Unhappy with your character name, but don't want to lose your time and energy?
Burning Freebies
Lord, its been 3 years since this thread started, so if they havent seen this, i will give the community relations people spam email telling them to visit this thread and consider this move!
spirit of defeat
/ NOT signed
It would be confusing, people changing there names whenever they like.
When ever some tv series introduces new characters a lot will walk with that name.
THINK before you chose a name
It would be confusing, people changing there names whenever they like.
When ever some tv series introduces new characters a lot will walk with that name.
THINK before you chose a name
/not signed, same as the last poster above me.....think before you create your character....geez. Its not rocket science.
/signed, To all the people that have not signed this why do you even care? Yea some people didn't think before they created a character and got stuck with a bad name, but for me when I started playing this game over three years ago I had no concept what I was doing and created all my PvE characters different names. Now that I do nothing but PvP I would love for all my characters to have the same first name, how is this going to ruin your gaming experience? Make it cost gold or whatever, but I would love to have this option not that it really matters now since the game is pretty much dead.
Make it a feature that needs to be bought for *real* money at the Guild Wars store for 20.00 - This would prevent abuse and prevent retards from changing their player's names on a whim.
Burning Freebies
Too much. Making it a one time only feature would get rid of everyone who has not signed's complaints. People cant abuse a 1 time only system, can they? And most of the people who want to change their names have 2 year old characters, so telling them to think is stupid.
Fitz Rinley
Yes I agree.
I have always put a great deal of effort into my character names. But I know there are those who have named their on a whim of the moment or who did not have experience picking out names and have been inspired by others with more experience naming characters. I also know of several players who took over their kid's account when the kid quit playing or left home - they might or might not be interested in changing name (and/or appearance) to reflect themselves.
I have always put a great deal of effort into my character names. But I know there are those who have named their on a whim of the moment or who did not have experience picking out names and have been inspired by others with more experience naming characters. I also know of several players who took over their kid's account when the kid quit playing or left home - they might or might not be interested in changing name (and/or appearance) to reflect themselves.
Siirius Black
Yes I agree.
I have always put a great deal of effort into my character names. But I know there are those who have named their on a whim of the moment or who did not have experience picking out names and have been inspired by others with more experience naming characters. I also know of several players who took over their kid's account when the kid quit playing or left home - they might or might not be interested in changing name (and/or appearance) to reflect themselves. |
How do you think I ended up having my char name?
Later I bought the 3 campains + EOTN for my son, but I ended up with this name because of it.
Your character name is probably a unique key type of field in the databases, and what you see externally as a simple change probably needs to be spammed across databases... providing they even allow a key field to be changed.
/NOT Signed, out of respect for the devs. |
Oh gods I hope not. That would be a royal fail for so many other reasons besides just the inability to change char names... (indexes, cascading updates, and string data types, oh my!)
New NPC's... Identity Scribes. (10K [or some nominal fee] per identity script)
Hair Stylist. Obviously.
Physical Alteration Specialist. (10K [or some nominal fee] per physical
It can't be free, because technically you are altering your identity. Whether to hide you from something or for the novelty of it. It's an elected alteration, just like new armor, it should cost you money.
/signed provided there are some conditions. i.e. expenses...
Hair Stylist. Obviously.
Physical Alteration Specialist. (10K [or some nominal fee] per physical
It can't be free, because technically you are altering your identity. Whether to hide you from something or for the novelty of it. It's an elected alteration, just like new armor, it should cost you money.
/signed provided there are some conditions. i.e. expenses...
But like some people already mentioned, make it cost real cash (similar to buying the extra character slot) so people don't abuse it.
But like some people already mentioned, make it cost real cash (similar to buying the extra character slot) so people don't abuse it.
I say make it how the moving to different servers was before we were able to switch whenever we wanted; make it like 2-3 times being able to change per char and thats it. that way people wont just change it again on a whim.
Burning Freebies
Cloud Deven, thats right. Making people pay real money is ridiculous. Thats the whole reason why we dont want to have to delete the characters or make new ones with that name! If it is only allowe a few times, then great, im for it. And if people change it to a name that does not apply to the GW rules (inappropriate name) then ban them.
Siirius Black
mmmm. I'm not too sure that paying real money is the solution. If you want to avoid abuse, you can gain, lets say a consumable that will allow you to change your name once you max 5 titles.
Or just plainly allow 1 name change only.
I would not pay to change the name. I prefer to use that money for our vent server or for the new game.
Or just plainly allow 1 name change only.
I would not pay to change the name. I prefer to use that money for our vent server or for the new game.
Cursed One
as mentioned before make it relatively costly so that its not abused. Another possibility would be to have it in some remoted region that is hard to get to, as in having to beat most of the game o get to the town, or outpost
as mentioned before make it relatively costly so that its not abused. Another possibility would be to have it in some remoted region that is hard to get to, as in having to beat most of the game o get to the town, or outpost
Report yourself and hope that they can find a reason to ban you / demand name change.
Burning Freebies
*Siirius, im not sure having 5 maxed titles is fair. I know i almost have 5 maxed titles, but what about all those people who refuse to care about titles? I think only 1 name change is necessary. Then, you could pay half the price of a character slot for any more name changes needed.
*Cursed One, what if someone wants to stay in presearing and this "feature" is in post searing? Or what if someone cant get help to get somewhere, or wont want to go all that way to get it? This would get tonnes and tonnes of complaints.
*Lyynyyra-Well, i do have a slightly inappropriate character name, so i could try and get that changed.
*Cursed One, what if someone wants to stay in presearing and this "feature" is in post searing? Or what if someone cant get help to get somewhere, or wont want to go all that way to get it? This would get tonnes and tonnes of complaints.
*Lyynyyra-Well, i do have a slightly inappropriate character name, so i could try and get that changed.
Signed......But only if you can use this option only "once" per characters.
Some people regret the name they made in Hurry or they did not check the spelling.
Some people regret the name they made in Hurry or they did not check the spelling.

This would be pretty sweet, just not sure how it would work out exactly. I think adding some sort of charge would help.
but you should only be able to change your character's name every 6 months or some time.
but you should only be able to change your character's name every 6 months or some time.
However, I suggest a limit of one time since you had one time when you made the character and if you can't think of another one when you change, just don't bother.
However, I suggest a limit of one time since you had one time when you made the character and if you can't think of another one when you change, just don't bother.
Siirius Black
1 time per character......
Anet, please let us know that this tread with 64 pages has been read by you or at least tell us if you are not considering this proposal/suggestion.
1 time per character......
Anet, please let us know that this tread with 64 pages has been read by you or at least tell us if you are not considering this proposal/suggestion.
Great Idea! Also, as an add on... Having a surname for your account wouldn't be bad either. This would give all of your chars a common first or last name.
Great Idea! Also, as an add on... Having a surname for your account wouldn't be bad either. This would give all of your chars a common first or last name.
great idea...
c r e s t
apart from that maybe its just me but ive always wanted an option to be able to change a char's main profesion ,play around smashing with your hammer at mobs ,than change to a ranger primary and use your bow for example(ofc can only change in towns/outposts).The problems with this would be armor which are different for profesions and visual aspect.
apart from that maybe its just me but ive always wanted an option to be able to change a char's main profesion ,play around smashing with your hammer at mobs ,than change to a ranger primary and use your bow for example(ofc can only change in towns/outposts).The problems with this would be armor which are different for profesions and visual aspect.
Anet, please let us know that this tread with 64 pages has been read by you or at least tell us if you are not considering this proposal/suggestion.
More than ONE YEAR AGO, (13th November 2007), in this same thread, there was this post <--- GAILE'S REPLY HERE.
For what you ask, they already said that they are NOT considering this for GW, but might come in into GW2.
From my point of view, I don't like a name changing options...
I just see all those dumbasses on my MSN contact list that keep changing their name each hour...
If it was for me to add this service, in Anet's shoes I'd do something with a fee: 9,90 euros each name change.
Just the name, losing all the customized armors and items.
This way Anet's employees will need not much time to do the manual change, and Anet would cash in some good money.
for the love of all that's good, i wish they'd add this to the game already!
Hybrid Meteroa
This was first proposed back in 2005, I don't think it's going to happen =P
Although, /signed.
Although, /signed.
Wasn't thinking clearly 3 years ago when i created my main and some of other chars
Wasn't thinking clearly 3 years ago when i created my main and some of other chars
At least we'll be able to change it in GW2.
At least we'll be able to change it in GW2.
victory spectrum
/signed, would be great.
Burning Freebies
I thought our current character names would be reserved for us in GW2? Or maybe that is just if we want them. Probabaly. I hope they do bring this in soon
Silent Elvin Ranger
Well the name of my main is really lame and it has the most achievements in my HoM, so in GW2 I think im going to be screwed over hard because I will have to choose between a better name, and all my achievements 
So yeah I would really appreciate a name change in GW2, even if it is a feature i will need to pay for.
/Signed for GW2

So yeah I would really appreciate a name change in GW2, even if it is a feature i will need to pay for.
/Signed for GW2
Bob Slydell
/signed - I could touch up a couple of my characters' dumb names...
How much would it cost, do you think? To offer a service like this?
How much would it cost, do you think? To offer a service like this?
Burning Freebies
The thing is, Anet have to agree with this, because everyone who signs nowdays thinks there should be a small limit. I mean, the whole reason that Oversized tonic warning thing is up is because some people cryed because they couldnt see Mad King Thorn because people used big tonics to obscure view, even thought big tonics didnt block him whatsoever. If Anet did that, then I dont see why they cant do this.
Not sure if this got written about before as i didn't read all 64 pages. But my only concern is - If someone scams someone/is Racist/abusive or threatening, could they simply not get away with it by changing their name? It's already bad enough that scammers/abusive players only need to simply change districts to escape being reported.
But if this issue is covered then i'm for it
But if this issue is covered then i'm for it

Regina Bueno.... and so on, you would think, a topic that would inspire this many posts would be something that the GW staff would seriously put into effect, outside of a marginally small number of people, this topic has been a resounding yes please.
Mr. Fish
I think that this is a great idea and although it may require a bit of work, would make a nice addition to Guild Wars.
Instead of throwing-away all of the time spent on a character because of the urge to create a new name, this option would allow easy access to a new name without making a completely new character.
This is an option that many Guild Wars players (including myself) would love to see included in the game.
May take away effort and time to create this system that could be spent on more important updates...Dont get me wrong, I fully support this idea but there needs to be atleast a little bit of balance.
Interesting thought and you have my support
~ ><> Fish
Instead of throwing-away all of the time spent on a character because of the urge to create a new name, this option would allow easy access to a new name without making a completely new character.
This is an option that many Guild Wars players (including myself) would love to see included in the game.
May take away effort and time to create this system that could be spent on more important updates...Dont get me wrong, I fully support this idea but there needs to be atleast a little bit of balance.
Interesting thought and you have my support

~ ><> Fish
Mister Me
But it should have a sort of way that you would first have to think about it (to fight against abusing this)...
A realistic way to do this would be that you can only change your name once a month. Or even better, that it would cost about 50k to change a character's name(however it might not be as easy to make such a thingie). Or like skills, every time it becomes more and more expensive, where skills cost max 1k, names would cost max 50k or 100k(something like that)
! The best option (in my opinion!, PM me if you don't agree with it, might not come back on this thread) would be to sell a name change in the online store. Like €10 (or £ or $, w/e) for changing a name. I do see the problem here, some people have a lot of money in rl, some people have very few money.
A few ideas, most (or all) have probably been suggested before in this thread, but you can't expect me to read close to 1,300 posts...
I don't expect that ANet will change anything in GW1, but I at least hope they will use it in GW2.
edit: gg the1tracey for ressurecting this thread -.-
Wouldn't have posted if I knew it was only just rezzed
But it should have a sort of way that you would first have to think about it (to fight against abusing this)...
A realistic way to do this would be that you can only change your name once a month. Or even better, that it would cost about 50k to change a character's name(however it might not be as easy to make such a thingie). Or like skills, every time it becomes more and more expensive, where skills cost max 1k, names would cost max 50k or 100k(something like that)
! The best option (in my opinion!, PM me if you don't agree with it, might not come back on this thread) would be to sell a name change in the online store. Like €10 (or £ or $, w/e) for changing a name. I do see the problem here, some people have a lot of money in rl, some people have very few money.
A few ideas, most (or all) have probably been suggested before in this thread, but you can't expect me to read close to 1,300 posts...
I don't expect that ANet will change anything in GW1, but I at least hope they will use it in GW2.
edit: gg the1tracey for ressurecting this thread -.-