Ascention Armor
Well, I just finished crafting my set of Bonelace ascention armor from Granite Citadel- I figured I'd post it here so everyone could see what it looks like!
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, later in the game you can craft some "special" armor for 15,000 gold and a lot of crafting materials for each piece. It's no better than the armor you can get at Droknar's Forge, or on a PvP character, but has a different appearance.
For those who don't know what I'm talking about, later in the game you can craft some "special" armor for 15,000 gold and a lot of crafting materials for each piece. It's no better than the armor you can get at Droknar's Forge, or on a PvP character, but has a different appearance.
Thanks for the post. Does it automatically come in blue, or did you dye it?
Goll the Oppressor
I typically use Gladiator armor for my warrior, so I was wondering, which set does the Ascention armor behave as, or can you select? Because for me, I like the extra mana
It actually has a different model? Wasn't there just a post not too long ago talking about how they had exactly the same model as the 1.5k armor?
Originally Posted by Kordesh
It actually has a different model? Wasn't there just a post not too long ago talking about how they had exactly the same model as the 1.5k armor?
yes... u can get the 1.5K armor in Droknar's Forge... it's exactly the same as the armor u get in Granite Citadel... except it costs 15K and has a different look
where do you get the materials, i can't find it.
Yes- I dyed that armor blue: it's red when crafted- still looks pretty sweet even when red.
To show the difference, here's the normal Bonelace armor set that you can buy in Droknar's Forge or from other crafters through the game(attatched at the bottom)
The bonelace set did not require any of the special materials- from what I've heard, they are currently bugged, though they might be fixed by now. The bonelace set only required several hundred hides and bones along with 60K gold.
Goll: You can craft any of the armor sets, I believe. Some of the ascention armors are in Granite Citadel, while others are available in Marhan's Grotto. I've heard about an armor crafter in the Underworld, but I've never visited him myself- I'll look at crafting some armor from there next to see how it looks.
To show the difference, here's the normal Bonelace armor set that you can buy in Droknar's Forge or from other crafters through the game(attatched at the bottom)
The bonelace set did not require any of the special materials- from what I've heard, they are currently bugged, though they might be fixed by now. The bonelace set only required several hundred hides and bones along with 60K gold.
Goll: You can craft any of the armor sets, I believe. Some of the ascention armors are in Granite Citadel, while others are available in Marhan's Grotto. I've heard about an armor crafter in the Underworld, but I've never visited him myself- I'll look at crafting some armor from there next to see how it looks.
Is it 15k per piece, or 15k for the armour in total?
Per piece...
15k PER PIECE. so it's up to 75k Gold if your Armor is 5 pieces
I was hoping for something a bit more extravegant for 15k...
At least for my sets, there were only 4 pieces available, and I probably would have only gotten 4 pieces anyhow. The other piece of armor for a Necromancer is the head scar pattern, which isn't very visible, and I don't really see anything they could do to enhance it's appearance. I doubt any helms are avaiable, due to the lack of differences between helms, though possibly Warriors might have some differences, as IIRC, they have helms with their different sets as well as the different +skill ones.
Eskimo Bob
15k per peice, and I though the ascalon city sets where pricey! Well condiering I have not made it past Lion's Arch. I have only played one beta event and am waiting to get a graphic card that canr un the game properly before I buy the game.
Any monk, elementalist or mesmer ascension armors for show?
I'll post my Elementalist when I get home
Ooo.. I really wanna see the Elementalist one.
Freyas inspired me.
Here's my monk in full citadel Aesetic armor, dyed turquoise.
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Here's my monk in full citadel Aesetic armor, dyed turquoise.
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wow... that's cool. if you run, can warrior monks tell which way you're going? hehe
I presume there is versions of the tormentor armors and others? Anyone have any screenshots of them? I'd hate to blow 15k on the top piece and find that the cape clips into it :\
Guillaume De Sonoma
Can i see the ascention armor for mesmers please?
Edge Reinbach
I wonder what the Warriors armor looks like on a male warrior.
Ok please forgive me, last time I post this pic. but this is the 15k Drakescale it can be found in Marhan's Grotto.
I know I know.. I like to brag
Levian Lain
When people spend so much gold on their armor, they have a right to brag.
Wasn't sure if it will be a waste spending more than 70k gold on some necro armors + materials which will turn out to be the same as the ones in Droknar's Forge until I saw Freya's post. Wanted to purchase Tormentor's set but it looks awfully similar to the 1.5k ones. Didn't want to take a risk so I bought bonelace instead. Here's mine all dyed in black though.
Tricia Gwathren (Necro/Ranger)
Tricia Gwathren (Necro/Ranger)
Edge Reinbach
Thats cool, where can you make Ascention armor?
Is there a place to buy Aeromancer's or Geomancer's set? Or an Ascension version of the Standard set?
Are some of the armors not finished yet, as far as special graphics go? Just got 2 peices of the 'Saintly' set, the image upgrade for 'Sacred' set and thought it looked a little... plain... Went to LA and made a Sacred peice and sure enough they are the same through and through, what am I missing here?
I really want to see male warrior ascension armor.
Alcoy The Defiled
Taking picture down, sorry.
Guillaume De Sonoma
Nice armor! I wish i had the money for it.
I ran to marman's grotto and I didn't find an armor crafter he inside the town or is he outside somewhere?
Just copied these of another forum so have fun
15k Mesmer Virtuoso Female set, in standard green, pure red, and pure black with 15k virtuoso boots in black
15k Mesmer Virtuoso Female set, in standard green, pure red, and pure black with 15k virtuoso boots in black
Dragon Female and Male
Dragon Set Female
Wanderers Armor
Noble's Attire
The 15k Glad armor doesn't have another skin yet, behold.
And no, that is not me O_o;;
Just found someone with the upgraded Ascalon Armor
Jhelle, You mentioned the Gladiator set not having a new skin yet, do you (or anyone else) know if that is something that will be corrected in the near future? Currently working on the Saintly set which is in the same boat, as seen above, and it still uses the Sacred skins.
In a recient patch they modified the rarity of Fur and made it not stack with the original fur, so all I can hope is that when/if they do fix these armors it will change on existing items... I sure dont want to remake the set and risk losing a +3 healing rune
In a recient patch they modified the rarity of Fur and made it not stack with the original fur, so all I can hope is that when/if they do fix these armors it will change on existing items... I sure dont want to remake the set and risk losing a +3 healing rune
Cs Coldize
Originally Posted by ChildrenOfBodom
Bah, the monk ascension armors are seriously gimpy! Maybe there is another style out there that will look different? :X
Thanks and keep these coming!
Thanks and keep these coming!