Ideas for Mini-Events
here my idea special armor weekend for example
take underworld u must complete it then a ghost pops up and rewards u with say a "head gear"
fissure same thing once completed you get a "chest"
the deep once completed u get "legging"
urgoz u complete it then u get the "boots"
warcamp u know that mission where u have to kill that robot boss +3 fire angels what ever they are called and u get the "gloves"
and there u go u have completed your armor set
or instead u get say a customised token for each completed mission as mention above total of 5 customised tokens and you can excange the tokens to get your rewarded special event armor.
my 2 cents gives something to do in pve and be highly rewarded.
take underworld u must complete it then a ghost pops up and rewards u with say a "head gear"
fissure same thing once completed you get a "chest"
the deep once completed u get "legging"
urgoz u complete it then u get the "boots"
warcamp u know that mission where u have to kill that robot boss +3 fire angels what ever they are called and u get the "gloves"
and there u go u have completed your armor set
or instead u get say a customised token for each completed mission as mention above total of 5 customised tokens and you can excange the tokens to get your rewarded special event armor.
my 2 cents gives something to do in pve and be highly rewarded.
this way everyone is happy but the only downside is no chests and half experience and it costs money to get there. BUT you can travel there by talking to spongebob squarepants in kaineng center instead of LF TAXI FOR THE DEEP OR URGOZS WARREN!
take into consideration because i said so
this way everyone is happy but the only downside is no chests and half experience and it costs money to get there. BUT you can travel there by talking to spongebob squarepants in kaineng center instead of LF TAXI FOR THE DEEP OR URGOZS WARREN!
take into consideration because i said so
Originally Posted by SilentAssassin
- double chance of getting a green (triple )

Anyways, a huge, weekend long, Luxon vs Kurzick battle for most kills would be fun I think.
Frau Braten
Some people (like me) are having a hard time getting through some missions, so
for a weekend ......
new collectable Super Monk Dust
a reasonable number of these at a trader for a Super Monk
Super Monk is activated like a Birthday Present, but has only one use, he comes out of your inventory when you double click on him, and disappears when you enter a city / outpost
Super Monk has unlimited energy and armor, spams heal party and resurrects anyone that dies
Super Monk takes 100% of all drops
Customize Super Monk, so it cant be sold
After the weekend period, he acts just like a pet (no heal / res), and is still only good for one use.
The leftover dust will end up like the 103 Jade Wind Orbs I carry around
This way, people that are having a hard time getting through certain missions will be able to continue on with the story line.
I also like the UW / FOW pass idea
for a weekend ......
new collectable Super Monk Dust
a reasonable number of these at a trader for a Super Monk
Super Monk is activated like a Birthday Present, but has only one use, he comes out of your inventory when you double click on him, and disappears when you enter a city / outpost
Super Monk has unlimited energy and armor, spams heal party and resurrects anyone that dies
Super Monk takes 100% of all drops
Customize Super Monk, so it cant be sold
After the weekend period, he acts just like a pet (no heal / res), and is still only good for one use.
The leftover dust will end up like the 103 Jade Wind Orbs I carry around
This way, people that are having a hard time getting through certain missions will be able to continue on with the story line.
I also like the UW / FOW pass idea
Hi there
How about a Scavenger Hunt that takes place on both Tyria and Cantha.
When you complete the hunt, you can trade your items in for some sort of prize.
How about a Scavenger Hunt that takes place on both Tyria and Cantha.
When you complete the hunt, you can trade your items in for some sort of prize.

Two April Mornings
kinda liek the xmas thing...
kinda liek the xmas thing...
Originally Posted by GloryFox
Rank Emote Disabled weekend!
That’s right its NOOB weekend at HA! You might join a bunch of noobs you might not!.. It’s a great way for people with no rank to join a team set up their skills and go for it. It's like the old time golf courses who were exclusionary and let the "other" people play golf for a change. Everyone is now on a somewhat leveled playing field for joining a team. |
-- Double Fame and Faction Weekend
-- Double Skill Points
-- Double Dye Drops (Including Black and the newly unveiled WHITE) Hint Hint!!
-- Elite Mission Access
-- Re-Open the mini arenas (Dodgeball and Snowball) Nobody in thier right mind would delete those, we know you have them

-- No Favor weekend for access to FOW and UW
-- More games for the Lucky and Unluck titles
-- Some one mentioned a "Boss Hunter weekend" with double XP and drops.
1- free access to uw and fow
2- double ecto and shards ^^
3- (this is not a weekend event but i hope you'll do that sooner or later) add a new area similar to uw and fow accessible through other statues, or a free update like SF
2- double ecto and shards ^^
3- (this is not a weekend event but i hope you'll do that sooner or later) add a new area similar to uw and fow accessible through other statues, or a free update like SF
My Sweet Revenga
Hrmm cool. Guess I"ll just repost what I did in the other thread, and add a few more ideas ^^
- Double MONSTER SIZE.... can you imagine fighting kuunavang or glint?
- Double dye drop..... let's get those black dye prices down
- PVE balth faction.... killing pve monsters gives you balth faction
- Extended PVP.... 12v12 or 16v16 in all pvp arenas
- Royal Rumble.... modified 8 player PVP arena where it's every man/woman for himself/herself. 8 men enter, 1 man leaves! 8 men enter, 1 man leaves! Oh, and rez sigs/skills become weapon skills with different attributes.
- Special event arenas revisited.... bring back dodgeball and the snowball fight arenas. Add a new one where you gotta shoot ducks
=== Some new wacky ideas ===
- A special weekend event where assassins take only half damage
- The Amazing Race, tyrian/canthan edition. Can leave quick travel in place, but put waypoints in harder to reach locations like the back of the ice imp cave in mineral springs or in the middle of mission zones.
- Scavenger hunt that takes place across the whole continent of tyria/cantha
- Lemming arena - 8 players spawn on a platform surrounded by water, kinda like the login screen
Only the catch is the platform tilts randomly causing players to slide towards the low end. And the outer edges of the platform slowly starts to shrink in size. Skills include 2 second dolyak sig, shove, sprint.... I dunno what else heh. Auto targetting is disabled and you can only shove what is adjecent and in front of your character. Objective is to be the last one on the platform.
- For a weekend (or preferably, a permanant change) minipets can attack. All minipets have the same attack rate and only do 1 dmg per hit.
- Did I mention Double MONSTER SIZE?
- Double MONSTER SIZE.... can you imagine fighting kuunavang or glint?
- Double dye drop..... let's get those black dye prices down
- PVE balth faction.... killing pve monsters gives you balth faction
- Extended PVP.... 12v12 or 16v16 in all pvp arenas
- Royal Rumble.... modified 8 player PVP arena where it's every man/woman for himself/herself. 8 men enter, 1 man leaves! 8 men enter, 1 man leaves! Oh, and rez sigs/skills become weapon skills with different attributes.
- Special event arenas revisited.... bring back dodgeball and the snowball fight arenas. Add a new one where you gotta shoot ducks

=== Some new wacky ideas ===
- A special weekend event where assassins take only half damage
- The Amazing Race, tyrian/canthan edition. Can leave quick travel in place, but put waypoints in harder to reach locations like the back of the ice imp cave in mineral springs or in the middle of mission zones.
- Scavenger hunt that takes place across the whole continent of tyria/cantha
- Lemming arena - 8 players spawn on a platform surrounded by water, kinda like the login screen

- For a weekend (or preferably, a permanant change) minipets can attack. All minipets have the same attack rate and only do 1 dmg per hit.
- Did I mention Double MONSTER SIZE?

minipet day- minipets can drop from chests in certain places and not any minipets ones u can get any other place (maybe a urgoz minipet? or maybe a togo minipet)
factions as one day- all towns are nertualized for one weekend so taht it gives a cahance for kurzicks to get luxon armor and luxons to get kurzick armor without doing the qeusts.
factions as one day- all towns are nertualized for one weekend so taht it gives a cahance for kurzicks to get luxon armor and luxons to get kurzick armor without doing the qeusts.
Phaern Majes
Originally Posted by tommarrow
Could you just imagine 8 people in a group with 5 mini pets each running around. Worse if they did this and allow pets in town there could hundreds of pets running around.
But I must ask can you now imagine me in a party of 8 each with 5 mini seige turtles out. Thats 40 mini seige turtles out in the gayala hatchery mission and me yelling "Turtle Clan, MOVE OUT!" Now thats a turtle clan you can be proud of... not just some lame 3 seige turtle, and 5 young turtle clan psh....
[QUOTE=GloryFox]Rank Emote Disabled weekend!
That’s right its NOOB weekend at HA! You might join a bunch of noobs you might not!..
It’s a great way for people with no rank to join a team set up their skills and go for it. It's like the old time golf courses who were exclusionary and let the "other" people play golf for a change. Everyone is now on a somewhat leveled playing field for joining a team.[/QUOTE
Wow. im loving this idea. its mostly gonna be guild groups pwning but for the rest of the ppl it givese ppl a chance to scout new talent to add to guilds or to guild groups.
That’s right its NOOB weekend at HA! You might join a bunch of noobs you might not!..
It’s a great way for people with no rank to join a team set up their skills and go for it. It's like the old time golf courses who were exclusionary and let the "other" people play golf for a change. Everyone is now on a somewhat leveled playing field for joining a team.[/QUOTE
Wow. im loving this idea. its mostly gonna be guild groups pwning but for the rest of the ppl it givese ppl a chance to scout new talent to add to guilds or to guild groups.
Brother Andicus
Originally Posted by Thom Bangalter
Double fame 6 man hall of heroes is a good fun weekend idea (oh wait, you did that...Well, do it again).
more double faction weekends; the flames of balthazar were pretty cool too. double drops from halls chest. double faction from GVG only. monetary (in game gold, that is) rewards for heroes ascent or GVG wins. double rating weekend! (screwing up the ladder is fun, right?) non-pve fun weekends are amazing; I couldn't give a crap about double percentage of gold drops. hugs and kisses Gaile, let's have more pvp fun weekends that don't have to do with Alliance battles or fort aspenwood. |
Add to that something to appease PvEers. How about a double monster spawn weekend. The increased difficulty might actually make PvE enjoyable instead of mindless.
And for the record, double scroll duration weekend is the WORST idea in the entire world EVER. It might have an off chance of actually having a point if it was after a new chapter release and you needed skill points, but now?
no minipets in town!!! very VERY bad idea... as Im sure you are aware (and Anet IS working on it) we already have lag issues server side.
I do really like the ideas regarding the gigantic stolen shipment of booze thats been being found all over the realms. With the obvious shortages in shopkeepers inventories, they will be paying a bounty for adventurers to get and return servings of it (whadya mean thats all there was??? You must've drank some!).
The random HA weekend is a cool idea, I'd play.
edit: this minipet idea IS cool:
I do really like the ideas regarding the gigantic stolen shipment of booze thats been being found all over the realms. With the obvious shortages in shopkeepers inventories, they will be paying a bounty for adventurers to get and return servings of it (whadya mean thats all there was??? You must've drank some!).
The random HA weekend is a cool idea, I'd play.
edit: this minipet idea IS cool:
Originally Posted by SPIRIT OF THE SEA
minipet day- minipets can drop from chests in certain places and not any minipets ones u can get any other place (maybe a urgoz minipet? or maybe a togo minipet.
(proposed already):
- double dye drops
- double luxon/kurz faction
- double balth. faction
My original ideas:
- double Morale from bosses
- double collectable drops
- half price weapon crafters
- half price skills
- No map (M) capability weekend to make people appreciate it
- Half/Double skill bar weekends to make people appreciate 8 skill bar
- Double cast time weekend (PvE) to make people appreciate mesmers in PvE
basically anything that won't hurt players that don't participate that much
- double dye drops
- double luxon/kurz faction
- double balth. faction
My original ideas:
- double Morale from bosses
- double collectable drops
- half price weapon crafters
- half price skills
- No map (M) capability weekend to make people appreciate it
- Half/Double skill bar weekends to make people appreciate 8 skill bar
- Double cast time weekend (PvE) to make people appreciate mesmers in PvE
basically anything that won't hurt players that don't participate that much
Clinically Proven
6v6 HA!!! - actually make that permanent 
Double Dye drops
Double gold item drops
Ale drops

Double Dye drops
Double gold item drops
Ale drops
I have two thoughts of the mini-events. Solve these, and greatly improve mini-events in general.
1) They encourage grind. Example, I love Aspenwood. On the Aspenwood/Quandry event, I was into getting a character through the story missions, and felt like doing that. I ended up playing a lot of Aspenwood, even though it wasn't what I was really in the mood for. I wish I had a solution to this problem for you.
2) I can play most weekends, but I'm sure there are examples of people who can't. Why not have some mini-events be durring the week, or last for a week? Or happen on a couple of occasions for people out of town?
My favorite things you've done with mini-events is to let grind-reducing aspects of them stay.
Faction X weekend (or whatever it was, I think about a year ago): double balthazar faction. This ended up staying in the game. This is great because it reduces grind. But there's still waaaay to much grind. Don't get mad at me for saying that, because GW originally claimed no grind with their game. I'd suggest re-introducing the tokens that could be exchanged for faction. That improved the grind problem, but still comes no where close to fixing it.
Aspenwood/Quandry weekend: PvP characters can still play these maps. This was a problem that made me very close to not buying factions. But now it's solved, thank you.
Other mini-event ideas:
Try out anything the development team is thinking about. For example, 6v6, which normally isn't available.
2v2, 3v3, or 1v1 (in that order) sounds awfully fun to me as well. Or a match of 3v1 where the 3 have to kill the 2 in 5 minutes (I originally said 3v2, but that would be awfully for the offence unless confined to an area the size of the Shing Ja Monistaries areas waiting room).
1) They encourage grind. Example, I love Aspenwood. On the Aspenwood/Quandry event, I was into getting a character through the story missions, and felt like doing that. I ended up playing a lot of Aspenwood, even though it wasn't what I was really in the mood for. I wish I had a solution to this problem for you.
2) I can play most weekends, but I'm sure there are examples of people who can't. Why not have some mini-events be durring the week, or last for a week? Or happen on a couple of occasions for people out of town?
My favorite things you've done with mini-events is to let grind-reducing aspects of them stay.
Faction X weekend (or whatever it was, I think about a year ago): double balthazar faction. This ended up staying in the game. This is great because it reduces grind. But there's still waaaay to much grind. Don't get mad at me for saying that, because GW originally claimed no grind with their game. I'd suggest re-introducing the tokens that could be exchanged for faction. That improved the grind problem, but still comes no where close to fixing it.
Aspenwood/Quandry weekend: PvP characters can still play these maps. This was a problem that made me very close to not buying factions. But now it's solved, thank you.
Other mini-event ideas:
Try out anything the development team is thinking about. For example, 6v6, which normally isn't available.
2v2, 3v3, or 1v1 (in that order) sounds awfully fun to me as well. Or a match of 3v1 where the 3 have to kill the 2 in 5 minutes (I originally said 3v2, but that would be awfully for the offence unless confined to an area the size of the Shing Ja Monistaries areas waiting room).
Zaishen Medal.
Which should be permanent anyway - if i can stock up on skill points why not faction?
But I would love for a weekend with zaishen medals again.
Which should be permanent anyway - if i can stock up on skill points why not faction?
But I would love for a weekend with zaishen medals again.
Originally Posted by rotielover
Originally Posted by Thom Bangalter
Double fame 6 man hall of heroes is a good fun weekend idea (oh wait, you did that...Well, do it again). more double faction weekends; the flames of balthazar were pretty cool too. double drops from halls chest. double faction from GVG only. monetary (in game gold, that is) rewards for heroes ascent or GVG wins. double rating weekend! (screwing up the ladder is fun, right?) non-pve fun weekends are amazing; I couldn't give a crap about double percentage of gold drops. hugs and kisses Gaile, let's have more pvp fun weekends that don't have to do with Alliance battles or fort aspenwood. |

Originally Posted by GloryFox
All portals open weekend.
Underworld and Fissure of Woe is open to everyone this weekend. Complete all quests in UW or FOW and get a special prize. Such as one free ecto or one free shard for every quest done. |
i got one. remember when we had all the games with the dragon fest? well i think it would be awomse if you had a games week end like that for titles
and what not. good money sink and awsome fun........and feed my addiction. :P
and what not. good money sink and awsome fun........and feed my addiction. :P
How about a "No waiting for AB" weekend?
Meh, I know that's wishful thinking. :/
Meh, I know that's wishful thinking. :/
Nelana Sira
Double glad weekend
Weekend where everyone that got their glad title before they got factions gets acsess to the glad arena(fierce glad, but i bought factions late
double hp weekend
double effect weekend(all skills have twice the effect like double damage double healing, double duration)
naked weekend, all armor pieces have 0 AL, or, all armor would not have any benefits, or all characters could just not equip armor at all.
Hyper weekend, all chars and creatures move 50% faster, but speed boosts have no effect, this one is my favorite.
i also enjoy the idea of a random HoH event
Weekend where everyone that got their glad title before they got factions gets acsess to the glad arena(fierce glad, but i bought factions late

double hp weekend
double effect weekend(all skills have twice the effect like double damage double healing, double duration)
naked weekend, all armor pieces have 0 AL, or, all armor would not have any benefits, or all characters could just not equip armor at all.
Hyper weekend, all chars and creatures move 50% faster, but speed boosts have no effect, this one is my favorite.
i also enjoy the idea of a random HoH event
An event where you can make groups of 12 you select for alliance battles and put representatives in balthazzar to take you to alliance battle grounds, and let guild teams be able to be made for these places
Here's an idea: Play against ANet devs weekend 
Unfortunately, I don't think there will be enough devs to go around

Unfortunately, I don't think there will be enough devs to go around
Originally Posted by Jessyi
Barring some kind of event where using the skill "I Will Avenge You!" causes your client to close and uninstall, your hard drive's platters to warp and crash, your memory to corrupt, your CPU to explode, your monitor to catch fire, every ISP in the country to blacklist you as an ineligible customer and your soul to rupture inside your very body condemning you to an afterlife of hellfire with a best-case scenario of an eternity in purgatory...
Experimentation Weekend: Key skills of infamous cookie-cutter builds are disabled for the weekend (at least in PvP).
Three words. Double Green Drops.
Now that would be fun. ^_^
Now that would be fun. ^_^
Must have Octoberfest!
Drinking, games of chance. 1vs1
Mini Game bar brawl (like snowball arena)
Drinking, games of chance. 1vs1
Mini Game bar brawl (like snowball arena)
1 weekend event where you can charm any animal in the game.
I was thinking maybe there could be an event in Pre-searing where u can get gold items?
Random Character Weekend - All character models during pvp are replaced with certain random monster models. Heh.
Skill Cap Weekend - Signets of capture can be used twice instead of once. Or just free signets, and exp from it is doubled.
Skill Cap Weekend - Signets of capture can be used twice instead of once. Or just free signets, and exp from it is doubled.
Farthest Point
The best Idea by far, is 1 v 1 Random Arenas. I would love to see that.
Kidney Licker
/Signed on the increased green drop rate. Heck make it a 90% drop rate. I've spent almost 10-12 hours over the past few days killing one boss over and over again waiting for it's green to drop.
It would be a good chance for people to get the greens they want from Factions before Nightfall comes out.
It would be a good chance for people to get the greens they want from Factions before Nightfall comes out.
i dont know if this has been mentioned already, but how about a NIGHTFALL PVE WEEKEND?!
Originally Posted by EtherealByte
i dont know if this has been mentioned already, but how about a NIGHTFALL PVE WEEKEND?!
here's a good one
2 vs 2 RA and quadruple gladiator points at 5 wins.
2 vs 2 RA and quadruple gladiator points at 5 wins.
My weekend event ideas
A Circus event with a big top act
• In the act players could try to walk a tightrope while an effect similar to being drunk which makes you sway as you try to walk.
• I like the idea of having some NPC doing tricks with the various world animals that have appeared in any of the games. (Rabbit, bees, bull etc)
• A side show ally archery contest, 1v1 competitions, beer tent, animal rides as well as some of the games from the festival weekend along with the rewards previously offered.
• Lots of clowns I know I want to see Rurik as a clown after all that is perfect for him
A fancy dress weekend here we could have special animal costumes, or dress as your fav NPC
A Guild Wars Olympics
Pet Shows
Do up your fav pet a special weekend when you are able to give your pet haircuts dye them dress them up in special cloths much like cat shows
Special dance sync weekend best group wins a prize; my Dolls character is ready for this one
A food and wine weekend, here all the food drinks from past events are offered for players to try
Could have an area for each of the past end day events for players who started the game late.
More ideas later
A Circus event with a big top act
• In the act players could try to walk a tightrope while an effect similar to being drunk which makes you sway as you try to walk.
• I like the idea of having some NPC doing tricks with the various world animals that have appeared in any of the games. (Rabbit, bees, bull etc)
• A side show ally archery contest, 1v1 competitions, beer tent, animal rides as well as some of the games from the festival weekend along with the rewards previously offered.
• Lots of clowns I know I want to see Rurik as a clown after all that is perfect for him

A fancy dress weekend here we could have special animal costumes, or dress as your fav NPC
A Guild Wars Olympics
Pet Shows
Do up your fav pet a special weekend when you are able to give your pet haircuts dye them dress them up in special cloths much like cat shows

Special dance sync weekend best group wins a prize; my Dolls character is ready for this one

A food and wine weekend, here all the food drinks from past events are offered for players to try
Could have an area for each of the past end day events for players who started the game late.
More ideas later
Immaculata Regina
Lyssa's Revenge weekend.
Annoyed at Balthasar's favoritism of certain builds/classes, the Goddess Lyssa used some divine domination magic on him to give double fame/faction on all HA teams containing at least two (primary) Mesmers. Teams exclusively made of Mesmers even get TRIPLE fame. Meanwhile in PvE all parties containing a Mesmer get double xp for monster kills.
Annoyed at Balthasar's favoritism of certain builds/classes, the Goddess Lyssa used some divine domination magic on him to give double fame/faction on all HA teams containing at least two (primary) Mesmers. Teams exclusively made of Mesmers even get TRIPLE fame. Meanwhile in PvE all parties containing a Mesmer get double xp for monster kills.
[email protected]'s revenge weekend.
heck, if anet isn't ready to give us nightfall pve yet, i'll still be happy with melandru's realm...
heck, if anet isn't ready to give us nightfall pve yet, i'll still be happy with melandru's realm...
The chest running weekend was honestly the most fun i've ever had in guild wars so i'd LOVE to see a repeat or variation on that idea. e.g. no keys or double chest numbers or double gold drops again (whatever you can do).
Other ideas:
- A tombs event of some kind - free entry for example.
- AB events - double kurzick/luxon faction for example.
- Dye drops were mentioned but perhaps it could be done with say every boss drops one of every dye and a 20% chance of black or silver as well.
- Increased key drops (I mentioned I love chest running :-).
- Amber/Jadeite drops from monsters (might ruin the economy but meh
Also I like some ideas put forward by others:
- Free entry to FOW/UW
- Favorless entry
- Rare materials drops (silk, steel, parchment etc) from mobs.
- Double ecto/shards
- Scavenger hunts (reasonably difficult) with a decent reward at the end.
That should last us for a few months worth at least. If you ever find yourself with a weekend with nothing to do, just have the chest running event again. I won't mind
Other ideas:
- A tombs event of some kind - free entry for example.
- AB events - double kurzick/luxon faction for example.
- Dye drops were mentioned but perhaps it could be done with say every boss drops one of every dye and a 20% chance of black or silver as well.
- Increased key drops (I mentioned I love chest running :-).
- Amber/Jadeite drops from monsters (might ruin the economy but meh

Also I like some ideas put forward by others:
- Free entry to FOW/UW
- Favorless entry
- Rare materials drops (silk, steel, parchment etc) from mobs.
- Double ecto/shards
- Scavenger hunts (reasonably difficult) with a decent reward at the end.
That should last us for a few months worth at least. If you ever find yourself with a weekend with nothing to do, just have the chest running event again. I won't mind