Ascention Armor
my contribution -male ele geomancer armor dyed yellow(only the top and leggings are 15k though). i'll be dyeing them black soon...
Originally Posted by Cs Coldize
I'm geussing this is the male ele ascension armor. If so, I cant wait
yes, all dye'd black too...
Originally Posted by Fascion
Jhelle, You mentioned the Gladiator set not having a new skin yet, do you (or anyone else) know if that is something that will be corrected in the near future? Currently working on the Saintly set which is in the same boat, as seen above, and it still uses the Sacred skins.
In a recient patch they modified the rarity of Fur and made it not stack with the original fur, so all I can hope is that when/if they do fix these armors it will change on existing items... I sure dont want to remake the set and risk losing a +3 healing rune I heard alot of rumors about that it are just replacements for what is to come, but to be honest I wouldn't buy it yet, cause it might just happen that the graphics for the already bought items wont be changed.
In a recient patch they modified the rarity of Fur and made it not stack with the original fur, so all I can hope is that when/if they do fix these armors it will change on existing items... I sure dont want to remake the set and risk losing a +3 healing rune I heard alot of rumors about that it are just replacements for what is to come, but to be honest I wouldn't buy it yet, cause it might just happen that the graphics for the already bought items wont be changed.
Originally Posted by rithien
my contribution -male ele geomancer armor dyed yellow(only the top and leggings are 15k though). i'll be dyeing them black soon...
I dunno, I think the yellow looks pretty good.
I dunno, I think the yellow looks pretty good.
Here's a small list of what i've heard which stay the same: necrotic armor, gladiator's armor, saintly armor, enchanter's armor, druid's armor, hydromancer's armor.
So the is one for each class which isnt there yet...
Some look similar, but not the same. Two such armors in my opinion are the mesmer noble armor, and the monk judge's armor.
Here's a small list of what i've heard which stay the same: necrotic armor, gladiator's armor, saintly armor, enchanter's armor, druid's armor, hydromancer's armor.
So the is one for each class which isnt there yet...
Some look similar, but not the same. Two such armors in my opinion are the mesmer noble armor, and the monk judge's armor.
Guillaume De Sonoma
The female dragon armor is really good in my opinion.
15k drakescale dyed silver
Mariena Feladon
So, the drakescale is the only armor for 15k that looks different from the regular armors, for a ranger?
Whoever posted the male necro bonlace picture, will you repost because it seems to be broken now... :-x thanks
Mariena Feladon
Okay, so I've made my way to the Granite Citadel and Marhan's Grotto.
In the Citadel they sell Frostbound Armor and Studded Leather Armor. SL armor looks exactly the same judging from the little icons, and Frostbound armor... well, it looks different on the icons, but still I wonder if it's worth it? How much different is it from a normal Fur-Lined Armor set?
In Marhan's Grotto they sell Drakescale Armor and Druid's Armor. 15k Druid's Armor looks, also, exactly the same as regular Druid's Armor.
Really, what's the point of buying the 15k Druid's Armor Set and the 15k Studded Leather Armor set?
Now I just need to know if Frostbound is worth the money. The only thing I know for sure is that Drakescale is different (as shown in the pictures).
In the Citadel they sell Frostbound Armor and Studded Leather Armor. SL armor looks exactly the same judging from the little icons, and Frostbound armor... well, it looks different on the icons, but still I wonder if it's worth it? How much different is it from a normal Fur-Lined Armor set?
In Marhan's Grotto they sell Drakescale Armor and Druid's Armor. 15k Druid's Armor looks, also, exactly the same as regular Druid's Armor.
Really, what's the point of buying the 15k Druid's Armor Set and the 15k Studded Leather Armor set?
Now I just need to know if Frostbound is worth the money. The only thing I know for sure is that Drakescale is different (as shown in the pictures).
Aegis Dfx
Jhelle do u know where it is i purchase that wanderers set, is it in granite, or grotto, or somewhere else. If u know plz reply
Aegis Dfx
Also the wanderers from the granite citadel is different from the other wanderers correct? From the looks of pictures it looks like it but i want to be sure LOL.
OK, here is my participation
Ranger Drake Scale armor than may be found in Marhan's Grotto
Some Elementalist armor than may be found in Marhan's Grotto
Anyone has screenshots of female in 15k platemail ?
Ranger Drake Scale armor than may be found in Marhan's Grotto
Some Elementalist armor than may be found in Marhan's Grotto
Anyone has screenshots of female in 15k platemail ?
Lasher Dragon
What's the armor rating of the Ranger's final armor?
Does the mesmer have armor in Marhan's Grotto? and how does it look?
Mariena Feladon
Originally Posted by Lasher Dragon
What's the armor rating of the Ranger's final armor?
70 Armor
And the regular 30 vs Elemental
And the regular 30 vs Elemental
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by Mariena Feladon
70 Armor
And the regular 30 vs Elemental Wow. I assumed it would be higher than that - I have that armor free from the desert collectors. Damn, I guess it's time to use all the dye I've been stockpiling.
And the regular 30 vs Elemental Wow. I assumed it would be higher than that - I have that armor free from the desert collectors. Damn, I guess it's time to use all the dye I've been stockpiling.
Mariena Feladon
The collector armor you get in the desert is simply the best armor you can find (AR wise). I threw it away, because I looked like a friggin' pirate in that suit.. Dead skeletal parrot on my shoulder, a jacket and a skull belt.
Give me an eye lap and a wooden leg and I'll do the Yo-ho-ho bottle of rum dance with you.
Give me an eye lap and a wooden leg and I'll do the Yo-ho-ho bottle of rum dance with you.
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by Mariena Feladon
The collector armor you get in the desert is simply the best armor you can find (AR wise). I threw it away, because I looked like a friggin' pirate in that suit.. Dead skeletal parrot on my shoulder, a jacket and a skull belt.
Give me an eye lap and a wooden leg and I'll do the Yo-ho-ho bottle of rum dance with you. LMAO
I love skulls, so it fits me perfectly. This is great, now I have all this gold I've been saving for better armor. Dunno what I'm gonna spend it on, but I'm sure something will come up.
Give me an eye lap and a wooden leg and I'll do the Yo-ho-ho bottle of rum dance with you. LMAO
I love skulls, so it fits me perfectly. This is great, now I have all this gold I've been saving for better armor. Dunno what I'm gonna spend it on, but I'm sure something will come up.
Mariena Feladon
Hey, you can do us a favor and buy the 15k Studded Leather and post some pics of them to see if they're really different!
Okay, just kidding. Still, if they aren't different (Studded Leather/Druid's), what's the point of spending 15k and materials on them?
Okay, just kidding. Still, if they aren't different (Studded Leather/Druid's), what's the point of spending 15k and materials on them?
Lasher Dragon
Originally Posted by Mariena Feladon
Hey, you can do us a favor and buy the 15k Studded Leather and post some pics of them to see if they're really different!
Okay, just kidding. Still, if they aren't different (Studded Leather/Druid's), what's the point of spending 15k and materials on them? No kiddin - I might have bought some stylin' new armor, but after hearing everyone say they look the same as the old stuff, I think I'll stick with the skulls.
Okay, just kidding. Still, if they aren't different (Studded Leather/Druid's), what's the point of spending 15k and materials on them? No kiddin - I might have bought some stylin' new armor, but after hearing everyone say they look the same as the old stuff, I think I'll stick with the skulls.
i heard rumors, that theya re going to get a stat upgrade
Female Rogue's armor (tunic only), from Marhan's Grotto.
Female Rogue's armor (tunic only), from Marhan's Grotto.
Hey can u guys post some pics of a girl warrior. yeah i saw that one of the dragon set i jsut wanna see the rest b4 i spend my 75k i dont want it comming out ugly. lol thanks
I hope when they update the gladiator armor that it shows on even the old 15k sets. Otherwise im going to put down another 60k.
Wrain Nightshade
Originally Posted by Leventh
Ok please forgive me, last time I post this pic. but this is the 15k Drakescale it can be found in Marhan's Grotto.
I know I know.. I like to brag Is black and orange the color when you get the 60k dragkescale armor? Which parts change color when you dye it?
Ben Reed
Hope this hasn't already been asked, but has anyone posted pics of the 15K male necro Tormentor's set yet?
Shame there's no 15K Necrotic.
Shame there's no 15K Necrotic.
Anyone have word on what sort of elementalist armor is in the underworld? Is is just more of the same? I like how pyro gear looks.. but I was really disappointed with geomancer gear (it still looks nice though!)
Anyone have an answer on that? Thanks.
GREAT gear everyone btw. I really dig that female dragon armor. Shoot, maybe I'll make a warrior.. lol.
Anyone have an answer on that? Thanks.
GREAT gear everyone btw. I really dig that female dragon armor. Shoot, maybe I'll make a warrior.. lol.
I think I saw Freya! :P
15k Wanderer's Armor:
15k Mesmer Armor:
15k Wanderer's Armor:
15k Mesmer Armor:
Attatched: Male, Mesmer, 60 k Rogue's Outfit dyed purple....
Shiris Heartilly
Does anyone have a picture of monk in judge's?
has anyone seen a full 60k cultist armor? i just regret of crafting the cultist legging cos it look not much different from the fantic legging.
anyone got any screenshot on the full cultist set?
anyone got any screenshot on the full cultist set?
Originally Posted by Wrain Nightshade
Is black and orange the color when you get the 60k dragkescale armor? Which parts change color when you dye it?
ok, the armor comes in light brown and orange, the orange always stays the same. The Black parts of Leventh's armor are the ones that he's dyed, so those are the ones you can change.
Lord Aegis
Can anybody post a picture of the Male Dragon Armor to the Male Wyvern Armor? (Does the Dragon armor come in black already?)
I'd like to see more Monk pics. I saw some pretty nifty looking sets yesterday. All pure white armor. Looked really well compared to my crap ass droknar look. I'd love to know which set it is from but none of the cool kids would answer me.
Originally Posted by xakia
I'd like to see more Monk pics. I saw some pretty nifty looking sets yesterday. All pure white armor. Looked really well compared to my crap ass droknar look. I'd love to know which set it is from but none of the cool kids would answer me.
Post a screenshot and I'd probably be able to identify it. But just saying it's all white, could be anyone's guess of any armor dyed silver.
nice any shots of guy elementalist armor?
I just hit Droknar's today and I am NOT buying the Pyro set there. I will buy my armor later when I can get the 15k per piece set.
Nice nice, luv them all!!! The necro bone lace armour sure looks cool. I'm wondering what the other necro armour looks like O.O
Anyone have a picture of the Mesmer 15k Rogue's Armor? or know anyone with it..
Male pref.
I wouldnt mind seeing a male mesmer in Virtuoso Armor either~
Male pref.
I wouldnt mind seeing a male mesmer in Virtuoso Armor either~