The 55 Monk must stop.
The only thing I dont like about "55 monks" is that they are the basis of 99.9% so-called solo monk builds, and the author each time insist that they have come up with a "new" build whereas in fact it's the same old stupid build with 3 skills and the required item setup, plus other random skills from secondary class.
Maka Hakuum
This isnt a mean response dont get me wrong, I myself have a monk that i use not only as a 55, but also as healer, prot etc., at any rate i think your way off base
I paid my 50 bucks for the game, dont you think i should be able to play my monk how i want to play my monk? I mean sure alot of people use the 55 build to farm but even more people just use it as a monk and dont want to spend the load of money it takes to make a 55. I mean do you honestly believe that everyone is using a 55 monk and thats why you cant find one to party in a mission? Because thats not really how it works; as the saying goes, you can never have too many monks, so if a group sees a monk looking to do a mission then may the fastest group leader win, thats just how it goes man.
Once again i paid my 50 bucks for the game...Ever heard of a smite monk buddy? Everyones had problems finding this or that class to do a mission with, but all you need is patience. 55 monks cant solo every mission, nor do monks leave presearing with 55 hp, 200 attribute points and all the spells they need to solo, they have to get to level 20 and do the missions just like you would in any other class. 95% of the time if a group really needs 2 monks to do something and not a monk and a battery they will wait until they get two, and they will get two eventually...patience is a virtue.
No, the game isnt about doing all the missions then using your character to pvp, some people have never done pvp and have deleted their characters that have done all the missions and quests to allow room to make a new character and start all over again...the game is about doing whatever it is you want to do to have fun, and if you want to farm with ur 55 monk, so be it. Solo Monks are NOT a serious problem in GW, that statement is rediculous. In a MMORPG you cant expect to do everything RIGHT NOW when you want to do it, its all about having patience and being tactical, if you want to rush out with a healer hench and a protector hench thats fine, but you will find many many more sensable groups that will wait the 5 minutes or so it takes to party a real monk. Now im not saying thers a pool of human monks waiting for you in every mission, but if you sit there for 10 minutes and absolutely cant find a monk or even a necro or ele or mesmer....which by the way has only happend to me a few times since i purchased the game, then you take a hench.....THATS THEIR PURPOSE. The moral of this story? Dont take everything so seriously, its a game, have fun. Thats my two cents. I think ill go do some soloing in the desert with my monk now, eh?
Originally Posted by Age
It has become more evident that the 55 monk is being over used just for farming purposes or those using for that purpose.This really is now getting out of hand as it now increasings impossible to find a good Monk in Mission Outpost it is either or they want to charge for their services.The sole reason is so they can make back the gold they spent putting this build together as I see many post on other GW boards that I am on as other class of char. keep asking about well it is about time it stops.I play primary Monk to serve that role not just to farm yes I want give the 55 a TRY but not for the sole purpose of solo farming.
Originally Posted by Age
Arenanet Designed the Monk class like all others to serve as a support role in the game not just to use it to solo farm.The skills the Monk uses are as balanced in every aspect of the game PvE and PvP wise as to the purpose of the Monk.That is right the Monk real jop is to keep those healed or protected in PvP as well as PvE but not for farming.There are other build you can use for solo faming but it always come down to the 55 Monk.Those that use this build for just farming will never now how to play Monk and for you Monk players out there.It is becoming harder to find a Monk like I said in mission outposts.When I have played in missions we had to use henchie Monks or have 1 Monk and use Necromancer as a battery.That is what will happpen if the trend continues that groups will ask for 1 Monk plus a battery Necromancer as they can keep teams Alive so think about especially you Monk players.
Originally Posted by Age
There is only 3 chapters slated for GW and after that the games sole purpose is to be PvP only game as to everyone has everything unlocked.That Ladies and Gentleman is what the game is about.As a person who plays primary Monk healer or Protector stop making this build for just farming it is getting out of hand.Arenanet won't nerf the build but they can nerf the spots where you can farm as the UW has already seen it it is no different than Runners the Warrior was never intended on being a runner.I wouldn't be posting this here if it wasn't becoming a serious problem in game as I am still playing through the missions and I am a beta tester.
Firstly: it seems every other class that has a solo build.. has a /Mo secondary, it's a 55hp build, and 2/3 of the skills are monk skills. That's.. not exactly a non-monk 55hp build, you know? =p If anyone's got some links they want to PM me to solo builds that DON'T include any monk skills AT ALL (because it's not exactly germane to this thread) I'd love to take a look at them, just for curiousity's sake. Any profession, doesn't matter what.
Secondly: The biggest problem here is the perception that Guild Wars is, say, Everquest, or World of Warcraft. It's not. It's really, really not. Guild Wars is Magic: the Gathering, except instead of carrying a deck of cards around, you just have one hand you can play over and over, and so do all your teammates. In fact, competitive Magic has progressed to the point where in the top decks, you don't have a deck of 60 very different cards; you have 3 and 4 copies of the SAME cards, and if a card isn't important enough to have that many copies.. you don't include it at all. That IS the Guild Wars skill bar. I've always assumed this is the most obvious thing, but I played a ridiculous amount of Magic, so maybe it does need to be said from time to time. Guild Wars is a card game, with light bloom.
This, right here - the 55hp monk - is pure metagame. People looked at what the monk had to offer: healing, damage reduction, some ways to backlash damage. They said, "What is an extremely clever thing I can do?" And somebody (or bodies) birthed it, and - here's the kicker - IT WAS COOL! And so it went out and multiplied and dammit, it's fun to run around the most difficult PVE area of the game with 55 hit points and lay waste to the entire map.
Wizards of the Coast deals with this kind of thing by releasing a new set of cards every three or four months. The metagame changes. Shiny NEW things are available to play with, while the old things either lose their lustre, or are phased out. This formula isn't in place in Guild Wars, but you can see the same -kind- of thing going on in the PVP metagame as: Thing Gets Popular; A Lot of People Get Tired of Losing To Bunch of Cheap Bastards; a Counter is Devised; Sometime Later a New Thing Gets Popular; repeat.
But that doesn't happen in the PVE (Diablo 3) game because, well, maybe ANet thinks they're just sort of -done- with it. From what I understand, a lot of the Fissure and Underworld farming is based on knowing how to deal with each spawn point. Now, imagine the following scenario: once every month, or every other month, the spawn points of a PVE map -change-. New enemies get swapped in - maybe that group of Charr Axes become Mesmers, et cetera - and have equipment changed, drops changed, or whatever. I'd probably leave missions alone, but ANet could look at the most-popular PVE maps and play with them that way. There are already 2-3 spawn configurations for most areas, but it should be pursued more aggressively.
I think there's a legitimate complaint buried here somewhere about just how -static- PVE has become. It doesn't have a proper metagame. It never evolves.
The argument that - since I'd like to stay on topic here - the 55hp monk somehow screws up PVE is ridiculous. I've run every mission with henchmen, Alesia and Lina every time, and never once -needed- a player monk. That's what henchmen are FOR; fill out a spot in your party if you don't have a warm body to do it. The flipside to this is: if you don't want to play solo.. start a guild! Make friends and contacts who are REAL PEOPLE! Then you've always got someone to ask to tag along for a mission, quest, or whatever it is you're out and doing.
Now, if I knew more about this, I might start making the argument that this is screwing up the game economy something fierce. If there's any problem with its popularity, that's what my guess would be. But I don't know, so I can't back that up with anything other than sheer bad-juju vibes.
..anyway, I'm sort of winding down now. I think there's a pretty interesting article to be written about the card game that is Guild Wars, so maybe I'll start soliciting input on that, and dodging the flames that come my way from this post.
Secondly: The biggest problem here is the perception that Guild Wars is, say, Everquest, or World of Warcraft. It's not. It's really, really not. Guild Wars is Magic: the Gathering, except instead of carrying a deck of cards around, you just have one hand you can play over and over, and so do all your teammates. In fact, competitive Magic has progressed to the point where in the top decks, you don't have a deck of 60 very different cards; you have 3 and 4 copies of the SAME cards, and if a card isn't important enough to have that many copies.. you don't include it at all. That IS the Guild Wars skill bar. I've always assumed this is the most obvious thing, but I played a ridiculous amount of Magic, so maybe it does need to be said from time to time. Guild Wars is a card game, with light bloom.
This, right here - the 55hp monk - is pure metagame. People looked at what the monk had to offer: healing, damage reduction, some ways to backlash damage. They said, "What is an extremely clever thing I can do?" And somebody (or bodies) birthed it, and - here's the kicker - IT WAS COOL! And so it went out and multiplied and dammit, it's fun to run around the most difficult PVE area of the game with 55 hit points and lay waste to the entire map.
Wizards of the Coast deals with this kind of thing by releasing a new set of cards every three or four months. The metagame changes. Shiny NEW things are available to play with, while the old things either lose their lustre, or are phased out. This formula isn't in place in Guild Wars, but you can see the same -kind- of thing going on in the PVP metagame as: Thing Gets Popular; A Lot of People Get Tired of Losing To Bunch of Cheap Bastards; a Counter is Devised; Sometime Later a New Thing Gets Popular; repeat.
But that doesn't happen in the PVE (Diablo 3) game because, well, maybe ANet thinks they're just sort of -done- with it. From what I understand, a lot of the Fissure and Underworld farming is based on knowing how to deal with each spawn point. Now, imagine the following scenario: once every month, or every other month, the spawn points of a PVE map -change-. New enemies get swapped in - maybe that group of Charr Axes become Mesmers, et cetera - and have equipment changed, drops changed, or whatever. I'd probably leave missions alone, but ANet could look at the most-popular PVE maps and play with them that way. There are already 2-3 spawn configurations for most areas, but it should be pursued more aggressively.
I think there's a legitimate complaint buried here somewhere about just how -static- PVE has become. It doesn't have a proper metagame. It never evolves.
The argument that - since I'd like to stay on topic here - the 55hp monk somehow screws up PVE is ridiculous. I've run every mission with henchmen, Alesia and Lina every time, and never once -needed- a player monk. That's what henchmen are FOR; fill out a spot in your party if you don't have a warm body to do it. The flipside to this is: if you don't want to play solo.. start a guild! Make friends and contacts who are REAL PEOPLE! Then you've always got someone to ask to tag along for a mission, quest, or whatever it is you're out and doing.
Now, if I knew more about this, I might start making the argument that this is screwing up the game economy something fierce. If there's any problem with its popularity, that's what my guess would be. But I don't know, so I can't back that up with anything other than sheer bad-juju vibes.

..anyway, I'm sort of winding down now. I think there's a pretty interesting article to be written about the card game that is Guild Wars, so maybe I'll start soliciting input on that, and dodging the flames that come my way from this post.
Warriors soloing imps, there you go 
I have nothing against 55 monks, unless they claim to be something besides a 55 monk.
I have nothing against 55 monks, unless they claim to be something besides a 55 monk.
"if you think it's wrong to play a monk as anything other than a healer/protector, because that's what monks were "meant" to be, then i have 2 questions: (1) where did you get this divine insight into what was "meant" to be in GW, and (2) why do monks have a line of skills called "smiting prayers?""
Monks are primarily healers. It even says if you read the manuals that they are primarily healers. Thats their job in the game. Smiting prayers are there just for them to toss out maybe every once in awhile to asist in the damage.
But just like every other class in the game they have their job to do. And anyway this is besides the point. The 55monk build is easily countered by most monster groups or pvp groups. A little thing called getting rid of enchants. Spellbreaker doesn't last forever you know. :P
Monks are primarily healers. It even says if you read the manuals that they are primarily healers. Thats their job in the game. Smiting prayers are there just for them to toss out maybe every once in awhile to asist in the damage.
But just like every other class in the game they have their job to do. And anyway this is besides the point. The 55monk build is easily countered by most monster groups or pvp groups. A little thing called getting rid of enchants. Spellbreaker doesn't last forever you know. :P
Maka Hakuum |
Sagius Truthbarron |
Btw I did see a level 17 with Forge armor at Augary and went out to watch this take on some Hydras and I do have screenshot of it there are low levels farming around there as i keep seeing more low level with presearing armor around the Forge all professions not just Monk.
I'd like to ask a question. What is a 55monk? Everone's talking about it, but no one has actually said what one is.
Thanks very much.
Thanks very much.
Oren The Destroyer
55 monk is a monk with 55 hp that uses the skill prot spirit. it says you cant lose more than 10% of your maximum health. since your total health is 55, you only take 5 damage. now since you have mending and breeze on you, 5 health regenerates in, oh, lets say 1/2 of a second. thats what makes it so good. but the standard counters are enchantment removal, degen, life stealing, blah blah blah
oh, i can solo farm agury mo/mes
mantra of resolve ftw!!!!111222eleven
oh, i can solo farm agury mo/mes
mantra of resolve ftw!!!!111222eleven
LOL, you copied this from someone elses Forums?
Originally Posted by alinicholls
I'd like to ask a question. What is a 55monk? Everone's talking about it, but no one has actually said what one is.
Thanks very much. |
There are way too many of these rants about 55monks. Let it end in peace, Take Lina, Mhenlo, Alesia or whoever. You go to search you will have 634 references to the 55 monk!
55 monks are being overrated.
I look at it from the stand point of the autoloot system. The more 1 area is farmed the less loot overall for anyone that goes there. Say you have never been to this certian area but it is farmed every single day by thousands of 55 monks. The drops are lowered for you because more instances of the game are created in that area and the autoloot system kicks in to lower the loot for everyone. It makes no difference if you farmed there or not. Unfortunatly that tranfsers over for a full party. So the crappy drop rate for a solo monk is then divided between your party size making it that much worse.
If the 55 monk never existed we would still have the same drop rate as the game started with. Maybe slightly adjusted but I think it would be a much better world.
You can acually get a group in under an hour. Your items would be worth something. The overall community will be unified once again.
Anet can remove the 55 monk w/o changing any skills at all. All they need to do is prevent the rune life stack. Since you need 5 runes you have to use at least 2 of the same type. That would put your life too high to be a viable build in the current farming areas. Every where else there is enchantment stripping so the build would be dead w/o ever touching a skill.
If the 55 monk never existed we would still have the same drop rate as the game started with. Maybe slightly adjusted but I think it would be a much better world.
You can acually get a group in under an hour. Your items would be worth something. The overall community will be unified once again.
Anet can remove the 55 monk w/o changing any skills at all. All they need to do is prevent the rune life stack. Since you need 5 runes you have to use at least 2 of the same type. That would put your life too high to be a viable build in the current farming areas. Every where else there is enchantment stripping so the build would be dead w/o ever touching a skill.
I wonder what resserected this thread oh well I have 1 of my Monk that is a 55.It would just be nice if the gold drops increased arrggh.I want my Saintly armor 15 K for my Ranger and maybe Warrior.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
If the 55 monk never existed we would still have the same drop rate as the game started with. Maybe slightly adjusted but I think it would be a much better world.
My point is that is as long as there is money in the game, people will farm for it. There's nothing you guys can do to prevent it. Nothing at all. If they disable the 55 monk, people will invent other builds. Or.. lol.. just use the non-55 farming builds which are already known and in terms of money are just as effective as a 55 monk is? GOD FORBID, NO!!!! THEY DESTROYED THE PERFECT WORLD AGAIN!!! NERF NERF NERF!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by Fantus
Yeah, sometimes I have those moments when I dream of a perfect world, too... Too bad, that the world never will be perfect because there are humans in it...
My point is that is as long as there is money in the game, people will farm for it. There's nothing you guys can do to prevent it. Nothing at all. If they disable the 55 monk, people will invent other builds. Or.. lol.. just use the non-55 farming builds which are already known and in terms of money are just as effective as a 55 monk is? GOD FORBID, NO!!!! THEY DESTROYED THE PERFECT WORLD AGAIN!!! NERF NERF NERF!!!!!!! |
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
Nothing against the farming teams. They have to use teamwork and keeps the community connected. The 55 monk does the exact opposite.
There are SOLO builds which are just as effective as a 55 monk is in terms of money return. Which is why I think that nerfing 55 monks would be VERY pointless. It's like fighting a Hydra. Slay one head and a new one will grow.
Tyrent Frath
what about trapping rangers? they can take down trolls in the cave north of droks and do uw in 4man teams, nerf? i think not
and a basic warrior with cyclone axe, nerf? doubtful
and a basic warrior with cyclone axe, nerf? doubtful
I know what you mean. I don't know what was running through Anet's head when they made soloing possible on purpose in a team based game. That undermines everything the game is suppose to stand for.
Originally Posted by Tyrent Frath
what about trapping rangers? they can take down trolls in the cave north of droks and do uw in 4man teams, nerf? i think not
and a basic warrior with cyclone axe, nerf? doubtful gg |
55 monks (a.k.a. soloing) are supposed to be evil.
8 man parties are supposed to be good.
Where is the line between good and evil? 2 man teams? 4 man? 6? What do we nerf and what not?
B/P teams in Tombs tend to take full 8 people and breeze through Tombs in the least possible time to be able to redo it often. Evil? Nerf? Not nerf?
making money is ftw btw. 55 monks=good way to make money. NERF ZOMFG MAKE IT HARDER TO GET FOW!!1!!1!1111
I didnt read the whole post, but Should I??? Its obsurd!!!
The cure ALL for inadequate healing is???
Join A guild or make some dam friends its that easy!!!
The cure ALL for inadequate healing is???
Join A guild or make some dam friends its that easy!!!
Murder In China
You don't even need a 55 monk to solo the top-end areas!
Check out Racthoh's guides! Or Undead Preacher's!
Check out Racthoh's guides! Or Undead Preacher's!
To OP, there may be few monks because you have to learn to take verbal abuse from bad players more then any other class that I've seen.
Anet has NOTHING against farming as long as there method doesn't throw thing out of wack -proportion, and when they do, they will tweak / nerf, etc.
From Anet -
There posts now on how you use a SS necro and Fire Ele/Mo to farm UW that works just as well as the 55hp. War/Monks have been able to farm as well. They have stated that "soloing" higest levels of the game was not intended and they will adjust. I don't complain when they tweak to make things harder.
I admit I started farming and in process of getting the 55hp monk build.
Reason, I've played in 3 BWE events, and since the game lunched, I've beat the game twice with my two permanent characters. I share my account with my wife, she has two slots. I find "limited" farming (I don't do UW) very fun and rewarding. I do not bring my farm / smite build (and I have my "normal" armor) with pve parties, I'm full heal / protect. I'm not interested atm in other jobs and some of the missions I dread going through the game again. I'm not making money hand over fist but the sheer unlocks and skill points I'm earning is more then worth it.
Anet has NOTHING against farming as long as there method doesn't throw thing out of wack -proportion, and when they do, they will tweak / nerf, etc.
From Anet -
Because Guild Wars does make extensive use of a player-driven economy, we at ArenaNet have a responsibility to manage the economy, and we take that responsibility seriously. You might ask: what exactly is our responsibility? Is it to keep prices within a certain range? Is it to maintain price stability? We think that, expressed in its most general terms, our responsibility is to keep the distribution of wealth as fair as possible, so that normal players can afford to bid for items in a player-driven economy. We need to avoid situations where a small subset of players can earn orders of magnitude more gold than the average player, thus driving up prices of rare items to a level where normal players could never hope to afford them. There are three ways that certain players earn more gold than the average. The first and most obvious way is that, because everyone plays the game differently, some players are able to find unusually profitable areas to hunt in, or tricky strategies for killing a lot of monsters quickly. The search for the most effective way to play can be a fun part of the game for everyone -- we all like to see how well our characters can do, and whether we can tweak our characters to be better than they were previously -- and so we at ArenaNet don’t consider this a problem unless it’s extreme. Although a very knowledgeable or tricky player may be able to earn gold twice as fast as the average, this tends not to create a significant problem, because prices for items in the player-driven economy will still stay at levels where normal players can afford them. But sometimes differences in the distribution of wealth can be extreme; a group of players can find ways to earn gold ten times as fast as the average player. In this case, prices can rise to a level where normal players can’t afford to trade for items anymore. Then we have a problem, and we need to adjust the game to bring wealth distribution back into normal ranges. We constantly monitor the game, so we know when a certain place or technique is being heavily exploited. When an issue like this becomes too severe, we make tweaks as necessary to bring things back in line. |
I admit I started farming and in process of getting the 55hp monk build.
Reason, I've played in 3 BWE events, and since the game lunched, I've beat the game twice with my two permanent characters. I share my account with my wife, she has two slots. I find "limited" farming (I don't do UW) very fun and rewarding. I do not bring my farm / smite build (and I have my "normal" armor) with pve parties, I'm full heal / protect. I'm not interested atm in other jobs and some of the missions I dread going through the game again. I'm not making money hand over fist but the sheer unlocks and skill points I'm earning is more then worth it.
No will probably read this since its on page 5 lool!!
Anyway, I think there are just not many monks in generall this has NOTHING to do with the 55 build..
When I first started this game I began as a Warrior because franky I didn't just want to heal people I thouhgt healing people was boring and dumb, and well even more boring.. so I said let other people be a monk..
Then I found out most people thing this, which is why not a lot of people pick monk as their first character (there are exception, but I think this is how a lot of people first preceive the monk).
So I created a monk so I could get into missions quicker etc... However even then I REFUSED to be a heal monk... I wouldn't heal period... so I played SMITE MONK (before AoE nerf).. not 55 smite monk... just a regular old smite monk, smiting off warriors using Balth Aura, SoJ, Zealots etc..
Still not a lot of people know what the hell a smite monk was or that I could out dmg an ele any day of the week... but hey I got through all the missions..
I think the fact is healing people sux... I have 2 sets of armor one for my 55 build and one for my heal build... however I WILL ONLY play healer for my guild... I have already completed all the missions so now all thats left for my monk to do is farm, and run FoW and UW... I play Heal in FoW, and I run 55 in UW (clear UW build)..
Again I think the problem is a lot of people think healing is boring.. people want to do dmg and attack stuff...
(please the 10 of you who play this game who really like to heal people don't need to put.... "I don't know what your talking about I love to heal people").
Anyway, I think there are just not many monks in generall this has NOTHING to do with the 55 build..
When I first started this game I began as a Warrior because franky I didn't just want to heal people I thouhgt healing people was boring and dumb, and well even more boring.. so I said let other people be a monk..
Then I found out most people thing this, which is why not a lot of people pick monk as their first character (there are exception, but I think this is how a lot of people first preceive the monk).
So I created a monk so I could get into missions quicker etc... However even then I REFUSED to be a heal monk... I wouldn't heal period... so I played SMITE MONK (before AoE nerf).. not 55 smite monk... just a regular old smite monk, smiting off warriors using Balth Aura, SoJ, Zealots etc..
Still not a lot of people know what the hell a smite monk was or that I could out dmg an ele any day of the week... but hey I got through all the missions..
I think the fact is healing people sux... I have 2 sets of armor one for my 55 build and one for my heal build... however I WILL ONLY play healer for my guild... I have already completed all the missions so now all thats left for my monk to do is farm, and run FoW and UW... I play Heal in FoW, and I run 55 in UW (clear UW build)..
Again I think the problem is a lot of people think healing is boring.. people want to do dmg and attack stuff...
(please the 10 of you who play this game who really like to heal people don't need to put.... "I don't know what your talking about I love to heal people").
Tyrent Frath
@ Linsys
i *think* there may be more than 10 people in the GW world who like to heal...
anyway, although i agree with the general meaning of your speech (55 monks are NOT evil) you bring up many flawed points, and most of them are completely opinions.
btw, do you have any proof on the smite monk>air spiker DOT?
i *think* there may be more than 10 people in the GW world who like to heal...
anyway, although i agree with the general meaning of your speech (55 monks are NOT evil) you bring up many flawed points, and most of them are completely opinions.
btw, do you have any proof on the smite monk>air spiker DOT?
The problem with the 55-monk is for the most part, limited to to griefing. When they claim they're something that they are not, and join partys they are a problem, but not when they are farming. Where do these monks farm? Griffions, UW, maybe trolls and hydras? Warriors can farm the very same places nearly as fast, with the exception of the UW. And I think a three or four man team could farm the UW without a 55-monk.
If you think 55-monks farming is the problem, then you're missing the bigger picture.
If you think 55-monks farming is the problem, then you're missing the bigger picture.
To be honest your not going to see a these people who are making monks for the purpose of 55 only in any mission past the desert ones. And those are the ones that in my opinion a henchie monk cannot be used.
There is nothing wrong with people trying to make money either. You gotta do it someway and this build kicks butt. Its fast and easy and you make quite a bit. I do think theres a crap load of people doing this but so what??? Is it really hurting you that someone found an awesome build and that many are using it?
There is nothing wrong with people trying to make money either. You gotta do it someway and this build kicks butt. Its fast and easy and you make quite a bit. I do think theres a crap load of people doing this but so what??? Is it really hurting you that someone found an awesome build and that many are using it?
Tsunami Rain
uh lets see...ok, where to begin....Ah yes. I am a 55 monk user. My monk is currently ascended and level 20. I like to farm. <3 farming. I farm in the Under World. I would also like to go on to say that i indeed have two sets of armor (with multiple scalp designs). One of them is a 55 monk set while the other is for healing builds and those that require me to have more than 55 hp.
I would like to take the time now to say that once you are a 55 monk you can always revert back to a normal monk (which i find very useful).
This not only allows me to solo FARM but to also RUN, HEAL, and HELP PEOPLE OUT ON MISSIONS.
Currently my monk can use MANY BUILDS. 55 farming, boon healer, bonder, runner, and many more!
In conclusion i would just like to say this: Stop Being So Steriotypical.
I would like to take the time now to say that once you are a 55 monk you can always revert back to a normal monk (which i find very useful).
This not only allows me to solo FARM but to also RUN, HEAL, and HELP PEOPLE OUT ON MISSIONS.
Currently my monk can use MANY BUILDS. 55 farming, boon healer, bonder, runner, and many more!
In conclusion i would just like to say this: Stop Being So Steriotypical.
Tyrent Frath
ty tsunami
i also have different sets of armor, a prot, a healing, and a 55.
i also have different sets of armor, a prot, a healing, and a 55.
Wow I Can Use Magic
My 55 monk allows me to run practically any monk build I want for PvP/GvG because of all the skill points I got with him. Power to the 55 monks, don't hate.
Murder In China
Is it so bad to make money by soloing?
Originally Posted by Wow I Can Use Magic
My 55 monk allows me to run practically any monk build I want for PvP/GvG because of all the skill points I got with him. Power to the 55 monks, don't hate.
The problem that was being adressed by the OP was griefers, people who join parties, typicaly UW parties under the guise of a heal monk, then go off on thier own to farm.
55-monks are not the cause of farming. They are not the only build that can farm. 55-monks are not a problem because they can farm. So what if they are the best tanks in the UW? Did you plan to get the ecto needed for FoW armor from drops in 8-player balanced groups? By buying it from the cash made selling drops found in missions? added a single item set that you need to grind for, an item set that offers no statistical advantage, because they know some people will grind for looks and status.
Outside of the UW, 55-monks are nothing overly special. I don't know of any popular large-scale farming spots besides the UW that you need a 55-monk for. Sure, there are special cases, like Titans, but who cares? The reason 55-monks even recived mention is because thier niche requires a 1k entry fee. If it wasn't for that, I doubt monks would bother to grief.
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