Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
ill just say
"including the devs" and leave it at that. |

Originally Posted by Hanuman li Tosh
ill just say
"including the devs" and leave it at that. |
5) I like to explore Tyria. I make it my personal objective to uncloud every nook and cranny of the map that I can. It's amazing what you can find out there if you look hard enough. I find that most other players aren't interested in exploring. They want to get from point A to point B, complete their quests/missions/bonuses, capture their skills, and that's it. I don't have to deal with the impatience of others when I'm all by myself. |
Hanuman li Tosh
i was in LA Id1 last week and gaile gray was doing Q&A and told me directly the solo farming was not supposed to be able to happen and that it is an exploit. thats good enough for me but people will argue it anyway. let them. |
And for those who are concerned (I won't say "whining" but others have ) about farming, why in Dwayna's name do you think you should be able to solo some of the highest level areas to farm? How realistic is that expectation? I mean, if you could in the past -- and if that wasn't intended or balanced -- does that mean it should be left for players to do so indefinitely? No criticism for farmers, not at all. But in a game built on strategy and teamwork, like Guild Wars, it simply doesn't seem to me that it's reasonable to ask to play the highest end content as a solo player. |
Originally Posted by Loviatar
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Originally Posted by EternalTempest
Thank you for finding that post, curious what page in the 77 page threads in the Nov 10/11 patch debate did you exactly find it. I gave up looking for it.
Pandora's box
in a game built on strategy and teamwork |
in a game built on strategy and teamwork AND solo playing |
Originally Posted by Pandora's box
Look, Gaile Gray is simply the PR person, and she clearly has a kind of view on gaming that's not the kind of view of the majority of the gaming world. It does not say anything about how the rest of the devellopers feel, not to mention that successfull games change while playing, change towards the way players like to play. Since solo farming is so much appreciated this WILL become an issue of importance, no matter if it was intended or not.
Its understandable that high level areas should be difficult. But the statement should be changed by now into: since solo playing is now an integrated, well respeced part of GW... Its this fact that needs to be accepted, and a commercial team of devellopers better change their attitude in this, no matter what was intended in the past... |
I pwnd U
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
as high as prices are most people HAVE to solo. w/ runes up at the high of 100k and others around 10-20k they have to solo. i know people will say taht they are rare b/c people do solo and tahts y the prices are high. THAT IS WRONG!! prices are high because people want them and tehy are rare. if people who soloed found them then they wouldnt be so much in demand and they would be less.
to address yur 75% of people have less then 20k so they prolly dont farm i would like to say that is not completely accurate. first of all even if someone doesnt solo they can stil have over 20k. all they have to do is save there money. ive done it before. i had around 47k w/o soloing or farming. most people spend their gold like crazy. and w/ runes prices up so high they think its the only way to do it. then once they get enough they spend it all and they are back down below 20k so taht would put them in the 75% even w/ them soloing. to the 20s bulldozing through the wilds they are proly getting paid too do taht. taht is crap. that should be proly be nerfed somehow. thats whats casueing the pves decline not soloers or farmers. im sure i will get flamed on this and many flaws will be pointed out but just remember this is my opinion. i am just addressing issues that were posted ahead of me. but i am stil for soloing. the soloers are actualy helping the non soloers. by find rare items they can lower prices if they become in abundance so it allows the people w/ under 20k to buy them. |
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Include something like after your agruements if what to agrue WHERE solo-farming should take place.
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
it was never suppose to be apart of the game. the drop rate wasn't made for it. the econemy wasn't made for it. skills have been nerfed to only stem solo farming b/c of a dumb AI. no one had a problem with pro bond in pvp. how about balth aura. now its just a very high energy cost, long casting, long recharge bug repelant. sure it was used in pvp with the e/mo but it wasn't overpowered in that environment. usually stripped as soon as you use it. give the skills back and improve the AI. |
Originally Posted by I pwnd U
i had around 47k w/o soloing or farming
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Include something like after your agruements if what to agrue WHERE solo-farming should take place.
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Please think some more before opening your mouth
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Originally Posted by twicky_kid
(which means nothing as this game is more pvp oriented)
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
maybe you should go back and read your first post. might want to read that part about not flaming people for their ideas. oh what's that on your profile profession? a w/mo wow, what a surprise. thank you and have a good day
![]() about imbalances yes there are great imbalances between loot from groups and soloing. my problem with this is how many skills are they going to nerf before they get it right. btw enjoy your spitefull spirit while is last. since its being abused to solo UW expect to see its dmg and/or duration decreased. yes another great pvp skill out the window due to farmers. while all these skills nerfs are for pve (which means nothing as this game is more pvp oriented) those nerfs carry over to pvp. pvp is a place where most of the now nerfed skills were never abused in the first place, besides ether renewal and zealous fire. i do agree that the 20k marker is a little low and not entirely accurate. it does however give some insite of HOW many people have mass amounts of gold. 25% of the population has more than 20k readily available to use. that can easily affect the econemy greatly if focused on a few items (mainly 1 ecto). don't know about you but i have decked any character i have made out with about 30k. |
Pandora's box
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
anet doesn't have to do a thing and can make any changes they see fit. you do not own, make, create, or control this game. they do.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
soloing was never part of the plan and now they are fixing it.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
now people have grown this slot machine addiction to it. with anet's gold figures of 75% of the players have less than 20k gold that 75% is probly not farming abusively. that would mean that the majority of pve players are not abusing farming therefor it will not hurt them as bad as some people may think to stop soloing.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
i remember the days of release when the game was vibrante and alive. now go to the wilds and see what you get. a bunch of lvl 20s that bulldoze through everything. shame to see the game's pve decline so much.
Rabid Weasel
aron searle
Originally Posted by Fantus
Bullshit. Most people farm for money to SPEND it. I tell you a secret: I rarely have more than like 10k of money in my bank. I possess armor and items worth at least 2 million gold, but to Anet's statistics I must appear QUITE poor. . |
Originally Posted by KaPe
"so my "role" is playing a farmer when i'm not being a mesmer necro or now my new ele."
If you want to "roleplay a farmer", buy a cow, farm, grow crops ![]() |
Originally Posted by Fantus
GW isn't even a "roleplaying" game in that sense. It doesn't have ANY support for jobs or craftsmanship or the like. It doesn't even support social roleplaying because there aren't even things like taverns or inns in GW. If you want to have this, go play WoW or EQ. GW is about bashing things up, and it's quite good in that area.
Rabid Weasel
aron searle
Originally Posted by KaPe
It's an amazing discovery, good thing you told me, 'cause I didn't know that. Now explain that to someone above, whose argument for solo farming is that he "roleplays a farmer". Out of all arguments, that one has to be rock bottom.
aron searle
Originally Posted by aron searle
Lets just call it
Episode 2 attack of the farmers |
Originally Posted by Rabid Weasel
I am farming crops. My crops happen to be Hydras!
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I pwnd U
Originally Posted by kvndoom
I second that!
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Joe Nexxius
Originally Posted by Guardian of the Light
Well dude I can "solo-farm" lvl 8 Charr without a "farming" build that what I am trying to make you see. Your statments about solo-farming not being anywhere are unrealistic. .
Originally Posted by glountz
The issue, however, is not the inflation "itself", it's the wealth distribution. The issue is that the "GW government" is not creating gold for EVERY player in the game. Only the solo farmers will benefit of these gold coins spawning again and again. So what ? Well, casual players can't follow the inflation. Only farmers can. Solo farming is not "ruining" economy for every player, but it separates wealthy players (who have the time to solo farm) and poor players (who don't have time for that). It's like, creating a gap wider and wider between hardcore gamers and casual gamers/questers/roleplayers.
Originally Posted by glountz
1) Solo farming does not enhance teamplay. As said and ackowledged before, I won't add something on this. |
Originally Posted by glountz
2)Solo farming is not the game purpose.
Originally Posted by glountz
3) Solo farming ruins the economy.
Originally Posted by glountz
And in a very twisted way. Monica Angelina told us the classical economy speech on supply/demand. I agree, solo farmers will bring more items to the market, so supply will be higher, so prices should be kept low.
Originally Posted by glountz
The only missed point is that solo farmers will be able to BUY a lot more than casual players. By solo farming, you will have enough gold to buy that ---- Sup absorption rune thaht didn't drop. Making prices jump higher. Solo farming not only adds to the supply, it adds also to the demand because of the rarity of some items and the ability of the solo farmers (or ebayers) to pay high prices for these items.
Originally Posted by glountz
The issue, however, is not the inflation "itself", it's the wealth distribution. The issue is that the "GW government" is not creating gold for EVERY player in the game. Only the solo farmers will benefit of these gold coins spawning again and again. So what ? Well, casual players can't follow the inflation. Only farmers can. Solo farming is not "ruining" economy for every player, but it separates wealthy players (who have the time to solo farm) and poor players (who don't have time for that).