Originally Posted by Ken Dei
Easy. They have TS, I don't, I never will. They can run the crazy precision builds, I can't, I never will. Even if I had TS and understood the crazy precision builds, I hate 90% of heavy PvPers for one reason, or another.
People keep saying "PvE's pointless, there's no reward." By those standards, PvP's equally useless and has even less reward....Ooooo, you've never done the mission, know nothing about the enemy, just started your PvE Char last week, but have a fancy Emote? Oooooo, well I guess I ought to bow down and kiss some ass Mr. Uber1337. Not. *Kicks Mr. Uber1337 from team. For the record, I'm just kidding, but seriously, if PvE players wanted to be as Elitist about their end of the game as PvPers are about theres no one from either side would ever communicate outside AB. Yes, Yes I am aware of the mild elitism in SOME parts of PvE, Sorrow's Furnace, FoW/UW, etc. But we can agree that everything about PvP is elitism. Somehow I got into a tyraid about how much I hate Elitist...but yeah...PvP bad. |
Why i do pvp
1) I don't do it because I want to show off rank or insult new players. I'd rather help guildmates and friends get into PvP (GvG in particular) as its a whole added dimension to the game that can be a lot of fun. When we play a guild that is obviously new and just giving it a whirl our guild tries to be friendly. I don't want to make someones first experience a bad one.
2) After playing Pve to death there weren't many challenges left. PvP offered new challenges that exceeded anything in the pve realm. This is not to say its better as some people just might prefer something more relaxed, but I don't think there is a reasonable measure on which anything in PvE can even remotely compare to the strategy and skill that goes into competative GvG building and playing. I have a tonne of fun working on builds with my guild, practicing, and seeing them put into practice. There is a definite rush and thrill when playing a tense match against a good team, pulling out a close win, losing a thirller.
3) I've always loved competition. Sports, ccg's, and so on. GW is another avenue for this. But enjoying competition doesn't mean being a jerk about it. I've met some jerks, I've also met some other guilds who were a lot of fun to play with. I still think that in the end, I've had as many bad pve experiences as pvp ones. Some of the worst have been in pve. People fighting and complaining and then intentionally screwing everyone over by running and aggroing everything on the map. I've heard as many people call others noobs.
Its been said before, but I have to repeat it. If you want to give PvP a fair shake try out a guild that does pvp or if you are interested try and get people in your guild to give it a try. It makes the transition worlds easier. Do some reading up on it and so on. You may not want to invest the time to get into it and thats fine, but you should know that the it can be very rewarding if you ever decide to give it a shot.
Last, about restrictions on joining groups because of skills and roles- I'm completely fine with not getting on a pvp team because I lack an important skill or am not familiar with the role they need. Its a good reason that will effect gameplay. What I can't stand is the pointless filters in most of Pve PUG group fromation. Not letting someone in because they are a mesmer, or the group has 2 wars already or, "needs" an mm and other random stuff that people seem to think matters is just silly. Give me a good reason for the restrictions and I'll be happy. Most of the time it doesn't matter.