Ideas for Mini-Events
Ok, I dunno whether they have done this already or someone has already posted this (not in the first 5 pages anyway).
A good idea for Fun Weekend is to enable TWO elite skills to be equipped in the skills bar instead of ONE for the weekend
That would be fun....
....but Im not sure if only for PvE or for PvE and PvP both
P.S. I created this account just to post this =)
A good idea for Fun Weekend is to enable TWO elite skills to be equipped in the skills bar instead of ONE for the weekend
That would be fun....
....but Im not sure if only for PvE or for PvE and PvP both
P.S. I created this account just to post this =)
Jessica Pariah
Originally Posted by GloryFox
You get Beer Drops instead of monster pelts. Double your Drunkard Title etc.. Instead of being drunk every 1 minute you get it twice as fast! Bring in 4 Beers and you get Beerworst sausage that gets rid of DP for 30 seconds or makes you run faster for 10 seconds and then get your knocked down for 3 seconds etc. OR some Beers can have effects like Illusion of Haste for 10 seconds in town. Drink enough Beers and all the women toons look like Ritualists... The Beer idea's are endless... |
Originally Posted by fraehan
Ok, I dunno whether they have done this already or someone has already posted this (not in the first 5 pages anyway).
A good idea for Fun Weekend is to enable TWO elite skills to be equipped in the skills bar instead of ONE for the weekend That would be fun.... ....but Im not sure if only for PvE or for PvE and PvP both P.S. I created this account just to post this =) |

FOW/UW open days, no favour or cost
Get rid of the lag
Get rid of fireworks and bring in the pole dancers!
Oktober fest, have bands playing etc...
Find the scribe! A hunt in game to find the scribe, search through towns and outposts etc... He could leave clues in certain places etc...
Half price skills!
Increase dye drops
Increase rune drops
Instant kicking for those "WTS......" in chat channel and not in trade!
Public stoning event for those characters found to be selling gold for real money and scammers etc... We can all collect granite slabs and use them to stone them! Or what about public hangings?
Get rid of the lag
Get rid of fireworks and bring in the pole dancers!
Oktober fest, have bands playing etc...
Find the scribe! A hunt in game to find the scribe, search through towns and outposts etc... He could leave clues in certain places etc...
Half price skills!
Increase dye drops
Increase rune drops
Instant kicking for those "WTS......" in chat channel and not in trade!
Public stoning event for those characters found to be selling gold for real money and scammers etc... We can all collect granite slabs and use them to stone them! Or what about public hangings?
An Autumn weekend,
Place mushrooms in outposts and maps where little gnomes live in.
The gnomes should be very shy and run away from you when you get near them,
but when you catch one he will give you gold or a key or maybe some special gnome brew.
And also some extra (mini)quests like the stone summit dwarves arent happy with the arrival of the autumn gnomes,
because they steal there booze and disable their catapults and wooden machinery.
The stone summit also like to preserve the right of being the smallest humanoid creature ingame, so they are a bit grumpy.
They were allready upset by the arrival of a mini prince rurik.
So you can have the option to join the stone summit in the hunt for the autumn gnomes (i know the stone summit are "evil" but they will need all the help they can get),
when succesfull you get a stone summit helmet.
Or you can aid the autumn gnomes and protect them from the stone summit dwarves,
and help them disabeling their catapults and machinery.
when succesfull you will get a gnome hat (that pointy thing).
And maybe we can have some PvP battles like people aiding the stone summit vs people aiding the autumn gnomes.
these PvP battles shouldn't be like the average pvp battle but more like mini games.
Like a battle where the people aiding the stone summit get an hammer and try to splat as much gnomes as they can,
this while the people aiding the gnomes try to steel the summit supplies and disable their machinery.
And when the stone summit loses they must stamp with their feet and ball their fists and say: "Grrrrr", like they are really angry
And when the gnomes lose they should jump up and down and run arround and scream with their high little squeeky voices: "Oh, no" and "whaaaa"
You should be able to pick a side for each character,
but when a character made a choice he shouldn't be able te change his mind. So you can get a gnome hat or a stone summit helm and not both (on a single character).
And maybe should the gnomes have some information about what happend to Gwen, something vague to keep the mystery alive.
And i also like the double dye drop idea
Place mushrooms in outposts and maps where little gnomes live in.
The gnomes should be very shy and run away from you when you get near them,
but when you catch one he will give you gold or a key or maybe some special gnome brew.
And also some extra (mini)quests like the stone summit dwarves arent happy with the arrival of the autumn gnomes,
because they steal there booze and disable their catapults and wooden machinery.
The stone summit also like to preserve the right of being the smallest humanoid creature ingame, so they are a bit grumpy.
They were allready upset by the arrival of a mini prince rurik.
So you can have the option to join the stone summit in the hunt for the autumn gnomes (i know the stone summit are "evil" but they will need all the help they can get),
when succesfull you get a stone summit helmet.
Or you can aid the autumn gnomes and protect them from the stone summit dwarves,
and help them disabeling their catapults and machinery.
when succesfull you will get a gnome hat (that pointy thing).
And maybe we can have some PvP battles like people aiding the stone summit vs people aiding the autumn gnomes.
these PvP battles shouldn't be like the average pvp battle but more like mini games.
Like a battle where the people aiding the stone summit get an hammer and try to splat as much gnomes as they can,
this while the people aiding the gnomes try to steel the summit supplies and disable their machinery.
And when the stone summit loses they must stamp with their feet and ball their fists and say: "Grrrrr", like they are really angry
And when the gnomes lose they should jump up and down and run arround and scream with their high little squeeky voices: "Oh, no" and "whaaaa"
You should be able to pick a side for each character,
but when a character made a choice he shouldn't be able te change his mind. So you can get a gnome hat or a stone summit helm and not both (on a single character).
And maybe should the gnomes have some information about what happend to Gwen, something vague to keep the mystery alive.
And i also like the double dye drop idea

Bass T
Beast Arena Weekend:
6 ppl are fighting against a strong monster in arenas.
after every win you get into another arena with a stronger monster.
after some rounds you fight against 2 strong monsters with another 6 man team.
after clearling the last round you get special drops like in hoh.
double exp event:
get double exp in pve and 100exp for pvp kill / 1000 exp round clear
6 ppl are fighting against a strong monster in arenas.
after every win you get into another arena with a stronger monster.
after some rounds you fight against 2 strong monsters with another 6 man team.
after clearling the last round you get special drops like in hoh.
double exp event:
get double exp in pve and 100exp for pvp kill / 1000 exp round clear
Perfect Rares weekend. Every rare item has a perfect dmg mod, perfect prefix AND suffix mod. 'Perfect mods' can be anything as long as each health mod, furious or sundering is max and dmg mods will not be 14>50, +14 -10AL etc.
That would bring down prices a bit because they are extortionate atm.
That would bring down prices a bit because they are extortionate atm.
skill hunter weekend - signets of capture cost half the price and you get double rewards for captures
quest weekend - you get double rewards for completing quests
dye weekend - double the chance of dye-drops
quest weekend - you get double rewards for completing quests
dye weekend - double the chance of dye-drops
+ Event for better drop chance for Keys and better drop chance for golden items of chests in Tyria.
+ Event for random, hidden Chests in Tyria (where you don't need a key do open).
+ Also for Cantha
+ Event for better drops from Bosses over lv 24 (this means a 50% chance maybe for a purple drop, 20% chance for a golden drop) for Tyria.
+ Also for Cantha
+ Event for a better Chance for a rare ressource drop (this means Obsis, ectos, steel, and so on...)
+ Event which places new random bosses all over Tyria/Cantha with a random elite skill. All bosses are lv 28 (so it could be that a lv 28 Boss is in Shing Jea or in Old-Ascalon)
+ Event which makes monster do drop with a chance of 30% Dwarven Beer (the Stone Summit for instance) and other alcoholic drinks.
+ Event for double Balthasar Factions in GvG and Heroes Ascent.
+ Event which doubles your Life Points and Energy Points in PvE.
+ Event for random, hidden Chests in Tyria (where you don't need a key do open).
+ Also for Cantha
+ Event for better drops from Bosses over lv 24 (this means a 50% chance maybe for a purple drop, 20% chance for a golden drop) for Tyria.
+ Also for Cantha
+ Event for a better Chance for a rare ressource drop (this means Obsis, ectos, steel, and so on...)
+ Event which places new random bosses all over Tyria/Cantha with a random elite skill. All bosses are lv 28 (so it could be that a lv 28 Boss is in Shing Jea or in Old-Ascalon)
+ Event which makes monster do drop with a chance of 30% Dwarven Beer (the Stone Summit for instance) and other alcoholic drinks.
+ Event for double Balthasar Factions in GvG and Heroes Ascent.
+ Event which doubles your Life Points and Energy Points in PvE.
I like the Oktoberfest idea, and the naked weekend, and the Beast Arena (kinda like what gladiator arenas are supposed to be, roman style) And the guy with the Gnomes has a good idea. and there was one more I read.... oh yeah! The catacombs unveiled in post-searing!
how about a reduction of xxxxx instead of double xxxxx. (oh wait that sounds werid and stupid)
For the Exploration title? double your exploration w/ a level 40 henchman? (only a full team or 2 human and the rest henchman)
ya the fow or UW would be nice. and every hour and a half it changes favor.
do someting with the Ascalon & Luxon & Kurzick Settlements in prophecies!!! maybe a mini war/conflict (6 vs 6 v 6)
a Scavenger Hunt like the one by Rahja recently.
double your walking speed?
double the size of monsters? (as someone said)
double your winnings (or loseings) with some mini game
double your tradeing spam? (j/k)
double your merchant purchases/unlocking?
double trouble... have no clue but that title sounds nice =)
oh ... like turn off your bags or disable them and you have 30 seconds to use what weapons are on the grounds in front of you. well this would only work for warriors not sure about casters..... =\
For the Exploration title? double your exploration w/ a level 40 henchman? (only a full team or 2 human and the rest henchman)
ya the fow or UW would be nice. and every hour and a half it changes favor.
do someting with the Ascalon & Luxon & Kurzick Settlements in prophecies!!! maybe a mini war/conflict (6 vs 6 v 6)
a Scavenger Hunt like the one by Rahja recently.
double your walking speed?
double the size of monsters? (as someone said)
double your winnings (or loseings) with some mini game
double your tradeing spam? (j/k)
double your merchant purchases/unlocking?
double trouble... have no clue but that title sounds nice =)
Originally Posted by Helcaraxe
I like the Oktoberfest idea, and the naked weekend, and the Beast Arena (kinda like what gladiator arenas are supposed to be, roman style)
Sid Teh Axer
Oldschool heroes ascent event:
-at the beginning there arent the zaishens, there are the rifts
-burial mounds 6 teams
-broken tower 3 teams
-scarred earth 6 teams
-hoh 5 teams
also all balanced updates are deleted, this means u can play chain lightning strike, emo smite, spirit spam, ranger spike with 2 order and so on...
i hope u'll make this
i wanna see those rifts...never seen them
-at the beginning there arent the zaishens, there are the rifts

-burial mounds 6 teams
-broken tower 3 teams
-scarred earth 6 teams
-hoh 5 teams
also all balanced updates are deleted, this means u can play chain lightning strike, emo smite, spirit spam, ranger spike with 2 order and so on...
i hope u'll make this

Neo Nugget
-Double the monestary,commendation,requisition,totem reward from quests so people would do them:P
-Minipets in town or a minipet "petting zoo " weekend.....thing.
-Random Arenas weekend where SKILLS ARE RANDOM TOO::P
ps.i really hope haloween doesnt require 250 or one item........OH!Mabey you get a pumpkin crown AND minipet!Or the grenths stuff and yule hat.
-Minipets in town or a minipet "petting zoo " weekend.....thing.
-Random Arenas weekend where SKILLS ARE RANDOM TOO::P
ps.i really hope haloween doesnt require 250 or one item........OH!Mabey you get a pumpkin crown AND minipet!Or the grenths stuff and yule hat.
No AoE nerf weekend!
Originally Posted by Bass T
Beast Arena Weekend:
6 ppl are fighting against a strong monster in arenas. after every win you get into another arena with a stronger monster. after some rounds you fight against 2 strong monsters with another 6 man team. after clearling the last round you get special drops like in hoh. double exp event: get double exp in pve and 100exp for pvp kill / 1000 exp round clear |
O Nuxtofulakas
I really like the following ideas/proposals:
- Beerfest (beer drops, longer time drunk, exchange "X" drops for beer)
- Any game with "unlucky/lucky" points
I am glad to see there is high demand for a "beer event" ...
Let's hope that Anet noticed it too
- Beerfest (beer drops, longer time drunk, exchange "X" drops for beer)
- Any game with "unlucky/lucky" points
I am glad to see there is high demand for a "beer event" ...
Let's hope that Anet noticed it too

As Idea :
a 12vs12 GvG Week End, with double XP and for each XP = 1 Gold
and for each Team which win a GvG, like HoH, one chest to open.
a "Old" 8vs8 HA (HoH) Week End with double Fame (means the old numbers of teams / Map)
really wish to see 6 Iway teams on 1 map fighting and killing....
a 12vs12 GvG Week End, with double XP and for each XP = 1 Gold
and for each Team which win a GvG, like HoH, one chest to open.
a "Old" 8vs8 HA (HoH) Week End with double Fame (means the old numbers of teams / Map)
really wish to see 6 Iway teams on 1 map fighting and killing....

Skye Marin
Make FoW and UW open to all for an entire weekend, and give extra rewards for quest completion. Give more rewards for the higher end quests so that parties won't beat the first two quests then quit and restart. These rewards could be ecto, shards, or lots of gold. The idea is to encourage balanced group to clear each place together over a huge quest.
For example:
+0 ecto Lost Soul: Clear the Chamber
+1 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Escort of Souls
+1 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Unwanted Guests
+4 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Restore the monuments of Grenth
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Bone Pits: Imprisoned Spirits
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Forgotten Vale: Wrathful Spirits
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Ice Wastes: Servants of Grenth
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Twin Serpent Mountains: Demon Assassin
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Chaos Planes: The Four Horsemen
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Spawning Pools: Terrorweb Queen
Fissure of Woe:
+0 shards * Rastigan the Eternal: Tower of Courage
+2 shards o Rastigan the Eternal:The Wailing Lord
+2 shards + Wailing Lord: A Gift of Griffons
+1 shards * Eternal Weaponsmith: The Eternal Forgemaster
+2 shards o Eternal Forgemaster: Defend the Temple of War
+2 shards + Eternal Forgemaster: Restore the Temple of War
+3 shards + Eternal Forgemaster: Khobay the Betrayer
+2 shards + Eternal Lord Taeres: Tower of Strength
+1 shards * Kromril the Eternal: Army of Darkness
+3 shards * Miko the Unchained: Slaves of Menzies
+2 shards * Nimros the Hunter: The Hunt
Or, you can add gold rewards (+1..3k each), and then double ecto and shard drops.
I'd love to see a return of the Zaishen medalions. Also, every 10 consecutive wins, you get a 3 Flames of Balthazar.
For example:
+0 ecto Lost Soul: Clear the Chamber
+1 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Escort of Souls
+1 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Unwanted Guests
+4 ecto o Reaper of the Labyrinth: Restore the monuments of Grenth
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Bone Pits: Imprisoned Spirits
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Forgotten Vale: Wrathful Spirits
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Ice Wastes: Servants of Grenth
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Twin Serpent Mountains: Demon Assassin
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Chaos Planes: The Four Horsemen
+2 ecto + Reaper of the Spawning Pools: Terrorweb Queen
Fissure of Woe:
+0 shards * Rastigan the Eternal: Tower of Courage
+2 shards o Rastigan the Eternal:The Wailing Lord
+2 shards + Wailing Lord: A Gift of Griffons
+1 shards * Eternal Weaponsmith: The Eternal Forgemaster
+2 shards o Eternal Forgemaster: Defend the Temple of War
+2 shards + Eternal Forgemaster: Restore the Temple of War
+3 shards + Eternal Forgemaster: Khobay the Betrayer
+2 shards + Eternal Lord Taeres: Tower of Strength
+1 shards * Kromril the Eternal: Army of Darkness
+3 shards * Miko the Unchained: Slaves of Menzies
+2 shards * Nimros the Hunter: The Hunt
Or, you can add gold rewards (+1..3k each), and then double ecto and shard drops.
I'd love to see a return of the Zaishen medalions. Also, every 10 consecutive wins, you get a 3 Flames of Balthazar.
Gwen weekend. Fix all the gwen quests and let us at them all weekend. (I really think this should last longer than a weekend though, maybe the quests could be enabled one at a time as the weekend goes along and they all become permanatly available at the end of the event)
No favor weekend is also a great idea, like the gods took the weekend off and everyone has favor all weekend!
No leacher weekend. If you stand still too long in any PvP area you get booted and lose all faction, jade shards, amber, and all pvp titles earned on your account and lose the ability to earn them again. (This should also be permanant, had a guildie do aspenwood the other day and they had 1 leacher every game and one game had 3 leachers)
I also wouldn't mind having some of the weekends repeated. Double golds, double keys, double gold chest rate, Double fame (I missed this one due to vacation).
No favor weekend is also a great idea, like the gods took the weekend off and everyone has favor all weekend!
No leacher weekend. If you stand still too long in any PvP area you get booted and lose all faction, jade shards, amber, and all pvp titles earned on your account and lose the ability to earn them again. (This should also be permanant, had a guildie do aspenwood the other day and they had 1 leacher every game and one game had 3 leachers)
I also wouldn't mind having some of the weekends repeated. Double golds, double keys, double gold chest rate, Double fame (I missed this one due to vacation).
Trvth Jvstice
I'd like to have a weekend event with the game developers (any ANET people would be fine) playing PVE. Just doing random missions and quests with the regular players. The ANET people should have a special title, so they would be recognised of course (like "staff" maybe).
What if in the major cities an Office is opend with a portal to the gods - Ticket Office.
You would be able to trade faction to a unique item - you could convert faction (Bathazar/ Luxon / Kurzick) to Grenths curse, Dwayna's kiss (for balthazar faction ) and Jade and Amber (for respectively Luxon and Kurzick faction).
A trader would give you access to FoW,UW,The Deep, Urgoz five times(tickets) for each respective item (Grenths curse, Dwayna's kiss, Jade, Amber).
This would promote PvP, PvE and Trading - without disturbing the economy - and no need for favour of the gods or taxi's. As a final catch - the teams will be assembled randomly.
That would be the true purpouse of Guild wars!
Mazz the economic
You would be able to trade faction to a unique item - you could convert faction (Bathazar/ Luxon / Kurzick) to Grenths curse, Dwayna's kiss (for balthazar faction ) and Jade and Amber (for respectively Luxon and Kurzick faction).
A trader would give you access to FoW,UW,The Deep, Urgoz five times(tickets) for each respective item (Grenths curse, Dwayna's kiss, Jade, Amber).
This would promote PvP, PvE and Trading - without disturbing the economy - and no need for favour of the gods or taxi's. As a final catch - the teams will be assembled randomly.
That would be the true purpouse of Guild wars!

Mazz the economic
Priest Of Sin
Price Reset Day
The in-game prices would be reset on runes, mats, dyes, everything! But then the server would be rolled back at the end!
kidding. I'm all for the beer drops idea... imagine getting beer that kept you drunk for 20 minutes in UW instead of ectos!
The in-game prices would be reset on runes, mats, dyes, everything! But then the server would be rolled back at the end!
kidding. I'm all for the beer drops idea... imagine getting beer that kept you drunk for 20 minutes in UW instead of ectos!
The Butcher
gold gold gold gold gold, gold gold.....................
goooooooolllllllddddd i say ............
gold makes me happy, gold makes players happy, gold makes tyria and cantha happy
more gold in game, more fun in game
goooooooolllllllddddd i say ............
gold makes me happy, gold makes players happy, gold makes tyria and cantha happy
more gold in game, more fun in game
How about double Gladiator points in RA/TA? or get 1 Gladiator point with 5 Wins, or get 1 fame with 10 wins or something.
that would make RA a bit more interesting imo
that would make RA a bit more interesting imo
I'd like to see an event including the fury from the dragon festival.
Stop with the small events and make sure there will be an Halloween Event (PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ???????!!!!!!!?????)

I would like to see an Amber and Jade Weekend. The Wiki reports the there is a small chance for Amber or Jade to be salvaged from items or to drop form monsters in the area, but to be honest I have never salvaged or had one drop ever. Amber and Jade is highly sought after for armor, and I would love to see a Double / Triple / or even a Quadruple the chance for it to drop. You could also increase the chance for amber/jade on salvaged from weapons. Also maybe lower the faction cost for the weekend event to maybe 500 or 750 to turn in for amber or jade. Market values would plunge a bit but after awhile they would rebound.
Ultra rarity weekend - all areas have an equal chance of dropping max rare loot. (including ascalon etc, although not pre-searing)
maybe someone will get that 15^50 tyrian sickle ^^
maybe someone will get that 15^50 tyrian sickle ^^
Pyro Invocallamas
An invasion from Elona or only 5 wins for gladiator title!
The Fox
Invite a Friend Event!
For a limited time you can have one friend to join you in G.W.'s who doesn't own it.
Should increase sales as you get more people hooked and it would help us get our buddies to go buy the game after trying it.
For a limited time you can have one friend to join you in G.W.'s who doesn't own it.
Pass the Exploding Frog weekend. One person at random is allowed to carry the frog around and must "tag" someone else with it within a certain number of seconds or it explodes and knocks out that person. If nobody picks up the frog it gets automatically given to one of the survivors. Last one standing wins a minifrog (or some gold/fame/whatever)
I don't know if these have been posted yet (don't have enough time currently to read over whole thread):
More beta weekend events!
Continual fireworks in main towns, cheaper ale (or double drunken time on ale, for those going for drunken title)
Half Death Penelty/Twice Death Penelty work off speed.
Fame from Team Arena/GvG
Gladiator from GvG (maybe, I don't know how this would work)
Some sort of special town for characters over one year old
Just throwing out ideas as they come to me... I hope you like one or two
More beta weekend events!

Continual fireworks in main towns, cheaper ale (or double drunken time on ale, for those going for drunken title)
Half Death Penelty/Twice Death Penelty work off speed.
Fame from Team Arena/GvG
Gladiator from GvG (maybe, I don't know how this would work)
Some sort of special town for characters over one year old
Just throwing out ideas as they come to me... I hope you like one or two

Mara Jaine
half Price Weekend
"Elite Skills Weekend" - For that weekend, there will be no limit to the number of elite skills allowed on a player's skillbar.
drop advises for rare materials must be higher.
drop advises for keys in cantha must be higher.
The entry price for underworld and tore should be lower.
drop advises for keys in cantha must be higher.
The entry price for underworld and tore should be lower.
Personally - I want the "Charr Invade Cantha Weekend". The Charr were the best baddies in chapter 1, and I'd like to see more of them - if only for a while. What say you?
I would suggest double-banning people who spam and write their trade stuff into the wrong channel (No, don't double ban me, following text is on-topic
double damage for spells having cast time longer than X (X = 5 sec?)

double damage for spells having cast time longer than X (X = 5 sec?)
I'd rather see an invasion of something than increased drops whoopadoo =/
Who dunnit?! Mystery weekend!!
Similar to Inspector Caleb's quest in Tyria but less of a "go to point A then point B to collect reward" situation. You actually have to ponder what is going on and where to search for more clues!
Special items:
Inspector's cap
Equipable giant magnifying glasses
The more I try to think of things to do for this, the more I think it should be its own long time event instead of just a weekend...
Similar to Inspector Caleb's quest in Tyria but less of a "go to point A then point B to collect reward" situation. You actually have to ponder what is going on and where to search for more clues!
Special items:
Inspector's cap
Equipable giant magnifying glasses
The more I try to think of things to do for this, the more I think it should be its own long time event instead of just a weekend...
Lots of good ideas here. Whatever is done though, should be done game-wide, not just Cantha or Elona or wherever. Something for everyone who plays.
Having said that, increased dye drops, minipets in chests, and the "Days of Madness" PvP free-for-all get my votes.
Having said that, increased dye drops, minipets in chests, and the "Days of Madness" PvP free-for-all get my votes.
Flame Flasher
a weekend were all skills set to their source for exampel you can set more than one ranger spirit or chain lightning makes more dmg like in the first gw edition only one weekend so you can play the old builds i think that woul be really funny