Originally Posted by Rico Carridan
Here's how I look at it, when people were buying the axes, they were gambling. You were saying, "Hey, I can buy the axe now, pay maybe 200K for it, then when it gets nerfed, I can sell it again for like 2 million." That was your choice, you would have to be foolish not to have figured out that Anet would nerf this item, so you were obviously hoping that you could take advantage of the removal of the item to make some extra caught.
Guess what? You lost your bet. To those who are crying for compensation, please, first off, Anet has no way of knowing how much you paid for the axe, so they can't very well just give you a bunch of money for the item. Second, nobody forced you to buy the axe, you bought it of your own free will with your own money, with full knowledge that the axe was bugged, and with full knowledge that Anet would nerf it, eventually. You have no one to blame but yourself. Rico |
Game update: December 20
Salia Mare
Too bad, I'd fun doing a solo monk with that +40%in UW, nearly remind me of the 17prot of old times ^^, not as efficient but those run with +40% were so fast and easy ^^
Btw i loose lot of ecto to made up my axe but i d't care, i'd fun time with it in UW, too short time that's it but even so, that's an abuse item anyway (they could have remove 1 of the 2 upgrade :/ now even NPC d't want the axe lol )
Btw i loose lot of ecto to made up my axe but i d't care, i'd fun time with it in UW, too short time that's it but even so, that's an abuse item anyway (they could have remove 1 of the 2 upgrade :/ now even NPC d't want the axe lol )
The item was obviously overpowered. ANet removed the item to prevent overpowered PvE characters from going into PvP. So, the game gets balanced for the better, and people complain. Next time, consider if what you are about to spend 200k on is overpowered, and likely to get removed, before you buy it. I really have no sympathy for those who lost money, they tried to abuse a bug.
Stealthy Trapper
for those complaining about anet not removing the HoD sword....................HoD sword = +5 energy bonus(no bug).....................SoA axe = 2 grips(BUG) .........they fixed a bug, they did not nerf anything.......lol
yeah the hammer was nerfed, and btw, it's anets fault in the first place for putting them their like that, how long were thoses items in the game? did they even inspect their own stuff? People keep finding mistakes they made and using them to their advantage, so everytime someone finds something to gain any kind of advantage, they say hey buddy screw you, noone makes us look bad and gets away with it. This was not a so called bug, it was human error, call it stupidity, incompentance or just plain old lazyness, shrugs, god syndrome? had several clean items like this good thing i did nothing with them nore bought anything for such a redicuals price, tho i kinda glad they did something about i think they went the wrong way with what they did.
:::ENd Transmission:::
:::ENd Transmission:::
Originally Posted by Stealthy Trapper
for those complaining about anet not removing the HoD sword....................HoD sword = +5 energy bonus(no bug).....................SoA axe = 2 grips(BUG) .........they fixed a bug, they did not nerf anything.......lol
Originally Posted by kvndoom
I don't think compensation, but at the very least, one of the mods should have remained and been salvageable. The people who got screwed were the buyers, not the sellers. The sellers can laugh all the way to the bank, the buyers get to look at a useless item in their inventory. Who's to say that one group of people is guilty and not the other? One group sought to exploit the game mechanics; one group sought to exploit other people. One group has nothing to show for it, one group is rich. Fair?
So since the HOD sword cant be found anymore of the Rockmolder cant be found anywhere is for what reason.... why cant they be found anymore
bc they were bugged items the the devs messed up on... right
This is the same thing but with a much more overpowerd weapon
I would love to buy a HOD sword for 150K but its not gonna happen
I wanted to get rich like all those lucky ass new players who started the game and had like 5 HOD's in stock
Thats never gonna happen
The HOD sword and Rockmolder got nerfed the axe got deleted...
The HOD sword is better than any other sword out there... cant be found anymore, so Do what u did to the Axe
did waste a lot of money on it.
But they should have done a better job fixing the proplem.
bc they were bugged items the the devs messed up on... right
This is the same thing but with a much more overpowerd weapon
I would love to buy a HOD sword for 150K but its not gonna happen
I wanted to get rich like all those lucky ass new players who started the game and had like 5 HOD's in stock
Thats never gonna happen
The HOD sword and Rockmolder got nerfed the axe got deleted...
The HOD sword is better than any other sword out there... cant be found anymore, so Do what u did to the Axe
did waste a lot of money on it.
But they should have done a better job fixing the proplem.
Originally Posted by Arwen Dejang
Please Read:
http://www.guildwars.com/legal/user-agreement.html Then Read: (Note rule 18) http://www.guildwars.com/legal/user-agreement.html Ok for those of you that dont wish to read it is illegal as in bad no cookie to use exploits, to sell exploits, heck to even mention exploits except directly to GuildWars.com. Wow.. so what does this mean? It means that they dont have to pay you back, they should ban you if you participated, and that you seem to show a lack of caring about the rules. Yea some people are just so mature. Anyway heres the info use it in anyway you would like. ![]() |
Monica Angelina
If I ever get banned, I'd just ask for my money back.

Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Awww you beat me to it. Whiners be happy you weren't banned. I would imagine if this bug hadn't become so largely available and so many people exploiting it, that we would have seen bans.
Ultimate Warrior
Congtratulations to everyone who spent a bunch of money. You now have a 300k peice of crap, if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Monica Angelina
If I ever get banned, I'd just ask for my money back.
![]() |
First of all, there are tons of people willing to rip you off. A guy started selling the axe in L.A. about 4 days ago, I asked him how much, he said 40 k, and i asked where he got it, he said "From Beta, they don't make them anymore", and then, I realized he was lying. Another guy said he crafted the axe but wouldn't say where the collector was. Another said it was from a critter drop. Eventually I found out the truth. I had offers to buy the axe, sell my axe grips, so forth.. So many people were willing to rip off other people which is disappointing in its own right. The clown who said he sold his axe knowing it was getting nerfed to make a profit, just makes him less of a player and more of a scammer.
Those who exploited the bug deserve to lose their items and/or their money. So, for most of yall, quit your whining and do something more than scam people, and those who lost your money, quit your whining and quit trying to abuse a bug that was obviously unintentional and unbalanced. I hope yall learn how to be players and not exploiters.
The Theologist
Those who exploited the bug deserve to lose their items and/or their money. So, for most of yall, quit your whining and do something more than scam people, and those who lost your money, quit your whining and quit trying to abuse a bug that was obviously unintentional and unbalanced. I hope yall learn how to be players and not exploiters.
The Theologist
Originally Posted by 828168
So true... They have every rights to ban users but chose to do it gracefully by not doing so but fixing a bug. I'm actually grateful for them and we all should be grateful they haven't banned those accounts that participated in a major exploitation of the game.
the reason is more like , "while i have to fix this bug i should avoid to upset ppl more than the neccesary so they will buy chap 2"
Originally Posted by lishi
while im happy the nerfed the axe(even if i got 2 of them , 50k not biggie) they didn't not banned people for they good hearth...
the reason is more like , "while i have to fix this bug i should avoid to upset ppl more than the neccesary so they will buy chap 2" |
Quit whining folks, you're beating a dead cow. If you're that upset, write Anet and tell them you tried to cheat their system and tell them how to fix it by sending them the proper code, other wise just stfu and play.
Originally Posted by kunt0r
Anyone who bought the axe's knew they were exploiting the game and deserved to lose all the money they spent on them. I agree with their patch methods 100%.
Also good job on GotW Kuntz.
good job, a-net
Obsidian Flame
Originally Posted by Ajora
Anyone who bought the axe deserves it. They were attempting to abuse an exploit. And those who sold their axes...well..they exploited the exploiters. Seems like justice to me.
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Good work Anet, just too bad you'll have to hear all of this nonsense for fixing a problem. From the sounds of it though, it seems as though players would rather play a game full of exploits and bugs.
1) For those who stocked up (including myself) and lost money in the process, well it was a gamble. Suck it up and move on. You should've assumed the risks beforehand. If it is too good to be true, it probably is.
2) If you lost a bunch of money, A.net doesn't owe you anything and you have no "legal" rights to stand on:
3) The HoD sword was put in the game intentionally to have +5 energy and later removed because it was deemed imbalanced. The SoA axe exploits a bug. There is a difference.
The HoD sword gives you a minor advantage, the SoA axe is a game breaker. There are still +5 energy unconditional wands available for 3 char carvings. If you want 20% enchanting, switch to Yakslapper or something to cast enchantments.
It is better that they piss off a few disgruntled players now than ruin the game's balance in the long run.
4) It is impossible to code something that is 100% foolproof and anticipate how every single item or skill will be abused. People up will come up with all sorts of strategies and combinations that were unthinkable when the game was created. The game will be continually updated once some new bugged items / over powered strats are discovered.
2) If you lost a bunch of money, A.net doesn't owe you anything and you have no "legal" rights to stand on:
Originally Posted by Arwen Dejang
Please Read:
http://www.guildwars.com/legal/user-agreement.html Then Read: (Note rule 18) http://www.guildwars.com/legal/user-agreement.html Ok for those of you that dont wish to read it is illegal as in bad no cookie to use exploits, to sell exploits, heck to even mention exploits except directly to GuildWars.com. Wow.. so what does this mean? It means that they dont have to pay you back, they should ban you if you participated, and that you seem to show a lack of caring about the rules. Yea some people are just so mature. Anyway heres the info use it in anyway you would like. ![]() |
The HoD sword gives you a minor advantage, the SoA axe is a game breaker. There are still +5 energy unconditional wands available for 3 char carvings. If you want 20% enchanting, switch to Yakslapper or something to cast enchantments.
It is better that they piss off a few disgruntled players now than ruin the game's balance in the long run.
4) It is impossible to code something that is 100% foolproof and anticipate how every single item or skill will be abused. People up will come up with all sorts of strategies and combinations that were unthinkable when the game was created. The game will be continually updated once some new bugged items / over powered strats are discovered.
Well, at least they added Icy Dragon Swords.
What amazes me is, all you guys that just ASSUME that everyone who had the axe INTENTIONALLY exploited it. I had the axe and used it, because I'm a new player and don't have the money for a better one. I salvaged a +23 health grip off another drop, and put it on this axe, because of the dmg bonus vs. Charr. This was the best weapon I had. I never tried to exploit anything, I never tried to do anything, but make the best out of what I had gotten LEGITIMATELY. Now,not only did they ruin the best weapon I had available, but they stole my grip off it in the process.
Yeah, if I had intentionally exploited anything, I would agree with what everyone's saying. But I used the thing the way they designed it to be used, and I got screwed anyway. Fair? I think not.
Yeah, if I had intentionally exploited anything, I would agree with what everyone's saying. But I used the thing the way they designed it to be used, and I got screwed anyway. Fair? I think not.
kimo the healer
Dude or dudette, that axe is worth 5 gold.
Your 23hp grip is worth maybe 300 gold.
There's bigger and better things to come, get over it.
Your 23hp grip is worth maybe 300 gold.
There's bigger and better things to come, get over it.
Originally Posted by doggirl211
What amazes me is, all you guys that just ASSUME that everyone who had the axe INTENTIONALLY exploited it. I had the axe and used it, because I'm a new player and don't have the money for a better one. I salvaged a +23 health grip off another drop, and put it on this axe, because of the dmg bonus vs. Charr. This was the best weapon I had. I never tried to exploit anything, I never tried to do anything, but make the best out of what I had gotten LEGITIMATELY. Now,not only did they ruin the best weapon I had available, but they stole my grip off it in the process.
Yeah, if I had intentionally exploited anything, I would agree with what everyone's saying. But I used the thing the way they designed it to be used, and I got screwed anyway. Fair? I think not. |
Rabid Weasel
Haha... gotta laugh at all this. I wonder if these people screaming at Anet for the nerf actually realise they where in fact breaking the game rules! As someone else said, how in the hell are Anet supposed to know how much you foolishly spent on a 20% grip, it's YOUR FAULT, not Anets. If you don't like it, tough, leave if your threatening to leave, the rest of the GW community really don't care if you leave!
Anet nurf FTW!
Anet nurf FTW!
Thanks ANet for the action taken, and congrats on winning your awards for Best Value and Best MMORPG.
Well deserved.
~ makkert
Well deserved.
~ makkert
afaik , updates complainers killed some of the best mmorpgs ( swg ) , power players complain about balance all the time , spaming every forum possible ... then updates come , massive complains start , its a endless loop ... im parying everyday , that this doesnt hapan to guildwars ...
i dont have a warrior , so this didnt afect me directly , but if it was a bug , then needed to be fixed.
i dont have a warrior , so this didnt afect me directly , but if it was a bug , then needed to be fixed.
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Ajora
Anyone who bought the axe deserves it. They were attempting to abuse an exploit. And those who sold their axes...well..they exploited the exploiters. Seems like justice to me.
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Da Immortal King
meh at least i sold the axe blindlessly for 1k. another guy wanted it for 400g
Green Boss of Tyria
Originally Posted by Ajora
Anyone who bought the axe deserves it. They were attempting to abuse an exploit. And those who sold their axes...well..they exploited the exploiters. Seems like justice to me.
i for one knew anet would nerf these, just how and when i wasnt entire sure of, however i felt (and still feel) that teh 500k investment i put into this project was worth the risk, worth being able to possibly get one past the modification.
i didnt, but it was worth a try.
i knew the risks and i was willing to accept the cost, as did just about everyone who bought/sold these...if you make an investment you must also be prepared to take the loss in case all goes south...never invest what you cannot afford, if you do so you have only yourself to blame.
i didnt, but it was worth a try.
i knew the risks and i was willing to accept the cost, as did just about everyone who bought/sold these...if you make an investment you must also be prepared to take the loss in case all goes south...never invest what you cannot afford, if you do so you have only yourself to blame.
Tetris L
My 0,02€ on the matter:
Unlike the HoD sword the SoA axe was never intended to be used that way by the devs. Anybody going for the SoA axe knew exactly that he was exploiting a bug, a flaw in the game design. Exploiting bugs is cheesy at least, or you may even call it cheating. In any case, you must have been aware that ANet could and would eventually plug that hole, for balancing reasons.
So, you tried to cheat, and now that ANet stopped it you even got the balls to come here and complain about it?? Cry me a river. Frankly, you got exactly what you deserved.
Unlike the HoD sword the SoA axe was never intended to be used that way by the devs. Anybody going for the SoA axe knew exactly that he was exploiting a bug, a flaw in the game design. Exploiting bugs is cheesy at least, or you may even call it cheating. In any case, you must have been aware that ANet could and would eventually plug that hole, for balancing reasons.
So, you tried to cheat, and now that ANet stopped it you even got the balls to come here and complain about it?? Cry me a river. Frankly, you got exactly what you deserved.
did they remove double modded item completely?
From what I've heard, double modded hammer can't be done anymore but there are previous ones still.
From what I've heard, double modded hammer can't be done anymore but there are previous ones still.
For the people who are complaining they lost money: look it's really very simple. You took advantage of an exploit, or tried to. Actually the ones selling modded axes ALSO took advantage of the exploit, since it clearly states in the EULA exploiting a bug for unintended or unnatural gain is against the rules.
For example: if some broken door in your house lets me waltz into your house, and steal everything, should I be able to keep everything I took because you had that door fixed and the police tracked me down? Of course not! That's the kind of logic people are using here complaining about it.
Just be glad you weren't banned!
Oh in case those who think "well we paid for the game" blah blah blah. No. It is not your game. You paid for the priveledge of playing Anet's game. If you read licence agreements (or know anything about the software industry) you will quickly realise almost ALL software is like this, especially games. You pay Anet, they ALLOW you to play. It's their game, their software to do with as they please that's the bottom line. They don't have to, if you break their rules.
For example: if some broken door in your house lets me waltz into your house, and steal everything, should I be able to keep everything I took because you had that door fixed and the police tracked me down? Of course not! That's the kind of logic people are using here complaining about it.
Just be glad you weren't banned!
Oh in case those who think "well we paid for the game" blah blah blah. No. It is not your game. You paid for the priveledge of playing Anet's game. If you read licence agreements (or know anything about the software industry) you will quickly realise almost ALL software is like this, especially games. You pay Anet, they ALLOW you to play. It's their game, their software to do with as they please that's the bottom line. They don't have to, if you break their rules.
Some people lost money and some people gained money, in the great scheme of things both the seller and buyer exploited a bug in the game. It is the nature of some people to find faults in whatever others do and try to exploit them.
Some people end up getting so tied up in this game, it is just a game, still a very good one but a game not real money or life.
Those that are complaiing about it should just be thankfull that further action was not taken!
The only thing I would have liked to see was a warning going out from ANET. They have your contact details so why not send a quick email warning people of this sort of thing, or any other scam come to mention it? Not everyone uses forums for info, so some people will have bought the axe not knowing that it was bugged.
Cheer up it is nearly Christmas
Some people end up getting so tied up in this game, it is just a game, still a very good one but a game not real money or life.
Those that are complaiing about it should just be thankfull that further action was not taken!
The only thing I would have liked to see was a warning going out from ANET. They have your contact details so why not send a quick email warning people of this sort of thing, or any other scam come to mention it? Not everyone uses forums for info, so some people will have bought the axe not knowing that it was bugged.
Cheer up it is nearly Christmas
I can understand where ANET is coming from with removing them from the game, but the whole not compensating thing is them just being lazy. Instead of actually fixing the situation they simply did the fastest thing and removed all axes in existance.
I for one had a 20% & 19% axe grip in my vault when the axe was discovered & used those in the one SoA axe I had. IMO they should of made them unequipable, to allow people to salvage at least one grip out of them, put a NPC in the game to hand them to get both grips back.. or took them out themselves (login with 2 grips in your inventory).
I for one had a 20% & 19% axe grip in my vault when the axe was discovered & used those in the one SoA axe I had. IMO they should of made them unequipable, to allow people to salvage at least one grip out of them, put a NPC in the game to hand them to get both grips back.. or took them out themselves (login with 2 grips in your inventory).
Its called capitalisme. And its just the reality that people wants to make money on anything even by exploiting other people.
Dancing Blade
Originally Posted by NowTumi
did they remove double modded item completely?
From what I've heard, double modded hammer can't be done anymore but there are previous ones still. |
Rico Carridan
Originally Posted by doggirl211
What amazes me is, all you guys that just ASSUME that everyone who had the axe INTENTIONALLY exploited it. I had the axe and used it, because I'm a new player and don't have the money for a better one. I salvaged a +23 health grip off another drop, and put it on this axe, because of the dmg bonus vs. Charr. This was the best weapon I had. I never tried to exploit anything, I never tried to do anything, but make the best out of what I had gotten LEGITIMATELY. Now,not only did they ruin the best weapon I had available, but they stole my grip off it in the process.
Yeah, if I had intentionally exploited anything, I would agree with what everyone's saying. But I used the thing the way they designed it to be used, and I got screwed anyway. Fair? I think not. |
If it makes you feel any better, you can contact me (Alia Pai or Othello Pai) ingame, and I'll gladly hook you up with a decent replacement for free, or at least a bit of money so you can look around for yourself.
You exploited a bug in the game, anet caught it and got rid of it, asking to be compensated because you invested money in this particular bug is simply pathetic.