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Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by shinseikaze
its useful for a warrior which can quick change from a sword to axe etc What? warriors generally only specialize in one weapon type, the attribute points and skills required on your bar make this a very bad idea.. but back on topic. My interface is weird, i remaped most of my stuff to the right side of the keyboard, instaead of wasd i use ijkl and expanded out from there... i dont know why, i just like it better

Omg Lol Pie

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

I'm having some issues with my party screen, actually. See, I started a new character the other day, and I just noticed last night that his "party" section is shrunken pretty badly. It makes it hard to select other characters in your party to heal them, because you cannot find them easily. So, I opened the edit interface thingy and found that it wouldn't let me edit the width of height of my party box. Which I thought was really strange. So, I checked out my old character and now he's got this problem too.

Any ideas?

Dumb Quixote

Dumb Quixote

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Southern California

and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."

Originally Posted by Omg Lol Pie
I'm having some issues with my party screen, actually. See, I started a new character the other day, and I just noticed last night that his "party" section is shrunken pretty badly. It makes it hard to select other characters in your party to heal them, because you cannot find them easily. So, I opened the edit interface thingy and found that it wouldn't let me edit the width of height of my party box. Which I thought was really strange. So, I checked out my old character and now he's got this problem too.

Any ideas? Bottom right of Party Screen has a dimpled corner - which means you can resize real-time. Just grab and resize your party screen to your preference.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

The Intarweb

Wrath of Nature [WoN]


Originally Posted by spiritofcat
Spartan2, what's the point of having a single weapon slot? I only have one weapon setup and I just turned the slots of entirely.
Your setup is interesting. I know if I was trying to attack you I'd come at you from behind to the right and hide under all your interface... Well, sometimes I need to make sure i have the right weapon equipped without opening (I) and I do not really need multiple weapons equipped on an E/Mo.. but anyway, I pretty much PvE, so you couldn't do much to me :-P. I am using an approximately 25 inch flat crt television as my monitor and it is set at around my knee height when I am sitting in a chair, so having my important stuff down and to the right makes it easier for me to deal with because it is down out of my view of the action and near my strong side because I am right handed and it is easier to move the mouse to the right with the right hand than to the left.

Omg Lol Pie

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by Dumb Quixote
Bottom right of Party Screen has a dimpled corner - which means you can resize real-time. Just grab and resize your party screen to your preference. Thanks. Just a n00b mistake on my part.

Dumb Quixote

Dumb Quixote

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Southern California

and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."

Originally Posted by Omg Lol Pie
Thanks. Just a n00b mistake on my part. I don't believe in n00bs... they are just an Urban Legend.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

The Brink of Insanity

they exist, but you're not a n00b for that, pie, you're simply misinformed. a n00b is, by popular definition, a new or old player who refuses to accept advice, knowledge or anything else from other players and is a complete ass about everything. a newb or newbie is someone who's new (you).

these definitions based on what I've picked up on widely-played online games, as well as other peoples' definitions of the two terms.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Wales, UK

Devils Scorpions



I thought a newb, nub, n00b or newbie.. are all the same thing, someone who is new at something.

Newbies tend to jump straight into things and learn on the fly.. and therefore are prone to mistakes, assumptions and ignorance.

So when someone makes a simple mistake its is likened to a mistake that a new person would make.... truth is, we all make these mistakes because we can never know everything! even simple things which seem obvious.

I've never seen that definition on the different spelling that akuryou13 mentioned..

(sorry to be off topic)

The Snowman


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Hidden Tower

The dual assignment of Ctrl and Shift (modifies left mb / view enemies, shift keycode) gives me a real headache. I want the function 'view enemies' all the time and as non-melee char the target-selection should be without movement. But if I select a target with the mouse while viewing this (Ctrl-lm or Shift-Ctrl-lm) sets the party-target ('T'). BTW waking with 'w' and viewing with Ctrl gives knoted fingers . Non moving means Shift. The problem would be solved with Shift = 'view enemies' and a little clip to auto-press Shift all the time, sadly the most other keys and mouse buttons won't work with pressed Shift . The only key which can be pressed all the time (for 'view enemies') while invoking all other functions is Ctrl.

Is there any way to configure the mb modifing aspects of Ctrl & Shift? Or is there another way to enable permanent 'view enemies'?

I have disabled moving by mouse because of the insane swing after stopping. Can this swinging be deactivated?

Any suggestions or pointers are welcome.


p.s.: I'm about to quit playing gw because of this. Can't remenber a previous game with a more unwieldy keyboard-/mouse-interface for me, YMMV. Aside from this problem gw seems to be an interesting, would be sad if I couldnt play it because of not being able to cope with the interface (or its configuration).


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, USA

Aiwevorn Tirith


Originally Posted by Mila
I have a question. I'm a primary healer, and I really wish GW had a cycle through type option for your party members as it does for the enemies. Being a healing person, I don't really target the enimies much. While they don't have a cycle-through option, you can assign keys for Party Member #1, #2, etc. in the Control Setup. These assignments are about halfway down the list.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Raken
p.s.: I'm about to quit playing gw because of this. Can't remenber a previous game with a more unwieldy keyboard-/mouse-interface for me, YMMV. Aside from this problem gw seems to be an interesting, would be sad if I couldnt play it because of not being able to cope with the interface (or its configuration). I know in the BWE I had the same thoughts, but I found some 'key keys' to get me going. Hitting C and space bar does a fair bit of the job, but yeah only part, especially when you have to focus on certain mob types.

More recently I'm looking at this crazy thing -

I may get onboard (not from there, highest price I've seen mind you)
I'll leave next post to that..


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

San Diego CA

Eternity Lost and Found


Just want to chime in here on the customization. A few things that have really helped me out are:
resizing the radar- make it big enough so all the red dots aren't just one big glob, it actually gives more detail to the radar map as well, and you can see individual targets a whole lot better.
resizing the mini map- you can change the entire shape of the mini map as well (press u), this is a big help as well, i usually place it either under or beside the radar, then i have a constant navigational aid.
resize the weapon quickslots and skills buttons- i made these as small as possible. i usually use hotkeys for them anyways, but i still like a visual representation of them, so i just made them really tiny. oh and someone mentioned why a warrior should have the weapon quickslots at all... well i for one also have a bow for pulling on my warrior, as well as wand/staves depending on the situation (war/ele so i meet the requirements for the wands). I notice a lot of warriors think that just because they are warriors and spec in axe, they are required to use the axe 1000% of the time. In some situations, it is a lot better to kill with range, such as creatures in towers, and its always nice to have a swap out available.
finally, someone already mentioned before, the tilde key is used to toggle transparency on the chat window. its become second nature for me to just press tilde each time i enter a new district/area.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

can you resize the party window/even fonts smaller?
I'll have to try that

hope noone thinks I got the thread off track there, I just find IO interface an import part of the user(s) interface.. maybe I'll send it to tech corner tho


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

What I want to know is.....
How do you move the "Drop item" button? If you aren't carrying an item it doesn't show up, and if you are, clicking it just drops the item instead of letting you move the button.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

The Axe Gang


the voicechat headset

Anyone have experience with either of the above, or better yet with GW?

I bought a new Plantronics Audio 90 at Ebay last year for $17.
Is it comfortable on the head? yes
sound quality: good
microphone voice quality: nice

It's very good for teamspeak in Call Of Duty. Haven't had an opportunity to use it in Guild Wars though.

Tough Girl

Tough Girl

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Here is a tip.
When you are exploring, click u.
I will give you a smaller version of the big map.
That helped me organize a lot!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

No. Calif

This is my current arrangement. It's working fairly well, although I'll probably tweak it a little more. I don't often use the Skills hotkeys because I have really tiny hands, and no amount of re-mapping in this game makes all needed keys easily a Monk where I have to select team members as often as the skills, using hotkeys for movement, selecting players, & skills is a bit too much for me - isn't that something like 20-25 hotkeys? mostly-mouse it is.

Edit: oops. forgot to change the link when I switched server/domains.


Keyboard + Mouse > Pen

Join Date: Apr 2005


Some nice layouts so far. =) Keep them coming, options and suggestions always welcome.

Arrow Whisper

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Dumb Quixote

Dumb Quixote

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Southern California

and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."

Here's mine:

I like the idea of changing the compass to bottom right though, so I'm thinking of trying that next.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

My Interface:



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Pasadena, California


Haha, that's pretty cool. How much effort did it take to pose so the wings looked like they were yours?

Dumb Quixote

Dumb Quixote

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Southern California

and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."

Surprisingly little effort... I love how mobile the camera angle is for GW.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Portland, OR

Council of Law and War (CLAW)


Originally Posted by Ignotus
I suspect that is a third party program like Fraps or something. If not, I'd like to know how you did it as well. Fraps puts the FPS in numeric format only in one of the corners, that is an in-game FPS/byte counter... There's a command for it, but I can't remember what it is, at the moment (I used it during one of the early BWE's).



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Originally Posted by shagsmcshrivels
Hey how did you get the FPS showing? Ive been looking how to do this for a while. yeah, i've been wondering too. And it's not fraps or anything, it's in the guild wars font. So it has to be some command. and its not /fps

Acheus Lokine

Acheus Lokine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


I have an interface question: Is it possible to totally get rid of the weapon slot? I never use more than one weapon or have to switch between them quickly so it's just an extraneous piece of GUI.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

No. Calif

Yes, I don't have mine showing. You just uncheck it's checkbox, like for the other options listed, and shove it's 'outline' to some unused corner.
In-game, you'll never see it.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


my interface setup - tweaked it a bit after staring to use the -perf option:

Echo Eternal

Echo Eternal

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

In dreams...

Lost Reality [LOST]


I have a question. Are we able to reconfigure the commands necessary to switch chats? I cannot tell you how annoying I find the chat system in this game. Requiring that I hit shift+key (# or @, etc) makes it impossible for me to easily glide through chat. I would much prefer a system whereby I can hit /g to talk in guild or /p to talk in party (aka EQ or WoW-based chat). Any tips??



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Im playing guildwars with 600mhz. Could do in higher resolutions but prefer the smallest one.
Due to limitations I optimized the minimalistic "Real time stratrgy type" interface:

- Big Spell buttuns, not far from party members (healing low enchantments high)!
- Health, Energy and target aim always in sight, especially when low, but not distracting the image!
- Tiny minimap with all other buttons next to it, and the exp-bar nicely hidden!
- huge space for text chat even on the smallesst resolution.
- Upkeep and Skill nicely placed just right next to were it belongs to.
Klicking trough this is just fun.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005

Canada, Ontario

Devil Ender


Originally Posted by pfb
my interface setup - tweaked it a bit after staring to use the -perf option: What is perf and how do you use it?

Teufel Eldritch

Teufel Eldritch

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005

Shadar Logoth

The Legendary Majestic 12


This is mine. I run my screen rez at 1600x1200 with HUD size set to Small. This set up works for me rather well as I am a healing Necro & have easy mouse access to my Spell Bag, the Party window & the Target box.

Numa Pompilius

Numa Pompilius

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

At an Insit.. Intis... a house.

Live Forever Or Die Trying [GLHF]


I've got a question... You can click-and-drag stuff out from the menues and they become buttons on the screen - but how do you remove them again?
Specifically I've got 'options' as a button on screen, and would like to remove it.

Acheus Lokine

Acheus Lokine

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Just drag them back to the "Menu" button.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005


Originally Posted by shagsmcshrivels
What is perf and how do you use it? add it (-perf) to the shortcut target and it will show you the triangle/FPS/Bytes/sec counter



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2005

Heroes Etc...

Here's my layout.

I find that keeping everything small enough not to block things, yet big enough to see, combined with keeping things in one location works very well for me. I kept the larger size for conditions on me, as I seem to not notice when I have Empathy or some other hex cast on me when the icons are smaller. Bad news for a warrior, eh?

I'm also using a Nostromo n52, and I don't know how I ever played without it.

Echo Eternal

Echo Eternal

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

In dreams...

Lost Reality [LOST]


My GW Interface. I basically like having my stuff mostly together in one area, and I grew used to having groups and spells organized on the right-hand side of my screen.

balinor limad

balinor limad

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005

Onyx guild


Good idea i like it ignotus


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005



How do you manage to take a screenshot without everything in the way? If I just want a ss of me and my guildmates, yet I don't want the boxes and the rest of the GUI cluttering it up, is that possible?

BTW, the answer may be in this thread somewhere, but I can't find it, and the search function is almost useless for me.