Originally Posted by koa_Torqual
We already got our answer on this. When we made our characters, there was a bug in the lighting which covered up their panda eyes and made it look like they had beautiful eyes and not panda eyes. Now this bug has been 'fixed' and we can at last see their panda eyes. It's the whole lighting system that has been 'improved' and therefore we can't selfishly expect any specific change just for our female Elementalists. We'd be asking A-Net to introduce a bug into the game - how preposterous.
Characters looking different :/
Like mentioned before, it's really not just the female elementalists who are dealing with a mascara attack:
I can live with the slight difference regarding the lips -- it's nothing compared to what happened to many other female faces. *yikes!*
And I actually like that her face is taller now.
Well, my other characters were even luckier, no apparent changes there.
I can live with the slight difference regarding the lips -- it's nothing compared to what happened to many other female faces. *yikes!*
And I actually like that her face is taller now.
Well, my other characters were even luckier, no apparent changes there.
Tien ak
Originally Posted by Gun Pierson
First of all I should mention I don't see changes on my monk and I'm a huge fan of arenanet, but I do feel sorry for some people here. I've read this whole thread multiple times and these are my thoughts, not yours btw:
If panda eyes are the normal thing and beautiful eyes were the bug, than there's something wrong here. It should be the other way around. I don't buy it, but maybe that's just me, I'm only an ignorant gamer. Lipsynch, a most wanted feature? Give me a break, nobody cares. People want to customise their character, white dyes, storage upgrades, other bugs that need fixing, those things increase the gaming experience. When will you see the lipsynch? In cutscens and maybe emotes, which I estimate takes out less than 1% of all the playing time? Most people will skip cutscenes anyway after their first run through the mission. Messing with people's characters is not a good thing to do. This thread is an example of this. Some peeps are overreacting, I agree, others clearly have a point. If the situation is part of a greater good thing coming up, ok no prob I support you Anet like always, but if it's just for the lipsynch with these consequences...what were you thinking? It's just not professional, mankind invented testservers for a good reason. |
Also remeber that people to you might be overreacting but to some it might not it's all about personal percpetion you may think that the guys character is fine and should shut up the other may think likewise.
I do appericate that Arena net *tried* to give us something really good, I just wish they tested it first, no point saying they did as just look at the results
Changing everyones characters is proberly the worst thing you can do certain with a "Role playing" game, I personaly think they didn't think people would mind if you read one of Gailes responces she said that the thread should wind down and people are overreacting next one was how she loved the game and has a good bond...to me I think they thought people would shrug and give the usuall responce adapt to it, this time however I think the change is so big that it really is very difficult to adapt.
I'm hoping that sooner or later they will change the characters and close the mouths as to me that is one of the main proberlem that and the shading around the eyes...I can make a picture of all the faces I think need to be changed if you think it'll help.
I realise I've bitched alot about christie's eyeliner lol. i've played her for the past 12 months and i liked her eyes the way they were and now with this update and how gaile claims it was a "bug" that was just neglected, to me it really stands out >< but today i was just making another ele and i noticed that some of the eles faces have panda-ish eyes :/ is it me or this just another "bug"? were some the elems sposed to have panda eyes? =.=
my ele looks fine when i dont face lightsources, lately i havnt noticed a huge difference in her except at the login - thats still pretty bad. but yeah i like my chars alot and i do pay attention to the small details about them , but the monk hair buns still aren't the same as they were before which still does and will always bug me.
The running-mascara issue is a problem. It is happening with many different faces, even male ones. Nobody can say dark streaks under the eyes looks better, even if the artists were trying to fix a bug.
lol yeah thats quite true, well my concerns atleast were not the faces that much, because despite how everyone says the eles are ugly now and stuff, my ele looks perfectly fine after they updated the game again, its just the armor bugs and that slight hair change thats kinda bugging me, like on my eles 15k luxon she no longer has her pretty earings that she used to have, which really bugs me. i wish they would bring them back.
Don't worry folks: We will probably be able to play as Tengu or Naga in future chapters.
Tien ak
I think her first post on this was a simple tactic as i've mentioned to see if it is nit picking or a reall proberlem and luckly for me and many others people actually do care, reading this thread has actually made me feel a lot better about Guild wars community as it shows that people aren't just PVP maniacs shouting "ZOMG NOOB" and constantly flamming there are a few here yes but luckily we have some interlectial people who can see both sides of story which I think is great. The ball is in Arena nets court now and thanks to people posting it would only make sense they would address the issue certainly when the big guns are coming out NW2 and Diablo 3 both very popular titles so they would be stupid not to.
But on a concerned note this does leave me pondering if nightfall is ready, lip sync is a doddle compared to designing an entire game...I will proberly wait till it's video review'd on Gamespot and then read a threw threads to make a decsion.
Don't get me wrong the sound of a few things on nightfall has made me considering but like I said if it's not done well then obviously I won't. The thing that made me think wow was when I heard you can customise your own henchman by giving them armor etc now if they had stories and spoke to your character that would be amazing...bit like what NWN2 will be like but with my favourite character if she's fixed.
But on a concerned note this does leave me pondering if nightfall is ready, lip sync is a doddle compared to designing an entire game...I will proberly wait till it's video review'd on Gamespot and then read a threw threads to make a decsion.
Don't get me wrong the sound of a few things on nightfall has made me considering but like I said if it's not done well then obviously I won't. The thing that made me think wow was when I heard you can customise your own henchman by giving them armor etc now if they had stories and spoke to your character that would be amazing...bit like what NWN2 will be like but with my favourite character if she's fixed.
It's not that they are uglier...the lighting and shadows are just more advanced...I have 2 eles...and they do have big lips haha.. and big lips=shadow=moustach thing in certain light.
I know this from real life lol.
I know this from real life lol.
I've seen no changes, I play my minor 6 characters so little compared to warrior and rit I can't remember them anyway.
My poor necromancer girl got her chin messed up. There is this deep groove below her mouth, and the whole chin looks rather angular. Furthermore, with her slightly opened mouth and that light smile, her look is a littleā¦ unintelligent from some angles.
I really hope that these issues can be fixed. Please, ANet
I really hope that these issues can be fixed. Please, ANet
Feminist Terrorist
The open mouth totally ruins that characters look. I remember that face distinctly from before the updates, and that is simply horrible.
I sure hope the artists are still working on fixing the faces.
I sure hope the artists are still working on fixing the faces.
Gaile Gray
Hello, everyone,
I'm stopping in with an update about the character faces. Over the weekend, the artists were scanning many fan forums to learn of your concerns about the recent changes to the faces. Some of those changes involved errors, as you are no doubt aware. I culled a lot of images from this forum and others and sent them to the team lead, to help the artists as they appraised what needed to be altered.
The latest news today is that the artists are working on changes to many of the faces. They are going to do their level best to return the appearance of the characters to a look that as closely resembles the face you initially selected as possible.
I do not think we'll be doing a build until later in the week, but I do believe that many changes will be incorporated soon, and that any others that are required will be added as time allows. Nobody is taking this situation lightly; we all respect your opinions and your feelings about this issue very much. Thanks a bunch for your patience!
I'm stopping in with an update about the character faces. Over the weekend, the artists were scanning many fan forums to learn of your concerns about the recent changes to the faces. Some of those changes involved errors, as you are no doubt aware. I culled a lot of images from this forum and others and sent them to the team lead, to help the artists as they appraised what needed to be altered.
The latest news today is that the artists are working on changes to many of the faces. They are going to do their level best to return the appearance of the characters to a look that as closely resembles the face you initially selected as possible.
I do not think we'll be doing a build until later in the week, but I do believe that many changes will be incorporated soon, and that any others that are required will be added as time allows. Nobody is taking this situation lightly; we all respect your opinions and your feelings about this issue very much. Thanks a bunch for your patience!
thank u for the update gaile, its really appriciated.
Darth Marth
Thanks for your concern in this matter, ANet.
Amity and Truth
Hehe, here is another one.
I allready accept that my warrior is looking like an ogre now, but does she have to look like a Devil-Ogre?
There are two patches of hair that stick above the head slightly, looking like the horns of a devil. I've marked them:
This is persistent in all type of lightings and except for the lines isn't photoshopped either so don't give me that crap please. It's not that noticeable on a screenshot but it's quite noticeable when moving (hard to catch that on a screenie).
The lighting on the two hairstrands seems quite off, plus they're a few pixels too high, making them stand out and due to the poor lighting look like horns.
Have a view from the side:
I allready accept that my warrior is looking like an ogre now, but does she have to look like a Devil-Ogre?
There are two patches of hair that stick above the head slightly, looking like the horns of a devil. I've marked them:
This is persistent in all type of lightings and except for the lines isn't photoshopped either so don't give me that crap please. It's not that noticeable on a screenshot but it's quite noticeable when moving (hard to catch that on a screenie).
The lighting on the two hairstrands seems quite off, plus they're a few pixels too high, making them stand out and due to the poor lighting look like horns.
Have a view from the side:
Originally Posted by Amity and Truth
looking like the horns of a devil..
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Hello, everyone,
I'm stopping in with an update about the character faces. Over the weekend, the artists were scanning many fan forums to learn of your concerns about the recent changes to the faces. Some of those changes involved errors, as you are no doubt aware. I culled a lot of images from this forum and others and sent them to the team lead, to help the artists as they appraised what needed to be altered. The latest news today is that the artists are working on changes to many of the faces. They are going to do their level best to return the appearance of the characters to a look that as closely resembles the face you initially selected as possible. I do not think we'll be doing a build until later in the week, but I do believe that many changes will be incorporated soon, and that any others that are required will be added as time allows. Nobody is taking this situation lightly; we all respect your opinions and your feelings about this issue very much. Thanks a bunch for your patience! |
Gaile Gray
From what I understand, the artists are working to fix all the shadow effects (some are calling them creases or running mascara.) They are also going to try to address some of the "eyeliner" problems that a few players have expressed concern about, even while the eyes may always show higher definition, a look that I think will become preferable to you with time. (Not the errors, I know, but the enhancements, if they are brought to a more subtle look.) Also, teeth, mouth, and chin issues will be addressed.
I am going to assume that hair problems are most likely not as high on the list. A few of my Rangers have hair issues, and frankly, I don't even notice it any more. I suggest we allow the artists to prioritize the big issues and handle the less-significant issues later. And with all due respect, since they are the professionals, I vote that we allow them to make the priority list.
Now, keep in mind that some faces will remain slightly different. At some point the changes that are necessary will be changes that remain. It's the objective of the artists to remove any errors and to restore the faces to original appearance as much as possible while supporting the enhanced feature of speech and while adopting the superior lighting and the improved texturing.
Hope this helps, and I'll post with more information if/when it becomes available.
I am going to assume that hair problems are most likely not as high on the list. A few of my Rangers have hair issues, and frankly, I don't even notice it any more. I suggest we allow the artists to prioritize the big issues and handle the less-significant issues later. And with all due respect, since they are the professionals, I vote that we allow them to make the priority list.
Now, keep in mind that some faces will remain slightly different. At some point the changes that are necessary will be changes that remain. It's the objective of the artists to remove any errors and to restore the faces to original appearance as much as possible while supporting the enhanced feature of speech and while adopting the superior lighting and the improved texturing.
Hope this helps, and I'll post with more information if/when it becomes available.
Thank you for the effort, Gaile. As others said already, it's very much appreciated.
Sad, but true It's astonishing how rather slight changes can actually ruin the whole appearance.
Today I was told by someone that she looks like a redneck now, with these teeth -_-
Originally Posted by Feminist Terrorist
The open mouth totally ruins that characters look. I remember that face distinctly from before the updates, and that is simply horrible.
Today I was told by someone that she looks like a redneck now, with these teeth -_-
Feminist Terrorist
Thank you very much for the update Gaile. It's good to know that work progresses, and I certainly feel better. I'll just settle back here and see what happens later this week.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I don't appreciate my character's pics posted and/or used at other forums without my knowledge or permission. This isn't cool and it's bandwidth theft. If the person(s) involved had simply asked me first, I would have said yes. Consider this a permanent revocation of any implied permissions. Gaile Gray, of course, has full permission to submit to the artists any of my pics that she deems necessary.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I don't appreciate my character's pics posted and/or used at other forums without my knowledge or permission. This isn't cool and it's bandwidth theft. If the person(s) involved had simply asked me first, I would have said yes. Consider this a permanent revocation of any implied permissions. Gaile Gray, of course, has full permission to submit to the artists any of my pics that she deems necessary.
Terra Xin
My male Tyrian Mesmer has like a tiny gap in his mouth that I didn't notice before. It's really small, but its a white gap, I don't want to think that that's his teeth showing... ooo
I never noticed a problem with face maybe because my main char is a mes with a mask XD nice to see Gail and Anet commenting on the recent problems shows us you guys do care! Thnks much anet GW FTW!
I never noticed a problem with my face maybe because my main char is a mes with a mask XD nice to see Gail and Anet commenting on the recent problems shows us you guys do care! Thnks much anet GW FTW!
EDIT Don't know how this posted 3 times I olny double clicked once srry about this all =(
EDIT Don't know how this posted 3 times I olny double clicked once srry about this all =(
I never noticed a problem with my face maybe because my main char is a mes with a mask XD nice to see Gail and Anet commenting on the recent problems shows us you guys do care! Thnks much anet GW FTW!
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
A few of my Rangers have hair issues, and frankly, I don't even notice it any more.
Originally Posted by tomcruisejr
how about subliminal product placement?
The shadows near her nose look like whiskers and they really vex me, it makes the skin between the upper lip and nose more noticeable compared to her face.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
I am going to assume that hair problems are most likely not as high on the list. A few of my Rangers have hair issues, and frankly, I don't even notice it any more. I suggest we allow the artists to prioritize the big issues and handle the less-significant issues later. And with all due respect, since they are the professionals, I vote that we allow them to make the priority list.
Tien ak
Ah brillant fantastic news!
i'll be glad to be able to go back to my warrior again and look at her with pride once more.
Im so chuffed about this really has made my day
i'll be glad to be able to go back to my warrior again and look at her with pride once more.
Im so chuffed about this really has made my day
wait till i post my assisin the poor guy looks like a tranny with lipstick and eyeliner will post 2night god i hope u fix this
I'm glad they're still working on changes to try and make the faces look more like they used to
Thanks ANet!
Thanks ANet!
Most comparisions people are posting have retardedly brighter lighting on the second pic.
Some I dont even notice a difference...
Some I dont even notice a difference...
Sable Phoenix
I get my Mesmer to Harvest Temple, and I see this:
I get my Mesmer to Harvest Temple, and I see this:
Silvergun Superman
Originally Posted by Sable Phoenix
I get my Mesmer to Harvest Temple, and I see this: |
Yaaaayyy!!!! Christie's eyes are back to normal! <3333 nooo more panda eyes xD!
Maria The Princess
i dont have access to GW for about a week from now....but last time i cheked my monk's eyes were assymetrical. 1 eye was smaller then the other, and the other eye was located higher then the smaller one
someone who has the same face.....was that fixed?
someone who has the same face.....was that fixed?
The beautiful face of my warrior girl is back!
Thanks, Arena!!!
I feel so happy, now
Thanks, Arena!!!
I feel so happy, now
Feminist Terrorist
My ele still has a bright, shiny upper lip.