Originally Posted by waarph
Beside, it is a really nice to spam heals without ever worrying about energy. It is such a change from the monk side of thing. Also, no one blames you  nor thank you for the healing  (except the monks that usually say gg to me at the end... but between healers we are more polite  )
O_O You know of a ritualist healing build that doesnt make you worry about energy?!?! Can you please tell me it? Or link me to it or something?
Originally Posted by cataphract
As a monk, you're always right and on top of that - you have the means to impose your will unto others. Ofcourse, you keep this as your last resort and use it only on those who have proven worthy of it; i.e. a/w using frenzy, minion masters with lvl 5 minions, e/mo echo nukers, OMG-HEAL-MY-PET rangers, I-HEAL-BETTER-THAN-yu0 ritualists, w/n's with ss that say they'll keep their energy up with balthazar's and alike. PvE is lots of fun when you reach the Zen of not losing your nerves to random idiots.
True. But then again, a good monk that watches aggro and positions himself accordingly will not need any additional self-heals. Orison will do the job every time.
Just because the monk can watch his agro, doesn't mean the tanks know how to hold agro, and in pvp, there is no agro. That is where healing poke comes in..uh..healing touch....
Also, it is a monks job (at least when they are healing, which is 99% of the time) to
heal everyone. If you are one of those monks who thinks people with certain classes, builds, or pets that need healing, don't need healing, then please don't play on your monk. When a monk has a healing build, it is so they can try to heal everyone, including pets, with as few deaths as possible. As long as you accually heal everyone, all of pve will be fun with a monk because, guess what? No one will yell at you for them dieing or anything like that, becuase they won't be dieing.
Originally Posted by Ensign
Without saying much more, I have to say that I am endlessly amused by the counter to the "Healing Breeze is AWESUM!!!1" argument is to compare it to Orison.
As though comparing the two worst healing spells in the game to each other somehow accomplishes anything.
Hmm...orision of healing bad? Lets see...low energy cost, low recharge time, and low cast time, plus it heals pretty good. Seems to be a good skill to me. In fact, its is literally in every one of my healing monk builds, and accually probably one of the most used spells in all of those builds, and I often can heal better than the other monks I see in the parties I'm in...
And healing breeze can be a really good counter to degen, as long as you don't spam it...
Man, reading this really makes me wonder why we don't have a new one of those guides that end up on the Guru home page, exept this one is for how to be a good monk. Or is there already one of those and its just that no one reads it?