Alliance Recruitment

GOD-RUIN Elite guild looking for more
KO Luxon Alliance seeks new Guild
Looking for Alliances
[CP] (kurz) Alliance is looking for one mostly PvP guild
Kurz PvE alliance [Odin]
[WeT] LF HM Pve Alliance
Hyperbolic Time Chamber[SSJ]
[EviL] LF Kurzick Guilds 3mill+
[WET] Alliance looking for more Guilds
Forever in Demand [FiD] looking for high end PvP guilds
The Black Parades [死人死] is recruiting guilds for PvX alliance!
Brotherhood of Ascension [BoA] lf Active Luxon Allaince
Legion of Avalon Alliance Recruiting
Tight Knit Guild Looking For SC alliance
We Want Luxons! We're Tuff!
Kurzick Alliance Looking for more (PvE)
Loyal Souls [SOUL] Kurz PvX
[XP] Seeks PvX Alliance "...that enjoys everything GW has to offer!"
[Deer] Looks for HA Alliance
Casual GvG alliance looking for more (Kurz)
PVE Chrisitan Guild looking for Christian Alliance
Platinum Knights Luxon Alliance Recruiting!
Looking for a PvX Luxon alliance
GOTC looking for chatty alliance!?
Order of the Broken Flute [OBF] looking for PvE alliance
Everytime I Die I Have To [QQ] Allience recruting
The Unsound Souls [Soul] looking for Kurzick Aliiance
::~::AlliancE RecruitinG::~:: PvP Based
Stealing Your Gold [CaPe] LF GVG/PVP Based Alliance
The Brave Brothers [BB] Luxon looking for 3 more Luxon Guilds with >1,5 mln Fact!
Primeval Warlords [WuW] looking for active PvE Guilds
LF Luxon alliance not worried about faction
Good Old Days [Old] Recruiting 1 GvG Guild For Alliance
[Odin] alliance is looking for 5 active Kurz guilds
Loading Please [Wait] lf 2 active guilds
Legend Of The Golden Dragons
[Hugs] LF >ACTIVE< PvE, Luxon Alliance
Celestial Phoenix Alliance LF PvE+PvP guilds
I Love To [Sin] is looking for an Alliance!
[CuLT] Kurzick Alliance looking for 3 guilds