Originally Posted by lioka pelenoria
Honestly i believe that the implementation of such an option would cut down the number of griefers and assholes in the GW player base. With any system there is the possibiltiy of abuse, and all the arguments i read about this can be categorized...
1. Jerk Leader
2. Jerk Guild
3. Drop abuse
4. Support of elitism
The benefits of such a system as said before will VASTLY OVERSHADOW the problems above, simply because these problems can be eliminated with simple rules. Many of these are the same rules regurgitated.
1. Any player may initiate a vote to kick another player. (counters jerk leader)
2. A vote may not be cancelled.
3. 80% majority vote of remaining party members required to kick. Comes to these party sizes and vote requirements: 2: system cannot be applied. 4: Other 2 party members must vote unanimously. 6: 3 of 4 other party members must vote in favor. 8: 5 of 6 other party members must vote in favor.
4. Regardless of whether the vote succeeds or not, another vote cannot be placed for 10 minutes.
5. Kicked player is returned to previous outpost, and has the chance to reclaim reserved items via the "Claim items" window, like after a mission.
6. Drop rate and gold distribution are unchanged. Drops that would have been for the kicked player simply dont happen, as if the player was a hench.
7. Kicked player will NOT be replaced by a hench.
8. (counter jerk guild, see below)
**In cases where the majority of a party is a guild, that guild's Karma rating is displayed in the party window before you join. The name of the party leader is replaced by the guild name and karma rating.
Guilds loose Karma when they unanimously vote to kick a non-guild member from a party, or when the majority of the vote is from the same guild. Guilds karma rating only increases if the guild has not kicked a non-guild party member from a party in the afore mentioned manner for 1 month time.
You can check the guild's karma rating before you join the party at an outpost. Furthermore, when the party changes such that majority is in control of a single guild, the party members window displays the guild's karma. When the party is in control of a guild, members may leave while the mission countdown is going. Countdown stops if a player leaves.**
9. A vote cannot be placed when there is a primary mission or quest goal within radar range. (you cant kick some random person when youre about to finish the mission or quest)
9b. However, a vote can be placed anytime when the majority of the party is dead, and while majority of the party is dead the time delay does not apply. 80% majority. (kick an afker so you can rez or restart the mission)
10. A player kicked from Underworld or Fissure of Woe is given 125 gold. (You really have to think about this one to see that it cant be abused. if one player pays everyone's entrance fee, then he will loose the 125 gold if a player is kicked, but if everyone paid, then theres no problem.)
11. A player cannot be kicked out of a competative mission (pvp).
11b. A player may be kicked out of a factions competative mission (leech killer).
/signed when all the rules are addressed.
This sounds good.
There is not even a "what if questions" to the solution above, but..
10 wont be needed.
Since there can be made a modification to the pay method of entering UW/FoW.
Every player entering FoW/UW will automatically get charged for (1000g/amount of players in the party) upon entering.
The code for this is already in the game. I think the Norn's name is something like Longfinger.
I really hate it when someone goes afk in the middle of a mission and never comes back.
Last time it happened for a party I was in, it was someone saying "I need to go and sleep now, bye"
To those posting against this...
WoW has a kick system very much like this but there is no vote option, and it is not being wildly abused.
Yes newbies are kicked, but only because they got the same thing told 10 times in a row from the party leader, and still don't want to listen.
Of course there are bad leaders as well, but they get well known.
About the loot concerns, do that more then once and the whole realm knows your name. It starts with yelling in the main towns all the way to posts on the forums. Pretty effective way to keep things straight if you ask me.
Just ask the WoW players about their kick system.
You will find very few that would say it's bad. Those who will are those that you would kick yourself.