Lag Issues And Error 7's
Maybe I am just an optimist, but I'm hoping that ANET will address the issue. I had to try 5 times to complete the palace mission. That was irritating.
Fun in the deep continues, by room four three ppl had Err7ed forcing the team to quit. It was infact the teams second retry due to our BiP Err7ing out the first time.
I'd go as far as to say that the state of the network/servers renders any attempt at completing an elite mission extremely difficult to totaly impossible. Today is infact the first day i've not managed to complete the deep in the past week and due to ppl Err7ing out of game and i myself Err7ing out. Yesterday night i was at the cave entrance and Err7ed out, i wasn't even mad because i was so tired of trying.
Even if you assemble the most experianced party possible and spend time checking everyones skills, in the end it comes down to who's going to Err7 next and are they a critical party member. Its no longer a case of if someone will drop it's when, and are they required to complete.
Story of MY The Deep.
Mo 007, ok no we can still do it easy.
W 007, no we can still do it but they have to be good.
E 007, no its ok we can do it only an ele.
BiP 007...... ok we're f***ed.
The Deep lotto brought to you by ArenaNet.
I'd go as far as to say that the state of the network/servers renders any attempt at completing an elite mission extremely difficult to totaly impossible. Today is infact the first day i've not managed to complete the deep in the past week and due to ppl Err7ing out of game and i myself Err7ing out. Yesterday night i was at the cave entrance and Err7ed out, i wasn't even mad because i was so tired of trying.
Even if you assemble the most experianced party possible and spend time checking everyones skills, in the end it comes down to who's going to Err7 next and are they a critical party member. Its no longer a case of if someone will drop it's when, and are they required to complete.
Story of MY The Deep.
Mo 007, ok no we can still do it easy.
W 007, no we can still do it but they have to be good.
E 007, no its ok we can do it only an ele.
BiP 007...... ok we're f***ed.
The Deep lotto brought to you by ArenaNet.
Anyone know a lawyer who can start a "class action" suit? There are plenty of people that have this problem.
I have spent $100, at least on the two campaigns. I figure I am being screwed out of something. Fine all day and then bam!
I have spent $100, at least on the two campaigns. I figure I am being screwed out of something. Fine all day and then bam!
I've been struggling with error 7's and severe lag all week, too. Just lagged out three times in a row within a half's unplayable. I guess I'll find a new game to play, since I cannot make any progress at all in Guild Wars

Shrouded Waffle
ANet totally fails.
Still no word from anyone. GG customer support.
Still no word from anyone. GG customer support.
Ira Blinks
Originally Posted by blaked88
i sort of doubt these are even people answering...does this sound like something a real person would say?
"For further information in regards to opening ports or port forwarding, visit: (not affiliated with or supported by NCsoft or ArenaNet). " |
This is what I received two days after the question was asked:
Hello Mike,
I would suggest you remove the router and run a hard line from the system straight to the modem. Once this is done be sure to power reset the modem and reboot the system. If this works then you should try disabling uPnP on your router or you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the software for your router as well. Also, you may need to update the firmware for your router or the router could be faulty.
Also, there is a very good article on router configs in the GW Knowledge Base here;
Let us know if these do not make a difference in your issue.
Thank you.
The Guild Wars Support Team
Hello Mike,
I would suggest you remove the router and run a hard line from the system straight to the modem. Once this is done be sure to power reset the modem and reboot the system. If this works then you should try disabling uPnP on your router or you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the software for your router as well. Also, you may need to update the firmware for your router or the router could be faulty.
Also, there is a very good article on router configs in the GW Knowledge Base here;
Let us know if these do not make a difference in your issue.
Thank you.
The Guild Wars Support Team
GW customer support is useless, and i just told them that
. i fixed my logging in problem by running "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image (no thanks to GW customer support, by the way), but i'm still getting huge lag spikes and getting error7'd about every 30 minutes. i thinking about getting WoW now...maybe i can actually get useful customer support if i pay a monthly fee! they were asking me to go to some ping site and "check the health of my internet connection" when i can run FPS's and other MMO's fine and at full speed, and download at full speed on my connection. they have not even once hinted that something might be wrong on their side.

Because there isn't. ArenaNet's servers are fine.
I'd like to thank ArenaNet for the excellent service they've provided me so far. Great job guys!
blaked88: if ANet tried to help you and told you to "go to some ping site", I would do it. The chances are they know far more about how networks work, and how their game works, than you do. Maybe they are trying to find out where the problem is, since it's not with your computer, and not with their servers.
I'd like to thank ArenaNet for the excellent service they've provided me so far. Great job guys!

blaked88: if ANet tried to help you and told you to "go to some ping site", I would do it. The chances are they know far more about how networks work, and how their game works, than you do. Maybe they are trying to find out where the problem is, since it's not with your computer, and not with their servers.
Mister Overhill
Worst lag since Apr, 05 this afternoon, while daughter and I were playing. No problems with either system or elsewhere on the web. Jumping to International server didn't help like it sometimes does.
Ok , well Carth actually I agree with you the servers are ok.
But their ISP sucks did some extended ping test with anet and found that their connection in frankfurt is overloaded or something normal ping about 20ms with peaks at over 1000ms.
So still anet's problem to fix I think
But their ISP sucks did some extended ping test with anet and found that their connection in frankfurt is overloaded or something normal ping about 20ms with peaks at over 1000ms.
So still anet's problem to fix I think
Customer support treat people on the presumption that ArenaNet network is perfect, which normaly might be the case. Clearly with all the people complaining, my experiance with ppl in game and i myself getting Err7 its NOT a client end problem they have serious server problems.
Look at the SS, 4 ppl all lagged out at exactly the same time and one person Err7ed out and everyone was in different countries. Tell me how that is a client problem? Tell me how you can play for 2 hours fine and then for the next 3 your home router just "breaks" mysteriously for GW but every other networked application game/web/etc work perfectly? You can't because its not a client problem, it's a server problem, network or hardware.
Just now i was dropped from the end of the deep(yes i play it alot), i reconnect join another party get to room1, some guy 007s out then within 1 minute i 007 aswell. How is this an isolated incident? A VERY large number of gamers are plagued by 007 errors on otherwise perfectly fine home lines.
I think this problem only plagues the US servers and the EU servers are not affected. Altho im really not sure because i normally start start parties from International and i dont know where international servers are located. In anycase i choose not to play on EU servers due to the low number of gamers in comparison to the US.
Look at the SS, 4 ppl all lagged out at exactly the same time and one person Err7ed out and everyone was in different countries. Tell me how that is a client problem? Tell me how you can play for 2 hours fine and then for the next 3 your home router just "breaks" mysteriously for GW but every other networked application game/web/etc work perfectly? You can't because its not a client problem, it's a server problem, network or hardware.
Just now i was dropped from the end of the deep(yes i play it alot), i reconnect join another party get to room1, some guy 007s out then within 1 minute i 007 aswell. How is this an isolated incident? A VERY large number of gamers are plagued by 007 errors on otherwise perfectly fine home lines.
I think this problem only plagues the US servers and the EU servers are not affected. Altho im really not sure because i normally start start parties from International and i dont know where international servers are located. In anycase i choose not to play on EU servers due to the low number of gamers in comparison to the US.
Stolen Souls
I got my reply from support today. The person told me to download and run some "Pingplotter" program. So I figured, heh...why not. I ran the program while playing GW...about a half hour later, BAM...lag spike + err7. I attached the report to my reply...I wonder what kind of automated reply I'll get next...
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
I got my reply from support today. The person told me to download and run some "Pingplotter" program. So I figured, heh...why not. I ran the program while playing GW...about a half hour later, BAM...lag spike + err7. I attached the report to my reply...I wonder what kind of automated reply I'll get next...
Undoubtably i'll get the same canned advice you have but i also requested the end result i want is them to admit there is a problem and give some assurance its being corrected.
Worryingly tho i ready their FAQ on the matter and they seem to brush off the disconnection problem as just being "flawed" internet technology. That's just not good enough when your game relies on a solid many hour long connection to play right.
just curious, what IP address did you guys get for the ping plotter, and what were the results from it?
Areed. The problem may lie outside ArenaNets network or within it, but it's their responcibility to find a soloution so people can enjoy the game. It's not an isolated incident, this is a widespread problem that's ruining thousands of games.
If they cannot offer a reliable connection to the servers due to outside influence then they should develop the game so that having a disconnection doesnt waste hours of peoples time.
I've played other even free MMORPG games that were hosted in the US and at their peak they had HUGE lag spikes but very few times did i disconnect and never did it ruin the game. Ultimately it's their responcibility to solve the problem.
If they cannot offer a reliable connection to the servers due to outside influence then they should develop the game so that having a disconnection doesnt waste hours of peoples time.
I've played other even free MMORPG games that were hosted in the US and at their peak they had HUGE lag spikes but very few times did i disconnect and never did it ruin the game. Ultimately it's their responcibility to solve the problem.
I'm not sure, but I don't think ANet can control the route packets take from their servers to you. It's up to your ISP who they purchase peering from. But don't quote me on that, it could equally be up to ANet to harangue the people responsible. There is definitely a problem, I can see that just from the amount of people complaining.
Originally Posted by Cargo
This is what I received two days after the question was asked:
Hello Mike, I would suggest you remove the router and run a hard line from the system straight to the modem. Once this is done be sure to power reset the modem and reboot the system. If this works then you should try disabling uPnP on your router or you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the software for your router as well. Also, you may need to update the firmware for your router or the router could be faulty. Also, there is a very good article on router configs in the GW Knowledge Base here; Let us know if these do not make a difference in your issue. Thank you. The Guild Wars Support Team |
I disconnected my router and tried cable modem only; no change. I updated the firmware on my router; no change. I followed all of your recommendations and the FAQs and still get the problem. It takes a little time, but eventually I get unreal lag. I can do nothing in the game.
During a recent quest I had the major lag as well as another person on the quest. This is not a problem on MY end. I have a feeling there is a server issue on your end.
What server do I connect to? Why has this all of a sudden started to happen as of five days ago. I have read the same problems over and over from a lot of people.
Please do not send me to the FAQs for a solution that will not work. Tell me what YOU are doing to fix the server problem on your end.
I love this game and plan to buy Nightfall when it comes out. As of the past five days, gameplay has gone DOWN HILL and is getting worse. The enjoyment is gone and it is a virus that is spreading to a lot of people.
As I have stated, I want solutions not FAQs that do nothing for me. I was very angry. I am not to the point of getting in contact with a lawyer for a nice class action law suit -- failure to provide servers per software purchase agreement.
Well i know hosting server providers, especially those who offer gaming servers have an option of providers to use. Usually games servers go on the premium high quality lines and the web servers and other basic services go on bulk lines. I'll admit i dont know how they handle routing that traffic i just know there are options and different prices depending on what you need.
Originally Posted by Carth`
I'm not sure, but I don't think ANet can control the route packets take from their servers to you. It's up to your ISP who they purchase peering from. But don't quote me on that, it could equally be up to ANet to harangue the people responsible. There is definitely a problem, I can see that just from the amount of people complaining.
Something is wrong in Yellow Brick Road and we are not the solution, but we may become a headache that they will need to deal with sooner or later.
max gladius
i figure its anet bringing on all the new servers while setup up for the expansion.... or atleast i hope thatis the reason.... all i seem to have time for between error 7s is a quick alliance battle... rather frustrating as we all have experessed
I too read their FAQ and did what ANet suggested. I err7 with the updated router firmware AND with a direct connection to my DSL modem so I'm back to square one along with a lot of people in this thread. I will definately NOT buy Nightfall.
I have been having exetreme problems while AB'ing, which is really slowing me down in getting my new armor. I dont even error 7, I just freeze. I cant move, and chat isnt working. All my skill icons are frozen, like there glowing as if I had clicked them but nothing is happening.
Heres a picture:
As you can see in this picture, I am clearly dead and yet my skills are still going. Also note how my entire team (With atleast 7 luxon) all error 7'ed at the same time.
In my 1 year of playing Guild Wars I have never lagged, I am on 10 mbps connection with no router and I am the ONLY one using the connection. I turn of Xfire, Aim, Ventrillo with no luck.
I even sent a email to anet showing various screenshots of me frozen, but they have not responded. This better be temperary, or I will be quitting GW.
I NEED a post from Gaile Gray or Alex.
Heres a picture:
As you can see in this picture, I am clearly dead and yet my skills are still going. Also note how my entire team (With atleast 7 luxon) all error 7'ed at the same time.
In my 1 year of playing Guild Wars I have never lagged, I am on 10 mbps connection with no router and I am the ONLY one using the connection. I turn of Xfire, Aim, Ventrillo with no luck.
I even sent a email to anet showing various screenshots of me frozen, but they have not responded. This better be temperary, or I will be quitting GW.
I NEED a post from Gaile Gray or Alex.
Hi guys,
I know this is my first post but I’ve been a long time reader of the gw guru forums. Like many of you I have the same err7 woes. I have been dealing with GW support for almost a week now and they have finally admitted to me tonight that they know there is a problem along the network. For the past few days they kept insisting that it was a problem on my end but after persisting with them I am finally getting somewhere. They are aware of the LARGE number of err 7s but they have not been able to find the cause. To speed up the trouble shooting process I would ask all those who have not opened a support ticket to do so and to provide them with a network diagnostic file (preferably taken right after a err7 occurs) along with it.
To use GW network diagnostic tool do the following:
1) Make a copy of the Guild Wars shortcut on your desktop.
2) Right-click it and go to properties
3) In the “Shortcut” tab go to the line where it reads “Target”
4) After the last quotation mark put a space then type –diag
It should look something like this:
("C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" –diag)
5) Click Ok and double click the shortcut to make sure it works
Hopefully the problem will be solved soon because GW is almost unplayable in its current state.
I know this is my first post but I’ve been a long time reader of the gw guru forums. Like many of you I have the same err7 woes. I have been dealing with GW support for almost a week now and they have finally admitted to me tonight that they know there is a problem along the network. For the past few days they kept insisting that it was a problem on my end but after persisting with them I am finally getting somewhere. They are aware of the LARGE number of err 7s but they have not been able to find the cause. To speed up the trouble shooting process I would ask all those who have not opened a support ticket to do so and to provide them with a network diagnostic file (preferably taken right after a err7 occurs) along with it.
To use GW network diagnostic tool do the following:
1) Make a copy of the Guild Wars shortcut on your desktop.
2) Right-click it and go to properties
3) In the “Shortcut” tab go to the line where it reads “Target”
4) After the last quotation mark put a space then type –diag
It should look something like this:
("C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" –diag)
5) Click Ok and double click the shortcut to make sure it works
Hopefully the problem will be solved soon because GW is almost unplayable in its current state.
Originally Posted by Coolniceronguy
Hmmm... well I thought I would drop by, and make you guys/girls feel better about being you, and not me.
I made a new elementalist named "Eternal Feminine" about 2 weeks ago. 78 hours of gameplay, and 891 thousand xp later, I death by lagged. I was going for the Legendary Survivor title. |
I recreated my elementalist "Eternal Feminine". 20 hours later at trying for the Legendary Survivor Title, and I death-by-lagged. I am extremely certain, this time, it was not a problem with my computer, my ISP, the build I was using, and I was most certainly not close to death when I was subject to the extremely bad lag.
For me this is the straw that broke the camel's back. 3150 logged on hours, and I can honestly say I have grown to love Guild Wars.
But, quite frankly folks, I have had it. I have uninstalled Guild Wars. This has been coming for a long time (and is not an impulsive decision), for many reasons. I will be making a final post at a later date, after I have composed myself.
Coolniceronguy, I'm sorry it got to you like that but I'm close to that point myself. The game is unplayable in the state its in right now.
Well 2 more errors tonight, one on the last 5 minutes of Eternal Grove, which i would have gotten masters on. To be honest, this entire problem really shows how much anet does not care about their customers. Not only has an Anet employee not posted on this or any other thread similar to this on ANY fansites, but they have not updated their "Network Updates" page, or their front page. However, they have plenty of interest in the latest championship games and updating their website photo album. So I guess the 80 people competing in that championship are more important then the tens of thousands of people that play their game.
problems abound.
was doing raisu to the last group (the monk boss et al)...killed everyone and then..
the group moved on and tried to kill/talk to shiro (bet you didnt know he was there did ya? ).........
the emperor was still dying....we ran around, tried to leave and come back, found that the ritualist boss and all his cronies had rezed, killed them again...ran around, talked to emperor....and nothing.
until the emperor died, we had finished the mission but the end cut scene didnt we lost.
I am glad that I had finished the game a while back, but some of the people in the group had not.....not sure why this bug happened today, havent seen any new updates......
oh well....guess I will go and read a book.
was doing raisu to the last group (the monk boss et al)...killed everyone and then..
the group moved on and tried to kill/talk to shiro (bet you didnt know he was there did ya? ).........
the emperor was still dying....we ran around, tried to leave and come back, found that the ritualist boss and all his cronies had rezed, killed them again...ran around, talked to emperor....and nothing.
until the emperor died, we had finished the mission but the end cut scene didnt we lost.
I am glad that I had finished the game a while back, but some of the people in the group had not.....not sure why this bug happened today, havent seen any new updates......
oh well....guess I will go and read a book.
I love how the "err7"s are not Anets fault but a clientside problem, yet they want us to submit lag reports so they can "try to track down the issue", so I can't ask them why it occurs because it isn't them but I can submit information to help them fix it...
It wouldn't be so fustrating if they'd just tell us the reason it actually occurs, and stop giving us those bs-coated emails and error messages.
It wouldn't be so fustrating if they'd just tell us the reason it actually occurs, and stop giving us those bs-coated emails and error messages.
I even used the ol' -image tag to speed up my load time, and it did not help. I did the router removal gig. I did the whole FAQ/help thing. That being said, this is the tech area.
Has anything helped anybody avoid the 007 bug?
Has anything helped anybody avoid the 007 bug?
Originally Posted by cosyfiep
problems abound.
was doing raisu to the last group (the monk boss et al)...killed everyone and then.. then... nothing.... the group moved on and tried to kill/talk to shiro (bet you didnt know he was there did ya? )......... the emperor was still dying....we ran around, tried to leave and come back, found that the ritualist boss and all his cronies had rezed, killed them again...ran around, talked to emperor....and nothing. until the emperor died, we had finished the mission but the end cut scene didnt we lost. I am glad that I had finished the game a while back, but some of the people in the group had not.....not sure why this bug happened today, havent seen any new updates...... oh well....guess I will go and read a book. |

please correct me if im wrong
Absolute - np till this week. No err 7 but cant do anything till grp re-zones. It seemed like the excessive warning gen helped - but I am not so sure now. EXTREMELY frustrating..... Can't play more than 15 mins
Hello ------, Thanks for contacting the NCsoft Europe customer support. It seems that there is a network problem on your route to our servers, because the network on our side as on your side looks fine. The error 007 is a normal disconnect from our servers due to client or internet connection issues. This should be a temporary problem, and we are going to investigate further to resolve this issue. Please understand, that we are not able to provide single feedback to everyone. Regards, GM -------- Guild Wars Customer Support NCsoft Europe |
Well after 10 updates to the problem a day and some extended trouble shooting with NCSoft this was the outcome and I thought it would be good to post it to everyone here
Even more irritating than these blasted err7 disconnects, is Anet's utter silence on the subject. Since they have not bothered to dignify us with even a "yes there is a problem and we are working on it" post, I have sent emails to every gaming magazine and gaming review site I could think of describing the problem and Anet's extremely poor support on it. I encourage others to do the same. Maybe some bad press will shake them into saying something.
My husband and I both have had the same issues since a week and a half ago... we are still experiencing these problems...
1) Not connecting past the login screen
2) Getting stuck at the map load in screen
3) Getting stuck in towns on lock-down (movable camera, and openable text box, but no scrolling messages)
4) Multiple 007 codes one after the other
We have actually bought 4 copies of GW (one for each of us in the family) and 2 copies of Factions (for husband and I). We started talking to Tech Support almost immediately after we starting having problems... they led us through the usual router, hub, ISP, re-install, ping tests, etc... we've done it all. No improvements. We are on tier 3 of a tier 4 support!!
When completing the ping tests with them, the problem does not lie with us in any way... it's either on the way to the main server or at the main server. Something needs to be done. SUBMIT A TROUBLE TICKET... get everyone you know that has these problems to do it or nothing will be done!
So far there's been several people in our state (Alabama) that we've gotten to put in tickets... we need more... those from other states are a definite so that they will realize its not from a single location!!!!
My husband and I both have had the same issues since a week and a half ago... we are still experiencing these problems...
1) Not connecting past the login screen
2) Getting stuck at the map load in screen
3) Getting stuck in towns on lock-down (movable camera, and openable text box, but no scrolling messages)
4) Multiple 007 codes one after the other
We have actually bought 4 copies of GW (one for each of us in the family) and 2 copies of Factions (for husband and I). We started talking to Tech Support almost immediately after we starting having problems... they led us through the usual router, hub, ISP, re-install, ping tests, etc... we've done it all. No improvements. We are on tier 3 of a tier 4 support!!
When completing the ping tests with them, the problem does not lie with us in any way... it's either on the way to the main server or at the main server. Something needs to be done. SUBMIT A TROUBLE TICKET... get everyone you know that has these problems to do it or nothing will be done!
So far there's been several people in our state (Alabama) that we've gotten to put in tickets... we need more... those from other states are a definite so that they will realize its not from a single location!!!!

I'd be happy to send my my complaints to any gaming mag/site if you PM me the emails.
The IPs checked in the diagnostic tool dont match the server IP im connected to anyway. I cannot ping nor trace the IP of the server i am connected to, so that pretty much renders my tracerts useless in diagnosing anything but external ArenaNet problems.
I can see im connected to 3 game (port 6112) IPs and i have the 4 from the diagnostic report. Next time i see my game start to freeze i'll fire off 6 tracerts which i will then send into Anet. Im then going to go play another game untill i see its fixed after that.
I've asked a friend who sets up networks for companies to take a look and he seems to think it's a problem on their end aswell, but due to the routers blocking ICMP packets its hard to tell exactly where the fault is inbetween. In any case it's their responcibility and im done wasting time.
Normal disconnections like normal crashes, normal bugs and normally unacceptable customer support and service eh?
Actually having said that i did forget my account details on plaync a while ago and they were very good helping me sort that out so i shouldnt blame support, i'd blame the network and server guys.
The IPs checked in the diagnostic tool dont match the server IP im connected to anyway. I cannot ping nor trace the IP of the server i am connected to, so that pretty much renders my tracerts useless in diagnosing anything but external ArenaNet problems.
I can see im connected to 3 game (port 6112) IPs and i have the 4 from the diagnostic report. Next time i see my game start to freeze i'll fire off 6 tracerts which i will then send into Anet. Im then going to go play another game untill i see its fixed after that.
I've asked a friend who sets up networks for companies to take a look and he seems to think it's a problem on their end aswell, but due to the routers blocking ICMP packets its hard to tell exactly where the fault is inbetween. In any case it's their responcibility and im done wasting time.
Normal disconnections like normal crashes, normal bugs and normally unacceptable customer support and service eh?
Actually having said that i did forget my account details on plaync a while ago and they were very good helping me sort that out so i shouldnt blame support, i'd blame the network and server guys.
guys don't you understand doing stuff like that works against you.
Fisrt of Anet only manages the software and nothing else that all lays with NCSoft who has the rights for it, any complains should be directed at them.
Second I have seen the problem is with the ISP's and not the servers, there is very little Anet/NCSoft can do about that except open their own ticket with the ISP's involved.
Knowing from experience any ticket for slow responce even packet drops will not be looked at with any urgency by any ISP but the one in Germany in particular(own work experience)
And if I were a company designing a program and the community would turn against me , I would turn of my servers and walk away (which they have a right to do). And frankly a couple of people sending mail/email to magazines will not go noticed you need alot of people doing it.
Comeon people use some common sence and just submit the damn traceroutes that show thoose jumps that I see of 20 to 800ms ping times.
As for the responce I got from senior tech support that I posted earlier they say in it right away it isn't my ISP and as they only do monitor their servers they can rule that out to and they are looking into it further.
Do I like ag/disconnects etc. ? No but aslong as I have been playing online games they have been around and I have YET to come across one company that listens to a handfull of people complain on a message board and putting down threads that they will not even concider taking serious.
Every game sooner or later has extended periods of problems so keep the info going to NCSoft and keep your ticket open as info is also what they need to find the problem !
Fisrt of Anet only manages the software and nothing else that all lays with NCSoft who has the rights for it, any complains should be directed at them.
Second I have seen the problem is with the ISP's and not the servers, there is very little Anet/NCSoft can do about that except open their own ticket with the ISP's involved.
Knowing from experience any ticket for slow responce even packet drops will not be looked at with any urgency by any ISP but the one in Germany in particular(own work experience)
And if I were a company designing a program and the community would turn against me , I would turn of my servers and walk away (which they have a right to do). And frankly a couple of people sending mail/email to magazines will not go noticed you need alot of people doing it.
Comeon people use some common sence and just submit the damn traceroutes that show thoose jumps that I see of 20 to 800ms ping times.
As for the responce I got from senior tech support that I posted earlier they say in it right away it isn't my ISP and as they only do monitor their servers they can rule that out to and they are looking into it further.
Do I like ag/disconnects etc. ? No but aslong as I have been playing online games they have been around and I have YET to come across one company that listens to a handfull of people complain on a message board and putting down threads that they will not even concider taking serious.
Every game sooner or later has extended periods of problems so keep the info going to NCSoft and keep your ticket open as info is also what they need to find the problem !
i gotta agree with abyss. the best thing at this point is for everyone to run -diag and maybe pingplotter and show Anet's whats up. telling gaming sites and magazines will probably just piss them off and make them take longer, if the sites actually end up saying anything. just try to give anet a hand.
I think if game sites started publishing how bad GuildWars network and all right before their new game comes out, i'm pretty sure that would get the ball rolling.
Wont make anything worse except their reputation which is the one thing they dont want.
Having said that i've received an email back acknowledging they are having 007 errors and are looking into it.
It seems they dont want my data if its going through my router, but i think im going to keep giving them it anyway because i think i might have something. I just want to verify it before i commit to it.
Wont make anything worse except their reputation which is the one thing they dont want.
Having said that i've received an email back acknowledging they are having 007 errors and are looking into it.
Hello, We are very aware of the 007 issue and are working to resolve it. Our QA department and Tech Support are attempting to find the solution to this issue. If you would like to help us in finding this issue then we will need a clean network test without the router. If you would prefer to wait for a fix then you can let this ticket auto close on it's own. Whichever you prefer is fine with us the decision is solely your to make. Thank you for your time and patience in this matter and I do hope you are having a good day. Thank you. The Guild Wars Support Team |