THE IDEA that will Save the Game - (Titles)
It might be a bit bold, but I do feel that this would greatly help improve the game, and that idea is TITLE. (weither the game need to be save or not is up for another debate)
Title would work like this. It will be a title or short phrase that appear above (or under) your character's name, and most likly in differnt color. You must earn the title, when certain conditions are meet. There will be many title names you can earn, some hidden, some given. Also will include a Title Menu, where you can choose and pick which of your earned title you want to display, as well as option to turn on or off in veiwing other peoples title.
Since there are so many possible titles, I will just write up some examples/idea for it to get the idea cross.
When you have gotten 80% of fire attribute skills.
"Super Pytromancer"
When you have gotten all of fire attribute skills.
(other similar title would go with other attributes.)
When you have complet all missions.
When you have complet all mission and side missions.
"Charr Slayer"
When you have killed 500 or more Charrs.
Purchase with 10k gold.
"___ Barehander"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) with just Barehand.
"___ Speeder"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) in a very short time.
"___ Lone Ranger"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) with just one man.
(the (Mission or Quest) can be specific to just one a certain mission or quest, existing or new)
"Treasure Hunter"
When you have 10+ Green item in your Inventory.
"Dye Merchant"
When you have 50+ dye on you.
"100 Man Slayer"
when you kill 100 player in Arean.
"Arena Champ"
When you win X amount of game in Arean.
"Arena Legend"
When you straight win 100 games in Arean.
" _____ Guild Master"
You are the Master of _____ Guild.
"Novice" (or "Noob")
when your play time is less than 5 hour
There can be lot more, especially when adding new quest or mission that have title for rewards and "benchmark" conditions to meet.
And how do you know how to get those titles? Some are hinted by NPC, or as rewards for quest, but many will be "hidden", where you have to ask other to find out.
To Clearfy, the title only work as cosmetic, and won't give you any special bonus.
Another MMO, Mobingu (i think that was the name), has this system too, and have many fun titles that you can earn. (like "10 Year old Barehand Bear slayer" or something like that)
One problem that I see might be that the server would need to do more data tracking for each character (like a data sheet that track all your kills, time, etc), but overall , should be technological do-ible.
So why would this be saving the game? My reason is that it give player, especially the hardcore ones, more stuff to earn, and since it is just cosmetic, keeping the balance in still. This, like the 15k or 75k armor, is more for a Boast factor than anything, yet will still keep them attracted, as well as adding more re-playiblity to the game. Having more "rewards" that player want is very important, especially for GW, since it is very capped.
Well, hope the dev might read this and consider the possiblities of adding it to the game. If you like the idea, please give it support. Feed back and comments are welcome.
A 2nd evolution of that... Stats Menu and Badges
Title would work like this. It will be a title or short phrase that appear above (or under) your character's name, and most likly in differnt color. You must earn the title, when certain conditions are meet. There will be many title names you can earn, some hidden, some given. Also will include a Title Menu, where you can choose and pick which of your earned title you want to display, as well as option to turn on or off in veiwing other peoples title.
Since there are so many possible titles, I will just write up some examples/idea for it to get the idea cross.
When you have gotten 80% of fire attribute skills.
"Super Pytromancer"
When you have gotten all of fire attribute skills.
(other similar title would go with other attributes.)
When you have complet all missions.
When you have complet all mission and side missions.
"Charr Slayer"
When you have killed 500 or more Charrs.
Purchase with 10k gold.
"___ Barehander"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) with just Barehand.
"___ Speeder"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) in a very short time.
"___ Lone Ranger"
Finish a (Mission or Quest) with just one man.
(the (Mission or Quest) can be specific to just one a certain mission or quest, existing or new)
"Treasure Hunter"
When you have 10+ Green item in your Inventory.
"Dye Merchant"
When you have 50+ dye on you.
"100 Man Slayer"
when you kill 100 player in Arean.
"Arena Champ"
When you win X amount of game in Arean.
"Arena Legend"
When you straight win 100 games in Arean.
" _____ Guild Master"
You are the Master of _____ Guild.
"Novice" (or "Noob")
when your play time is less than 5 hour
There can be lot more, especially when adding new quest or mission that have title for rewards and "benchmark" conditions to meet.
And how do you know how to get those titles? Some are hinted by NPC, or as rewards for quest, but many will be "hidden", where you have to ask other to find out.
To Clearfy, the title only work as cosmetic, and won't give you any special bonus.
Another MMO, Mobingu (i think that was the name), has this system too, and have many fun titles that you can earn. (like "10 Year old Barehand Bear slayer" or something like that)
One problem that I see might be that the server would need to do more data tracking for each character (like a data sheet that track all your kills, time, etc), but overall , should be technological do-ible.
So why would this be saving the game? My reason is that it give player, especially the hardcore ones, more stuff to earn, and since it is just cosmetic, keeping the balance in still. This, like the 15k or 75k armor, is more for a Boast factor than anything, yet will still keep them attracted, as well as adding more re-playiblity to the game. Having more "rewards" that player want is very important, especially for GW, since it is very capped.
Well, hope the dev might read this and consider the possiblities of adding it to the game. If you like the idea, please give it support. Feed back and comments are welcome.
A 2nd evolution of that... Stats Menu and Badges
LOL, sounds like a boring HR presentation I had yesterday...

Shimus DarkRaven
Vanity is always good, and so is this idea. I always would like to see, "Shimus Darkraven, Bane of the Charr" =) lol
--The Shim
--The Shim
I like the idea too, good job thinking it up.

I like the title idea if players have the choice to reject titles.
Diablo II had a forced title system and all the "highest" titles were horrible. They had titles like "Slayer". And I think the highest was "Patriarch". If you beat all levels of the game you had that title added to your name even if you didn't want it. I don't wanna be called "Patriarch" --- that's lame!
The problem with any forced title system is that many of the titles are bound to be lame, and players should not be punished by having lame titles thrown on them against their will.
Calling all rank 9 players (who want the title) "King" or "Queen" or something would be great though.
Diablo II had a forced title system and all the "highest" titles were horrible. They had titles like "Slayer". And I think the highest was "Patriarch". If you beat all levels of the game you had that title added to your name even if you didn't want it. I don't wanna be called "Patriarch" --- that's lame!
The problem with any forced title system is that many of the titles are bound to be lame, and players should not be punished by having lame titles thrown on them against their will.
Calling all rank 9 players (who want the title) "King" or "Queen" or something would be great though.
I am not sure why people always not read the part about title been selectible/togglible, with option to choose what title you want to display. (as well as if you want to read other's title or not)
might be display somewhat like this
<Dragon Slayer>
Chibi Chi (CoR)
might be display somewhat like this
<Dragon Slayer>
Chibi Chi (CoR)
Been playing City of Heroes, have we?

'tis a fairly good idea, I believe there has been something like this in other games, can't remember which.
/sign in basic agreement
/sign in basic agreement
ArenaNet like giving symbolic rewards and other non-tradeable eye i think they may approve too.
I wanna see. Monseir -Level 3 and 4000 hours? WTF have you been doing?-
So it's a form of optional grind for those who want it and it also helps with the customisation of characters to make them more unique!
It's a little like the forum titles.
I like it.
/SiGnEd. [again]
[Edit, should have edited my last post, lol]
It's a little like the forum titles.
I like it.
/SiGnEd. [again]
[Edit, should have edited my last post, lol]
I fear in-game harrasment.
'you have dyes, give me dyes'
'you have money, please give money'
'you are experienced, how do I ...'
also 'pyromancer and 'superpyromancer' tend to give a peckingorder, while the 'pyromancer' could have a far more logical skillset then the 'superpyromancer'.
i'm conservative on this, so unless there are some refinements, I will not sign this.
'you have dyes, give me dyes'
'you have money, please give money'
'you are experienced, how do I ...'
also 'pyromancer and 'superpyromancer' tend to give a peckingorder, while the 'pyromancer' could have a far more logical skillset then the 'superpyromancer'.
i'm conservative on this, so unless there are some refinements, I will not sign this.
Originally Posted by Makkert
I fear in-game harrasment.
'you have dyes, give me dyes' 'you have money, please give money' 'you are experienced, how do I ...' also 'pyromancer and 'superpyromancer' tend to give a peckingorder, while the 'pyromancer' could have a far more logical skillset then the 'superpyromancer'. i'm conservative on this, so unless there are some refinements, I will not sign this. |
There may be the creation of a "show me your rank" crowd in PvE

Bob - "Level 3 warrior LFG"
Bill - "Omg u noob you aren't a dye collector get lost u get pwnzoored by Charr."
Perishiko ReLLiK
While it's a nice idea that i wouldn't mind seeing. I really don't think this game needs any "saving" though.
Good idea, but what about overlapping? Or an elementalist with all skills unlocked?
*takes a deep breath*
Legendary Superpyrohydroaerogeomancer Treasure Hunter of Speedy Charrslaying Alastar Spellsinger.
ANYWAYS, if there could be some basis or maybe just a /pverank that will list them all in a humorous kind of manner like above, I /sign!
*takes a deep breath*
Legendary Superpyrohydroaerogeomancer Treasure Hunter of Speedy Charrslaying Alastar Spellsinger.
ANYWAYS, if there could be some basis or maybe just a /pverank that will list them all in a humorous kind of manner like above, I /sign!

I'm not sure how this would save the game people have already displayed that goals mean little in the game as there's ways around having to earn them. But having said that, it is an decent idea much like EQ2 after killing X-amount of something you are given a title. What would be better is a something that lets people know if yer looking for a party or there something that's useful.
I find that too much text on a persons name becomes distracting. If it's toggled on and off then it should be both ways.
I find that too much text on a persons name becomes distracting. If it's toggled on and off then it should be both ways.
Pevil Lihatuh
me likey
cool idea

Rey Lentless
Originally Posted by NatalieD
Been playing City of Heroes, have we?
![]() |
directly related to number of skills aquired
directly related to number of skills aquired
Sounds like SWG
Originally Posted by Makkert
I fear in-game harrasment.
'you have dyes, give me dyes' 'you have money, please give money' 'you are experienced, how do I ...' also 'pyromancer and 'superpyromancer' tend to give a peckingorder, while the 'pyromancer' could have a far more logical skillset then the 'superpyromancer'. i'm conservative on this, so unless there are some refinements, I will not sign this. |
It is again the problem of unsure how people will react or abuse a orginal good intension. It might bar people from joining ("LFG must be Super Hydromancer!") However, I would say like armors, people will not look too much on the title as full represntation of who you are and what you can do.
(don't think see too much of "OMG, you don't have the full fussure set, you cann't joint us")
But again, the title being selectible and togglible might help on that, so you can display only the title you want to show.
Originally Posted by actionjack
But again, the title being selectible and togglible might help on that, so you can display only the title you want to show.
People use anything they can to promote themselves over others, even having 15k armor. This would be another step towards alienating casual players.
Fred Kiwi
Originally Posted by actionjack
But again, the title being selectible and togglible might help on that, so you can display only the title you want to show.
Originally Posted by Mesmerized
*takes a deep breath*
Legendary Superpyrohydroaerogeomancer Treasure Hunter of Speedy Charrslaying Alastar Spellsinger. *pants* |
Ie... hit once then scroll through player's titles using the tab button.
Even so
/signed - Not a bad idea
I would only have one level, instead of two tier.
Not sure what the title a Mesmer will have specialzing in Domination title would be called wearing certain 15k armor.
You will have a title for each single attribute, then one for each dual attribute combo's, and if you attempt 4 or more it sould be called "Adventurer" or some generic.
I would only have one level, instead of two tier.
Not sure what the title a Mesmer will have specialzing in Domination title would be called wearing certain 15k armor.
You will have a title for each single attribute, then one for each dual attribute combo's, and if you attempt 4 or more it sould be called "Adventurer" or some generic.
The Acolyte
Not sure I agree with this concept as stated above (verdict still out for me). One tweak maybe, which would also add some simplicity, would be recognition for amount of xp earned, % of primary skills collected (including elites), and guild ranking.
One suggestion would be to allow for town item for the hand(s)/head. Example would be for those that are "elite" via 1 million xp earned, maybe they get a crown that can be shown in town in place of the standard helm. Or maybe it's a special sceptor that you can carry, or even as simple as a special aura that surrounds the player. Continuing with the xp idea and recognition for true eliteness, maybe the item/aura/whatever changes color/texture/looks at 5 million and (god forbid
) 10 million xp
Acolyte Devathi
One suggestion would be to allow for town item for the hand(s)/head. Example would be for those that are "elite" via 1 million xp earned, maybe they get a crown that can be shown in town in place of the standard helm. Or maybe it's a special sceptor that you can carry, or even as simple as a special aura that surrounds the player. Continuing with the xp idea and recognition for true eliteness, maybe the item/aura/whatever changes color/texture/looks at 5 million and (god forbid

Acolyte Devathi
Sounds like fun, give me something more to strive for as my options are becoming limited.
Originally Posted by The Acolyte
Not sure I agree with this concept as stated above (verdict still out for me). One tweak maybe, which would also add some simplicity, would be recognition for amount of xp earned, % of primary skills collected (including elites), and guild ranking.
One suggestion would be to allow for town item for the hand(s)/head. Example would be for those that are "elite" via 1 million xp earned, maybe they get a crown that can be shown in town in place of the standard helm. Or maybe it's a special sceptor that you can carry, or even as simple as a special aura that surrounds the player. Continuing with the xp idea and recognition for true eliteness, maybe the item/aura/whatever changes color/texture/looks at 5 million and (god forbid ![]() Acolyte Devathi |
Maybe emotes like pvp rank but based on total xp on your character?
The Acolyte
Originally Posted by EternalTempest
Maybe emotes like pvp rank but based on total xp on your character?
oh, and yes, i understand that people may have multiple char's, and that one char may not have as much xp as another. Guess we'll just have to work towards getting the char out of noobiness via the system

Acolyte Devathi
Emots and Aura are both good, and won't mind seeing some for PvE... but compare to titles, they seem need more time to do. Title is pretty simple, and more passive (you just let it show). So while I want to see more Emots and Aura, that does not conflict with titles. Two differnt thing.
As already suggested before, Variours way to get your title. and many titles too. Can split them in such way as:
- Depend on your stats, exp,, kill, time, etc
- Depend on your item at hand
- Depend on your quest, of if you done meet the condition require for that quest.
- Depend on Arenas
- Depend on Guilds
- etc
like SGW, Fable, Maboglin, CoH and many other games (didn't say it is orginal) Title is proven to be a good insentive to encourage playing and get some mind off farming, which GW needs. Some can also be as Badges, for more self viewing of your accomplishments.
As already suggested before, Variours way to get your title. and many titles too. Can split them in such way as:
- Depend on your stats, exp,, kill, time, etc
- Depend on your item at hand
- Depend on your quest, of if you done meet the condition require for that quest.
- Depend on Arenas
- Depend on Guilds
- etc
like SGW, Fable, Maboglin, CoH and many other games (didn't say it is orginal) Title is proven to be a good insentive to encourage playing and get some mind off farming, which GW needs. Some can also be as Badges, for more self viewing of your accomplishments.
very nice idea *nods* the Legendary Unis Dragonblood Guildmaster Tycoon Charr Slayer hmm like it ;o
I like the idea.
I would pay almost any amount of gold for the title "Master of the Castle in the Sky".

Nice idea, /signed
Sereng Amaranth
My contribution...only one title is allowed to display, if any at all, chosen by a list with check boxes.
To show off, you would open the window and CTRL-click one of your awards. This would either result in an emote like rank or just a simple text such as "Sereng Amaranth has spilled the blood of 17,352,838 Charr in the name of Rin!"
Of course, the text option would require another channel, maybe named Medals, Awards, Milestones, etc.
To show off, you would open the window and CTRL-click one of your awards. This would either result in an emote like rank or just a simple text such as "Sereng Amaranth has spilled the blood of 17,352,838 Charr in the name of Rin!"
Of course, the text option would require another channel, maybe named Medals, Awards, Milestones, etc.
Perhaps something more fair than titles would be like a chart that you can open when you highlight someone else's character. It would show average damage per second, amount of pve deaths, amount of hours played, average healing efficiency, damage negated, damage prevented, amount of QUITING from missions, etc, maybe you could chose to put up a few skills, so other people could get an idea as to what your build is.
I think this would help a lot more than titles, although it isn't as vain.
I think this would help a lot more than titles, although it isn't as vain.
kinda feels like D2 LOD... like whenever u beat a difficulty u get a name..
I like what sereng amaranth is going, like have a prefix and a suffix. Only one label per each one. But Jesh, the way your idea is going, it would lead to less experienced players getting the cold shoulder, even if they are cool players to play with. Maybe some of those stats showing would be good, like your skills your using, or the amount of times you quit mid-mission.
NO. The last thing guild wars needs is more ways for people to feel superior to everyone else. We already have /rank for that nonsense, and screwing newer players out of parties is not going to help the game.
That being, said I'd qualify as a Super Pyro/Geo/Aero/Hydromancer Legend Charr Slayer Tycon (tycoon?) ____ Barehander ___speeder ____ lone ranger treasure hunter dye merchant arena legend ____guild master. Not only would such a title be rediculous, but only serve to bog my monk down with even more pointless invites.
That being, said I'd qualify as a Super Pyro/Geo/Aero/Hydromancer Legend Charr Slayer Tycon (tycoon?) ____ Barehander ___speeder ____ lone ranger treasure hunter dye merchant arena legend ____guild master. Not only would such a title be rediculous, but only serve to bog my monk down with even more pointless invites.
The Acolyte
Originally Posted by Jczech
NO. The last thing guild wars needs is more ways for people to feel superior to everyone else. We already have /rank for that nonsense, and screwing newer players out of parties is not going to help the game.
That being, said I'd qualify as a Super Pyro/Geo/Aero/Hydromancer Legend Charr Slayer Tycon (tycoon?) ____ Barehander ___speeder ____ lone ranger treasure hunter dye merchant arena legend ____guild master. Not only would such a title be rediculous, but only serve to bog my monk down with even more pointless invites. |
- pick one title
- titles can only be collected, not seen (badges)
- Aura's for significant accomplishments, like 1mil/5mil/10mil gained and/or 99% or more skills collected for primary/secondary class
I don't mind people seperating themselves based on accomplishments. I'm not an elitist, but I have to admit I would find it nice to be able to recognize other people who are at the same level in the game to group with. I'm not in a guild, mostly because I haven't found one with mature adults, so most of my partying has been done with friends (cool) and others (hit or miss cool

Acolyte Devathi