Any Stores carrying Nightfall Prerelease yet?
I know it's not out until tomorrow, but all the stores I've called don't even have it coming in tomorrow.
Best Buy says it's coming on 9/24 (next Sunday).
Just post here if you've seen or heard of a store carrying the pre-order.
(I live in San Antonio, TX, but am curious about all locations)
Best Buy says it's coming on 9/24 (next Sunday).
Just post here if you've seen or heard of a store carrying the pre-order.
(I live in San Antonio, TX, but am curious about all locations)
Vortex Elegy
In the Netherlands, Dynabyte and Dimension Plus seem to have it. I'm pretty sure about Dynabyte, since I've bought it there today
OK, Europe is going crazy with Nightfall pre-order.
How about America? Any sightings here yet?
How about America? Any sightings here yet?
Got mine in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Woot.
I just went into an EB Games in Atlanta GA to preorder the CE and they did not have the preorder package yet, but they said it could come in before the end of the day and to check back. I will probably drop by on the way home from work.
Any idea where to pick up a bonus pack in NYC?
Best Buy said, they will get it probably (?) on 09/24/06, at Game Stop (EBgames) they did not even know, that there is anything like a bonus pack (both stores in Chelsea).
Best Buy said, they will get it probably (?) on 09/24/06, at Game Stop (EBgames) they did not even know, that there is anything like a bonus pack (both stores in Chelsea).
This is crazy. Does everyone else in the world have it except the USA?
The Great Al
for factions, best buy had it on the day it was 'supposed' to come out. the nightfall preorder is 'supposed' to come out today, and even though on the website it said the 24th, i wouldnt be surprised if they have it this weekend.
It's really a two-part question...
Who has the pre-release pack?
What price are they charging?
I've seen stores that are charging $10 for just the pre-release (Best Buy, for example). And others that are bundling the pre-release + Nightfall for $55 ($5 + $50 respectively).... but you'll have to wait until October 27th to get them both.
For me, I'm mostly interested in the character slot. Most of the other stuff (screenies, the 90-second song, etc.) will show up on the fan sites within a few days. At least the two weapons are max. dmg this time 'round.
All the same, if that extra slot is going to cost $10 + sales tax + gas + drive time...
...or just $10 via the online store: Hello online store.
Who has the pre-release pack?
What price are they charging?
I've seen stores that are charging $10 for just the pre-release (Best Buy, for example). And others that are bundling the pre-release + Nightfall for $55 ($5 + $50 respectively).... but you'll have to wait until October 27th to get them both.
For me, I'm mostly interested in the character slot. Most of the other stuff (screenies, the 90-second song, etc.) will show up on the fan sites within a few days. At least the two weapons are max. dmg this time 'round.
All the same, if that extra slot is going to cost $10 + sales tax + gas + drive time...
...or just $10 via the online store: Hello online store.
Knightsaber Sith
I got mine at Compusa. I was going to get it at Bestbuy but they didn't have it in yet so I drove down the street to Compusa. They do the bonus pack deal the same as Bestbuy except they only charge $5 for it instead of $10.
I got there an hour after they opened and there were only three copies left O.o
I got there an hour after they opened and there were only three copies left O.o
Oooohhh... Thanks for the info, Knightsaber!
For $5 I'll hop in the car.
For $5 I'll hop in the car.

Knightsaber Sith
If you bring in the receipt from the prerelease pack when you buy the full retail version, they take the $5 off so the bonus pack is actually free.
Burakus Lightwing
Originally Posted by Pathfinder_Monk
It's really a two-part question...
Who has the pre-release pack? --and-- What price are they charging? I've seen stores that are charging $10 for just the pre-release (Best Buy, for example). And others that are bundling the pre-release + Nightfall for $55 ($5 + $50 respectively).... but you'll have to wait until October 27th to get them both. For me, I'm mostly interested in the character slot. Most of the other stuff (screenies, the 90-second song, etc.) will show up on the fan sites within a few days. At least the two weapons are max. dmg this time 'round. All the same, if that extra slot is going to cost $10 + sales tax + gas + drive time... ...or just $10 via the online store: Hello online store. |
So if you are right and it is $10, I'll also just use the on-line store for the slot.
gabrial heart
I'm having the same thing. I feel a Factions fiasco comming on. Yanno, the one where the retailers have no clue as to what you asking for?
Rocketar Energy
ha...just called compusa...they know nuthin about it...
Horseman Of War
I doubt anyone in my area is on these forums... closest major cities are pittsburgh and cleveland... but the Gamestop here said Tuesday (19th?) which makes me think the same thing for people in the pittsburgh area.... cleveland and buffalo? cant help ya, youre in a different state.
Knightsaber Sith
Then I guess I'm lucky that my Compusa is in the know; cause I'm stylin!
Rocketar Energy

Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Then I guess I'm lucky that my Compusa is in the know; cause I'm stylin!

Just kidding, Thanks for the info and pics, Knightsaber!
Meo Yeong
Today is the 15th of September and I called up my local EB Games to see if they had the preorder packages for Nightfall to only find out that it is not like how Factions was done.
With Factions you went in and prepaid for your game and you got the preorder package which included some documents and a disk along with some keys to input so you could get your preoder items which where if you remember where those garbage blue weapons that where not even max stats. Then when the game actually came out you went in and picked up your game disks.
So anyways, I am talking to them and even called EB head office and Nightfall is just a preorder with no bonuses. Howevere if you pay an additional 4.99 you can get what they are calling a bonus pack which includes the same as factions however it also comes with an extra character slot. But even so if you get this bonus pack you are not guranteed Nightfall unless you also preorder.
Now some points I would like to make.
Some Math roughly estimated. Factions was 59.99 and included all the bonus stuff such as two blue crappy items and the extra video disk and such. Nightfall is going to cost 59.99 plus an additional 4.99 for the bonus pack to get extra character slot along with crappy blue items and a lame disk.
Just preordering will not get you the two crappy items like Factions did.
This is in Canada.
When you go in make sure you say preorder and get Nightfall actually preordered because buyng the bonus pack is not a preorder and does not gurantee you a copy on the release date.
And a thought for you to decide upon. Is it really worth 4.99 for an extra chracater slot, a disk with small videos (factions preorder cd was lame) and two crappy blue items that you will use up to lvl 10 if that and then no longer use?
In my opinion I say no and it seems to me this is just their way of trying to push an extra character slot on us.
I have no idea why they didn't do it the same as factions and because of this I will not be preordering which means gives me more time to listen to others opinions about the game and such which may steer me from even buying the expansion (yeah yeah they say a stand alone game but look at factions lol, that was an expansion no matter what they say).
With Factions you went in and prepaid for your game and you got the preorder package which included some documents and a disk along with some keys to input so you could get your preoder items which where if you remember where those garbage blue weapons that where not even max stats. Then when the game actually came out you went in and picked up your game disks.
So anyways, I am talking to them and even called EB head office and Nightfall is just a preorder with no bonuses. Howevere if you pay an additional 4.99 you can get what they are calling a bonus pack which includes the same as factions however it also comes with an extra character slot. But even so if you get this bonus pack you are not guranteed Nightfall unless you also preorder.
Now some points I would like to make.
Some Math roughly estimated. Factions was 59.99 and included all the bonus stuff such as two blue crappy items and the extra video disk and such. Nightfall is going to cost 59.99 plus an additional 4.99 for the bonus pack to get extra character slot along with crappy blue items and a lame disk.
Just preordering will not get you the two crappy items like Factions did.
This is in Canada.
When you go in make sure you say preorder and get Nightfall actually preordered because buyng the bonus pack is not a preorder and does not gurantee you a copy on the release date.
And a thought for you to decide upon. Is it really worth 4.99 for an extra chracater slot, a disk with small videos (factions preorder cd was lame) and two crappy blue items that you will use up to lvl 10 if that and then no longer use?
In my opinion I say no and it seems to me this is just their way of trying to push an extra character slot on us.
I have no idea why they didn't do it the same as factions and because of this I will not be preordering which means gives me more time to listen to others opinions about the game and such which may steer me from even buying the expansion (yeah yeah they say a stand alone game but look at factions lol, that was an expansion no matter what they say).
I dunno about u but i had just got back from EBgames Paid in full $59.99($68.38)Cad and also got the pre-release bonus pack and no where on my bill do i have an extra $4.99 charge for it. Maybe i just got lucky but im not complaining.
achilles ankle
Same exact thing happend to me, just got off the phone with gamestop and they said then never even heard of the pre-release pack. idk....also just read the gw website which says it hits store shelves sept and under their list of places with it i see EB and Gamestop...both of which dont have it.
A normal slot goes for $9.99 in the GW store. You get a chracter slot + a lot of promo material with two ingame items that make great starting items. I look forward to the disc for the 2-5 audio cd tracks myself.
The problem is Anet made the package but allowed venders to use it however they wanted. Ebgames does @ $5.00. Other are going to charge $10.00 for it. Some may even give it away free as part of the pre-order.
I have my CE Nightfall pre-order with EB (tempeting fate again).. but I will stop by Best Buy and they will proable have it and have to pony out $10 like last time.
The problem is Anet made the package but allowed venders to use it however they wanted. Ebgames does @ $5.00. Other are going to charge $10.00 for it. Some may even give it away free as part of the pre-order.
I have my CE Nightfall pre-order with EB (tempeting fate again).. but I will stop by Best Buy and they will proable have it and have to pony out $10 like last time.
As of 8pm last night, my local EB Games... has no clue what I'm talking about, and I think the shift manager thinks I'm a complete loon. :P
Sigh, maybe they'll figure it out today...
Sigh, maybe they'll figure it out today...
Meo Yeong
Originally Posted by achilles ankle
Same exact thing happend to me, just got off the phone with gamestop and they said then never even heard of the pre-release pack. idk....also just read the gw website which says it hits store shelves sept and under their list of places with it i see EB and Gamestop...both of which dont have it.

achilles ankle
Ok..thats all well and good...i didnt get any other thing than the actual factions game for $49.99 US. Can someone just plz explain to me why the pack is not available for $9.99 at our local dealers today to buy like it says on the main website? doesnt say anything about gettin it when you buy the game in another month and a half.
Best Buy On-line Store has it as a stand alone:
for $9.99 and it releasing on 9/24/2006.
for $9.99 and it releasing on 9/24/2006.
achilles ankle
lol so what the hell happend......and they still got it as today on the site...thats hilarious b/c both places i called nvr heard of it and now the above post is saying not till next week. w/e
Meo Yeong
Yeah 9.99 same price as a character slot lol. Which goes back to my main point that this is just a way for them to get you to buy extra character slot!!!!!!!!!!
You don't even have to buy this package to preorder the game itself since the bonus package is a standalone lol. So since no goodies with preordering I will just wait to release day. Anyways in my opinion this package should have been free with your preorder of the game like they did factions.
oh well
You don't even have to buy this package to preorder the game itself since the bonus package is a standalone lol. So since no goodies with preordering I will just wait to release day. Anyways in my opinion this package should have been free with your preorder of the game like they did factions.
oh well
---> Nightfall forum
Horseman Of War
K. Sith-> you just made my day 
grats! Does DYE do anything to them?

grats! Does DYE do anything to them?
Originally Posted by Rocketar Energy
ha...just called compusa...they know nuthin about it...
I went to my local uber-CompUSA. They didn't receive any copies of the pre-Release. ('Tho I suppose I should be impressed that they actually knew what I was talking about.)
Oh my.
Kudo's to ANet for producing games that have had only two rollbacks/issues in two years. Kudo's to ANet for totally bucking the MMO common wisdom and offering their game free of monthly shackles.... urm, fee$. Kudo's for great community relations. Kudo's for writing some really tight code. Kudo's for making their unique server concept work.
But maybe they ought to put a few more resources into communicating with retailers and their distribution network.

Blech. Is it that important to have 9 instead of 8 slots?
EDIT: BTW --- Grats to K. Sith for getting the goods! I'm happy to see that some players will have success.

Knightsaber Sith
I bought the bonus pack in person from Compusa. It was $5 but if you bring in the receipt when you buy the full retail version, they deduct the 5 bucks so it's really free.
El Panty Bandito
All game stores near me were confused when I asked them, to include EB and another. Nor did they have the new PC gamer magazine today. Sigh
Knightsaber Sith
Originally Posted by Horseman Of War
K. Sith-> you just made my day
![]() grats! Does DYE do anything to them? |
El Panty Bandito
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Then I guess I'm lucky that my Compusa is in the know; cause I'm stylin!
Yeah the problem is (at least where I live) you need to do it in the same store (or chain) and those that actually carry the preorder have higher prices for full games so you might end up paying more anyway :/
Horseman Of War
is it possible to waste a yellow dye?
the spiritbinder and war pick were dyeable... but just for the wraps. sunspear looks black already, so I guess I got my wish there.
@bandito- ever character gets one auto-customized, same as all the rest of the pre-items.
the spiritbinder and war pick were dyeable... but just for the wraps. sunspear looks black already, so I guess I got my wish there.
@bandito- ever character gets one auto-customized, same as all the rest of the pre-items.
Meo Yeong
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
I bought the bonus pack in person from Compusa. It was $5 but if you bring in the receipt when you buy the full retail version, they deduct the 5 bucks so it's really free. |
Best Buy does something similiar... but they don't actually tell you how there pre-order works.. just actually have to know about it.