Has anyone else created their own guild of 1?

Exterminate all

Exterminate all

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2007

In a house

Not Behind My Back [Back]


Yea, me and my friends have a small guild, like 5 people in it. I have 2 guilds, one of them has a bad name so I made another one. The one with the bad name has a stocked hall so I put that in my own alliance.

So yea,

We are small. And I don't think I'm going to recruit anyone unless they are my friends or I ask them to join (usually on my friends list :P)

princess of teddys

princess of teddys

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2007

The oblique magical animal[CUTE]


I had tuns of guilds but they were too girly names like..

The <somthing>monkeys [rawr]

and some others

Then I got co.owners heres the names:

The divine paw[PAW] and that was a good guild but it was too....weird a holy paw? god xD

Well Now I have a fab guild called the oblique magical animal[CUTE]
I still wanna stick with animals tho.So its 50g invite and all members donated LOADS of money 26k for gh [money not faction]
The guild made yesterday-6mmbs

Osiron The Master

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007

T H E Masters


yup. Im alone in my guild. I did it for the cool-looking cape. Also, Im planning to get a hall so me and my friend can PvP 1 on 1.

Teh [prefession]-zorz

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2007


Spiders Lair Kurz [SpL]


Pre Guild xD



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2007

england (currently located on the south coast)


I have my own guild of 1 atm...gonna stay as a guild of 1 until SMS start recruiting again (Racthoh please recruit again ^^)

Nereyda Shoaal

Nereyda Shoaal

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Deldrimor Warcamp


I see I'm not the only weird person

I was asked all the time by random people "Do you want to join a guild??". I was so fed up with this so decided to make a guild. Had no idea how to call it so made up something quick - [CTFC] - Charlize Theron Fan Club
Spent more than 200k on guild hall, I was even doing FF. After few days I became bored and left everything
And I'm still without guild, haha


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2007

I started a guild with the intention of keeping it low, like below 25 members. My reasons for this is that I'd like to create friendships that last and a team that can PvP, PvE or whatever together when ever they want without resorting to PuGs that blame everyone but themselves for failure.

Not Your Personal Army [anon] is what this is about. If this appeals to you, then PM me, IGN > El Ex Nihilio



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2006

Guys you are not alone i am in a 1 man guild too.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

I have a one man guild on both of my accounts. I originally did it to keep people from constantly asking me to join thier guild. Back when GW first came out, people assumed that if you were level 20 you must be leet (or something) so they wanted you in thier guild. I swear I couldn't be in a town for more than 30 seconds before someone would ask me to join. That, plus I wanted to be the "first" to have the guild tags that I have.....



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


My guild is still just three i anyone else is looking for a quiet "alliance" to put there guild then we have 5 places left it's been a small success overall, although we did have one guild who wasnt happy but they left of there own accord

Niko Private

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2007

Legion of Mercenaries


i love the small guild im in its my girlfriends dads guild so its me him my buddy and her and thats and were looking for some alliances if anyone wouldnt mind but small guilds are fun cause we are all on at the same time and just help each other out all the time.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

South East England

Leader: Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]


I created a new guild only last weekend

The name was inspired by My Mother-In-Law

Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]

Working on building the guild up atm



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2007




I have never been interested in guilds and the same goes for my BF. We decided to make one though because he wanted a cape, so here we are. It's 'KAOS' (after the villain group in Maxwell Smart), a 2-man guild, and we thought it would be funny to have the initials mean 'Kisses Are On Sale'. Anyway, say hello if you see us running around. If we can, we'll help out and stuff.

Not to be confused with 'Kaos' (helped someone the other day and realized we were in the 'same' guild).

Loki Seiguro

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

IGN: Scarlet Test Ace

We play Isketch in [HoH]


There are thousands of 1 man guilds out there. Some by choice others not. Most people that make it by choice are those that like to solo the game a lot and don't like randoms pms of people wanting them to join their guild.

I once made a solo guild names Phool's Paridise as a tribute to one of my friends on another game....but i disbanned it and join other guilds.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2006


Its Rainning Fame Hallelujah[伞回伞], also as guild leader


have my own guild for quite long time, and also a 9 alliance leader. but i am now kinda tierd of it....so many stuff need to do and i dont play as much as before



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2007


i've had my own 1 man guild goin on 2yrs now and i love it.If there are any 1 man guild aliances out there needing another guild too join i;d be interested in joining.just pm Granny Goose or Belly Button Fuzz.



Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2007



Originally Posted by baz777
I created a new guild only last weekend

The name was inspired by My Mother-In-Law

Lady Hairy Armpits S[mell]

Working on building the guild up atm
Well I asure you I have nothing to do with it at all !!

The Way Out

The Way Out

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007

In my peanut brain

Zomg Zombies [OMG]


My guild is nearly seventy members and I love it. We have meetings, community, faction farming, donations, charity, elite runs, and we all help each other out... or else you get kicked for inactivity. So far, we have kicked three members in the past two months... due too rude begging and immaturity. Which I think is awesome. As for having small guilds, I agree with most that you deal with less headaches and it is cool to have your own guild. However, I would never leave my guild after experiencing what it is like to say "Anyone up for Gate of Madness" and have too many members there to take with me through the mission.

Plus, we have guys on vent round the clock... which is cool when you need someone to just talk to. That one man guild thing is cool when you talk to yourself!


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2007

been using this avatar IRL for ever

No I Wont join your guild[stfu]


yeah, got kicked from one of the guilds that owned HzH for not donating my req of faction. to many random whispers and invites to guilds, so i made No I Wont Join Your Guild[stfu]. 8 members including me, but there inactive.(there my CoD4 clans members that play Gw)

Digital Dreams

Digital Dreams

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007

Ghosts Along the Mississippi [Down]


After being in some larger guilds and "learning the ropes" a bit, it dawned on me that for the most part I prefer playing alone. So I made my own guild. I love it. I bought a guild hall and even added a few npc's. No pressure. No drama. No nonsense. I wanna jump on and play for an hour? Cool, no one to bother me. For me it makes playing Guild Wars that much more enjoyable. I get to wear a cape that I like and have to answer to no one. Just my two cents.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

I may have posted in this thread a while ago...back when I was in a guild of one.

I did create one. Then I was convinced by some friends to leave and join their guild. That was great. Everyone was mature, nice, etc. then the guild merged with another...gah, that was a bad move. No one spoke to each other, I might as well have been in a guild of one. So, I quit and made a Go1. That was just fine until the same friends convinced me to join their new guild (it didn't take much, the old guild was quite nice until it got all mucked up).

So, I joined the new guild. Immediately, I started noticing that this guild was chock full of leechers. I was constantly helping others - running, showing new builds, helping with missions, etc., which was really no problem...until...I asked for help with something - I got nothing. Then I see someone else ask for help while I was busy...and he gets pissed that no one answered. So, I talked with him and said that everyone was likely busy since they didn't answer. He seemed to think that no one is ever too busy to talk on chat (I eventaully failed my mission because I spent so much time talking with him and when I told him, he laughed and said that being nice sometimes has a steep price). So, anyway, I eventaully told the guy to cool it because his being a jerk is likely what is making some people less responsive...apparently he didn't like that because he threatened to kick me but never actually followed through with it (it never crossed my mind that the guy might be an officer because of the way he was acting). About 10 minutes later, a guildie starts asking for materials saying "Does anyone have xx Steel and xxx Leather?" So I say sure, thinking that this person was planning on trading with me. Apparently, offering something for a nearly full stack of leather and a quarter stack of steel would be silly. When I asked if I was going to be paid for it, the guildie offered me a stack of iron (great, I guess except that everyone, or at least me, is always overflowing with iron).

After all that, I left. I figured that being in a guild is great, if they are willing to share and share alike, but most people think sharing means getting things when they ask and pretending to be busy when people ask for anything...

Anywho, I am going to reopen my guild of one. I don't need fancy stuff or money, but it sure is nice to not have people hounding me to get it. And, I can always use my friends list for questing/missions. Plus, and this is the best part of being in a guild of one, I don't get nearly as many guild invites and whispers when I have a cape and guild tag.

Woop Shotty

Woop Shotty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruthless Mafia [RM]


You can join my guild if you want. I'm the leader of a handed down guild that came with all the goodies in the guild hall. Full guild hall and only a few members. The members that are in the guild are only online once every few weeks and they're respectful players. I play more often than them, and I have one of every character class, some of which I may be able to join you in missions or something.

I know you're not really looking for a bustling guild since they're often filled with annoying people, and I know that the full guild hall comes handy.

We have a cape as well. Have a look at the wiki page I set up, and contact me if you are interest.




Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006



I know exactly what you mean, that was the way I was heading until me and some friends founded our current guild/alliance. A simple rule, if you have it and don't need it and someone does need it, give em a good deal or give it to them. If your not busy and can help just do it, people will return the kindness and it is a great atmosphere to play in.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


The Ocean [quay]

My little guild of one is eight days shy of its two month anniversary. Frankly, it's been the best experience I've had with a guild. I have the cape I always wanted, and the name (though not my first choice) is a reference to Seinfeld. Vandelay Industries was already taken, as was Dunder Mifflin Paper Company taken from The Office, another beloved show of mine. (Wish I could find these guilds though.) I was still lucky enough to end up with something else from George, so it's cool: The Human Fund [HF].

Oh, and the cape? An inspirational flying pig of course.

Sorn Xarann

Sorn Xarann

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Us Are Not [leet]


Not a one man guild, but good story anyway.

Some friends and myself decided to make our own guild, it started off with 6 people, all of which i know in real life, it's nice. Now we have another 8 players from our group of friends, (grand total 14 for those who know not math) and we have a kick ass time whenever anyone is on, it's great fun.

Join Us Are Not [leet]. Oh wait, it's invite only.

Xerzes II

Xerzes II

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Southampton, Uk

Golden Chaos Shadows


I started my guild with my friend, we currently have only two members, A cape and a hall. We are hoping to recruit though.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2008


After being in so many horribly led guilds I resorted to making my own guild.
I called it "This is how I roll" [Solo]
After a few minutes of being emo, I joined my friend's guild.

Konig Des Todes

Konig Des Todes

Ooo, pretty flower

Join Date: Jan 2008

Citadel of the Decayed

The Archivists' Sanctum [Lore]


I know what you mean, I have started a guild a few times and I only seem to get people who want and want but never help. After a while i ended up not offering help because I need to get some things of my own done and I'm way ahead of everyone else I know in game. Sadly I can never find a guild that is at the same spot as me, everyone I meet are either way behind or way ahead of me. >.< But if you plan on making a guild of one, you might as well not be in a guild at all. I mean, a tag doesnt do anything, and you can get everything from a guild hall at the 3 port towns, so halls are a waste of money, the only real point of guilds are capes and being with other people. So a one man guild is pointless in my view.

Jam Jar

Jam Jar

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007



lol good idea I'll make a one man guild once I get the money


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2008

Viper xG


I have basically a one man guild... none of the other 3 members get on, lol. I designed the cape and got the hall and everything, hoping I would be able to expand... but unfortunately I have not... i have gathered alot of alliance faction though, lol... Since I do AB just about everyday... been looking for a good alliance to put all my faction into... =/

Jam Jar

Jam Jar

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2007



I made a solo guild lol. Don't have factions or nightfalland I'm not in LA yet, so all I've got is a cape, tag, name.

The World Is Not Fair [Emo]



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Charlotte, NC...sadly

To Danse Macabre (DIE)

I created a guild for myself, my husband, our son, and 2 friends who don't play actively anymore - didn't like the pressure larger guilds can sometimes put on you to be active despite life demands and such... It's worked well for us. We have 2 allies - also very small, mature guilds -



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2007


Divine Order of Heroes


I love my one person guild. I had thought about sinking money into a guld hall to call my own, but when I visited some guilds to do trading and saw how a small guild looks in such a vast place it just seems kinda sad.

So I will just keep my cape, H/H, and pug on a very rare occasion and continue to be the type of person many say are "ruining" this game.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2007


Descendants of Honor


Founded On March 19 of 2006 The Stone Carvers have developed a long history of community inactivity. As the founding father (and as of today only ever member) I am proud to boast a guild with nearly two years of history and one heck of a cool name.

When I first started playing Guild Wars I was aware of the leet guilds available for my lowly level 5 necromancer to join. Alas I felt that I should steer clear. Not for my sake you see but for theirs. For you see I wielded a hammer and was keen on using firestorm thanks to my elementalist second profession. As my experience grew so did my skill. As my skill grew so did my distain for the constant invites to guilds of various foolish names (like seriously I love the Stone Carvers name... and how cool is Scar under my character... it's like boss).

So I created my own guild. One which would not be subject to ridicule from players who had watched my guild mates make jerks of themselves. one with a proud tradition of smart gaming and intelligent witty banter (at least up until this point with players of other guilds). As a mid twenties player I can't imagine being associated with the childish folks who seem to pop up everyday in game.

Has it been easy? Of course not. Although I can only imagine being respected for the polite interactions I have with other gamers and the smart way in which I control my characters, I have no in game friends. I have missed out on the opportunity to grow with others and experience the hardest areas of the game (Let's be honest, me and my 3 heroes don't get too far in the underworld). Every time I play I consider inviting others to join me in my quest for all things PVE. I consider posting in the recruiting forums in an attempt to find just the right teammates everyday. Still Scar sits as it always has. An easy going guild where I play to have fun. Interact with others with respect. Take on challenges with ingenuity and walk away with dignity. After all. It's just a game - and I have my very own guild



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2007

Newfoundland, Canada

Dark Knights of Blue Moon [Fear]


I have a guild of one, well 2 really but the 2nd member was just..there when I took over the guild, and he is inactive.

I am however part of an alliance with a decent group from my old guild, so it's not completely lonely.

I would like to do some recruiting however most people don't want to join guilds with such few members, and if they do they leave a day or two later.

I would love to have a decent guild that I could rely on to do some GvG without the pressure of having to be "l33t" and just do it for fun, and maybe get good at it.

I've been toying with the idea of putting up a recruiting message here, but have never really bothered to do so.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2008

The Order of the Kitten [PURR]

I used to be in a fairly large guild, and I was happy in it for a year. But then some officers started arguing amongst each other (both were good friends of mine, so guess who was caught between), the alliance suddenly wanted to own a town, and the leader was absent for two months.
So I quit that guild, and created Daydreaming Cookies with a friend of mine. Was quite succesful in the beginning. However, we did not realize exactly how much time it takes to lead a guild succesfully, and our Real Life did not give us that much time. So that guild was disbanded (with a little pain in my heart, it was sort of my baby)
Then I created my One person guild called Ruins of my Life [RAWR]. Spent my last cash on a nice cape with pretty flowers and a squirrel, and a nice GH. And there I was perfectly happy for a month or so. But PvE was not challinging me any more, so I wanted to give PvP a shot.
And I found out it is dreadful getting a party with no guild and no fancy titles to show how good I really am (cough). So I disbanded RAWR with more pain in my heart than I had when disbanding DC, and joined a PvP guild. A little bit of guild hopping (I have high standards, cant help it), I found my current guild. Hope they can keep me happy for a while, if not, I can always found a new RAWR

Nightfall Awaits

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007

Nightfall Awakening


Originally Posted by bokken
Unfortunately I have been in and have left several guilds.

I will not bore you with the reasons other than to say that even advanced age of members and officers/guild leaders does not = maturity.

Every time I have been guildless I have been hounded with requests to join guilds while I am in a town or a PuG.

I try to give a polite reason as to why I do not want to just acccept any old inviataion to join a guild. However, this can often lead to the inviter getting mad and using insulting language etc. etc. Im sure u know the story. I have accepted a few invitations like this but it has never gone well.

SO this time for 2100 gp I decided to form my own guild.

I named it
I designed the cape
I have a cape and a tag

no one knows I am the only member and no one asks me to join a guild

I can take my time to look for another guild if I choose - or I can just stay as I am. I have several good frinds that have scattered to other guilds after the breakup of a guild we were all in - maybe they will join me in my guild one day

I know its quiet but no more so than if I was guildless.

Have many other done this?

Are there any allinaces of mature players with very low number guilds.
That is something I hasve considered looking into.
I know there are some very low member guilds and wonder if there are allinces I might join.

- so for now Im curious if any other low member guilds are out there, and are happy to remain small ?
That's funny I just did exactly that like 15 min ago. Although i wouldn't mind other ppl joining me.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2008

I made an one-man guild recently. It's named "Team Epicfail[eF]", yes pun intended, and it's been fine. The only other person in the guild is my Singapore friend that has played with my faithfully since we first met. He's been playing Hellgate London lately so he's not active as much. Every guild I have been in, has been full of drama sooner or later, or I just don't like the people. Most people take and never give back, I used to give out freebies and stuff, only to be paid back with silence. I've grown tired of the utter bs that I've had to deal with. It's always been my friends list that has kept me active, the people I actually PLAY with, and never the guild. I'd play guildless were it not for the fact I like having a cape on my back and a guildhall to map to whenever I want
(and frequenting AB). I'd thought about recruiting, then thought how bad it is for the people I know that own guilds. My happy two-man guild now sits in an alliance with friends. The guild is of course open to whoever wants to join, but there's absolutely nothing to be expected except for light hearted humor, story sharing, and venting your feelings.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Nightfall Awaits
That's funny I just did exactly that like 15 min ago. Although i wouldn't mind other ppl joining me.
I'm in a guild of two, myself and my cousin (who rarely plays). I formed the guild mainly for the many reasons already stated.

If there are any alliances for guilds such as mine (ours) and they are Kurz aligned, pm me here or my IGN (Rifle Monk). No drama, not a whole lot of conversation just perhaps an occasional AB run or two.


Miss Kyle

Miss Kyle

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2008

Kitties Of Wrath [CAT]


well i never made a guild, but i inherited tosha's old guild daydreaming cookies, after she left so really I disbanded it, it was doomed the moment the leaders got bored with it i guess, but that seems to be the way with guilds, i'm in a nice guild now can't remember what its called (lol) but it was founded by a friend from DC.