Has anyone else created their own guild of 1?


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006


tF now has 2 of my friends in it. Also am slowly putting stuff in the hall xD



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006


Fabric of Existence [ohGr]


My boyfriend and I are the only members of our guild. I've been in several large ones and they all disbanded and became inactive so I gave up and we just got our own place.

Guild is called: Fabric of Existence [ohGr]

Just the two of us Got ourselves a hall with a merchant and a storage agent, so it's all good.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Time To Play


I was in a very fine guild about 8 months ago. However I went off to
play another online game and so left the guild.

Recently I have been playing GW again and so I created my own guild because I have two accounts.

Maybe someday I'll recruit or disband. It depends on how much I start
playing GW again.

It's cozy Isle of Solitude storage and a merchant


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007



one man guild.....so pathetic



Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005

America. How about you, commie?

Fellows of Mythgar [FOM]


Let me tell you all a tale.

A friend referred me to GW where he made his own guild - The Warlords. Him and I were the only members, and contrary to what he claimed he had never gotten past the Northern Shiverpeaks.

...then I joined a really good guild. However a few hiatuses and whatnot made me decide to leave (plus the wide array of timezones made it hard to find a large group of people).

I made my own guild of one, though it was not intended to be that way. A friend of mine was to be co-leader. My friend was into GW for about one week, quit, and then, around the time we made this guild, he was back into it - and more dedicated than ever.

Then the lazy bum lost interest in GW (he hates it for very stupid reasons, so stupid he doesn't even deserve to hate it). I decided to just join a new guild.

However since I've been dabbling in Steam games I decided I will be solo until GW2 - when my passion for Guild Wars will be renewed 200%.

My GW-hating friend fears that day...

In the meantime, I may make my one-man guild again just because I keep getting Guild Offers whenever I go into a crowded town.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2006

Time To Play


Originally Posted by tsaros
one man guild.....so pathetic
If this was directed at me and I think it was well----

My choice - I live in a free world

But when I do disband and look for a guild to join I guess your ummmm
attitude would rule out yours.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005


Need One! :(


I once created: Last of the Least [LOL]

which everyone mistook for the other LoL, but we ended up being 3 people

I've also created one today as a joke for the Jora Fans at gwiki, called it: Jora Is [HOT] haha, now the name is taken



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



mine is called Pathetic Union of Gimps [PUG]. originally supposed to be a casual pug gvg guild, but i never gotten around to actually do pug gvg with it.

now i just use it for alliance battles. nothing like being able to switch sides on a whim so i never have to fight on the short end of the biased maps.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2007



Originally Posted by Kiria
If this was directed at me and I think it was well----

My choice - I live in a free world

But when I do disband and look for a guild to join I guess your ummmm
attitude would rule out yours.
i find pathetic to make an one man guild only to get away from guild offers when u r in towns.It was much better when u needed a lot of gold to make a guild.
and never say never.we might be in the same guild sometime



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Interested in finding one.


I once had a "guild of one" with a lovely hall (My personal favorite, the Frozen) & cape that suited my characters. This was the only reason for having a solo guild After a while, I disbanded the guild, because I began to think that if you wanted to go it alone, you shouldn't have a guild at all, to let others know that, by seeing your lack of a tag. I seemed to get more respect in PuGs (Not like it matters, really) but eventually settled in a guild with friends.


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007

The Rational Delinquents[RD]


I think one man guilds are rather sad, because to me it says that you have given up on finding a group of good players to play with.

For me guild wars is so much more enjoyable when you have a group of people that you get to know and like, to play with and if you don't feel like talking to anyone there you can just appear offline.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

pretentious latin title[PTA]


Originally Posted by Stupid Shizno
with heros now, 2-man guilds are more popular, 2 guildies + 6 heros = guild.
this hs become realy true, my other guild member and i have got many masters since we started taking both sets of heros, complete with elite skills.

Originally Posted by Naylyn
I think one man guilds are rather sad, because to me it says that you have given up on finding a group of good players to play with.

For me guild wars is so much more enjoyable when you have a group of people that you get to know and like, to play with and if you don't feel like talking to anyone there you can just appear offline.
untill you have a two guilds in your alliance (of 6) gang up on all the others for not wanting to GvG, or not depositing a certain amout of faction points every day; up untill then the old guild was fine, we would all waffle randomly to each other, about half was very active and they were happy leaving the casuals, farmers and PvE only people to get one with it, helping each other if two of us were doing the same thing at the same time.

i was stuck with a group with a few good peope and many, many idiots, and i just didnt want to deal with that again as they were spoiling the game for me.

riftbreaker raven

riftbreaker raven

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

hattiesburg, ms

Ravens Asylum


one of the guilds in my alliance is a one man guild. He has his own hall and has spent a lot on getting it decked out so hes not willing to just leave it. This is an option quite a few people take i think.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Hiding in a cave in old Ascalon

Having led a large guild as well as led a full 10-guild alliance in the past, I've seen life from both sides.

My guild is now comprised of me alone.

I have an awesome cape, awesome guild name, awesome guild hall (Isle of the Dead) which has the most convenient npc layout, and all the npcs, and I'm (currently) aligned with Kurziks for AB access.

I can tell you it's nice.

Precious, precious silence in guild and alliance chat.

No alliance players for whom you have no boot control.

No constant petty disputes among 16yr olds that need monitoring.

If I want to have fun with other players I pug. Get my fill of juvenile behavior, and then go into the deep recesses of my silent world again.

The OP's idea of having an alliance of one-man guilds though sounds intriguing. I'm not a total misanthrope.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2007

Iowa, United States



Im in a 2 person one with my gf....

Its rather nice We dont have to worry about a bunch of people with attitudes and other things that we really dont care to deal with anymore. Basically put, no more drama!

downside is, when we want to do large group things, we dont have anyone, but it all works out somehow. You can do everything in game with heroes anyways



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2007

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I've created my one an guild once... it was fun but after some time, you want to talk with someone dunno stuff like this... ATM I'm looking for a small PvE guild new guild. The problem with the olds guilds is that they don't know you well so they ignore you in most of cases...


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2005


I was in my own one-man guild for a year and a half. I didn't like PvP and thought that was the only reason for having a guild. All guilds I saw recruiting were heavy into PvP, focused on rank and faction and whatnot. I didn't have factions until recently so there was nothing for me to get into.

Now that I have Factions I'm in a rather large guild/alliance, and I still don't PvP much. I'm kinda one of the PvE gurus for Proph and factions, helping out and running where I can.




Join Date: Oct 2006


United Farmers of Europe[FOE]


Me and My son are the only 2 in our guild, we recently had a Member recruit for another account of his guild, and most ask to be exited, some where kicked by immaturity on there behalf, and our alliance just kicked 3 "non" PvP guilds including us, even tho me and my son PvP when we can/have time.

were currently just trying to finish PvE in both modes, i have done all campaigns(excluding GWEN) in Normal Mode and my son who only started 3 months ago has finished prophecies twice in normal mode, finished faction but the deleted his assassin(due to alot of abuse from in game players), so now he is trying to get his warrior threw NF and Factions but finds himself doing Prophecieshard mode few of the times, or doing Tombs with his ranger.

well what im saying is its better to have small guilds, I'd be happy to let others join but it seems as tho people wanna join big guilds and never be helped(well 50% of the time they will not help)...the whole reason i started a guild was due to never being helped and i have always Vowed if any 1 in my guild needs help i will be the one to help them, and my son loves helping people(that say thank you) threw alot of prophecies or early factions, or early night falls, me on the other hand can help in any area of any of the mentioned campaigns(Will be getting GWEN on thursday)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by SeraCombi

Precious, precious silence in guild and alliance chat.

No constant petty disputes among 16yr olds that need monitoring.

If I want to have fun with other players I pug. Get my fill of juvenile behavior, and then go into the deep recesses of my silent world again.

The OP's idea of having an alliance of one-man guilds though sounds intriguing. I'm not a total misanthrope.
Can't agree more. I am now having my one man guild. Thank God for no drama in last several days and peaceful playtime. One thing I will slighty disagree to is the statement regarding the 16 years olds. I am 34. I have seen many 30+ folks need more monitoring and they tend to be way more juvenile than many 12 years olds I came across.

I don't think I will be in a multi-player guild again as most times when I need to get someone to play with I whisper friends on my list or just pickup random pugs. Better trade-off than guild dramas.

And always remember the game is Buildwars and not Guildwars!

- Vel

gloria vander belt


Join Date: Jul 2007

Dragons Lair

United Farmers Of Europe[FOE]


Yes me and Azza are both in United Farmers Of Europe[FOE](play american-english server)....and yes the quiteness of non 16 year olds arguing or members who get help and dont say thanx then leave the guild once u help them threw 4-8 missions(depending on how much time i have).

But between the constant arguing and the guild hoppers i just dont bother to recruit anymore, altho i was thinking of recruiting some PvP players!!

Zahr Dalsk

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2007


I had a one man guild for a while... tried to recruit but people lacked the patience to stick with it... so I disbanded it.

I think I'm going to pick up another copy of prophecies some time and make an extra account to hold on to a guild hall for when I want to AB, unless I find a good guild that I want to join.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


I just made myself the leader of my very own guild!

I mostly wanted a cape of my own design a little less spam from plzplzplz join my guild type people and a taste of leadership maybe
It was 1 man for about five minutes and then a friend joined from my previous guild and then another friend who just started guild wars a few days ago joined a few hours after.

Now we only need the material and rare material trader for our hall too I feel like it was a great idea going it alone, and i could always allience with some others i suppose or recruit more people isf it gets a little too quiet or fancy a change.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Hiding in a cave in old Ascalon

congrats T1 on your new guild!

my suggestion: keep it small. friends only. this is the best kind of guild.

also, don't join an alliance...if someone in another guild is being really nasty, you can't boot them and have no control.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006



Made a one man guild more then a year ago, now it is a two man (my brother joined it) guild with a guild hall and services. I was tired of getting kicked of each guild because I hadn't logged in for a week and if I didn't have a guild I got spammed...

Think it is quite relaxed, don't need to log on often, no requests for help, no weird guild members and hero's and hench never complain. My brother playes guild wars once every 2-3 weeks and only farms, does RA or 1vs1 so he can't complain about the guild leader being offline too often.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2007

Avatars of the Pheonix [AotP]

Yeah, after coming back from around a 5 month break, i had some cash to blow off so i made one. I just wanted to make my own cape temporarily until i found a decent guild again. It was named "One Mahn Gild" [OMG] I got a kick out of the tag when i noticed it .



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Ok so whos for a HUGE alliance of 1 man guilds

the lesser

the lesser

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2007

Orlando, Florida


along with everyone else, i too have a one man guild. but whats the benefit for having a guild hall for a one man guild?

its funny, ive thought about joining a real guild but the one thing holding me back is i love my cape! its too fresh an it was designed by me. nuff said.

im down with the one man guild alliance, hit me up!

Molly Moll

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2007


I think an alliance of one-man guilds is a great idea as well. Could be the largest alliance going as I'm sure there's lots of em out there.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2006

Hiding in a cave in old Ascalon

the two best reasons for an alliance of one-man guilds, imo:

1. Easier for solo players to dual team (2 human players + heroes) for areas like DOA.

2. Keep your autonomy, and your peace. When you want to be alone, just turn off alliance chat.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by SeraCombi
congrats T1 on your new guild!

my suggestion: keep it small. friends only. this is the best kind of guild.

also, don't join an alliance...if someone in another guild is being really nasty, you can't boot them and have no control.
Originally Posted by T1Cybernetic
I know not everyone is like me but i take everything with a pinch of salt although i do see what you mean about others being nasty on occasion.

Add them to ignore might just be the key though but dont tell anyone i said that


I had one or two messages in game i've added a couple of small guilds to the alliance and so i thought, Go on why not recruit some more: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10203309

If you are interested stick your name down /Pm me or whatever get's my attention you know you are welcome.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2007

Reston, VA

Citadel Of Faith [LaZy]


I tried it once, and it definetly felt weird, being the leader and all. The only reason I'm not doing it now is because I have dreams of being in a top 100 guild one of these days. Having a 1-man definetly has it's advantages though.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jul 2006


The Samoyed Soldiers [Kisk]


I created a guild for myself and my husband as we hated the pressure of having to be on or otherwise we may get kicked. We found a great alliance that is made up of couples and families so we were lucky. I would love to be able to add like minded people to our guild but if it doesn't happen we will be a happy Guild of two



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2007


Light Infantry Brigade


When I first started out I had the Guild "Ironhorse Brigade" all to myself. Then I formed the "Fourth Infantry Division (IVID). I joined a pretty big guild for a while. I have since formed a 1 person Guild called "Light Infantry Brigade (LI). There are actually 3 members, my 10 year old daughter, who is never on, my brother, who is currently in Iraq and never on, and me. It's more of a 1 actual player guild with 3 members. My daughters character is 22 months old and still level 3 in presear with less than 1 hour playing time. (Her Mommy doesn't like video games much.)



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2007

pretentious latin title[PTA]


my 2 man guild has become a 1 man guild with 2 members;
as he has decided to focus on playing WoW more, he'll be back, at least for the special events; so technicaly its just me in my guild now.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2006

It would be wicked if all the 1 person guilds combined into 1 big alliance with 1000 members :P



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


Originally Posted by lacasner
It would be wicked if all the 1 person guilds combined into 1 big alliance with 1000 members :P
Im trying but nobody is biting See here: Click

Martin Firestorm

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



Originally Posted by lacasner
It would be wicked if all the 1 person guilds combined into 1 big alliance with 1000 members :P
A lot of you are saying this. An alliance is limited to 10 guilds.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2005

Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Uk, Nr Earth

Alternate Evil Gamers [aeg]


I completely forgot all about the 10 guild limit I cant really think of a way around it either, looks like the first guilds to apply are the lucky or unlucky ones depends on how you look at it i suppose.

Martin Firestorm

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



@T1Cybernetic: I'm a 1 man guild guy and took a look at your post, but since you're in the UK and I'm in the US I doubt we'd be able to play together much. But it is a good idea, even with just 10 "guilds."



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Racthoh
Was a one man guild for four months until someone wanted to join.
Lol who wouldnt want to join your guild??

ps-are you still recruiting/accepting lol?