anet really put running in they would have put some sort of mechanism for a secure transfer. Sorry being sorta sarcastic, but in this case the runner made alot assumptions and said he'd run for free.

- I don't agree with the idea that in order for Anet to support running they would add a secure transfer. That's similar to saying Anet doesnt support trading because of the crappy trade system. Either situation is somewhat rediculous to say that beacuse they have implemented features that condone running such as the entire group zoning etc. that they could have easily excluded to weed out running.

6. Hicarumba, really? I agree it's a fun game and all, but its got more exploits and holes than most games. Then again maybe that's why it's fun.

- Mind pointing out these obvious exploits and holes? I'm not contesting it, I am honestly just wondering what you consider exploits and holes in Guild Wars =P

Mimi Miyagi:

1. It's almost impossible to get a group together to do Elona's Reach.

- I assumed that the topic here is running from a location to location, not through an actual mission. I do not condone people being run through missions, on that subject I agree with you guys.

Since this discussion has once again turned back to the action described by the OP:

From a technical standpoint, many of you argued that the runner agreed to run for free. If I'm not mistaken, it was under the condition of "having no head." Since the OP does have a head, I'd say he technically was scammed. True, it's logical that he has a head and the runner would have said no, but logically speaking why would a runner who just advertised to run for 1500 run for free without any other given reason other than "i have no head"? I'm not reallly contesting this, just saying the idea of using this technical loophole as justification doesnt really work.

Whether or not it is scamming aside, I think the OP is a bad person for doing what he did. As Hanuman li Tosh said, he went out of his way to rip of a runner to a location he has already been. That's pretty low and there is no way to really justify that besides malicious intentions.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
From a technical standpoint, many of you argued that the runner agreed to run for free. If I'm not mistaken, it was under the condition of "having no head." Since the OP does have a head, I'd say he technically was scammed. True, it's logical that he has a head and the runner would have said no, but logically speaking why would a runner who just advertised to run for 1500 run for free without any other given reason other than "i have no head"? I'm not reallly contesting this, just saying the idea of using this technical loophole as justification doesnt really work.
He said "I don't have a head will you run me for free?", not "If I don't have a head will you run me for free?" I assume he saw the person had a head, he should have said NO. So, technically he wasn't scammed. I don't see what's so difficult, if he said NO he could have saved himself grief. It wasn't a trick question.

You are right if defies logic that the person didn't have a head. The only reasonable thing I can think of is that the person thought he was joking and assumed he'd pay. But that's not the fault of anyone except the runner.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Sorry if this is a double post, I will consider myself in the doghouse

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
- I'm not sure if that is exactly what the developers had in mind, but they must have at least realized this would happen and are ok with it. They have explicitly stated that they are fine with the concept of people being run, and in this game how else would you be run? If you suggest that you have to make it to the end in order to zone, that kind of kills the purpose of running don't you think? If your entire group makes it through, why would you pay one specific person? The idea of running is to arrive somewhere fast without having to go through all the mobs etc. , so if possible please explain how you can be run and not have the option of dying and being taken through. The idea of everyone making it through kills the purpose of having a runner since it would be the same as fighting through without him/her, no?
The running isn't the problem, IMHO as I have said. Getting someone to someone to run while you die so you can be dragged from point to point is just a allowable exploit. It isn't to get there as fast as possible, it's a cheap way of making it to a point you couldn't make in regular gameplay. In FFXI people charge to teleport, but you can't be teleported to a place you haven't been to atleast once to get the crystal for that teleport pad. And if you couldn' exploit the dying/rezzing at the next zone, it does kill the purpose of a runner thats the point. If a runner wants to race with other runners, or a challenge, that's totally cool.

It should also be pointed out that they also said if it unfairly affected gameplay especially in low levels they would address it.

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
Someone else has named the MMORPG so I'll let that rest. You are right in that running is to appease people who don't want to take the time, or in many cases, don't have the time. However, I'm not sure if admitting that leads anywhere in terms of disproving running as a viable part of this game. In terms of having a disadvantage of in low level arena, though I don't think this should be a reason to drastically overhaul the game, I agree that is a problem. However, I again emphasize that removing runners and the act of running should not be the way to solve this because it would remove an important feature. Rather I think we propose a lvl requirement for the armors that can be used in certain arenas and skills that correspond with how far in the game you can reasonably advance at a certain level. That basically excludes elites from all the low leveled arenas and should keep it fair.
You are right, evidently someone did point out a MMO that doesn't. But it has done right wih many hugely popular games. Still I would turn the question around and say would people pay to run if they put a level requirement on items like armor? Would it make it a disadvantage for people who already played the game through and know what to do?

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
3. Runners cause a need for gold, which causes people to go to ebay for money. [pretty sure thats what you said, correct me if I'm wrong]

- I think it's a bit of stretch to say that newbies would turn to ebay for running money. All runs basically are under 2K at MAX, with Drok's run now being around 4K. Being that the lowest amount I see is 100K on ebay (just did a quick search), I don't think many people will turn to ebay for this. Again from talking to people ingame, they buy the gold BEFORE they even activate their key to jumpstart their account. This means they buy the gold before they know about running, meaning this ebaying goes on whether or not running is present.
I think I said that it promotes buying gold, not that it's the end result. Buying gold is a jumpstart (as you say) just like running is for some people. Given the oppertunity and the perception that it's really important to have this or that armor if you want to compete in PvP alot of people will take it.

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
4. So by that logic the game would suck if you couldn't run?
-No the game wouldn't suck if I couldn't run, I merely stated that running has maximized my enjoyment. I would still have fun without running, but running allows me to skip the boring ascalon areas if I so choose to.
- The game was designed to include runners, the devs themselves said they aren't against it and it is an integrated part of the game, so yes the game was designed this way. I'm also not sure what distinction there is between if people could run and allowing them to do it in the context of this discussion.
Somewhat taken out of context and I don't really wanna go back and try to figure it all out, but once again the devs did also say that if it was unfair it's not ok to do. It has been argued that its integral to people who have to go though multiple times, but how much control does anyone have over that. And just my opinion mind you, if rushing through parts of the game makes it more enjoyable, that doesn't say much for the game.

Originally Posted by ShadowNife
Yea, it seems to me if Anet really put running in they would have put some sort of mechanism for a secure transfer. Sorry being sorta sarcastic, but in this case the runner made alot assumptions and said he'd run for free.

- I don't agree with the idea that in order for Anet to support running they would add a secure transfer. That's similar to saying Anet doesnt support trading because of the crappy trade system. Either situation is somewhat rediculous to say that beacuse they have implemented features that condone running such as the entire group zoning etc. that they could have easily excluded to weed out running.
Hence the sarcasm, but they do have a trade button. And yes you said it they do have a crappy trade/selling system.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canberra, AU

Originally Posted by mm00re
Does a taxi driver ever ask you if you have a drivers license? or if you have a birth certificate to prove how old you are?
No, but people who take taxis aren't teaming up with people to do missions which require teamwork to complete. They're going to work or something or going to the airport to get a plane to their holiday/business destination.

Sagius Truthbarron

Sagius Truthbarron

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Animal Factory [ZoO]


*Pays runner through all the giberish in between the end of Page 1 to the end of Page 5*

Originally Posted by Sekkira
No, but people who take taxis aren't teaming up with people to do missions which require teamwork to complete.
Yeah.. They're just going down a highway at 70+ miles-per-hour with about 500 people behind them: of course they don't need expireince in driving for that! Believe me, if you ever met my mother you would know that people who get others to take them everywhere they aren't competent enough to drive on a highway without extensive re-training

I get ran for classes that I know how to play. I had already pretty good training making with an elementalists. Having done all the elementalist specific quests with my W/E, and doing them atleast 4 times with other people, and having a sharp memory, I - knowing every detail of those quests - was reluctant of facing the bordom of doing those over again, alone. I got ran for both my elementalists that I deleted after getting the skills I wanted to unlock.

I unlocked all of my Necro skills through PvP. Is this being "ran" becuase I didn't spend 2 months leveling a necro to 20? The necromancer isn't very hard to play. Most people who have a hard time playing with more than one class are either on drugs, very stupid, or they are just a very casual gamer.

I made a PvE necromancer. Did I run that necro? No. I use it to play with my friend; besides, the necro is rather fun to play.

I made a PvE ranger. Am I going to run it? No. I am lacking in experience for the ranger, it's rather different from all the other classes.

Do I have any desire to ever make a PvE elementalist and play through all the missions and quests again? No thanks. 7 times is my limit for most things that are long and tedious. Will I ever run one again? Not unless I have 7+ dedicated players helping me.


Let's talk about seemingly skilless players. I remember when I was a wee Paladin. I never got ran anywhere, but I still wasn't that good. Mainly for the lack of skills ingame (especially a ressurect spell untill you are well into Kryta) this was probably my skillbar untill I got Devastating Hammer: Mighty Blow, Weakening Blow (Or whatever that Weakness enducing skill is), Heavy Blow, Purge Conditions, Orison of Healing, Remove Hex, Vengeance.

My command tactics and my Italian inherited speciality in inspiring and intemedating others might have made up for my lack in playing knowledge. Still, though, the only time I was only ever ran to the Dunes of Despare; and that, even, was for lack of people willing to fight there.

I was actually spammed insults in chat by people yelling "JUST GET RAN THERE, IT"S ALOT EASIER!" I hardly ever used henchmen, unless to make up for a real person that our team couldn't get. I completed 97% of the game all with real people. Not once do I recall taking a full henchmen team into the game. I was bound to go with people, but if I couldn't - only one time - I was ran to the place I needed to get to, and at that time the Dunes of Despare were pretty much the only places that had runners.

Woah.. I completely forgot where I was going with this.. Must be late. O.O

I don't want to delete all this time I spent gabering so uh, woo!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


Originally Posted by Sekkira
No, but people who take taxis aren't teaming up with people to do missions which require teamwork to complete. They're going to work or something or going to the airport to get a plane to their holiday/business destination.


Do you never talk to the people you party with to see what they are like before entering a mission? Ask them what skills they are bringing so that you can make sure your skills compliment the others skills instead of hindering them?

I can decide if a group is the people i want to join up with and i have the ability to leave or kick someone from my group if i think they may be a problem.

Running has nothing to do with your ability to pick your team mates, if you can't tell if someone is experienced or even have the brains to ask the team how many have done the mission before then the blame lies on you not the runners.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by mm00re

Do you never talk to the people you party with to see what they are like before entering a mission? Ask them what skills they are bringing so that you can make sure your skills compliment the others skills instead of hindering them?

I can decide if a group is the people i want to join up with and i have the ability to leave or kick someone from my group if i think they may be a problem.

Running has nothing to do with your ability to pick your team mates, if you can't tell if someone is experienced or even have the brains to ask the team how many have done the mission before then the blame lies on you not the runners.
Real life examples make bad in-game compariasons. I'm not exactly sure how a taxi service (from your previous post) can be compared with running. I belive the point was that alot of people concede that newbies should not be run, but it's ok for experienced players who are unlocking skills. From what I gather, you really don't care either way.

A taxi driver doesn't need to ask for a info because it's irrelevent. On a completely unrelated note about groups, if you have the ability to pick your teammates, why don't you extend that ability to someione to be run?.... because you don't want to. It's as simple as that.

What I got out of Sekkira's post is that because this game is community based it does matter, as opposed to a taxi driver who job it is just to drive people to a destination. As an example what if I'm told that I can't get into a party because I don't have a certain kind of gear? Or I invite someone who was rushed and doesn't have the proper skills?.....While yes I could ask them, what's to say they are less than honest? Atleast it would be a level playing field if there wasn't people doing it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


If i post that I am running to beacons or to lions arch and someone wants to go but does not even know where those places are it is not even likely that i will add them to my run.

They are more than likely new players and i can very easily tell them that they need to play a little farther in the game and they will learn about the story line, but i can and often do offer them advice, etc.

I have a habbit of talking to the people that I run while i am doing it and asking them if they need any tips or how far along they are or whatever, i make it a fun experience and have never gotten a bad remark from anyone i have run.

There are a lot of runners that suck and are in it for only one reason, $$, half the time the die numerous times or are just pure scammers and then there are those of us that enjoy the challenge, enjoy the company and enjoy having a good time.

yes you can ask players that join your group what skills they have and you can do it quite nicely as not to offend them or make them even act dishonestly, i do it all the time.

I consider it a good idea to know at least who has been there before and it can go a lot easier if i know this ahead of time and can help lead them along, i am sure at one time you did not know what skills to use in a specific area of the game.

If 2 rangers are in your group doing hell's precipice do you ever ask if one of them is bringing winter? if not then why? or a necro if he is blood or a battery/minion master?

I love bringing my monk to help out friends doing thunderhead keep mission, and i love it when you get a warrior saying to kick the mesmer or ranger or for that matter even the ele from the group before we start because the warrior would be the first person i would kick if they don't understand how vital a role that these different characters can play.

To me bad players stay that way because nobody is willing to show them how to play their character better or why they are failing to become a better player.

Some of them become good players when shown why they should use a certain skill however you can't always get some to listen and those will be the one's standing at thk spamming "tank lfg, know the mission, will listen i promise" while i am taking the group i was in that just arrived through perdition rock.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by mm00re
If i post that I am running to beacons or to lions arch and someone wants to go but does not even know where those places are it is not even likely that i will add them to my run............
...and the point is what? If they make it worth your while in gold you'll say 'no' too? You just do it because you're nice?

I've read through the post and I'm curious. I'm not sure what you are trying to say.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

In a van down by the river :)

After Dark Club [REAL]


That people will complain no matter if a person was run or not. If they were ran they are a stupid noob, if they played and are just a bad player they are stupid noob, if they get a group of 8 and only had 1 healer and none of the other players brought any kind of self healing then monk is a newb.

People never consider that their own actions may have possibly put them in a losing situation before checking out who they are playing with in the first place.

Yes i have turned down people to be ran, no it's not because i am being "nice" it's just common sense, if someone does not even know what or where the destination is they probably don't have any business being there in the first place.

If you don't like playing with other people who just might be new to the game or can't even ask some simple questions of the people you will be playing with you have nobody to blame but yourself if the mission fails.

Stop blaming runners for other peoples misgivings.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by mm00re
Stop blaming runners for other peoples misgivings.
I'm not blaming runners, I think it's wrong to run other people by dragging them that's all. It's not a matter of misgivings. Whether you do it for free out of the goodness of your heart or charge makes no difference. If you and your little running buddies wanna run fine by me.

And to the OP he wasn't scamming, even if I think its wrong or not.

Fenix Swiftblade

Fenix Swiftblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Illusion of Competence


Please stop debating the issue of whether the OP scammed or not. The runner inferred something that wasn't implied, and agreed to run the OP for free. The two parts of the sentence were seperate thoughts. "I have no head, will you run me for free?" There is no 'if' joining the two thoughts. The first statement is false, but that does nothing to the meaning of the question follwing it. The runner answered the question "Will you run me for free" in the affirmative. The OP, through shrewd wording and ethically shady actions got the runner to agree to a free run, therefore, was entitled to a free run.

On the subject of running, I think running itself is a part of the game and needs to be dealt with as such. What I mean here is, there are definitly problems that occur because of running, but that these problems should be solved seperatly, not just wiped out by removing the option of running. Among other things, a filter for low level arenas for armor and elite skills (or just having been to Droknar's Forge).

I would have to say though, it is extremely likely that the developers did in fact intend for and facilitate being dragged through an area by a runner. With party zoning, the connection between between Droknars and Beacons, the ability to warp to any town that you have been to are all examples of how the game is designed to facilitate running through areas.

I would like to pose a question here though.

It has come to my attention that it is theoretically possible to get a party of 8 to the quest "The Last Day Dawns" For a group to do this in the traditional manner (i.e. fighting their way there) it would take several hours. However, a runner could get to the nearest zone in just under an hour and a half.
What is everyone's opinion on someone running a group of 7 to this quest?