Originally Posted by Fantus
No flame, only a reply:
![]() 1)Ok, that's where your line of arguing is flawed: Yes, of course they can buy a lot of things a casual player can't. But for every sup rune a farmer buys, 3 others of the same kind are brought into the economy by OTHER farmers. You are of course right that farming drives up demand. It WOULD cause inflation if it would happen isolated. But farmers bring a lot more items into the economy then they buy themselves. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2)Again, since farmers bring in a LOT more items into the economy than cash drops, there really is no such thing as inflation caused by farming. I don't even see where the so called inflation is supposed to be - prices for items have been DROPPING since quite a while. At least I haven't seen anyone trying to sell a purple item for 10k anymore since quite a while... The only exception to that is the Ecto price. |

Answer to 1) The balance supply by farmers/demand by farmers is completely flawed. So we have opposite thoughts about this.
A farmer supply less than he demands. As you said yourself as a farmer, you sell Sup vigor runes (for example) to the NPC merchant. You understand what happens then. You don't supply the player's market with this rune, but you still get the money for it ( and the NPC has INFINITE amount of gold - a bucks printing machine). So, your buying power increase, but the demand is still the same. Remember that prices are based on Players trades, not NPC's.
If you didn't drop ectos (as farmers mainly farm for FoW armors), you will be able to buy them from a player since you have so much gold. But you won't supply ectos to the market, as soon as you have one, you keep it for a FoW armor. So ectos prices = Booooom!!
I know myself closely a farmer. He does'nt AT ALL sell sup Vigor/Absorption runes to players. Each time he has one, hop, to the NPC merchant. Why? Because it's a lot of time gained (try to sell a Sup Absorption at its current price, eh, you will stand one hour until someone have the money to buy it to you), and it continues to skyrocket the prices higher and higher by not bringing new supply.
Answer to 2)
Farmers farm for FoW armors. More, Ectos are now a money. A run from Ascalon to Granite Citadel? 1 Ecto. This perfect Fellblade? 80k 3 ectos.
Prices dropped recently. Why? Oh let's see. Because aoe farming was completely tuned down. No more easy invicimonk. Let's see, Monk sup runes were 20k each, just after the patch, only 10k. What a strange thing. You still say that solo farming doesn't inflate the prices. Sorry, but for me, seeing that prices drop so low after a solo farming nerf makes me think the contrary.